Book Read Free

Most Eligible Texan

Page 12

by Jules Bennett

  Alexis deserved better and he was going to steer her in the direction her life needed to go. If that was meddling, well then he wasn’t the least bit sorry. He only wanted what was best for her, and that certainly wasn’t Daniel Clayton.

  The phone vibrated in his hand. “She’s going to meet me in the lobby in ten minutes.”

  Rose’s shoulder sagged a bit, as if she’d been holding her breath. Considering they were both on the same page as to how much they didn’t want Daniel and Alexis together, he was kind of glad Rose was his partner in crime here.

  “I’ll slip out and go back to the party,” she told him. “Don’t come out yet.”

  “I know how to do this,” he snapped.

  Rose jumped and guilt instantly flooded him. Damn it. Working with her was just supposed to be a way of keeping their families distanced for good. Instead, the more time he spent with her, the more his mind kept playing tricks on him and making him believe he was intrigued once again by her.

  But that was absurd. Rose had been his first love; it was probably some residual emotions that had simply never gone away. He simply hadn’t been around her this much in...well, decades. That’s all. He was just mesmerized and captivated momentarily by her timeless beauty and her tenacity. Then he remembered it was that beauty and tenacity that had pulled him in and spat him out so long ago.

  “Good night, Rose.”

  He dismissed her, feeling like an ass but needing to get out of here. Just as he started to pass, Rose reached out and put her hand on his arm. Gus stiffened at her unexpected touch. He didn’t look over at her—he couldn’t.

  “We don’t have to be enemies,” she murmured softly.

  Gus swallowed and fisted his hands at his sides. Nothing he said at this point would be smart. What could he say? They were enemies, after all, and that was all on her.

  Choosing to remain silent, he kept his eyes on the exit and walked away. Whatever was going through her mind, he didn’t want to know. They couldn’t get distracted by anything, sure as hell not each other.

  Gus pushed Rose from his mind and headed toward the lobby. He had to get Alexis out of here and away from Daniel. There wasn’t a doubt in his mind that the two had snuck off together. If his granddaughter knew he had concocted the auction to keep her away, she’d never forgive him. Which was why she could never find out and why he needed to limit his face-to-face time with Rose.

  And that was just one of the many reasons he had to curtail his alone time with the woman who had once crushed him.

  * * *

  How long should she wait? More importantly, why had she agreed to this preposterous plan of letting Matt into Lone Wolf Ranch?

  Rachel sat on the back porch swing and blew out a sigh. She hadn’t agreed—not in words, anyway. She’d kissed and groped all over the man instead. Clearly giving him the silent answer he wanted.

  Clutching the baby monitor, Rachel pushed off the floor of the porch with her toe to set the swing in motion. There was something so calming, so soothing about country life. To hear the crickets, to see the bright stars, to know that your neighbor wasn’t right on top of you was so freeing, and she valued the privacy. She really should start looking for a home of her own. She loved Royal and knew now with 100 percent certainty that she’d be setting her roots here. Ellie would love the park, love the farms, the community.

  Rachel couldn’t deny she also wanted a bit of distance from her in-laws. First, they’d wanted her to move in with them so they could care for her and Ellie. Then they’d wanted her to let Ellie stay there so Rachel could finish school and find a home. Her mother-in-law had called this evening, but Rachel had let it go to voice mail. She knew they meant well, and understood that they would forever grieve Billy’s death, but when Rachel spent any time with them, she got sucked into that black hole, and she couldn’t afford that...not if she wanted to move on to the life she and her baby needed.

  An engine caught her attention and for a split second Rachel thought Matt was here. But the headlights and sound came from the direction of the barn where the hay was stored.

  Confused, Rachel kept her gaze on the vehicle as it slowly came down the drive toward the exit. There was no mistaking that truck. She’d seen it before.

  As the vehicle passed the house, she got a glimpse of a profile and, yup. That was definitely Daniel Clayton. Rachel bit the inside of her cheek as her gaze went back to the darkened barn. Looks like she wasn’t the only one sneaking around to be with a man tonight. Rachel just hoped Matt wasn’t spotted by Alexis. That was a conversation she didn’t want to have with her roommate.

  The low rumble of another vehicle approaching had her heartbeat kicking up. Matt pulled his truck around the back of the house and parked like he had every right to be here. Something about his arrogance—or confidence, as he’d called it—only intensified her attraction.

  Why did this have to be the man to get her attention? Why was she able to push anyone else aside, but Matt Galloway demanded her everything and suddenly she had no control? As he closed the distance between them, the shadows surrounding him only added to the intrigue. Considering he’d had a thing for her for years and she’d just discovered it, she wondered if there was anything else he kept from her.

  Rachel came to her feet. Without a word, he mounted the steps and she held the door open. Moving quietly through the house, Rachel took his hand and led him toward her own suite she’d been given. Thankfully, it was away from the other bedrooms and large enough to have a sitting room.

  As soon as she entered, she turned the baby monitor off, since the crib was in the far corner near the sofa. The bed was on the other side of the suite, but Rachel wasn’t comfortable doing this with her baby in the room because...well, because.

