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Page 19

by Ray Gordon

  As Fowler quickened his thrusts and began his climactic groaning, Roxanne became aware of an impending orgasm stirring deep within her pelvis. 'My clitoris!' she cried as the small bud throbbed slightly. Grinning wickedly, Fowler massaged the hard protrusion as he rammed his massive member deep into the girl's hot bowel. Suddenly, his shaft expanded and the knob swelled, stretching her velveteen tube obscenely until she thought she'd split open.

  Both lost in their debauchery, their bodies became rigid and sex juices flowed in abundance - his lubricating her tight bottom-hole, hers running down between her buttocks to bathe his glistening shaft. Their seemingly perpetual climaxes intermingled to the accompaniment of interminable cries and groans, taking Roxanne's shuddering body to new sexual heights, her mind to incredible depths of obscenity.

  Gasping, Fowler eventually slipped his wet shaft from her hot tube and grinned. 'You did well, my dear,' he drooled, zipping his trousers. Removing the metal cylinder from Roxanne's drenched pussy hole and the rubber teats from her aching nipples, he surveyed his handiwork. 'Ah, delightful!' he exclaimed. 'Look how thick and long your pretty nipples are now!' Lifting her head, Roxanne gazed in disbelief at her swollen milk-buds. 'And your clitoris has ripened considerably!' he observed, stretching her vaginal lips apart for her to see.

  Resting her head on the table, Roxanne came to her senses as her body calmed and sex faded from her mind. What would the animal do next? she wondered as the door opened and Swain's butch frame leaned against the wall.

  'We've lost Hannah Kelley, then?' Swain frowned as she approached Fowler.

  'For the time being.'

  'And, it seems, we're to lose this delightful little girl, too.'

  'No, we're not. I have plans for her!'

  'What plans?'

  'You'll find out in due course.'

  'It seems that you have many plans that I know nothing about. I don't like all this secrecy, Ron, all the things you get up to behind my back.'

  'What are you talking about, woman?'

  'You know very well what I'm talking about! Anyway, I don't like the idea of Evans taking Hannah Kelley to Ten. She'll talk, about you, about me - the centre.'

  'Richard Evans won't listen to the likes of her. Besides, all he wants is his wife and daughter back. When he has them we'll still have the little Roxanne, here. And then we'll recapture her big sister.'


  'I'll think of a way, don't you worry yourself about Why don't you enjoy yourself with our young prisoner for a while? I've got to go out on business.'

  'What business?'

  'My business. See you both later. Have fun!' Making herself comfortable on a large Chesterfield sofa, Hannah accepted a glass of wine from Evans. 'So, what do we talk about?' she asked as he sat in an armchair facing her.

  'This is far more civilized, don't you agree?'

  'Anything's more civilized than the centre!'

  'Yes, well, you're out of there now, so let's get on,' he replied as the videophone bleeped.

  'What is it, Brian?' he asked, pressing a button.

  'Another sub-station, sir. Parliament's without power.'

  'Okay, Brian, thanks.'

  Turning to Hannah, he smiled. 'Your group's still fighting the futile fight, then?'

  'That's good news. Anyway, you want your wife and daughter back, and I want my sister, so where do we go from here?'

  'A simple exchange. Hannah, can I ask you something?'

  'Yes, of course.'

  'I've come to admire you over the last year or so. Or perhaps I should say respect you? Anyway, I'd like us to be friends, at least.'

  'Fine! But what about this, how shall I put it? This genocide against women?'

  'That's a strong word! All I'm doing, Hannah, is trying to get the country back on its feet! And, I might add, with great success!'

  'That's as maybe, but the correction centres, the abuse, the torture are all...'

  'A necessary evil, I'm afraid. With any coup, there have to be casualties.'

  'Casualties? Is that what you call those poor girls who have to endure those animals, Fowler and Swain?'

  'Admittedly, the methods used aren't to my liking. I delegated, and chose the wrong man for the job. As yet, I haven't had the time to think how to do anything about the situation.'

  'Then put a stop to it now!'

  'I can't, not just yet, anyway. I can't have rebellious women like yourself on the loose! The centres were established to correct their way of thinking. The abuse wasn't something I'd wanted. I can't explain. Hannah, you don't understand the politics involved.'

