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Rogue Alpha (Alpha 7)

Page 6

by Carole Mortimer

  “No, thank God.” He snorted. “Bad enough they always made it clear I was a constant nuisance to them without adding some other poor kid to the mix.”

  His childhood sounded miserable. The total opposite of her own. She was also an only child, but a treasured and loved one. “I really am sorry.”

  “Don’t be.” Seth gave an unconcerned shrug. “I never think about it anymore.”

  He probably didn’t, but that didn’t mean his childhood hadn’t affected the way he lived his own life. He didn’t appear to have formed any close attachments in adult life. Deliberately so, probably. Again, Diana couldn’t really comment on that, not after her own disastrous marriage to Jeremy.

  “I dread to think what the kitchen is going to be like,” Seth muttered as he left the room to walk down the hallway toward the back of the house.

  The kitchen was as antiquated as the rest of the house, plus the windows were so dirty in this room, it was gloomy as hell. In fact, the only positive things Seth could say about this safe house were that the electricity worked, the windows were bulletproof, and a state-of-the-art security system had been installed. Otherwise, it was as fusty and dusty as the back room of any museum.

  Which was probably the reason Diana felt so at home.

  She certainly seemed more relaxed here. As a consequence, more beautiful. More desirable.

  God, she had felt so good in his arms earlier. Tasted good too. Her responses exquisite. Those uninhibited responses, the way she had come for him, not once but twice, had almost been his own undoing.

  Because she trusted you, you stupid bastard.

  It was a trust he’d taken advantage of.

  Maybe so, but it really wasn’t a good idea for Diana to keep herself so distant from him. When she’d been in danger in Colombia, he’d had no choice but to knock her out so he could take her out of there. He doubted he’d have the same option in Paris. The gallant Parisian men wouldn’t take kindly to seeing a woman being carried unconscious from a building or anywhere else.

  Seth sighed his impatience with the coolness between them. “I apologize for what happened earlier today, okay? I was a bastard—I am a bastard,” he corrected harshly. “What happened this morning won’t happen again.”

  Diana knew exactly what Seth was referring to. What she had been trying so hard to forget, and failing badly.

  Intimacy wasn’t something she had ever entered into lightly. She’d had two boyfriends she’d been intimate with during her years at university, and then she’d met and fallen in love with Jeremy. She didn’t do casual sex.

  There’s nothing casual about Seth Armstrong or my responses to him.

  The desire between them this morning had been instant. Explosive.


  Oh yes, no matter what awful things Seth might have said to her afterwards, Diana knew he had been as aroused as she was, his kisses wild, breathing ragged, his shaft a lengthy and aroused throb against her hip.

  The cock he said I could suck next time.

  Crude, lewd—and merely thinking of taking the hardness of Seth’s cock in her hand, caressing that silky length until he was even harder and aching, and the juices dribbling uncontrollably from the slit at the top, before taking his cock deep to the back of her throat and sucking him dry, was enough to cause her nipples to swell and the warmth to gather at her core.

  Seth was her complete opposite in every way. Hard, sexually experienced, and utterly ruthless when he had to be. And none of that made a damn bit of difference to how much Diana wanted him.

  After all that had happened to her today, she needed him so badly right now, she could barely think straight. There was no future in a relationship with Seth. No chance of falling in love with him and having her heart broken. Only sexual pleasure. Unadulterated, off-the-charts sexual pleasure that made her forget everything else but Seth.

  She gave a delicious shiver at the thought of it. Of feeling that big hard body completely naked on top of and moving over her own when he thrust into her in long measured strokes while he bit and suckled her nipples.

  She wanted that.

  Right now she needed the oblivion making love to this man could give her.

  What she could give him in return.

  “Are you sure about that?” she challenged as she dropped her shoulder bag on the dusty top of the kitchen table and walked purposefully toward him.

  “What the hell are you doing…?” Seth eyed Diana warily, her gaze unblinking as it boldly held his.

