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Cowboys & Curves

Page 3

by Sara Hazel

“Oh my God, boss, I should have gone back to my bed last night. I can’t believe—we—oh my God.”

  I laugh as she sits up and holds the covers against her body.

  “You don’t have to hide from me, sweetheart,” I say. “And no more calling me boss. Especially after last night.”

  “I’m sorry. I’m just half-asleep right now, and a little confused.”

  She wipes the sleep from her eyes, and a smile stretches across her face. “Last night was amazing though.”

  “There’s going to be many more amazing nights where that came from.”

  I lean in and kiss her forehead. “I’m gonna go make breakfast. Darryl’s off today. You stay in bed for a while. It’s Saturday. If Jenna’s up, I’ll take care of her. I am her dad, after all. I should spend some time with her.”

  “Oh, I’ll get up too,” she says. “I need to sneak out of here before anyone sees me—especially Jenna.”

  “Doesn’t matter to me who sees you,” I reply.

  “That’s sweet of you,” she replies softly. My heart sinks a little to think that maybe Dana doesn’t want it to be known that she’s with me. But that thought leaves quick, when I realize how ridiculous it is. She’s probably just a bit cautious, and rightfully so. I’ll convince her that the relationship is rock solid in due time, and she’ll have no reason to doubt it.

  WE SPEND THE DAY RELAXING. Jenna plays in front of the ranch while me, Dana, and Darryl all enjoy the porch. There’s plenty of laughter, and the conversation never turns serious once. A few times I catch Darryl looking over at Dana as though he’s thinking about it, but he doesn’t do anything in front of me. Still, it’s enough to make me jealous. So, I rest my hand on Dana’s thigh and make sure Darryl sees it.

  The other guys have gone into town for the day.

  Later, I play bean bag toss with my daughter. She whips me good at it too and Dana cheers for team Jenna. As the sun goes down, I get a fire going, and tell stories about some of my former mountain climbing adventures. It used to be a hobby of mine, but now I prefer relaxing on this ranch to anything else.

  As Jenna goes to bed, and Darryl disappears into the house, Dana and I sit on the porch just holding hands. It’s nice, sweet, and feels perfect.

  I go into the house to get something to drink, and when I return, I hear Dana and Kevin engaged in a heated conversation.

  “I already told you no,” Dana says adamantly.

  “Come on. It’s just a date. I’ll take you to dinner and a movie.”

  “I’m taken now.”

  “That was fast,” says Kevin. “Which one of these guys got you?”

  “None of them got me, as you say. I’ve chosen to be with the boss—I mean, with Thomas.”

  I step out onto the porch and take Dana’s hand.

  “She said no, Kevin. Now leave the lady alone, ok?”

  “Sure thing, boss. It ain’t nothing. I just thought it would be nice if I took Dana out.”

  “Well, she’s got me to do that now. Go on inside and grab a beer. Relax, ok? You’re not in any trouble — yet. But if I hear you harassing her, you’re out of here. We understand each other?”

  “Yes, sir,” says Kevin.

  I take Dana back into the house and we make love all night long. I can tell this is going to be the start of the most amazing love of my life, and I can’t wait for the next step to come — making her mine forever.

  Dana (Chapter 6)


  A few weeks at the ranch pass by peacefully. Thomas has made it clear to everyone that we’re together now. He’s especially made it clear to me.

  I’ve never had this in my life, and it’s taken some time to get used to, but now I am. Last night we laid a blanket out in the front yard and looked up at the stars while Jenna talked about how happy she was to have me here on the ranch with them. She was especially happy I was making her dad happy.

  This morning I am in the stables with Jenna while she brushes her pony. Little Bear huffs and Kevin walks into the stables. I try not to look at him. I’ve avoided him as much as possible over the last few weeks. Every time he stares at me it raises the hair on the back of my head. He’s not an unattractive man — quite the contrary. He’s a broad-shouldered cowboy with a chiseled and handsome face. He’s only a few years older than me, and it would make sense for me to go out with him. But he doesn’t make me feel the way Thomas does.

  “You are nothing but a used slut now,” Kevin announces as he saddles one of the horses.