  She hadn’t thought this through very well. Obviously her need for this man had overridden any common sense on the realities of her sleeping situation...not that Ellie was old enough to know if there was a man in her mother’s bed, but still.

  Rachel held a finger to her lips, grabbed the monitor and urged Matt into the bathroom. She flicked on the light and slid the pocket door closed once he was inside.

  “I guess I wasn’t thinking that I share a room with her.” Rachel shook her head and let out a humorless laugh. “If you want to go, I completely—”

  His mouth was on hers, his arms wrapping her up and hauling her against his hard body. Rachel melted. Or, she felt like she had. The more time she spent with Matt, the more she wanted...well, everything.

  His hands were all over her at once, stripping her clothes away before pulling his own off. Stepping over the pile of unwanted garments, Matt tugged her toward the wide glass shower. How could she want him this much when she’d already been with him twice? When would this ever-pressing need go away?

  Rachel wasn’t sure, but she knew she needed to enjoy this while it lasted...because the end wasn’t far off.


  “Did you have a sleepover last night?”

  Rachel glanced up from the office she’d been using at Lone Wolf Ranch. Alexis stood in the doorway with a wide smile on her face.

  “Hey, I’m not judging,” she immediately added before stepping in and closing the door. “I just saw a truck in the drive before I went to bed, and then this morning I heard it leave.”

  Ellie held on to her baby-doll stroller and pushed it around before falling back onto her diapered bottom. She’d just started walking, so there were still a few tumbles.

  “I’m not the only one who had an evening visitor.”

  Alexis pursed her lips and took a seat on the sofa near the window. “I didn’t come to talk about me. I’m here for you. Tell me that was Matt Galloway. I’m not even upset that we’ll have to take him off the auction block. I’m just so happy you’re dating...or whatever.”

  Off the auction block? Rachel wasn’t going that far, an
d Matt never acted like he wasn’t ready to strut his stuff—he just wanted her to bid on him.

  Rachel really didn’t have any reason to hide her current situation from Alexis. It wasn’t like Alexis was going to wave her paddle when Matt came onstage or run out and tell anyone. She sure as hell wouldn’t tell Gus, because her grandfather wanted Alexis to bid on Matt. Mercy, this was one complicated web they were all ensnared in.

  Besides all of that, Alexis definitely only had eyes for one man, and it wasn’t Matt.

  “Things are complicated.” Understatement of the year. “But, he’s still in the auction.”

  “What on earth for?” Alexis jerked back, almost appalled at the statement. “He’s clearly interested in you.”

  “We’ve snuck around a little,” Rachel admitted. “But, like I said, things are complicated.”

  Alexis let out a little squeal. “I knew it! And, honey, there is nothing complicated about that man. He’s obviously infatuated.”

  Sex was one thing, her strong emotions were another...and she had no clue how he truly felt. All Rachel knew was that he’d be going back to Dallas soon and they’d return to the friend zone. Would he put more time between them like he had before? Because she didn’t want to lose him. If she could only have him as a friend, then she’d take it.

  Falling in love had never been part of the plan...not that there had been a plan. Every bit of her reunion with Matt had been totally unexpected, yet blissfully amazing.

  “You’re falling for him.” Alexis moved her legs up onto the sofa when Ellie toddled by. “I can see it plain as day.”

  “Don’t be absurd,” Rachel denied. She wiggled her mouse to bring her screen back to life so she could finish the social media graphics for the auction. “Matt and I have been friends for years. He was Billy’s best friend. He’s still going to be the headliner for the auction, so don’t worry.”

  “Oh, I’m not worried about that. Because you’ll be bidding on him if he insists on staying in.”

  Rachel groaned. “Why do you all think that’s how this has to play out?”

  “You know you don’t want another woman bidding,” Alexis laughed. “I take it your guy wants you to stake a claim on him, too?”

  Throwing a glance over her shoulder, Rachel eyed her friend. “He’s not my guy. I’m working on creating a countdown for the social media sites. Don’t try to distract me with all this nonsense.”

  “I think hooking up with your friend several times in as many days isn’t nonsense.”

  Ellie fell over once again, taking the stroller with her. Alexis eased down onto the floor and helped Ellie back up.

  “I am not doing this,” Rachel said, turning back to her screen. “But, if you’d like to discuss what happened in the barn with Daniel, I’m all ears.”

  Silence filled the room. Rachel bit the inside of her cheek to keep from laughing. Daniel’s grandmother and Gus had been sworn enemies for years according to the chatter Rachel had heard. The two had once been so in love, but then they’d fallen apart and married other people. There was no way Rose or Gus would want to see their grandkids together.

  If Rachel thought her personal life was a mess, she had nothing on Alexis.

  “I know you’re sneaking around.” Rachel clicked on a different font, trying to make this conversation casual to get her friend to open up. “I also know why, so if you want to talk, I’m here.”

  “Nothing to talk about.”

  Rachel’s hand stilled on the mouse. She didn’t blame Alexis for not wanting to confide in her, but at the same time, she wished her friend would talk. She’d probably feel better if she had someone to spill her secrets to. Granted that person might be Daniel right now.

