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Touched by Darkness (Young Creator Trilogy)

Page 19

by Christiane Shoenhair

  “So how did you get that whip?”

  “I stole it from Mother dearest. She is going to be pretty angry when she finds that I have figured out about the whole stealing energy thing.” We slowly circle each other, studying every move. I know that the outcome of this will not only determine who will live and die, but also the fate of the planet. I really don’t know who will be able to stop Haddie if she has my life energy on top of hers. I wonder if she will be able to control both life and death. The thought really scares me.

  “I’m tired of talking, let’s stop with the games,” I say as I lunge forward and release my energy ball at the same time. Haddie dances out of reach of the sword, and the energy ball bounces off her shield harmlessly. Our swords clash together and I manifest a shield with razor blades on the upper rim. I block the whip that barely misses my face and attack again, this time grazing her side with my sword. Haddie looks down at the cut and I watch as it heals itself almost instantaneously.

  She gazesat me under lowered eyebrows and studies the sword. “I would have thought that a cut from that sword wouldn’t heal itself.”

  “I don’t know the rules for this stuff,but I bet when I take your head off you won’t be walking around anymore.” I scan my surroundings and find Keagan, who has the real sword; he is fighting of a horde of attackers and his winged lion is munching on three or four, all at the same time. So gross. I become fully aware of what I was doing when the slice of Haddie’s whip makes its way across my bare arm. It feels like fire and I stagger from the pain. I really hope that Keagan will be able to break away and end this.

  I remain strong and continue battling with Haddie; we have both found that throwing energy at each other has no effect since force fields are fully up. We are evenly matched. Thankfully, the bursting moves that Nick taught us are keeping me above water. Unfortunately, I think that the only way anything will change is if either Keagan makes his way over here or somehow Haddie gets the upper hand. As if someone heard my silent plea for help, Haddie gets thrown several feet by a boulder that rolls into her. I look at my Aunt Tisi and nod my head in thanks, but she quickly has to turn back to the undead army that seems to have no end. I watch as she shoots electricity at several and their heads pop off. She smirks at me and then continues. Looking around I see that the rest of the guys are doing good,but I just don’t know how much longer they can keep this up. Not paying attention,I don’t see Haddie sneaking up on me until it is too late. She catches me around the neck with the whip.

  It’s as if time stands still. As I crumble to my knees, I look into Haddie’s eyes. A satisfied smirk crossesher face. “Don’t do this,” I plead as I feel my life energy start to flow from me to her as the whip cuts into my neck.

  “Let her go,” I hear. When I look up again, Keagan has Flame to Haddie’s throat. The whip immediately loosens, but not enough to release me.

  “Well, well, it looks like we are at a draw. However are we going to figure this out? You know, Keagan, if you slit my throat this whip will cut through the girl that you love and we both will be dead. Nobody will really win. It may solve the problem of Young Creators, but are you going to be able to live with yourself if Trish dies?” No one is moving; it seems as if all fighting has ceased and now everyone is concentrated on us. No one knows what the next move should be. They know what hangs on the line with who walks away alive tonight, and don’t want to make a bad decision that may cause me to lose my life.

  “A family reunion, how nice. I’m sad to see that I wasn’t invited.” I would recognize that voice anywhere. Its sweet, sugary tone sends chills down my spine as I watch Allecto step onto one of the stone pedestals that the winged lions occupied earlier. “Oh, how awkward. One man, two sisters. I don’t know why,but for some reason it all just seems so familiar.” We all look at Allecto in confusion at what she is trying to imply. I doubt that Keagan would ever be interested in Haddie. I mean, he had a hard time coming to terms with his feelings in regard to me. Rolling my eyes, I shake my head, which brings searing pain. I close my eyes as tears roll down my face.

  Meanwhile, Allecto floats closer to us in a dress that makes her seem unearthly. It is a sparkly, black dress, and the top is cut low and glittery, at her hips the dress gently sways in soft waves. She looks like the goddess that she is, and holds herself like royalty. Her eyes are once again all black; I hate when they are like that. “Ah, young love.Isn’t it just so sweet? But when does young love turn into a boring routine… where you barely see the other person anymore and you can’t help but be bitter to be bound to that person? That is when you will look for an outlet. Maybe someone that is close to you, like a sister.”