  “Excuse me? Please don’t talk that way in front of Jenna.”

  “Yeah, don’t talk like that in front of me or I’ll tell my daddy, Kevin,” Jenna chimes in.

  “I didn’t say nothing, anyway. Don’t know what you two ladies are talking about. Enjoy the rest of your morning.”

  Kevin tips his hat to us and leaves the stables. But I know what I heard, and Jenna heard it too.

  I’m not sure if I should tell Thomas. I imagine he might rip Kevin’s arms right out of their sockets and knock all his teeth out. It won’t be a pretty sight, and maybe it’s unnecessary, anyway. I’ve done my part to ignore Kevin, and while I think he’s definitely a jackass, I don’t think he would actually hurt me. Still, his foreboding presence on the ranch makes me reconsider how long I should stay here myself.

  “Please don’t say anything to your dad,” I say to Jenna. “I don’t want him thinking I can’t take care of myself.”

  “I won’t, because you asked me not to. But I don’t like Kevin. I wish he would go away.”

  “I’d like that too,” I reply with a heavy sigh.

  I feel better soon enough. Watching Jenna rhythmically brush Little Bear’s mane puts me in a relaxed state. For some reason I think I could watch this little girl brush her pony for hours.

  THAT NIGHT AS I LIE in Thomas’ arms, he makes me feel so safe and comfortable that I can’t even believe I ever questioned my life on the ranch. Still, Kevin’s insults are still inside my head on repeat and I’ve got to figure out a way to get rid of them.

  Thomas kisses me and at least for now — my fears dissipate as if they never existed at all. I feel him growing hard against me as we moan into each other.

  Thomas (Chapter 7)


  I kiss my way down her soft skin — inch by inch. One of the most beautiful sounds in the world to me is Dana’s sweet moans as I make sure to leave no part of her untouched by my lips. Sometimes she begs me to go faster — she can hardly contain her excitement for me to be inside of her. But tonight, she’s letting me take my sweet time.

  She smells like the lavender body wash she uses, and as I move further down to her pubic hair, there’s a scent of honey. Which is what she tastes like when I dive my tongue inside of her sex.

  I look up and watch Dana twist about and grab a pillow to place over her head.

  “Don’t muffle yourself, baby girl,” I growl. “You know I want to hear you.”

  She tosses the pillow off the side of the bed. Her breath comes fast and hard as I lick and suck on her inner thigh.

  I lift her legs up on my shoulders, and she wraps them around my neck gently. Sometimes she gets so excited that she squeezes them tight around me, but I don’t let it distract me from my purpose. My desire is always to make Dana feel good. If she feels good, then I do too—it’s as simple as that. I always wondered if I was too selfish to be in a real long-term relationship with someone. My ex-wife used to tell me that. But I think it can’t be true, because giving pleasure to Dana is one of my highest acts of love.

  “I was trying to be patient,” Dana coos. “But I can’t be anymore. Please, Thomas. I’m begging you. You have no idea how much I need you right now.”

  The pleading has begun, and I can’t help but look up and chuckle softly.

  “What’s so funny?” She asks. She sounds so desperate for it. If I wasn’t so much bigger than her, I bet she’d grab me, flip me onto my back, and climb on my cock right now.

  My cock flexes a
nd stretches tight to the point of pain. I need to feel Dana’s warmth wrapped around me. I always try to be patient, but tonight it’s not working. I have this hunger for her that won’t be quelled. On most nights I’d tease her longer, but not now. My teasing is driving me crazy.

  But at least one taste—I need to have one. I slip my tongue into her soaking folds. I roll her fragrant thick juices around my mouth before diving back in for more. As I twist my tongue inside of her, Dana moans and her thighs shudder against my head.

  She thrusts her pussy up at my face, and I grind into her now. Her perfect thick thighs grab hold of me and don’t let go as I push my tongue deep. She tastes so fucking good that I can’t help but tremble as well. My lust for her is growing, and I break free of her grasp.