  'No, I don't! But I do understand that dozens of innocent young girls are being sexually abused by a couple of perverts!'

  'What are you asking me to do, close down all the centres?'

  'Yes, and give all the women amnesty.'

  Leaning forward in his chair, Evans looked into Hannah's misty blue eyes and smiled. Returning his smile, she desperately tried to clear her head of her confused emotions. He was an attractive man, a powerful man - she liked that. But her fight was against men. Joining her on the sofa, he placed his arm behind her shoulders.

  'You're a very attractive young lady,' he began.

  'So you said the last time we met. What, exactly, are you driving at?'

  'I'd like us to be more than friends, Hannah.'

  'But you're a married man, Mr Evans. Besides, your wife will be back with you soon, so...'

  'I don't want her back. We've only stayed together because it looks better that way. There's no love any more, she'd be first to tell you that.'

  'But I thought...'

  'Yes, everyone thinks that we're the perfect couple. That's how I wanted it to appear to the people.'

  Here, thought Hannah, was her chance to have some say, at least, in the running of the country. Although their political beliefs couldn't be further apart, she knew only too well she stood a far better chance of helping women by working alongside Evans rather than against him.

  'Marriage,' Evans said softly.

  'What about it?'

  'Marriage, Hannah. I want us to get married.'

  'But... I don't understand. You want to marry me?'

  'Why not? You're single and my marriage is no good. It's the perfect solution, Hannah.'

  Relaxing on the sofa, Hannah scrutinized Evans. He had charm, charisma, but she wasn't in love with him. At least she didn't think she was. Her stomach churned as she looked into his dark eyes and imagined him making love to her. A marriage of convenience, she mused. A means to an end - end of his rule. The perfect solution? But there was Emily to consider.

  'Two sworn enemies marrying each other?' she laughed. 'How would that look to the people?' Finishing her wine, it suddenly struck her that this bizarre proposal might well be designed to put an end to the EFW once and for all. 'You do realize that, if I were to be your wife, I wouldn't give up the fight, don't you?' she asked.

  'I could hardly have my wife destroying sub-stations and communications transmitters, could I?'

  'No, but I'd have to continue to fight for women's rights.'

  'And I'd continue to fight for men's rights! You never know, we might even reach a compromise, Hannah.'

  Coming to her senses, Hannah couldn't believe that Evans had proposed marriage. The idea was ludicrous! But rather than flatly refuse, she decided to keep the option open, for the time being, at least.

  'I'll think about it,' she conceded. 'But in the meantime, what about my sister?'

  'As I said, a simple exchange.'

  'Not involving Fowler or Swain, I hope?'

  'They'd have to be involved, or at least, one of them would. Look, if you give me your word that you'll release my wife and daughter the minute you have your sister back, I'll contact Fowler now and tell him to release the girl.'

  'It's a deal,' Hannah agreed, standing up.

  'Good. I'll get a car to take you back.'

  'Not to the centre?'

  'No, of cou
rse not. To wherever you want to go. And, Hannah, think about what I said, won't you?'

  'Yes, I'll think about it.' Reaching base, Hannah climbed down the ladder to find Jo gone. Examining the ropes, she realized that they'd been cut. 'Surely Julia wouldn't have let her go?' she whispered, dropping the ropes on the floor.

  Dashing through the forest to the air raid shelter, she was relieved to find that Mrs Evans, Rebecca and Rose were still her prisoners. 'Things have been moving fast,' she informed Mrs Evans. 'You're to be released very soon.'

  'And my daughter?' the woman asked.

  'Yes, Rebecca will be going, too.'

  'What's happened to make you change your mind?'

  'You wouldn't believe me if I told you. I had a meeting with your husband and we reached an agreement.'

  'What sort of agreement?'

  'I can't tell you, I'm afraid. Anyway, I'll bring you all some food later,' Hannah promised as she left the shelter.

  Returning to her base, she saw Emily wandering through the trees. 'Emily!' she called, running towards her.

  'Hannah! You're free! How did you escape?'

  'It's a long story, I'll tell you later. You haven't seen Jo, have you?'

  'Yes, she's tied to the bed.'

  'No, she's not. The ropes have been cut. God only knows how, but she's escaped. And Julia's disappeared, too!'

