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The Reformation

Page 155

by Will Durant

  Moslems, exodus, 220

  music, 776

  national unification, 92

  navigators, 194

  papal tribute, 337–338

  population (1450), 198, (1515), 493

  printing press, 159

  Protestantism, 216, 639–643

  religious unity, 208, 209, 219, 220, 228

  royal absolutism, 255

  trade barriers, 198

  universities, 237, 788

  Spalatin, Georg (1484–1545), 347, 349, 352, 359, 364

  Sparta, 177

  speech from the throne, 27

  Spencer, Herbert (1820–1903), 251

  Sociology, Principles of, 694

  Spengler, Lazarus (1526), 350, 356, 439

  Spenser, Edmund (1552?–99), 815

  Speyer, Germany, 144, 297

  Diet (1526), 442, (1529), 397

  Recess, 442, 444

  Speyer trial (1520), 325

  Sphere, Treatise on the (Nuñes), 743

  Spice Islands, 195

  spice trade, 632

  spies, 764

  spinet, 773

  Spinoza, Baruch (1632–77), 375, 462, 742, 745, 939

  spiritual exercises, 907, 909

  Spiritual Madrigals (Palestrina), 782

  Spirituals, Anabaptist sect, 396

  Sprenger, Jacob (1474), 233, 328

  Spurs, Battle of the (1513), 95, 525

  Squarcione, Francesco (1394–1474), 312

  Stabat Mater (Palestrina), 782

  Stafford, Thomas (d.1557), 599

  Stafileo, Bishop, 895

  stained glass, 99, 118, 309, 829

  Stans, Diet of (1481), 403

  Stapleton, William, 566

  Star Chamber, Court of, 108

  Starkey, Thomas (c. 1495–1538), 573

  quoted, 759–760

  starvation, 70, 203

  state bank, 198

  state law, 254, 377

  state loans to private industry, 475

  state monopolies, 676

  States-General, 60, 66, 67, 68, 87, 92

  Staupitz, Johann von (d. 1524), 343, 344, 345

  stealing, 112

  steam baths, 768

  steel, 241

  Stephen, Bishop of Brandenburg, quoted, 731

  Stephen Báthory (1533–86), 656

  Stephen Dushan, King of Serbia (1335–46), 178–179

  Stephen Lazarevitch, King, f Serbia (1389–1427), 180, 679

  Stephen of Palecz (1414), 165

  Stephen Urosh III, 178–179

  Sterne, Laurence (1713–68), 807

  Stifel, Michael (1487–1567), 855

  Stockholm, Sweden, 622

  Stoicism, 465

  stone sculpture, 308

  Storch, Nicholas, 366

  Stoss, Veit (1447–1533), 173, 301, 306–307

  Strabo (63 B.C.?-?24 A.D.), 259, 482

  Stralsund, Germany, 439

  Marienkirche (1382), 154

  Strasbourg, Germany, 69, 143, 147, 156, 158, 159, 297, 305, 397, 412, 439, 443, 454, 457, 470–471, 730

  cathedral (1439), 154, 242, 306

  gymnasium, 787

  stratigraphy, 864

  Straw, Jack (1381), 45

  strikes, 38, 59, 65, 756

  Stroganov, Semën (1581), 659

  strolling players, 817

  Stuart, Robert (1371–90), 604

  Stübner, Marcus, 366

  students, college, 788–789

  Studies, On the Transmission of (Vives), 790

  Stühlingen, Germany, 384

  Stuhlweissenburg, Hungary, 706

  Sture, Sten, the Younger (1512–20), 621, 622

  Sturm, Johannes (1507–89), 787

  Stuttgart, Germany, palace of Duke Christopher, 835

  Styria, 294, 706

  Sublime Forte, 710

  Succession, Act of (1534), 548, 557, 561

  Sudan, 695

  Sudbury, Simon, Archbishop (d. 1381), 32, 35, 40, 42, 43, 45

  Suffolk, Henry Grey, Duke of (d. 1554), 586, 589, 592, 593

  suffrage, 254, 383

  suicide, 758, 765, 851

  mass, 731

  Suleiman the Magnificent, Sultan (1520–66), 187, 440–441, 442, 444, 453, 494, 507, 510, 515, 695’719 737, 818, 921, 923

