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The Collection (Volume 1): 5 Tales of Erotic, Girl on Girl Lust (The Collections)

Page 7

by Caitlyn Norrel

  With a scream Melodie and Mahala broke apart, chests heaving in unison as they glared at one another angrily.

  “Why’d you pull away you little slut?” Mahala cried out. “We’ve just barely begun this little fuck off, and you were already about to come!”

  “You shut your little whore mouth!” Melodie shot back. “You pulled away before I did!”

  “You cunt!” Mahala screeched, lunging at her opponent viciously. She tore into her opponent’s top with her right hand and ripped through Melodie’s thong with her left. Melodie had no choice but to mirror her enemy’s actions, and a second later the two women crashed together, nude body colliding with nude body.

  Mahala wrapped both arms around Melodie’s form, crushing her tits viciously against her opponent. Melodie returned the hold without hesitation, digging her nipples into the other woman’s taught flesh like daggers. The two women grinded their tits around and around, causing their stiffened nipples to grate across one another again and again.

  “Dirty bitch!” Melodie hissed, slamming her crotch viciously against Mahala’s and grinding in hard. Mahala mirrored her enemy’s challenge, combing her beautiful brush through Melodie’s slightly darker pubic hair.

  The two brunettes stumbled around the room viciously as they fought, first focusing on their dueling breasts, then their grinding pussies, and back to their breasts. Neither woman seemed to be able to gain any ground against the other as they struggled and writhed against one another’s crushing embrace.

  They fought in this way for nearly fifteen minutes before breaking apart, each woman glaring at the other furiously. Neither wanted to believe that they had met their match, yet the proof was standing right in front of them. The two brunettes had been at it for nearly an hour, and neither had gained any advantage whatsoever.

  “Bitch…” the two women hissed in unison, breaking their contact. Melodie and Mahala glared at one another with such ferocity that every second felt like a lifetime. Neither could believe how aroused they felt at this moment, and their desire for more vicious combat continued to grow.

  Mahala reached towards Melodie challengingly with both hands, palms facing outward and fingers down. Melodie pressed her palms against Mahala’s, and immediately the two women interlaced their fingers together, digging their nails into the skin between her opponent’s knuckles. The two brunettes signaled a challenge with their eyes, and just seconds later they began, breasts colliding against breasts like freight trains.

  Melodie and Mahala grunted in unison as their bodies compressed. They grinded their breasts brutally into one another’s flesh, sliding their swollen nipples back and forth against one another viciously before breaking apart and colliding again.

  Each collision brought the two beautiful brunettes closer to the point of pure sexual hatred. They panted hard in one another’s face after every onslaught, flicking their long, pink tongues back and forth as they bore their nipples deep into one another’s dense titflesh. The two women would grind into one another’s bodies so viciously that they would almost cry out from the pressure, only to tear their fusing bodies away from one another and collide again.

  “Fucking slut!” the two women screamed together as they felt their bodies could take no more. They withdrew their claws from one another’s hands, throwing their arms around one another’s bodies in exchange. They crushed their breasts together between their sweat slicked flesh, both women nearly gasping for breath as the pressure increased.

  They stumbled clumsily around the room, each woman attempting to overpower the other with her body while trying to maintain her own balance. They struggled and writhed, twisted and bucked, but neither seemed able to force her opponent to surrender.

  They struggled in this way for what seemed like hours, pain and exhaustion slowly overtaking the combatants’ bodies. The two warring duelists hissed horrible obscenities into each other’s ears as they fought, neither able to accept the idea of the other being her equal. With a mutual cry the two enemies lost their balance, falling sideways into the red velvet sofa beside the fire.

  For a split second Melodie found herself on top, and she took the opportunity of domination before it slipped away. Before Mahala could react Melodie slipped her arm beneath her enemy’s left leg, forcing its elevation. With a cry of victory she bore down hard, spreading her pussy lips wide open against the other brunette’s, causing her to moan uncontrollably.