  “You are straight up crazy,Allecto. I really don’t know where all of this crazy talk is coming from. You might notice that my sister and I are in somewhat of an awkward situation, and both of us walking away is probably not going to happen. What are you doing here?” I try to distract myself from the searing pain that is taking over my entire upper body now. This feeling is so different than the one on the bridge when Kia was stealing my energy. I was just tired and wanted to go to sleep, but this is like the worst pain I have ever experienced.

  “Well, I figured if my children were going to kill each other, I should at least be there. I also think that you deserve to know who your father is,Trish.” My father? I really didn’t think that I would ever find out who he was. I don’t know why this is being brought up now, but I guess if I have to die at least I will know who he is. I wonder if I know him; is he a regular man or some sort of mythical creature?

  “Oh, Mother dearest, nobody wants to talk about that,” Haddie says, momentarily tightening the whip around my neck.

  “You know,don’t you, Haddie?” I ask over my shoulder.

  “It’s really no concern of yours, Trish. Who cares who our father is, wouldn’t you rather continue worrying about saving humanity?”

  “No, I want to know who my father is. Tell me,Allecto.” The smile that comes to Allecto’s face scares me. Her lips start moving, but before she can say anythingI’m released from the hold that Haddie has on me, and she is throwing electricity balls at Allecto. I have no idea what is going on. Keagan and I just stand there as we watch Allecto manifest two wicked looking daggers, blood red stones on the hilt and intricate designs on the blades. Haddie is rushing her, whip and sword at the ready.

  “What in the world?” I ask in bewilderment, but Keagan just shakes his head. We stand and watch as the two go at each other. Shortly, we’re joined by the rest of our group and the winged lions who remain by the person whom I assigned them to. The undead just stand and stare, waiting for an order from their mistress.

  The whip dances in the air as Haddie uses it to try and hurt Allecto, who swiftly moves out of the way and uses the daggers to counter Haddie’s attacks. It is fascinating watching them, I can tell that the two must have spent many hours doing this. It is as if they know each move that the other will make before they make it. I just don’t understand why Haddie doesn’t want me to know who my father is. Why would she do this, or is this just another part of her plan, are they trying to distract us? I jump when I feel a hand on my shoulder. Turning, I find Aunt Tisi looking at my neck. She gently touches it and I flinch at the immediate pain.

  “Have you tried healing yourself?” I shake my head, and smile when I remember healing Hades after his sword wound. I close my eyes and concentrate on having the wounds that I feel on my neck heal. Immediate relief of the pain tells me that it is working.

  “Amazing! You know,I don’t believe there is another that can do what you do. It must have to do with your ability to create life. By the way,the lions were a welcomed surprise.” I smile at her words,and turn back to watch Haddie and Allecto. “Why are they fighting?” Aunt Tisi wants to know.

  “Haddie doesn’t want Allecto to tell me who my father is. She was set on taking my life force, but as soon as Allecto started talking about my father, Haddie refocused and went after her instead of me.

  “Very strange indeed. However, we need to make a decision here. We came here to stop Haddie and I think that we need to do that.”

  “You want us to join up with Allecto?” Riley asks. Looking her over, I can tell that it was a good thing we stopped when we did. Riley is covered head to toe with bruises, cuts, and goo. Taking in the rest of the group,they don’t look much better than Riley and I can see how much the fight has worn them all down. The piles of dead is astonishing and I’m shocked that a few of us have caused all of this.

  “I can’t believe that I’m going to agree with you on this, Tisiphone, but I think you’re right. We have to stop the Young Creator. That was the goal here, and I think we should take advantage of this situation and put a stop to her,” Chris says.