  Suleiman, son of Orkhan (fl. 1353–61), 179, 679

  Sultaniya, Persia, 685

  Summa theologica (Aquinas), 929

  sumptuary laws, 412, 759, 767

  Sunnites, 698, 699

  supernatural, belief in, 3, 81

  supernatural revelations, 154

  superstition, 65, 73, 230, 233, 234, 420, 648

  Suprema, Inquisition, 209

  Supremacy, Statute of (1534), 548, 549, 563

  surgeons, 243–244

  Surgeons, Royal College of, 244

  surgery, 873–875

  Surgery, The Great (Paracelsus), 880

  Surrey, Henry Howard, Earl of (1517?-47), 811–812

  quoted, 812

  survival, technique of, 737–741

  Suso, Heinrich (1295–1365), 154

  Sutton Place, Surrey, 839

  Suzanne of Bourbon, 508

  Suzdal, principality, 647, 651, 652

  Swabia, Germany, 299, 439

  Swabian League (1488), 300, 388, 392, 731

  sweating sickness, 874

  Sweden, 143, 144, 145, 146, 159, 515, 621–626, 629

  Swift, Jonathan, Dean (1667–1745), 558, 807

  Switzerland: Anabaptists, 396

  cantons, 146–147, 153, 403

  Confederation (1291), 135, 146, 403, 410

  Holy Roman Empire, 148

  humanism, 432

  peasant freedom, 384

  printing press, 159

  serfdom, 144

  war with Burgundy, 91

  Sylvester, advisor to Ivan IV, 654, 656

  House-hold Book, 660

  syphilis, 94, 245–246, 265, 303, 492, 761, 873, 880

  Syria, 663, 678, 681, 703, 710

  Szabacs, Hungary, 441, 703

  Szigetvar, Hungary, 718

  Tabard Inn, London, 50

  Table, A Cloth for the (Isserles), 739

  Table in Order (Karo), 739

  table manners, 113, 304, 713

  Tabor, Bohemia, 169, 170

  Taborites, 169–170, 365, 395, 725

  Tabourot, Jean, quoted, 770

  Tabriz, Persia, 664, 665, 672, 681, 684, 687, 698, 699, 700, 706, 713

  Blue Mosque, 686

  Rashidi Foundation, 665

  Talavera, Hernando de (1492), 219–220, 260

  Talbot, John (1388?-1453), 83, 84, 88

  talismans, 850

  Talmud, 726, 739, 746, 924

  Tamasp I (1524–76), 699, 700, 702, 717

  Tamerlane (Timur: 1336?-1405), 181, 240, 663, 671–676, 680, 685, 690

  Memoirs, 671*, 672

  Tannenberg, Germany, 173

  tapestries, 99, 113, 155, 829

  Taranto, Italy, 697

  Tarascón, France, 76

  tariffs, industry, 573

  Tarragona, Spain, 197, 221

  Tata, Hungary, 189

  Tatars, 161, 647, 650, 651, 652, 655, 663, 671

  Tauler, Johannes (c. 1290–1361). 154, 343

  Tausen, Hans (1494–1561), 628

  taverns, 713

  closing hours, 604

  taxation: “Amicable Grant,” 535

  arms, 40