  The two brunette’s clits crushed together so viciously that the sensation overrode almost all other emotions. Mahala tried her best to force her cunt upwards into her opponent’s, but gravity had given her enemy the advantage. Hot tears began to stream from her face as she felt herself losing, felt herself succumbing, to the power of her nemesis.

  “You fucking cunt!” Mahala screeched. “I hate you! I fucking hate you!” Her voice, despite all her rage, trembled with shame and fear as she felt Melodie’s sexhorn raping her own. Her cries were immediately smothered by her enemy’s tongue, and she had no other choice but to fight back vainly.

  ‘Stupid whore!’ Melodie thought vehemently as she sealed her lips tightly around Mahala’s beautiful mouth. ‘You’re the one messing around with my man, and now I’m going to make you pay!’

  Mahala’s body gave one ferocious jerk as her body exploded in ecstasy, coating the two warrior’s fused bodies with cum. She tore her lips away from the other brunette’s, screaming in defeat. “Alright you stupid fuck! I give, I give! God dammit, I said I give!”

  Mahala’s screams only drove Melodie to fuck harder. Every single sob, every single tinge of regret in her opponent’s voice was like music to her ears. “I’m going to make sure you never think of fucking with my husband again!” Melodie shrieked, determined to ride her enemy until the end of eternity.

  Orgasm after orgasm rocked Mahala’s body, spewing cum and arousal thickly across their beautiful bodies. Her cries faded into sobs, and the finally into silent whimpers as her body ceased to resist Melodie’s cruel violations.

  Melodie could feel her own orgasms spewing out of her as she continued to ride her helpless rival, but they were orgasms of victory, of pride; of a woman who would never allow herself to surrender to another.

  After what seemed like hours Melodie finally began to relent. “Where’s the camera?” She spat into Mahala’s face. Mahala spat back, one last act of defiance; but an open palmed slap across her cheek sent any stray sense of courage scattering away. “I asked where the camera is, bitch!”

  With a shaking hand Mahala pointed to the mantle above the fireplace. Melodie finally relinquished her hold on the other woman, moving towards the blaze. At last she found it, a small, digital camera hiding behind a tall flower vase. She was about to throw the memory card in the fire when an idea crossed her mind.

  She took up her clothes and stuck the card inside her jacket pocket. “I’ll bet this will make an excellent Christmas gift.” She scoffed, imagining the look on Anthony’s face when he watches his wife fuck his girlfriend like a cheap whore.

  She opened the door and stepped into the chilly night without a backwards glance. “I won’t go so easy on you the next time.” She called, and then shut the door behind her.

  Vicious Fantasies

  “So, what game do you want to play tonight?” Andrea whispered. She and Abigail sat alone in their large penthouse apartment in Maryland, eyeing each other casually. Their relationship as roommates had begun with a rocky start, but after they learned they had a similar interest in sex-based roll playing, their relationship came together quickly.

  It was crazy how similar the two women really were, physically. They stood nearly identical in height, both just a few inches above 5 feet. Their bodies were lean, almost catlike; but well-toned. They both had stunning blue eyes, equally taught breasts, and long, blonde hair that hung almost down to their waist. In fact, sometimes it seemed the only thing that set the two women apart when they “played” was the fact that neither was willing to lose.

; “Alright, here’s the scenario” Abigail began. “You remember Jasmine of course, right? The pretty brunette waitress at the bar you couldn’t stop staring at?”

  Andrea nodded, almost embarrassed. She had envisioned her many times during her own fantasies, and she could already feel a tingling sensation between her legs. She had to resist the urge to plunge her hands into her jeans.

  “Well, let’s pretend you’ve been dating her a while.” Abigail continued. “The parties are wild, the sex is fantastic; and I want in on it. Obviously, you think Jasmine is the only one for you, and you aren’t willing to share. So I’m going to have to take her from you by force, and the only way to do that in a way that Jasmine will be willing to come with me instead, is by way of a sexfight.”