  Ellie let out a whine. Rachel spun in her chair in time to see her daughter flop down onto her butt and rub her eyes.

  “I guess it’s naptime,” she stated, pushing up from the desk chair. “Since we both know what’s really going on, but we need these guys for the auction, let’s just keep this to ourselves.”

  Alexis stared back at her and simply nodded, which was all the affirmation Rachel needed to know her friend was indeed keeping a dirty little secret. At this point in Rachel’s life, she was the last person to judge someone’s indiscretions.

  Rachel scooped Ellie up and kissed her little neck, warranting a giggle from her sweet girl. Then Ellie rested her head on Rachel’s shoulder and she realized there was nothing more precious or important than this right here in her arms.

  “You’re lucky,” Alexis murmured with a sad smile. “I want a family one day.”

  Patting Ellie’s back, Rachel focused on her friend. “You’ll have one. Just make sure you find the right guy first.”

  “You make it sound like Billy wasn’t the right guy.”

  Rachel swallowed the lump of guilt. She didn’t want to speak ill of her late husband and she would never say a negative word to Ellie about her father.

  “Billy was a great guy,” Rachel said carefully. “I think we married too soon and confused lust for love, then expected that emotion to carry us through the rough patches.”

  Rachel wasn’t ready to admit her fear of infidelity.

  Alexis stepped closer and rested her hand on Rachel’s arm. “Which is why you deserve this second chance. Bid on your man before someone else comes along and takes him from you.”

  There was no response Rachel could make at this point. Matt was hardly her man, and bidding on him wouldn’t secure that spot in her life. Then again, she didn’t want to bid on anyone else.

  Rachel headed back to her room to lay Ellie down for her nap. Stifling a yawn, Rachel figured she might as well lie down, too. She didn’t regret the lost sleep last night. In fact, she’d worried about Matt staying, but having him next to her had only made her realize she wanted him more.

  Why had she let this happen? She’d warned herself going in that there was no room for emotions. Matt was the almighty ladies’ man; there was no good ending to her getting this invested in their time together. Intimacy had clouded her judgment at first, but now she saw a clearer picture. Did she even risk her heart, her soul, by holding out hope that he’d love her back?

  Could she even move on if he did?

  The guilt had settled in long ago; at this point she had to remind herself she was young and it was okay to move on. But moving on with Matt? A man who was not in the market for a ready-made family? Maybe not the smartest choice she’d made. He’d never made any indication that he wanted a family life in Royal or that he wanted more than sex and friendship.

  Rachel grabbed Ellie’s favorite stuffed toy and silky blanket and laid her little girl down in her crib. The first few months of Ellie’s life had been rough with trying to get her child to sleep. Between the grief over Billy and an insomniac baby, combined with her schooling, Rachel had nearly lost her mind.

  Thankfully, she was on break and Ellie embraced the naps...for the most part.

  After placing Ellie in her crib, Rachel tiptoed away and headed toward her own bed. She’d just lie here and stretch out for a bit. She had to meet with the new landscaper who was working at TCC for the auction. He had her list, but they hadn’t spoken in person. She’d feel better if she went and discussed her plan.

  Her cell vibrated in her pocket. Stifling a yawn, Rachel pulled it out and glanced at the screen. Her brother-in-law was calling. She couldn’t keep dodging them.

  With a quick glance to Ellie, Rachel eased out into the hallway and slid her finger across the screen.

  “Hello, Mark.”

  “Rachel.” He sounded relieved that she’d answered. “Glad I finally caught you. Is this a good time?”

  Was there ever a good time when trying to dodge an uncomfortable conversation? She’d never felt a real connection to Mark and his wife, Kay. They were nice people; Rachel just didn’t have anything in commo
n with them.

  She rubbed her forehead, feeling the start of a headache.

  “I just laid Ellie down for a nap,” she replied. “What’s up?”

  “When are you coming home?” he asked.

  Home. Right now she didn’t have one to call her own. If he meant Dallas, well, she wasn’t going back there. No way was she going to stay with her in-laws again. It was well past time she find a place of her own. Not that she hadn’t appreciated their help, but Royal felt more like home than Dallas.

  “I’m actually helping with a charity auction here in Royal,” she explained. “I’m not sure when I’ll be back in Dallas.”

  Mark let out a sigh that slid through the line and wrapped her up in yet another layer of guilt. She hadn’t lied, but she couldn’t flat out tell him, either.

  “We miss Ellie...and you.”

  Rachel didn’t need the added compliment. She knew full well they all missed Ellie, and she wouldn’t deprive them of seeing her. She would visit Dallas soon, but she wasn’t moving back.

  “I’ll text you soon and we can all meet up for dinner. I start back to my classes next week and the auction is taking up much of my spare time. But...soon.”

  That sounded so lame. The struggle to do what was right for her daughter, Billy’s family and herself was seriously real.

  “We just want to help,” he added. “Kay and I...we just want to help you.”

  “I know,” Rachel conceded. “I appreciate it. Maybe you all could come to Royal for dinner one night.”

  “I’ll see what we can do. I’ll text you.”


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