  Church property, 17–18

  crusade, financing, 347

  death taxes, 293, 545

  ecclesiastical, 529, 531

  English Church, 30

  exemptions, 92, 621, 629

  France, national, 88, 494

  luxuries, 287

  poll tax, 41, 93, 737

  predatory, 659

  Roman Curia, 330

  teachers, 235–238, 714

  Templars, confiscations from, 61

  Ten Commandments, 820

: Church property, 30

  oppression, 572, 582

  Teresa, Saint (1515–82), 900–905

  quoted, 902

  Interior Castle, The, 905

  Vida, 903

  Way of Perfection, The, 905

  Tertullian (160?-?230), 375

  Teruel, Aragon, 214

  Testament, Le Grand (Villon: 1461), quoted, 102–104

  Testament, Le Petit (Villon: c. 1456), 101

  Testwood, Robert, 576

  Tetrapolitana, Confession, 443

  Tetzel, Johann (1465?-1519), 325, 338, 348

  One Hundred and Six Anti-Theses, 345

  Teutonic knights, 161, 172, 173, 329

  Teutonic Order, Grand Masters of, 155

  Tewkesbury, England, 107

  Texas, discovery, 865

  Texier, Jean le (1510), 96

  textile industry, 38, 59, 296, 309, 384, 573, 674, 775

  textiles, 715, 753

  Persia, 688, 701

  Spain, 222

  theater, first English (1348), 46

  Theatines, 896, 910

  theocracy, 459, 472, 485, 489, 611, 635

  socialist, 399

  Theologia Germanica (Luther), 345

  theology, 249, 619, 659, 693, 881

  Luther’s, 371–377

  Theophanes the Greek, 649

  Theophrastus, (d. c. 287 B.C.), 868

  therapy, 873, 877

  theses: Carlstadt’s, 349

  Eck’s, 349–350

  Luther’s, 340, 428, 627, 629

  public announcement, 341

  Tetzel’s, 345

  Zwingli’s, 407

  Thessaly, 179

  thieving, 757

  Thirty Years’ War, 172, 392, 398, 489, 812

  Thomas of Stitny (1390), 163

  Thorgau, Switzerland, 410

  Thorn, Peace of (1466), 173

  Thrace, 179, 181

  Throckmorton, Sir George, 537

  Thuringia, Germany, 147

  Thurzo family, 295

  Thyard, Pontus de (1521–1605), 808

  tiles: colored, 222, 715

  glazed, 685

  Tiilet, Louis de, 460

  Tilley, William (d. 1494), 123

  Timbuktu, 192

  time measurement, 241

  Timur the Lame, see Tamerlane

  Tiptoft, John, Earl of Worcester (1427?-70), 123

  Tirol, Austria, 389, 392, 397, 410

  tithes, 7, 293, 383, 406, 529, 621, 628, 629, 631, 708, 738, 751, 936

  Titian (1477–1576), 298, 314, 516, 847, 921;

  Magdalen, 823

  Paul 111, Pope (Naples), 921

  Tlemcen, Morocco, 695

  tobacco, 262

  Toledo, Castile, 197, 200, 208, 213, 214, 221;