  “You’ve worked so hard today, helping me to clean up the mess in my apartment.” She stood in front of him. “I thought it must be time for your next payment.”

  Seth was too stunned to move as he took in the implication of her words, along with the way her hands moved to unfasten the button of his jeans, her intention obvious as she began to slowly lower the zip.

  And remembered his earlier comment “a little cocksucking would be nice next time.”

  His cock filled and surged upward, hot and heavy inside his boxers, obviously in total agreement with that idea.

  His hand moved to cover hers. “I told you I didn’t mean that remark—I was angry at the time. Damn it, I’ve apologized to you for being such a bastard!”

  She didn’t even glance up at him as she brushed his hand out of the way before continuing to lower the zip and reveal his growing erection pressing against his black boxers.

  Seth tried to moisten his lips with his tongue and failed utterly as he realized his mouth had gone so dry his tongue was stuck to the roof of his mouth. He exhaled in a low and aching groan when Diana’s fingers slipped beneath his boxers and stroked along the increasing length of his cock.

  “This is a bad idea,” he croaked.

  He’d switched on the electricity and heating when they entered this cold mausoleum, but he hadn’t had time to reset the alarms yet. Or check upstairs. Or—

  “I thought all men liked having their cock sucked?”


  Hearing those words coming from between those deliciously soft lips was enough to send every other thought out of Seth’s mind. Pre-cum dribbled from and moistened the head of his cock.

  A fact Diana was well aware of as she scooped up that escaping juice with the soft pad of her thumb and rubbed it all over that mushroom swell. “Don’t they?”

  “I can’t speak for other men.” A nerve pulsed in Seth’s tightly clenched jaw. “But what you’re doing right now feels fucking amazing!”

  She nodded. “Good—” She broke off to look up wide-eyed at Seth as a gun landed on the tiled floor beside them, obviously having fallen free from the loosened waistband at the back of his jeans.

  He bent to retrieve the gun and place it on the work unit behind him before turning back to her. “For God’s sake, don’t stop…”

  Diana had no intention of stopping. She’d been a little unnerved by the realization Seth carried a gun, quickly followed by a surge of excitement at this stark reminder of just how dangerous this man was.

  It was empowering to see the effect her hand stroking his cock was having on this totally self-contained man. Seth’s eyes were closed, cheeks slightly flushed, lips slightly parted, his jaw and throat tensed as his head fell back against his shoulders.

  But she couldn’t touch him as she wanted to when he was wearing so many clothes. A hindrance she dealt with by removing her hand from his boxers and pulling his jeans down with her as she dropped onto her own jeans-clad knees on the cold tiled floor. What was a little discomfort when she had a dangerous man like Seth Armstrong completely at her mercy?

  He stumbled to lean back against a kitchen unit as Diana removed his shoes and socks before slipping off his jeans completely, her breath catching in her throat as she viewed his long muscular legs and the way his black cotton boxers molded to his powerful hips and clearly outlined the swollen length of his shaft.

  That will never all go in my mouth, was her first thought.

  I’ll take what
I can and hold the rest, was her second.

  She had a little trouble getting the cotton material over that enormous length and then down, but she finally managed to remove the boxers too, only to then sit back on her heels to covet and admire his beautiful cock.

  It stood tall and proud, thick dark veins visible beneath the smooth skin, and so long it bounced against Seth’s navel, smearing pre-cum over his flesh and dampening the vee of hair growing down and joining the dark, silky curls surrounding the base of that lengthy shaft.

  Seth’s cock wasn’t only long, it was thick, so much so that Diana’s fingers barely managed to encircle the base, her other hand gripping his hip to steady her as she leaned forward to flick her tongue against the weeping slit and lap up his juices.

  He tasted spicy and sweet at the same time, her closeness also allowing her to smell the hot musk that was uniquely Seth.


  Her lips moved lower, licking and tasting, until she reached the base and began a trail back again, all the time aware of the tension in Seth’s body. His legs were locked in position, hands clenched at his sides, jaw tense.

