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Daddy Long Legs

Page 3

by Vernon W. Baumann

  Close inspection revealed a ligature mark (known throughout this report as Ligature A) on the neck below the mandible. Ligature A is approximately 2cm wide and encircles the neck, consistent with strangulation. Minor abrasions, of varying age, are present in the area surrounding Ligature A. This suggests victim was repeatedly strangled in period prior to death.

  Victim’s clothing revealed a chemical odour. Trace analysis indicated chloroform. Shorts also reveal presence of faecal matter. A second ligature mark (known throughout this report as Ligature B) was observed on victim’s RIGHT ANKLE. The mark is dark red ligature and encircles the ankle. Abrasions and petechial haemorrhaging surrounding mark indicates ligature had been attached for a period of a few days before death. The width of the mark is 2cm and is horizontal in orientation. Nature of abrasions indicates a leather ligature used.


  Inner areas of both ears indicate trauma, possibly lacerated ear drums due to repeated audio assault.


  The genitalia are that of a prepubescent male. Signs of trauma. Several rust-coloured to slightly purple abrasions present on stem and head of penis. Wide-spread petechial haemorrhaging across genitalia. Consistent with repeated sexual assault. Colour, shape and distribution of abrasions consistent with injuries resulting from an electrical device, possibly a cattle prodder. Anterior aspect of the perineum exhibits severe contusions.

  Anal area indicates severe trauma. Anal opening indicates severe abrasions while the anal wall is torn. The bleeding in anal cavity indicates victim was alive when he was assaulted. Evidence of wood splinters in anal cavity as well as unknown substance. Wood splinters from anal cavity match trace elements found along neck ligature mark, indicating that item used to assault victim was also used to fashion a garrotte. Remnants of seminal fluid discovered deep inside anal cavity. Lack of spermatozoa indicates that offender may be vasectomised individual.


  HEAD--CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM: Subsequent autopsy shows a broken hyoid bone. Haemorrhaging from Ligature A penetrates the skin and sub-dermal tissues of the neck.

  SKELETAL SYSTEM: The hyoid bone is fractured.

  RESPIRATORY SYSTEM--THROAT STRUCTURES: The oral cavity shows no lesions. Petechial haemorrhaging is present in the mucosa of the lips and the interior of the mouth. Otherwise, the mucosa is intact and there are no injuries to the lips, teeth or gums.

  The hyoid bone, the thyroid, and the cricoids cartilages are fractured.

  GASTROINTESTINAL SYSTEM: The mucosa and wall of the oesophagus are intact and gray-pink, without lesions or injuries. The gastric mucosa is intact and pink without injury. Approximately 125 ml of partially digested semi-solid food is found in the stomach. Analysis reveals contents to be dog food, in the form of dried pellets.

  TOXICOLOGY: Sample of right pleural blood and bile are submitted for toxicological analysis. Stomach contents are saved. Trace amounts of chloroform revealed.


  1. One (1) red t-shirt, size small.

  2. One (1) pair navy blue shorts

  3. Samples of Blood (type O+), Bile, and Tissue (heart, lung, brain, kidney, liver, spleen).

  4. Fifteen (15) swabs from various body locations, to be tested for trace elements

  5. Eleven (11) autopsy photographs.

  6. One post-mortem CT scan.

  7. One post-mortem MRI.


  Time of Death: Body temperature, rigor and livor mortis, and stomach contents approximate the time of death in period between nine (9) and eleven (11) January, 1986. Due to decomposition and exposure to elements, estimation of TOD is problematical.

  Immediate Cause of Death: Asphyxia due to ligature strangulation (Ligature A).

  Manner of Death: Homicide

  Remarks: James McDougal, M.D.