  Following Hannah down the ladder, Emily decided not to mention Mike - not yet, at least. Hannah wouldn't understand her feelings for Mike, she knew. But she did ask if she knew of Heidi Bradshaw.

  'No, I don't think so,' Hannah replied, relaxing on the bed. 'Why do you ask? I mean, who is she?' Emily didn't answer as she gazed into Hannah's blue eyes, her emotions running amok. 'You all right?' Hannah asked with concern.

  'Yes, yes. I was just thinking, that's all.'

  Misinterpreting her friend's thoughts, Hannah pulled her close and kissed her full mouth. 'I've missed you,' she breathed, unbuckling Emily's belt. Though Emily grabbed Hannah's hand to stop her, she was already tugging her jeans down. Closing her eyes as Hannah slipped her hand between her legs and stroked her wet groove, she was more confused than ever as to her sexual allegiance.

  'I blew up a London sub-station,' Emily revealed as she relaxed on the bed and allowed Hannah to pull her jeans off.

  'I know, you did a good job. Is that why you went to London?'

  'Yes, in retaliation for Fowler capturing you.'

  'Well, I'm here now, so let's make up for lost time.'

  As Emily allowed Hannah to part her wet vaginal lips, to lick the milky fluid oozing from her hole, she thought of Mike and realized that it was his sperm Hannah was lapping up. Smiling, Emily enquired how she tasted. 'Wonderful!' came the reply. 'You're so wet! I've never seen so much juice!' Closing her eyes, Emily surrendered her body to Hannah but it was Mike she imagined between her legs this time, licking, sucking and drinking from her open hole.

  As Emily's orgasm neared, she breathed her appreciation. Tossing her head and arching her back, she called out Mike's name. 'Who's Mike?' Hannah asked, startled. In the grips of her climax, Emily could only gasp and writhe as her young body shook and her cunt overflowed with her slippery come-juice. Drinking the lavish cream, Hannah stretched the girl's lips apart as wide as she could, giving her full access to the wet glistening flesh.

  'That's it! I've come! That's enough!' Emily cried as her body shuddered to its carnal limit. Moving her head back, Hannah gazed at the swollen red flesh and smiled.

  'Now you can lick me,' she whispered, slipping her clothes off.

  Lifting her head, Emily looked into Hannah's eyes. 'Later, perhaps,' she mumbled. 'I need to rest for a while.'

  Hannah knew that something was wrong, that for some reason Emily didn't want to return the intimate love she'd shown her. 'Who's Mike?' she asked again as Emily pulled her jeans up to cover her inflamed pussy.

  'Someone I used to know. It was a long time ago.'

  'You've never mentioned him before, so what made you think of him now?'

  The radio burst into life, saving Emily from a difficult confrontation. Pulling the curtain aside, Hannah picked up the microphone and answered.

  'Kelley, it's Ron Fowler here! Swain has released pretty little sister. I fucked the girl first, of course!'

  'Prove it.'

  'I can't! You'll just have to believe that the sperm running into her knickers is mine.'

  'Prove that she's free, you idiot!'

  'I thought you'd say that, so I gave her a radio. Swain led her out of the centre about twenty minutes ago, she should be well on her way by now. She's monitoring channel twelve. Give her a call and ask her where she is. Anyway, you'd better release your prisoners. Mr Evans is waiting for them to arrive at Number Ten.'

  Hannah breathed a sigh of relief as she switched to channel twelve and heard Roxanne's voice on the radio. 'I'm well away from the centre, Hannah,' the girl cried jubilantly. 'And no one's following me.'

  'All right, Rox. You know where to find me. Just make sure that you're not being followed, okay? I don't trust that Fowler!'

  'Okay, see you soon.'

  Hannah smiled at Emily. 'Right, I'll go and release our prisoners,' she said, a glint of renewed life sparkling in eyes.

  'Aren't you going to wait until Roxanne arrives?'

  'No, there's no need. Fowler wouldn't go against orders, would he?'

  'I wouldn't be too sure about that!'

  'You heard Rox on the radio - she's free! I'll be back in a minute. How about making some coffee?' As Roxanne emerged from the woods, a car pulled up alongside her. 'Want a lift, love?' a man asked.