  Abigail and Andrea stood from up from the bed, turning to face each other in the middle of the room. Even though the two women had engaged in sexual competitions many times, Andrea could hardly hide her excitement as she stood against her roommate once again.

  “Are we going to start off naked?” Andrea questioned. Their bodies grew continually closer as the two rivals glared into one another’s eyes.

  Abigail seemed to think for a minute. “No,” she finally said, as the two blondes got within less than a foot of one another. “Our disgust over liking the same woman has forced us to begin the duel slowly. We both want to make the other suffer, so by the end there is no question as to who truly deserves Jasmine.”

  The two women closed the remaining distance between them. Andrea took hold of Abigail’s long, blonde hair, giving her opponent a small tug. “She’s mine you little bitch!” she hissed, winking.

  Abigail followed suit, pulling Andrea’s face so close to hers that their lips rubbed together softly as they spoke. “Not if I can win her from you, whore!”

  The two blondes opened their mouths ever so slightly, touching their long, pink tongues together tip to tip. Slowly they began sliding their tongues together back and forth, up and down. Their bodies grew closer together, allowing the two girls to match their bodies together evenly.

  Breasts met breasts through their shirts. Legs battled against legs through the fabric of their jeans. Each woman could feel the other’s pelvis compressing against her own, zippers dueling passionately as if searching for a way to force one another open.

  With a moan the two blondes mashed their faces together, each shoving her tongue deeply into the other’s greedy mouth. They forced their eyes to remain open despite the ecstasy, blue orbs locking together in a brutal test of willpower.

  Abigail and Andrea kept their right hand entwined tightly through one another’s tresses, forcing each other’s faces into even tighter conflict. Their left hand groped for solid handholds on one another’s ass, driving their pelvises to fight for an even deeper level of control.

  Almost immediately the two girls wished they had agreed to begin the fight nude so they could match their cunts together fully, but it was too late now. Their tongues corkscrewed against each other faster and faster, each trying to push the other into more drastic measures.

  Their bodies began to grind against one another slightly, feeling each other out. Their tits pressed and rubbed together through their tight shirts, and the rustling of fabric against fabric simply added to the turn-on. The two blondes brought their hips around in large circles, pulling their crotches away from one another and then pushing them together lightly, sliding them against each other before breaking apart again.

  The two women were already beginning to stifle their moans. As the grinding began they switched tactics, instead using their left hand to work one another’s smooth, firm ass. Their hands longed to tear at one another’s jeans, but the rules had already been set; there was no going back now.

  They tested their tongues, their tits, their hips and legs for almost fifteen minutes before their faces finally broke apart.

  “You’re good bitch, I’ll give you that.” Andrea hissed. She flicked her tongue viciously against Abigail’s as she spoke. “But Jasmine is mine!”

  Abigail’s tongue met Andrea’s with every stroke, and she had to force herself not to plunge it again into her opponent’s mouth. “You little whore!” she growled back. “Jasmine’s wanted me all along!”

  The two blondes could hardly believe the venom hidden behind their words. Even in their own fantasies, the two had never fought over another woman before. They had struggled for the fate of kingdoms, for the right to thrones, for money and power…but never before had a woman been the object of their sex. The sensation of rage was both frightening and exhilarating at the same time.

  With a glare of silent tension the two women removed their shirts, then reached around one another’s bodies to undo her enemy’s bra. Their tongues began to flick together wetly as their hands fumbled with the clasp, until their bare breasts came together at last.

  Abigail and Andrea pulled apart briefly. Their eyes scanned up and down one another’s perfect bodies, taking in the sight of one another’s taught, firm breasts hungrily. They had matched their bodies together countless times of course, but something about tonight seemed…different. Primal. An almost ancient, hidden desire to consume and devour one another was beginning to overtake the two battling women. A desire that neither could deny.