  Kimberley City Coroner's Office

  January 17, 1986

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  Towards a Preliminary Typological Profile

  Dr Frederick Nieuwoudt - Forensic Psychologist



  Within wider context of pathology, subject is driven by deep-seated paraphilia – the need for unusual and generally aberrant sexual stimulation. In subject’s specific case, this sexual activity is dominated and characterised by sadism of an extreme nature. Towards a more precise classification, subject can be grouped within the class of Erotophonophiliac, or Lust Killer. The Lust Killer (SEE ADDENDUM A FOR CASE STUDIES) kills purely for sexual gratification. In this sense, sexual gratification often depends on amount of torture and mutilation offender inflicts on victims. However, the serial offender is not easily pigeon-holed, and this report in specific and the investigation in general, would be seriously compromised if we did not consider a broader, hybrid typology. Hence, an extrapolated typological classification into Thrill Killer (SEE ADDENDUM B) would prove valuable. The primary motive of a Thrill Killer would be to induce pain or create terror in their victims. This provides the necessary stimulation for sexual arousal and/or climax. Victims are usually (but not always) strangers although the offender may have stalked or ‘cased’ the victim for a period. Thrill Killers can abstain from killing for long periods of time and generally become more successful over time as they refine their methods. This seems to have specific relevance to subject. In summation, subject is sexual sadist of the highest level – it is the process of inflicting pain, torture and mutilation, specifically in a sexual context, that provides subject with his sexual gratification. A review of evidence relating to prolonged imprisonment – and subsequent repeated torture and mutilation – corresponds to above typology. Subject is quite likely fixated on sado-masochism as well as bondage pornographic material. Relative unavailability of this material in South Africa may offer valuable line of enquiry (SEE PROPOSALS, ADDENDUM E).


  Following review of evidence, subject can be classified, in general terms, as an organised serial killer. The organised offender is more likely to use restraints (to seek control/power over the victim), commit sexual acts with live victims, and use a vehicle. The subject is likely an Act-focused as opposed to Process-focused offender. It is not the victim’s death that fulfils sexual gratification but rather the acts that (may in the act of torture or mutilation) lead to victim’s death itself. The subject does not kill the victims as part of his sexual needs. Rather, the deaths are a means of disposing of witnesses, and thus fulfil a practical role. This recalls the classification of organised killer.


  Although all victims are young boys, the subject is not necessarily homosexual (or at the very least a practising homosexual) and may engage in regular sexual intercourse with women. This inference is drawn from

  a) A psychological study of crime scene, Modus operandi, communications, inter alia, assembled in preliminary profile of subject (SEE ADDENDUM C)

  b) The lack of spermatozoa in semen sample gathered from two of the three bodies.

  The lack of spermatozoa indicates a surgical vasectomy. Besides health reasons, the only valid motivation for this procedure would be a disinclination towards fathering children. This, in and of itself, is not conclusive proof that subject is engaged in a relatively stable relationship (marriage), but it makes it highly likely. Following this, and the conclusions of profile (ADDENDUM C), it is my opinion that subject is married and has been for some time and occupies a respected position within the community. This supposition correlates with typology of subject as organised killer. The subject’s disinclination towards procreation offers material for further psychological investigation.


  Results of autopsy indicate prolonged abuse and torture of victims and confirm typology. Victims are assaulted sexually with extreme sadism. Torture includes strangulation, electrocution, mutilation and deprivation. The evidence of canine food in stomach contents is yet another form of torture. The burst ear drums of o
ne of the victims are at once torture (prolonged and excessive audio trauma) as well as a means to mask the noises made by victims. Faecal matter found in victim clothing, as well as criss-cross nature of lividity, confirms that victims were most likely confined to a cage for the duration of the imprisonment. The process indicates subject’s extreme need to exercise dominance and control over a powerless victim. It is this powerlessness of his victims – and the power he himself exercises – that is part of the arousal. Subject exults in keeping victims in abject state of hopelessness while intermittently raising terror levels.


  The preliminary profile (SEE ADDENDUM C) concludes that subject, in all likelihood, has committed similar crimes in period prior to Hope murders. Subject has probable history of sexual misdemeanours or related transgressions.