  Cathedral, 222, 847

  toleration, 456, 485, 486, 937

  tombs, 80, 98, 174, 192, 222, 226, 301, 307, 308, 642, 670, 830, 838–839

  Torcello, Bishop of, quoted, 19

  Tordesillas, Spain, 638, 639

  Treaty of (1494), 264

  Torgau, Germany, 356

  Toro, Castile, 205

  Torquemada, Tomás de (1420?-98), 201, 213–214, 217, 732

  Torrigiano, Pietro (1472–1522), 838–839, 845, 846

  Tortosa, Spain, 224

  torture, 115, 190, 210–211, 302, 304, 474, 503, 549, 759, 851

  Toscanelli, Paolo (1397–1482), 259

  Tottel, Riçhard (1525?-94), 811

  Toul, Germany, 455, 521

  Toulon, France, 516, 697

  Toulouse, France, 60, 224, 506, 729, 785

  Tour-Landry, Geoffrey de la, 71

  Tournai, Belgium, 58, 126, 635

  tournaments, 202, 769

  Tournon, François de, Cardinal, 482, 494, 505

  Tours, 80, 496

  cathedral, 96

  Towton, England, 107

  Tractatus de civili dominio (Wyclif), 31, 32

  Trade and Usury (Luther), 379

  trade routes, 240, 258, 754

  tragedies, 46, 815

  Trajan, Roman Emperor (98–117), 845

  Transoxiana, 663, 671, 672, 673, 676, 699, 700

  transportation, 753, 754

  transubstantiation, 35, 37, 116, 272, 354, 487, 580, 895, 920, 930

  Transylvania, 144, 185

  travel, 114, 305, 754

  treason, 28, 579

  treaties, Christian powers with Eastern states, 706

  Treatise on Faith (Pecock), 117

  Trebizond, Turkey, 187

  Trémouille, Louis de la (1459–1525), 93

  Trent, Italy, 721

  Council of, 285, 437, 521, 635, 641, 780, 781, 849, 924, 927–933

  Tres belles heures de Nôtre Dame, Les, 131

  trial by combat, 513*

  Triana, Rodrigo de (1492), 261

  tribute, Granada to Castile, 202

  Tridentine Index (1564), 924

  Trie, Guillaume, 482

  Trier, Germany, 147, 297, 380, 400, 440, 467

  trigonometry, 238, 239, 744, 855

  Trinidad, 265

  Trinità de’ Pellegrini, 896

  Trinitarianism, 480, 488, 630, 726

  Trinitatis erroribus, De (Servetus), 479–480, 481

  Trinity, 272, 328

  Trionfo, Agostino (1243–1328), 7, 233

  Tripartite Code (1514), 190

  Tripoli, 696, 698

  Tristâo, Nuno (1441), 193

  Trithemius, Johannes (1462–1516), 321, 322, 852

  quoted, 20, 257, 853

  Trnovo, Bulgaria, 180

  Trolle, Gustav, Archbishop (d. 1535), 621, 622, 623, 624

  troops, Swiss, 406

  troubadours, 224

  Troubadours, Last of the, 76

  Troyes, France: cathedral, 96

  Treaty of, 70

  Trtko, Stephen (1353–91), 179, 180

  Truchsess, Georg von, 388, 391

  Tschudi, Valentin (d. 1555), 414

  Tubingeri, Germany, University, 488

  Tucher, Anton, 307

  tulips, 769

  Tunis, 514, 696, 697, 713

  Tunisia, 663, 696, 697

  Tunstall, Cuthbert (1474–1559), 533

  Tuqatmish, Tatar Khan (c. 1390), 672, 673

  Turim, Arabaah (Asher), 739

  Turkey, 152, 184, 721

  westward campaign, 510–516

  Turkestan, 678

  Trer, principality, 647, 652

  Twelve Articles, German peasants’, 389

  quoted, 385

  Tyler, Wat (d. 1381), 40, 41–45

  Tyndale, William (1492?-1536), 532, 533, 534, 571

  typhus fever, 874

  typography, 158, 159, 784

  tyrannicide, 614

  Tyrol, 144

  Udall, Nicholas (1505–56), Ralph Roister Doister, 811

  Ukraine, 173, 653

  ulema, association of scholars, 708, 709

  Uljaitu, Khan (1305–16), 66ç, 666, 685

  Ulrich, Duke of Württemberg (1498–1550), 380, 439, 445