  She rubbed her cheek along his cock as she kissed his lower abdomen, loving the feel of the silky skin of his steely erection rubbing against her.

  Without warning or build-up, she opened her mouth over the weeping head and took him into the heat of her mouth.

  “Fuck!” Seth’s eyes opened wide as his hands moved instinctively to tightly grip Diana’s shoulders.

  He took in the sight of her kneeling in front of him, fully dressed, her lips wrapped about his cock, her head bobbing as she sucked him in. Her mouth was moving slowly up and down his length, along with the suction and enveloping heat, caused an even hotter spurt of pre-cum to coat his flesh before it was eagerly lapped up by the rasp of Diana’s tongue.

  To say this was the last thing he had expected to happen when they reached the safe house would be an understatement of gigantic proportions.

  To expect Seth even to think of stopping her was a no-brainer.

  If he still had a functioning brain. Which he didn’t, and hadn’t since the moment Diana unfastened his jeans and began to strip him.

  “Yes,” he hissed as she took him to the back of her throat, his balls tightening and drawing upward as she sucked him in deeper and harder, the constricting fingers about the base of his cock preventing him from releasing. “Faster,” he demanded fiercely, using her shoulders for leverage as he could no longer hold back from thrusting into the hot, constricting furnace of her mouth. “Oh God, harder…!”

  His head was buzzing from sensual overload, his vision unfocused. Every part of him was centered on that pleasuring mouth and the moist suctioning sound as his cock thrust in and out, and the slap of his balls against her chin.

  “Let me…Oh God, release me and let me come, damn it!” His voice sounded guttural in the silence of the kitchen, his fingers biting deeply into the flesh of her shoulders.

  She hummed her refusal as her mouth, lips, and tongue continued to drive him insane.

  Seth had no other choice but take it as she continued to lick and suck, her grip so tight on the base of his cock, while his come was held prisoner in his aching balls.

  His knees threatened to buckle beneath him as she moved her hand from his hip and instead cupped and rolled those tensely straining balls.

  “You’ll pay for this,” he promised harshly.

  Diana was counting on it. Was looking forward to it, in fact.

  Her life had become a nightmare this past year, but this, this was so very real. The feel of Seth’s cock in her mouth, the ragged sound of his breathing, the taste of his cum on her tongue and in her mouth, all indications that she was driving him as wild with desire as he had her this morning.

  She didn’t want it to end just yet, wanted to lose herself in the moment, to wonder and revel in the pleasure she was giving him.

  Seth’s cock was hard and fierce as he thrust in and out of her mouth. His breathing was a dry painful rasp in his throat, his fingers digging into her shoulders as he strained to reach the release Diana was still refusing to give him.

  The things he was going to do to her once she had…!


  Fuck, fuck, fuuuck.

  Seth felt as if a dam was bursting inside him as Diana at last removed those constricting fingers from about the base of his cock, and his cum erupted up so hotly, it seemed to come up from his toes.

  And it kept on erupting as both her hands now moved to grip the bareness of his ass, fingers digging into his muscular flesh as she sucked and swallowed until she had taken every last drop of his hot cum.

  Diana hadn’t thought as far as the awkwardness that would follow her impulsive behavior.

  But she thought about it now, as Seth’s cock began to soften slightly in her mouth and she still remained on her knees on the kitchen floor in front of him, the harshness of their breathing the only sound to break through the eerily silent aftermath.

  What have I done?

  More to the point, where do Seth and I go from here?

  That she had enjoyed every moment of it, felt empowered, exhilarated by prolonging Seth’s release, was no excuse. She doubted Seth would think it was either.

  Seth felt as if he’d been put through a wringer and then pulled bodily back out again. His chest was heaving from the exertion of simply trying to catch his breath. The muscles in his arms ached from the strain of trying not to crush the fragility of the bones in Diana’s shoulders beneath his tightly gripping fingers. As for his balls and cock… They both felt as if they had been ripped inside out.