  Looking around at all of the tired faces, I know that he is right. We have to take advantage of the crazy situation that is presenting us with a chance of stopping Haddie without any bloodshed. Earlier was too close for comfort. I nod my head and we spread out. Aunt Tisi and I start making roots grow to trip Haddie and the rest are throwing things at her.

  “Are you kidding me?” she yells at us, and the next thing we know the undead are coming at all of us.

  “Get into the air,” I hear Nick yell. Suddenly, everyone but Aunt Tisi and I are on the lions’ backs and have taken to the sky. It is an awesome sight to behold, seeing them in the air on those extraordinary beasts. The undead are attacking me, but not really causing any harm. I have a feeling that Haddie is trying to keep me occupied while she deals with Allecto. I just don’t understand what she is trying to do.

  Allecto seems to only be paying attention halfway. When she spots Aunt Tisi and me helping her, she calls out to us,“Thank you so much for the helping hand. At least I can count on some of my family to have my back.”

  I look at Aunt Tisi and shake my head at the situation. I watch Keagan on his winged lion approach from behind Haddie, sword in striking position. Just as he is about to take the swing that will behead her, an undead leaps onto the back of the lion and Keagan suddenly has his hands full, trying to stay on.

  “So, Trish, about your father,” Allecto says just as Haddie swings the whip and catches her by the wrist. Allecto glances down at her wrist and then at Haddie with a surprised look on her face. Instantly, her gaze returns to me. “You have already met him. In fact, he is here with us tonight.”

  “Shut up, shut up. Don’t listen to her, she is just trying to hurt you,” Haddie yells, and with more vigor than I have seen from her so far resumes going after Allecto.

  “Like I said, young love gets old. You get bored with the same person, the same routine,” Allecto continues.

  “What are you talking about?I don’t understand.” Both Aunt Tisi and I are just staring at her now. An evil smile forms on her face.

  “You gave it all up for love, decided to protect humanity. What did love get you, sister, but two nieces that were fathered by your husband?” I’m shocked. Is she saying what I think she is saying? I look at Aunt Tisi who looks stricken, crushed. The wind starts picking up and throws my hair into my face. I push it away and take a step closer to Aunt Tisi, wanting to comfort her.

  “I told you not to say anything, you stupid,stupid women.” I look toward Allecto and Haddie just as the whip comes back around and takes off Allecto’s head. The head hits the ground and Haddie throws the whip down next to it. Lightning strikes a tree in the distance, which bursts into flame. Haddie quickly sits down on the ground, and I watch as her hair stands up straight above her head and starts to light up with power. Meanwhile, Allecto’s hair seems to dull. Haddie’s hair dances around her head as if it has a life of its own. Lightning strikes again, this time closer, and the wind picks up even more, just as the winged lions land.

  Chapter 24

  Touched by Deception

  Keagan, Riley, Nick, Chris, and Maximus all run toward us, equal looks of shock on their faces as they see Allecto’s head up close. Haddie has still not moved from her position. “Maximus, tell me you didn’t have an affair with my sister.” With shock, I look at Aunt Tisi, who is floating of the ground, her hair flapping around her face and partially hiding it. Everyone stops moving at her words, they are spoken so softly.

  “My love , I—”

  “Don’t my love me,” she shouts before he can finish. Her face is now visible and I see that her eyes have turned black. “Did you sneak off to be with her?” She points a finger in Allecto’s direction. “Did you and Allecto make these two abominations?” I take a step back at those words, shocked. I know that she must be hurting, but this… I just don’t understand.

  “I’m sorry,” is all it takes from Maximus to confirm her question. A scream filled with pain and sorrow leaves Aunt Tisi. She sounds heartbroken, betrayed. Ican’t even begin to imagine what she must feel like, and she has no one to comfort her. Her black eyes turn to me.

  “Aunt Tisi, I’m so sorry. I had no idea, just know that I’m here for you.” A harsh laugh escapes her.

