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This Time Forever

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by Williams, Adrienne

  She sighed as his fingers slid in and out of her juicy, wet tightness and over her sensitive nub, "Mmmm, feels so good, baby. Do I make you feel good?" He positioned his lean, muscular frame so that he was lying on top of her. He answered her by giving her a kiss so hot that it sent bolts of electricity all over her body that made her shiver. He kissed and sucked on her neck and earlobes and made his way down to her full, soft breasts, licking and sucking on her hardened nipples while he adjusted himself so that his erection rubbed against her. "Mmmmm, " he moaned, "you make me feel good and bad." "Bad?" she said with mock surprise. "Well, if I make you feel bad, then maybe I shouldn't do this." She spread her legs wider apart so that now all of her wet, throbbing mound was available to him. "Oh, you should definitely do that" "But if it makes you feel bad . . ." her voice trailed off. Before she could finish, he was inside of her, stroking in and out, slowly at first and then a little faster, sliding his hard, veined sex almost completely out and then going back in to the hilt. She felt his tight, firm buttocks clench and unclench as she slowly stroked them. She met each of his thrusts, raising her hips off the bed as much as she could while keeping her legs wrapped around him. "Baby, I'm so close, ahhhh, please, it's so good. Her head was spinning. She felt her orgasm coming right with his. "Ohhhh, please . . ." She whimpered. With that, he stroked her so good, and so deep that she felt that if she never did anything else, it would be just fine. The intensity and depth of his strokes, along with her cries of pleasure made it impossible for either of them to hold on any longer. His last deep thrust inside of her did it. His deep groans and her unintelligible words mixed together in perfect harmony. They were both lost in a world of pleasure too illicit to imagine.

  Renee St. Claire awakened from her dream. This dream, or some version of it, was becoming quite recurrent as she was having it now 4 to 5 times a week. She did not know why, either, or maybe she did.

  They had been immediately attracted to each other when they first met more than 20 years ago. They did attempt to take things slow, but how many 16-year-olds know about taking things slow? About two weeks after their initial meeting at the farmer's market where she worked, it was pretty clear that taking it slow wasn’t going to be an option. They were practically joined at the hip for one year, going out on dates with and without their other friends in attendance, studying together, not studying, making plans for their future together, and then something happened that caused their relationship to come to an abrupt halt. "Get a grip, St. Claire. It's just a dream," as she got out of the warm softness of her oversized California king size bed, she sighed and said to herself, “That's it. I need to go out and find a big man to take up some space in this big bed," she jokingly said to herself. With that, Renee stretched her arms and legs, got out of bed and went to the bathroom and took a quick shower before heading out to her office.