  “What the fuck was that?” he muttered.

  Diana looked up at him between dark lashes. “I don’t—” She moistened her lips with the tip of her tongue. “I wanted to—I’m sorry?”

  Seth smiled grimly as he heard the question in her apology. Hell, he had never come like that in his life before. Never felt as if he would literally cease breathing if Diana stopped, at the same time that he so desperately wanted, needed to come. And when he had… Jesus. The pleasure had been so intense, he was sure his heart had stopped beating for a few seconds. His cum had kept pumping and pumping in burning waves, and Diana had sucked him dry, until she had drunk down every last drop.

  What the fucking hell was that?

  What— He froze as he heard a noise outside. Only the faintest rustle of sound, but enough to warn him they were no longer alone. And he was standing here in the kitchen half-naked, cock still at half-mast, a woman kneeling at his feet and her lips slick with his cum.


  He hated the underlying fear he could hear in Diana’s voice as evidence she had obviously heard that rustling noise outside too. Fucking hated it.

  As he’d hated her fear last night when she thought he was going to physically retaliate for her having questioned his motives regarding the alcohol they had both consumed. If Moore had still been alive, Seth would have taken great pleasure in killing the other man. Slowly. For ever causing this woman a moment’s pain or fear.

  “Seth, there’s someone—”

  “I know.” He stepped aside and quickly began pulling his boxers and jeans back on before grabbing his gun.

  Just in time, as the back door swung open and a man stood silhouetted in the doorway.

  Diana screamed.

  Chapter 6

  “You might have told me,” Diana hissed, eyes snapping with accusation as she glared across the kitchen at a totally relaxed Seth.

  He gave a shrug as he picked up and returned the gun to the waistband at the back of his fastened jeans. “It doesn’t work that way.”

  “Don’t you mean you don’t work that way?” She eyed him impatiently. “Your friend Jonas terrified the life out of me when he came bursting into the kitchen that way.”

  “For one thing, despite his size, he doesn’t burst anywhere,” Seth said testily. “For another,” his voice hardened, “we either do thi
s my way, or we don’t do it at all.”

  “You are such an arrogant bastard,” she muttered agitatedly.

  “I’ve never made a pretense of being anything else.”

  No, he hadn’t. Arrogant. Bossy. Dangerous. They were all adjectives that fit this man perfectly.

  “You still should have told me we weren’t on our own in Paris,” she maintained stubbornly.


  Diana knew from Seth’s puzzled expression that he seriously had no idea what her problem was. She added infuriating to that list of adjectives.

  “You do both realize I’m still here?” the man called Jonas drawled as he leaned back against a kitchen unit waiting for the pot of coffee to finish percolating. “That’s quite a pair of lungs you have there, Mrs. Moore.”

  “Diana,” she answered him distractedly, still shaken by the fact that, instead of the fight for their lives she had been expecting, Seth and the bronzed giant who had walked into the kitchen minutes ago had actually grinned at each other as they shook hands and then thumped each other on the back in greeting.

  Seth had introduced the other man to her as Jonas Grayfeather. A Native American, from the way he looked and his accent, although she would guess from the blue of his eyes he wasn’t completely Native American. He was breathtakingly handsome, his skin a deep red-bronze color, his shoulder-length hair blue black. His face looked as if it had been carved from stone: high forehead, sharp cheekbones, a chiseled jawline, sculpted lips, and his eyes were that deep blue of fine sapphires.

  He also stood at least six inches over six feet tall. His shoulders and chest were massive, his body lean and honed in faded jeans and a black T-shirt. A black leather duster completed the outfit. It had been the latter that made him appear so intimidating as he stood framed in the doorway a few minutes ago.

  It seemed he had also, on Seth’s instructions, followed them to Paris on a domestic flight. The plan, apparently, was for Jonas to follow whoever was following them.

  Yet another thing Seth had forgotten to mention to her.

  No, he hadn’t forgotten. But he didn’t feel the need to explain himself, to her or anyone else.


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