  “You and your sister are an abomination. You should not be alive! You will pay for your existence. Humanity will pay for their fake promises, you just wait. I will bring the apocalypse to this land that you call your home. Then, when everything has been ripped from you that you care about, I will return you to the earth that you were born from.” I gape at her, not knowing what to say. She has become like another mother to me, someone that I have trusted and come to love. Before I can say anything else, she points her hand in Maximus direction and starts making a fist. Maximus begins gasping for air; she is going to kill him. I have to save him! We all make mistakes,and even though I hate what he has done to her, he doesn’t deserve to die. Plus, he is my father.

  “Don’t do this, Aunt Tisi. I know how much he has hurt you, but just consider what killing him will do to you. It might feel like the right thing to do now, but do you want to live with the decision forever?” I plea with her.

  She turns her dead, black eyes in my direction,but doesn’t acknowledge my words. Instead, she continues to strangle Maximus. I can’t let her do this, so I look at two of my winged lions and ask them to take her far away. They rush her, and before she can regain her senses, they are off in the black sky. I know that she will be back soon, and we still have to finish this before she returns. We need to get out of here.

  I walk over to Keagan and lean in close to whisper,“We need to do this now. Finish her while she is absorbed in the energy.”

  “I can’t kill her when she is defenseless.I’m a warrior, not a murderer,” Keagan says out loud, which gets us questioning looks from Chris and Nick.

  “Do you think that I want to watch you kill my sister? No, butit’s what we came for and this is going to make sure that there is no more bloodshed. Look around, do you think that Riley can go another round with those undead freaks? Finish it, Keagan!I just want it to be over.”

  “It’s not right,Trish! I will not kill outside of battle.” He shakes his head and backs away.

  I’m pretty frustrated, but decide that I have to respect his decision. I know that this will forever scar me,but I know it’s the right thing to do. I just lost someone that I really care about and I’m not willing to lose anyone else. Haddie is still on her knees, the power from Allecto being transferred to her. Now might be the only chance I have before Haddie kills us all. With Allecto’s added power, who knows what she is capable of. I start moving toward the discarded whip when a hand grasps my arm. Turning around, I find that it’s not Keagan but Chris who is stopping me.

  “You can’t do this!”

  “I have to! Didn’t you tell me that we had to balance the dark and light? Trust me, I don’t want to do this. It just feels like there is no other choice,” I tell him while tears stream down my face.

  “Let me rephrase that. You don’t have to do this. The balance has shifted with Allecto’s death. If you killed Haddie then the balance would shift too much to the light.” He gently pushes me away from
Haddie. “We should leave before your aunt returns.”

  “I don’t understand, how can the balance have shifted? Aunt Tisi turned to the dark side … even with Allecto’s death, the dark would be stronger,” I say as he leads me toward the van.

  “Technically, your Aunt Tisi hasn’t done anything that makes her dark. Therefore, the two sides are nicely balanced. As far as your sister goes, we don’t know how the new power will affect her. Killing her may not be the answer right now. I believe the best thing to do is just wait and see what choices they make.” We pack into the van, and when I glance out the window I see my five winged lions looking in. I brought them to life, and now I have to decide what to do with them.

  Getting back out, I walk over to one of them. I run my hand through the soft fur of its neck and the huge cat starts to purr, rubbing its giant head against mine and almost knocking me over. Its tail twitches back and forth and its claws are digging into the soft ground. The wings that I saw span at least ten feet are now neatly folded along its back. They are just so big, I have no idea what I should do with them.

  “Wouldn’t they be cute if they fit into the palm of our hand?” Riley comes up next to me and starts petting the winged lion also.

  “That’s a great idea, it will be a lot easier to hide them. Thank you,Riley.” I imagine all of them small enough to fit into our hand and watch as they shrink. The little guys run to the person I told them to protect, and curl up with them in the van. I have to say, I wish there would have been one for me.

  I look back to where Haddie was and find that she is gone. I really hope that I won’t regret walking away from her when I had the chance to end it. At the same time, a part of me is happy that my sister is still alive. There is always that little bit of hope that she will change. I know that it may be wishful thinking, but I believethat’s what makes humanity so special … always hoping for things to turn out good.


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