  Although there is yet no evidence of an escalation of the severity and/or frequency of crimes, this cannot be ruled out at this stage. Following evidence provided by additional case studies (SEE ADDENDUM F) this is very likely.


  With reference to communicated material, published in the Hope Gazette, it is clear that, in conjunction with stated typologies, subject displays extreme narcissism. Subject seeks to taunt and mock the authorities, as well as the victims’ families. It is not enough to commit the crimes, he wants recognition for his deeds while, at the same time, mocking those whose responsibility it is to apprehend him. This narcissism confirms subject’s (artificial and inflated) sense of superiority. He believes himself to be above the law and to be beyond the normal moral restrictions of the average person. At the same time, it confirms an extremely high intelligence as well as an above average level of education (SEE ADDENDUM C).




  What makes certain serial killers stand out from the rest?

  Could it be as simple as a name?

  In the months following the disappearance of Paul Walters, journalists and newspapers across South Africa had been frenetically trying to name the killer that stalked the dusty streets of Hope. Up until this time – the time in question being late 1986 – each publication had been running the story under its own moniker. But nothing had stuck. One publication had been using the name ‘The Hope Killer’. It was by no means a memorable label and because of the irony inherent in this title, it appeared contrived. A Johannesburg newspaper was using the name ‘The Hope Murderer’. This name was obviously too bland and failed to fire the public imagination. Another name, ‘The Rural Strangler’ was too laborious and did not succeed in elucidating the full extent of the killer’s sick modus operandi. In the end, the honour of naming the killer fell to a group of pre-adolescent boys. An obvious irony, since this group was the killer’s target in the first place.

  It was the evening of the thirteenth of August, 1986. Spring had come early that year and it was an uncharacteristically hot evening in the town of Hope. Wynand Harmse and Stratos Kyparississ had been working late in the auto workshop owned by Kyparississ senior. As the two automobile mechanics were busy wrapping up a long and greasy day, a terrified scream pierced the darkness. In a town that had seen three boys brutally murdered, everyone was on edge. The mechanics immediately ran towards the source of the noise. They were unfortunately just in time to see a car speed off. Despite their automotive expertise, they were unable to identify the make, model or colour of the car. It was simply too dark and the car too distant. Fearing the worst, they called in the police. The South African Police precinct in Hope was on high alert and responded immediately; arriving a mere four minutes after the call. The two detectives assigned to the case arrived a few minutes later. Three police cruisers were immediately sent in the direction of the speeding vehicle as indicated by the witnesses. With the help of the Hope Apprehension society – a volunteer unit assembled in the months following the second murder – the police canvassed the surrounding neighbourhood. It was soon discovered that Kiepie Gous, the son of Juanita and Gert Gous, had not yet arrived home after a visit to a friend. A house call to the friend’s home revealed that Kiepie had left the premises some thirty minutes before. It appeared as if Kiepie Gous, ten years old and the only son of Juanita and Gert, had become the fourth victim of the Hope Killer/Hope Murderer/Rural Strangler.

  When detective Haasbroek scoured the area, looking for potential witnesses, he discovered a group of boys on BMX bicycles nearby. They had been riding around the town in a tight knot of six. Although a curfew had been suggested, it seemed pointless to enforce it as the killer had seized all of his victims in broad daylight. Therefore, despite the presence of a murderer in their midst, it wasn’t such a strange sight to see boys out at that time of night, barely after six.

  Haasbroek carefully questioned the boys. And discovered a tantalising clue. The boys had also heard the commotion. Moments before the scream, they had seen the shadow of a man, cast onto the wall of a Laundromat. Lengthened and distorted by the angle of the light, the legs of the man appeared impossibly long. When asked what he had seen, one boy replied, ‘Daddy Long Legs’.

  The creativity, expertise and effort of an entire industry had failed – for more than a year – to do what a group of adolescent boys achieved in one breath. To capture and express the horror of an entire country in one little phrase. South Africa’s most famous serial killer had just been baptised.

  The name appeared two days later in a screaming headline on the front page of the Hope Gazette. There would never again be discord regarding his moniker.

