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G-Spot 2 Trickery: The 6th Deadly Sin (G-Spot 2: The Seven Deadly Sins)

Page 16

by Noire

  Trey’s hand was halfway to his waistband when the deadly click of a chambered round echoed in the small hallway.

  “Uh-uh, big boy,” the chick posted up behind him warned. “Don’t reach, baby. Just gone and put ’em up in the air. You reach and I’ma have to pop you. It’s as simple as that.”

  Raising his hands halfway in the air, Trey turned around slowly and faced Lil Lee. She was dressed in a sexy green mini-skirt, with white tights and a pair of green high-heels, and her pierced belly-button winked at him from under her short shirt as a string of tiny diamonds dangled from her caramel-colored navel.

  “You like what you see?” she sneered and glanced down appreciatively at her stacked hips. “Want me to lift my skirt so you can bust up in a lil bit of this before we get it in?”

  When Trey didn’t answer she gave a short, cruel laugh.

  “Know what I should do? I oughtta make you eat my pussy before I blast your head off, Trey, you know that? I should make you lick out my ass crack and suck my fuckin’ twat, boy-o. That’s what I oughtta do.”

  Lil Lee’s hand was rock steady as she raised one of her baby Brownings and aimed it at the center of Trey’s chest.

  “But you don’t deserve to taste my stuff, Trey. I mean, you fine and you look like a piper who can really sling that dick, but you could never get none of this. Not even a lick. And you know why? Because you violated my blood! You snatched my daughter up and gave my baby nightmares, niggah! You fucked with my little girl’s head. Real bad. And I gots to kill your ass for that!”

  It wasn’t the first time that Trey Jackson had stared down the barrel of a loaded gun, and the unflappable look of defiance in his eyes made that shit real clear.

  “What?” Lil Lee got swole and frowned at his lack of fear. “You think your ass is bullet-proof or some shit? You think you solid enough to go head up with my gat? Then try me, muthafucka! C’mon. Try me!”

  Lil Lee was ready to splatter his brains all over the wall, but suddenly the look of defiance in Trey’s eyes disappeared and the fear she had been waiting for washed over his face like a raging flash flood.

  “Oh—I didn’t know y’all was—” The girl came down the last step and stopped suddenly. She was digging inside her shoulder bag for something and looked up in surprise when she saw Trey and Lil Lee.

  “I told your ass to wait in the car!” Trey barked and took a bold, involuntary step forward.

  “Back ya ass up!” Lil Lee said, gun-checking him hard. She glanced to her left and recognized the chick who had put the kind of fear in Trey’s eyes that she had been trying to produce with her burner.

  “Damn!” she barked when she saw Juicy standing there looking stupid and clutching her Marc Jacobs bag. Lil Lee shook her head in disgust. “Juicy what the hell is you doing here? What? You came back to get with Flex or you fuckin’ this niggah now?”

  Lil Lee waved her gat. “Get your stank ass up against that door,” she ordered and motioned for Juicy to go stand beside Trey. “Get the fuck over there and get real close so I can blow a hole in both of y’all muthafuckas with one goddamn bullet!”

  But as Juicy tried to scramble past her and rush over to go stand by Trey, Lil Lee reached out and yoked her up with one swift, manicured hand. Keeping the business end of her burner trained on Trey, Lil Lee slid her forearm around Juicy’s neck and squeezed hard, smashing Juicy’s face into the pit of her underarm, right beside her breast.

  “So this your new bitch, huh?” Lil Lee taunted Trey. Her eyes were filled with cold specks as she stared at him in contempt. “You been sloppin’ up ol’ Flex’s slimy seconds?” She laughed and choked Juicy tighter as the terrified girl gagged and stumbled forward on her feet. “Just for that, I’ma do her first and make your ass watch her bleed.”

  The barrel of Lil Lee’s gun swung around and caught Juicy right in its crosshairs.

  Trey stiffened. He was calculating the odds and they weren’t in his favor. If he so much as acted like he was reaching for his tool Lil Lee was gonna sink a hot one right in Juicy’s gut. Could he yank his shit out and get his shot off before Lil Lee got hers off too?

  “Nah, it ain’t gonna work,” Lil Lee said, reading his mind and yoking Juicy even harder as she jammed the gun barrel deep into her stomach. “I’ll blow her fuckin’ back out before your finger can hit the trigger.”

  “No!” Juicy’s terrified plea was muffled as she screamed into Lil Lee’s breast. “Please,” she moaned, and her gut-twisting cries sent Trey’s heart surging into his throat. “Don’t shoot me,” Juicy begged as Lil Lee tightened her neck grip and Juicy swayed and lost her footing and stumbled against her helplessly. “Please. I don’t wanna get shot again!”

  Lil Lee laughed as Juicy struggled against her, and the sound was so cruel and diabolical that there was no doubting her deadly intentions.

  She’s gonna kill her, Trey thought as fear crawled through his gut and he reached for his burner in stark desperation. This crazy bitch is about to pop her—



  Two hollow gunshots rang out in rapid succession, and all three of their eyes met in a deadly, confused triangle.

  The cracking sound was still bouncing off the basement walls as both of the women stared at Trey for a long, endless second. And then Juicy slowly turned her head and gazed up at Lil Lee, and Lil Lee turned slightly and gazed down at Juicy, and that’s when Trey looked down and saw the blood.




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  Read more about JUICY and MONIQUE in

  From The Streets to the Sheets: “That Bitch Juicy”

  Monique never could stand Juicy’s ass. She’d known her from 136th Street, and used to tease her retarded brother Jimmy in school all the time. Juicy’s grandmother was sanctified, and used to look down her nose on Monique’s mother because she had ten kids by ten different daddies and couldn’t control none of them…

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