  'No, thanks,' she replied, hurriedly walking away.

  'I think you do,' Fowler growled, leaping from the back of the car and grabbing the girl. 'I'm going to take you somewhere nice and private, where no one will ever find you! And I'm going to fuck you every day, twice a day, if it takes my fancy!'

  Dragging her struggling body into the car, Fowler ordered Smith to drive back to the centre. 'I'll take her from there,' he added. 'Only I will know where she is that way.'

  'But what will happen when Kelley tells Evans that the girl didn't return?' Smith asked.

  'I'll blame Swain. After all, she was the one who led the girl out of the centre, wasn't she? I didn't actually see her release her, did I? I'll tell Evans that I overheard Swain talking about the girl to someone on the phone. He'll go mad and Swain will be out of my way - permanently! And I'll have this pretty little thing to play with!'

  'Why not do away with Swain? You've always said that she was a thorn in your side.'

  'Even better! I'll say that Swain disappeared along with the girl. Knowing what a filthy lesbian Swain is Evans will have to believe me.'

  Chapter Eleven

  Hannah looked up to the clear blue sky as the early morning sun peered over the trees, bathing the forest with warmth. Roxanne wasn't going to turn up, she knew. She should have listened to Emily and held on to her prisoners until her sister had shown. At least she still had Rose, she consoled herself. For what it was worth!

  Cursing herself, she knew that she'd have to change the location of her base. It wouldn't be long before Evans discovered their whereabouts, she reflected as she climbed down the ladder. But first things first.

  Scanning the names and addresses she'd copied from Swain's book, she smiled. 'Fowler!' she breathed, reading his address. 'I'd better pay you a visit!' Slipping the piece of paper into her pocket, she looked in on Emily before leaving. Sleeping soundly, the girl stirred as Hannah kissed her and whispered goodbye. Who's Mike? she wondered as she pulled the curtain across and climbed the ladder. Emily had never mentioned him before. And where the hell was Julia?

  The large detached house appeared as ordinary as any other from the outside. But Hannah was sure that, behind its innocent facade, it concealed a myriad of chains, ropes and whips. Creeping round the back of the building, she thought of Roxanne and the deal she'd made with Evans. She co
uldn't imagine that he would have double-crossed her - but Fowler would. And knowing Fowler, he wouldn't have Roxanne at the centre.

  Peering in through the back door, Hannah couldn't be sure that Fowler wasn't in. But in her desperation, her anger, she kicked in the glass and reached for the lock. Her hands shaking, she decided that, should Fowler come running, she'd fight him, tear his eyes out with her fingernails.

  In the kitchen, dirty plates and cups were strewn everywhere - no more than she would have expected from a man like Fowler. Littered with copies of his underground magazine, the lounge, too, was a shambles. Picking up a copy, she flicked through the pages of naked girls. Chained with their legs open to reveal their hairless pussies, she knew that they were all Fowler's prisoners - the girls in the centre. 'Bastard!' she spat, flinging the magazine across the room.

  Climbing the stairs, she conceded that she could be wrong. Fowler wouldn't be so stupid as to keep Roxanne at his house. He'd have a secret place somewhere, probably housing dozens of hand-picked girls.

  Hearing movements downstairs as she entered a bedroom, Hannah hid behind the door and froze as heavy footsteps trod the stairs. 'It's all going wrong, Derek!' Fowler complained, opening a door across the hall. 'Richard's got his daughter back, and his wife, but the bloody woman's told him that I had her held prisoner, and that Swain rescued her. And as I left the centre this morning, I overheard that fat lesbian, Swain, telling him about my magazine. I don't know what to do. He'll have me locked up if he gets his hands on me!'

  'Well, you've got more than enough money now, and you've got that Kelley girl. So cut your losses and run.'

  Leaving the door ajar, Fowler took Derek into his study and sat down. From her vantage point behind the bedroom door, Hannah listened intently as they continued their conversation. 'You're right,' Fowler agreed. 'I've got Roxanne Kelley, and my other girls, safely hidden away. But how do I get them out of the country?'

  'That's easy, bung them all into a container!'

  'I'd never get away with it!'

  'Yes, you would. I have a friend, he ships stuff abroad all the time.'

  'To South America?'

  'Yes, all over the world, in fact.'


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