  Ulug-Beg (1394–1449), 676

  Umiliati, religious order, 896

  Ulm, Germany, 156, 159, 297, 300, 381, 412, 439, 454

  Cathedral (1377), 154î public baths, 244

  Umbria, Papal State, 8

  uncleanliness, 873

  Uniformity, Act of (1552), 585

  Unitarianism, 484, 487, 580, 630

  Universe, Introduction to the (Ibn-Khaldun), 690–694

  universities, 236, 786–788

  Unterwalden, Switzerland, 146, 410

  Uppsala, Sweden, 623

  Cathedral (1287), 154, 626

  University, 621

  Urals, 652

  Urban V, Pope (1362–70), 8, 178, 179, 182

  Urban VI, Pope (1378–89), 8, 9, 37

  Uri, Switzerland, 146, 410

  Urquhart, Sir Thomas (1611–60), 807

  Ursinus, Zacharias (1534–83), 488

  Ursulines, 900

Uruguay, 865

  usury, 10, 15, 293, 382, 728, 756

  Usque, Samuel (1550), Consolation for the Sorrows of Israel, 742

  Utopia (More), 396, 552–555, 556

  Utraquists, 168, 171, 364, 629, 631

  Utrecht, Netherlands, 126, 158

  Uzbeg Mongols, 676

  Uzbeks, 699

  Vác, Hungary, 189

  Vaga, Perino del (1501–47), 829

  vagabondage, 572

  vagrancy laws, 756

  Valdés, Alfonso de (c. 1500–32), 892–893

  Dialogo de Lactancio, 892

  Valdés, Juan de (c. 1500–41), 641, 892–893

  Dialogo de Mercurio y Carón, 893

  Valencia, Aragon, 197, 214, 218, 638

  Hall of Audience (1500), 221

  Valenciennes, France, 58, 136, 635

  Valentinois, France, 58

  Valla, Lorenzo (1406–56), 16, 272, 327, 369

  Valladolid, Castile, 197, 200, 208, 214, 245, 640

  Cathedral, 221

  Church of San Benito el Real, 847

  Valois, France, 58

  Varamin, Persia, 685

  Varna, 182, 186, 680

  Vasa, Gustavus (1523–60), see Gustavus I

  Vasari, Giorgio (1511–74), 823, 825

  Vasili I, Grand Duke (1389–1425), 651

  Vasili II, Grand Duke (1425–62), 651

  Vasili III, Grand Duke (1505–33), 653–654

  Vast, Jean, 822

  Vatable, François (d. 1547), 503, 794

  Vatican: 281, 921

  frescoes, 132

  Library, 14, 225, 540

  Vaucelles, Truce of (1556), 522

  Vaucouleurs, France, 82

  Vaud, Switzerland, 135

  Vaudois, 505

  Vecinho, Joseph (1490), 743

  Vedrosha, Russia, 653

  Vega, Lope de (1562–1635), 216, 905

  vegetarians, 321*

  vehicles, 114, 754

  Velásquez (1599–1660), 216, 223

  venery, 760

  Venus, cult of, 72, 199

  Venezuela, 268, 269

  Venice, Italy, 13, 15, 159, 182, 184, 187, 195, 312, 540, 681, 697, 706, 734

  Fondaco Tedesco, 298

  Palace of the Doges, 221

  Verdun, Bishop of, 90

  Verdun, France, 60, 455, 521

  Vere, Lord of, 272

  Vergerio, Pierpaolo (1535), 920

  Vergil, Polydore (1470?-1555), 528

  Vermigli, Pietro Martire, see Peter Martyr

  Vermigli Verona, Italy, 161, 896

  Verrazano, Giovanni da (1485?-?1528), 865

  Verrocchio, Andrea del (1432–88), 188

  Versailles, 97

  Vesteres, Diet of (1527), 625–626

  Verwere, Johannes, 774

  Vesalius, Andreas (1514–64), 480, 849, 869–873

  quoted, 870

  On the Structure of the Human Body, 871, 872

  Venesection Letter, 870

  Vespasiano da Bisticci (c. 1421–98), 137

  Vespucci, Amerigo (1451–1512), 194, 225, 265, 268–269

  Viatka, Russia, 647, 651

  Viborg, Denmark, 628

  Vicente, Gil (1465–1536?), 195, 815, 817, 848

  Vicenza, Italy, 681

  Victoria, Tomaso Luis de (1540?-1611), 776


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