  I climb on top of her and grip her wrists. I pin her to the bed and the wild lustful look in her eyes tells me I’m doing everything right. She pleads with me now without even saying a word. I think that maybe she’s so worked up now that she can no longer speak. That happens to her often, and she tells me those are some of her favorite moments with me. She’s said it feels like she’s become one with the present moment and she feels a deep warm joy welling up inside of her until it overwhelms her with pure bliss.

  My cock throbs between her legs, and I move it up to place it against her sex.

  “Please,” she whispers.

  Once I’m in position, I let myself sink slowly into her warmth. I groan, because Dana’s so tight and warm that entering her leads to an almost immediate need to release. But I fight it back as I always do. Sometimes I don’t win that fight, because she just feels too damn good. It’s a wonderful thing that I can recover fast and go again.

  Today I hold it in but let out a loud howl as I feel her tighten around my shaft. Damn this girl is perfect in every way. I look down at her to see her smiling up at me.

  “You always feel so right inside of me,” she says. “It’s almost like I can’t believe that we don’t get to spend every waking moment like this. I wish we could.”

  “Me too, sweetheart. Me too.” And I dive for a kiss on her forehead. “I love you, Dana,” I whisper.

  We’ve been dating for several weeks, and every day I get closer to her. I’ve wanted to tell her this for a long time, but I was waiting for just the right moment. Today feels like the perfect time.

  “I love you too,” she whimpers as I grind against her.

  We exchange gentle thrusts with each other. I ride the wave of her motion, and groan as I feel every inch of myself slide in and out of her. I take long and slow strokes, making sure to take short breaks for a kiss here and there.

  But eventually, I’ve had enough of slow, and I slide my arms under Dana’s body. As I drive myself into her the headboard slams against the wall. Dana’s moans grow so loud that there’s no way my ranch hands can’t hear her from down the hall.

  I watch Dana’s eyes roll up and she lets out a guttural moan that seems to reverberate through her whole body. She grips my shaft tight, and jerks about as I continue pounding in and out of her.

  That’s my cue that she’s come undone, and since I can’t hold it in any longer, I explode inside of her. Dana moans and gasps as I fill her with my seed.

  Afterwards, she rests her head on my shoulder and I stroke her soft blonde hair. I feel warm and satisfied. We’ve kicked all the blankets and top sheets off the bed, but neither one of us is in a hurry to cover up. I watch her belly rise and fall and let myself fall into a trance directed by her breath.

  “I love you so much, sweetheart. I want all of our nights to be like this.”

  “Me too,” she whispers. And then we both fall silent for a few minutes. She’s the one to break it. “Thomas, I want to stay on the ranch with you, but there’s something bothering me.”

  “What’s that, sweetheart? You know I’ll take care of any problem you have.”

  “It’s Kevin. He has never really left me alone since I got here. This morning he called me a used slut in front of Jenna. And then he pretended like we were imagining things. Jenna heard him though.”

  Anger floods my body. I’ve never felt so much rage in my life. I must be turning red. Dana’s face has transformed into a look of pure terror.

  “Please, Thomas, don’t—don’t hurt him—” she whispers.

  She grabs hold of my arm.

  “Alright, baby, I promise. But that’s it. I’ll fire him tomorrow morning and kick him out right away.”

  “You don’t have to do that. I’m sure he’ll need time to find somewhere to go.”

  “You’re too sweet for your own good, baby girl,” I reply. “But if that’s really what you want, then that’s how I’ll handle it. I’ll try to stay calm for you.”

  I lie back down, and Dana nuzzles against me. I feel my usual sense of peace that she brings to me, except there is something along the edge of my calm threatening to burst forward. If not for Dana asking me not to hurt him, Kevin would have his head beat into the side of the stables tomorrow.

  Dana (Chapter 8)


  The next morning, I notice that Kevin is not at breakfast with the rest of the ranch staff, and I breathe in a sigh of relief. It seems like Thomas got to him early, though he doesn’t say anything to me about it. He probably doesn’t want me to worry about it anymore.

  The next few days are the best days I’ve ever had on the ranch. I feel a new sense of safety. The edge is gone. Thomas says Kevin grabbed his things and left immediately upon being fired. Thomas says it took all his willpower to avoid threatening Kevin’s life for making me feel unsafe on the ranch.