  Abigail gave a start as she felt Andrea’s right thumb and forefinger constrict around her left nipple. Abigail retaliated quickly, taking hold of both of Andrea’s nipples in kind. When she felt Andrea take hold of her second nipple, she knew the battle was underway.

  “You little bitch!” the two blondes moaned in unison. They pinched and twisted, bent and pulled one another’s nipples mercilessly, each trying to force the other into surrender. Their eyes glanced from their breasts to one another’s faces, searching for any signs of weakness.

  Their search was in vain. Even as they continued to brutally knead one another’s stiff rods the only emotions that transferred between their beautiful eyes were determination and scorn. They struggled in this way for over a minute. Two minutes! Three! Yet the pain each felt only increased their burning determination.

  After nearly five minutes of battle they broke apart, eyes glaring at one another in heated challenge. They glanced down at one another’s dense titflesh, then once again into one another’s face. The challenge was clear.

  Abigail and Andrea lunged, each woman grabbing the other firmly by her breasts. They cried out in pain as their bodies were again brought into direct contact, each woman digging her claws viciously into the other woman’s titflesh. They struggled and writhed under one another’s unforgiving grip. Their crotches began to crush and grind against one another as they struggled, and each could feel the other’s cunt screaming for combat.

  With a cry they released each other. Their hands flew down to one another’s crotch, tearing relentlessly at one another’s jeans. They realized with mild surprise at how wet they were, but as soon as the jeans and the lingerie were removed the two women reengaged in their violent warfare, grasping one another’s breasts with revived fury.

  “Fucking bitch!” Abigail screamed, sending a single, pelvic thrust into the front of Andrea’s cunt.

  “Clit licking slut!” Andrea screeched back, returning her enemy’s thrust, sending it low enough that her cunt nearly touched the base of Abigail’s sex. “I’m going to make you suffer!”

  “Stupid little whore!” Abigail retorted vehemently, digging her nails even deeper into Andrea’s tits, grimacing slightly as her opponent followed suit. “My clit will suck yours dry!”

  As the two women fought, quivering, struggling, moaning, they slowly made their way back towards the bed, eventually collapsing upon its silken covers. Their bodies struggled viciously, claws never leaving one another’s tits, but eventually Abigail gained the top position within the quivering mass of sexual fury.

  Their struggling bodies entangled themselves within the bed sheets, greatly restricting their movement. The two women entwined themselves further, locking t
heir legs. Both women were mercilessly ravaging each other’s tits, pinching, clawing, twisting, each getting closer to the point of absolute sexual hatred, struggling to gain an advantage over the other. Their eyes welled up with tears, but the clawing continued to rise in ferocity.

  The two oversexed women shrieked at one another in pain, each feeling their body beginning to wear down.

  “Stupid blonde!”

  “Little bitch!”

  “Fucking Whore!”

  With a cry each woman released the other’s left breast, sinking their claws into one another’s boiling cunts. Both women screamed in agony, crystal tears mixing upon their beautiful faces, but neither woman relinquished their hold on one another’s sex.

  Their long pink tongues snaked into one another’s gaping mouth, corkscrewing together so viciously that they seemed to be fused together. Their nails dug in deeper, both women determined to make her opponent suffer a worse fate in their cunt mauling affair. Their bodies continued to crush and rub, fiercely engaging in renewed combat.

  The two blondes suffered through nearly two full minutes of cunt clawing before finally breaking apart, both screaming in hatred and whimpering in pain. They immediately switched into a position of direct sexual combat, each woman locking her right leg over her enemy’s left, neither allowing the other a chance to recover. With a frenzied cry of obsession, Abigail and Andrea crushed their sexes into each other, bucking and grinding with such ferocious passion that both women nearly came immediately, but they managed to hold on.

  Both women glared at one another as they fucked, each determined to break her opponent down before her enemy could do the same. Their breath came in quick gasps as each brought the other closer and closer to the prize.


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