  A Cape Town paper published a story about the eerie similarities between the events of that evening and the Jean Weber story that inspired the 1955 musical starring Fred Astaire. Things couldn’t get any stranger.

  The following day, as expected, the Gazette received the call when the killer delivered his next little sick composition. By this stage, the police had ceased all publication of the poems. This did not, however, stop the killer from trying. The call was traced to the nearby town of Orania. As usual, interviews with people in the area revealed nothing.

  The police had discovered one important clue, though. Despite the obvious distortion of the shadow, it appeared as if the killer was an extremely tall person. It prompted a new avenue of investigation and re-invigorated the beleaguered detectives. Would they manage to apprehend the killer before he pounced again?

  The corpse of Kiepie Gous was discovered a little more than a week later at a new dumpsite.

  A mere four months later, the killer struck again when he abducted and brutally violated then murdered Gerhardt van Staden, jnr. This was to become one of his more notorious crimes. Gerhardt van Staden was, after all, the son of one of Hope’s police officers.

  This last disappearance had truly shocked the people of Hope. If even the son of a policeman was not safe from the killer, what hope was there for the rest of them? It cranked up the fear levels to new heights and prompted a host of new measures by the local authorities to catch the madman and placate the hysterical population. When the body of Gerhardt the younger was found a week later in the killer’s favourite dumping site, it made national headlines. Like all the other parents, the murder of his son had a profound impact on Sergeant Gerhardt van Staden. He was never the same again after that, and like so many others, began a steady descent into alcoholism.

  Daddy Long Legs had struck again. In the clutches of a sadistic killer, who acted with blatant impunity, Hope was sinking further and further into a black abyss.


  Kyle is a young boy again.

  He awakes in the middle of the night. Something has disturbed his slumber. But he doesn’t know what. He groggily climbs out of bed. And knuckles sleepy eyes.

  The night is moon beautiful. Cool and clear. And yet something is wrong. Something is terribly wrong.

  Little Kyle opens the door to his bedroom and peers into the corridor. With growing fear he steps into the dark corridor. At the end of the hallway is a door. Slightly
ajar. He takes a step towards this door. And another.

  With each step his fear widens.

  And another.

  Until his terror is a huge gaping hole.

  And another.

  A terrifying chasm that is about to swallow him whole.

  He takes another step.

  Something is terribly terribly wrong.

  And another.

  There was something beyond the door. Something his egg-shell childhood mind knew on some primordial level to be wrong. So terribly wrong.

  He takes another step. His hand is on the door handle.

  A phone is ringing.

  He twists the handle.

  A phone is ringing.

  And opens the door.

  Kyle fell from the couch and crashed drunkenly onto the floor. His cell phone was ringing.

  ‘Shit.’ He reached out and grabbed the phone, vibrating on the table. And looked at the display. It was Lindsey. His P.A. at Davis Corke. Kyle sighed laboriously and shoved the phone under one of cushions of the couch. ‘Leave me alone,’ he said to himself. A few moments later the phone stopped ringing.

  Kyle sat on the floor, his back against the expensive designer couch. He stared listlessly at the wood laminated floor. Several bottles of Heineken beer littered the space around him. On the glass-top table before him, a half-empty bottle of Jack Daniel’s stood amongst two empty glasses and an ashtray overflowing with ash and cigarette stubs. Next to the ashtray was a rolled-up hundred rand note, lying amidst a splash of white powder. Kyle leaned forward and took the rolled-up note between thumb and forefinger. He held it to his nose as he snorted some of the powder. Leaving an even empty streak down the heap of powder. He sat back, rubbing his nostril. From a packet lying at his feet he extracted a cigarette. And lit it. Staring up at the night sky through the large French doors that lead to the sprawling garden outside.

  It was a night just like tonight, he thought to himself. ‘’Twas a night not unlike tonight,’ he said aloud. Laughing sardonically at his attempt at humour. Yes. It was a night not unlike tonight when his world first fell apart.


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