  Today, Jenna and I are enjoying the outdoors as we normally do.

  I made a picnic for us and after lunch, Jenna goes off running towards the stables to groom Little Bear.

  I’m stuffed from our lunch of ham and cheese sandwiches, apples, and peanut butter cookies, so I can hardly keep up with her. One minute she is running off towards the other side of the ranch, and the next — she’s gone. I’m sure I just blinked and missed her, but I go off to find her, anyway. She’s not in the stables or anywhere near them. An hour later and my voice is sore from calling her. Thomas went into town to pick up supplies, and I don’t want to bother the others to help me find Jenna. She has to be around here somewhere. She’s probably just hiding and playing a trick on me, right? That’s what I hope, anyway.

  As I’m walking around the perimeter of the ranch calling out for Jenna, my heart races as I begin to really worry. I’m sure she’s ok, but if she’s not, it would break my heart. I’m just about to work myself into a frenzy when a hand comes down on my shoulder.

  “Are you looking for the kid?” Kevin asks.

  Shit. I clench my teeth and don’t respond. His grip on my shoulder becomes tighter.

  “I know it was you who made Thomas fire me, wasn’t it, my sexy little slut?”

  “No, I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I reply hoarsely. “Do you know where Jenna is?”

  “Oh, I know where Jenna is alright. I grabbed that kid right out from under you. I convinced her not to scream either.”

  And then I feel it in my back—something hard—like the barrel of a gun.

  “If you scream, I’ll shoot you. We could have done this nice and easy, Dana. We coulda been boyfriend and girlfriend, but no—you had to choose him.” His voice becomes a cold sneer that sends a shiver right through me. I want to scream, but I can’t—my voice seems to have left me.

  “Such a good girl,” he says. “I’ll let the kid go, but before I do that, I’m gonna take what’s mine from you. You’re going to love it,” he whispers in my ear.

  This is the worst moment of my life. All I can do is stand there and shake. I’m frozen in shock. I knew Kevin was a jerk, but I didn’t think he’d hurt me or Jenna. I guess I was wrong. I should have turned him into Thomas much sooner. And when Thomas wanted to smash Kevin’s face in, I should have let him do it.

  I take a deep breath and prepare
to meet my fate. And then, out of nowhere, I hear a truck nearby. And Thomas screams “You little bastard! You let go of her right now!”

  I open my eyes and Thomas approaches. “Please, baby, don’t—he’s got a—a gun,” I whimper.

  “I—I—I don’t, Thomas. She’s lying,” Kevin stutters.

  Kevin pulls whatever he was pressing into my back out of it. I whirl around and stomp on his foot. And then I back up and watch Thomas wail on him. Kevin whimpers and screams as Thomas assaults him.

  I stand back and watch in horror. “Ok, I think that’s...I think that’s enough,” I say.

  Thomas stands beside me while Kevin is curled into a fetal position on the ground.

  “Where’s Jenna?” Thomas asks between heavy breaths.

  “He took her,” I reply, my voice still shaking.

  Kevin cries on the ground. I notice a crowbar lying nearby. That must be what he made me think was his gun.

  I kneel beside Kevin. “Tell us where Jenna is. If you hurt her at all, I promise you that I’ll let Thomas do whatever else he wants to you. If she’s ok and you tell me where she is then we’ll just call the ambulance for you.”

  “Jenna—Jenna’s fine. She’s tied up in the tool shed.”

  “You tied my daughter up?” Thomas screams. “I should end you right now. You’re lucky Dana is here to hold me back.”

  Thomas yells for one of the other guys to come and guard Kevin. But looking at him — I can’t imagine it would be possible for Kevin to go anywhere in his current condition.

  We find Jenna unharmed in the tool shed, as promised. Thomas calls the cops and tells them to bring an ambulance. We all stand there and watch as Kevin is hauled away on a stretcher.

  With Kevin gone, I finally feel safe. I take Thomas’ hand and Jenna grabs hold of my other. As we stand there together it feels like we’re becoming a family. I know that with these two beside me I’ll never feel alone or lost again. When I came here, I wasn’t sure what my path in life was. But now it seems I’ve found my true home.


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