  "Hey, mom," Kayla said from her mother's office. The pretty 21-year-old was very much like her mother. The only real difference was that Kayla's frame was very slim and athletic, whereas Renee's frame while slender, was curvaceous. Outside of that, they shared the same thick, hair, face shape, and eye color. Even their voices were similar. The other difference was the difference in their complexions. Kayla's skin tone was the color of caramel, and Renee's skin tone was nut brown. Renee walked over to Kayla and gave her a warm hug. She was in her senior year at NYU with a major in marketing. She had taken a part-time job on campus to help pay the rent on the small apartment and to give her a sense of independence. "I thought I'd go in for power yoga before class this morning." Renee looked at her daughter for a moment without saying anything. "I'm so proud of you, baby. You're all grown up, graduating soon, and moving out on me. You'll remember dear old mom over there all alone, won't you?" Renee teased. Kayla teased back saying "Awww, Mom, like you'd ever let that happen." They were both laughing when Kayla's twin brother, Matthew, walked in. Whereas Kayla was petite, Matt was quite tall at 6 feet 2 inches, slim, with curly hair, and a very handsome face. "Well, my day is off to the perfect start. I have my two favorite people with me, the sun is in the sky, what else could I ask for?" Matt teased, "Mom, you are so corny." Renee laughed as she stood on tiptoes to give her son a brief kiss on his dimpled left cheek. "Hey, Kay," Matt said guiltily to his sister as she finished sending a text message. "Matthew, long-time no see. I guess you don't have time to call your sis since you have the one, the only, the Victoria," Kay said dramatically." Matt's eyes narrowed and he pursed his lips into a smirk at her. "Now see, I was gonna see if you wanted to grab a bite to eat for dinner with me, but since you have be little miss smarty-pants . . . " Kay replied "Really, you're treating me to dinner this evening? What I meant to say was, How is your beautiful girlfriend." He laughed at her quick change of heart. He had no real defense. He was spending a lot of time with Victoria lately and everyone noticed. "Yeah, short stack, I'm treating you to dinner. You even get to pick the place." She immediately chimed in that she wanted Chinese at the new place across from his job. She had to get in just a little more teasing and said, "Well, just let me know when the wedding is and I'll clear my schedule." Matt shook his head at her and chuckled. Renee watched with amusement as her children teased each other. Being an only child, she did not have that experience. "Oh, before I forget," Renee said, "are you two able to come over for dinner on Friday? Liza and Joe are coming over and would love to see you, and I kinda already told them that you'd be there." "Sure, mom," Kay said. "Mariah just texted me to see if I would be there." Liza and Joe's daughter had been friends with Kay since forever. "Oh, she's sending me a text saying that the E.J. will be there too, and is it okay if they bring dates?" "Tell her the more, the merrier " "Matt, what about Victoria. Is she going to be able to come?" The corners of Matt's mouth lifted slightly and he replied, "I do believe so." Constance, Renee's housekeeper, was making paella and she always made so much. Renee figured this get-together would be a perfect way to get her good friends and the kids together for a delicious meal. "Okay, Renee said, "I've gotta get moving. I'm scheduled to help at the women's center today, so I’ll see you guys later." "I need to run some last minute errands," Kay said, "so I'm right behind you." Matt had moved from Renee's home a few months earlier. He was working full-time in technical support while taking courses for business information systems. His apartment was across the street from Renee's office. "See you Friday night," he said to both of them. With that, they set out to start the day.

  Some of Renee's acquaintances could not fathom why Renee spent time volunteering at one of those women's centers. In their small, prejudiced, judgmental minds, those women had to have done something to deserve being there. After all, nice, respectable girls and women did not end up in places like that. Nice, respectable girls and women went to the best colleges, married well, and lived elite, country club lifestyles. This is the exact reason Renee chose her friends very carefully. Renee did not grow up in an elite lifestyle. Even now, with her skin care line and boutique, she was not wealthy, but she was very, very comfortable. But before she got to her present situation, she struggled. She had to take out student loans and maintain a good grade point average. She had to work part-time and carry full-time classes. Her father, Dennis, was very supportive of her. He was by no means wealthy, but he did give her as much financial support as he could, and he loved Matt and Kayla so much. He was basically their full-time nanny while Renee went to school so that she would be able to provide for herself and her babies. Renee felt very fortunate for the opportunities she had. She wanted in some way to feel like she was helping someone, and volunteering was her way of doing that. She, or anyone for that matter, could find herself in a bad situation. Most of the women there had come from abusive relationships and just needed a way to get on th
eir feet. Renee wanted and needed to feel that she was really doing something to give back and the women's center satisfied her want and her need.

  As Renee settled into her chair at the center, she had the oddest feeling. It was not something that she could really describe, but it was just a feeling that some thing or some things were going about to change. Today was not the first day that she had that feeling or thought running through her mind, and she wondered why it had become so recurrent. "Get it together girl," she thought to herself. The phone on Renee's desk rang. As she was taking the call, Liza walked in. Renee took the caller's information and made her an appointment to come in later that week. "Liza, you look absolutely gorgeous! You didn't tell me you were thinking about getting your hair cut." Liza did a quick turn and asked "Do you really like it? I mean if you hate it, you'd tell me, right? " "We've been, as the kids say, BFFs for how long now? Yeah, if I hated it, I would be the first to tell you, but this cut is beautiful on you. It makes you look so sexy. Why didn't you tell me you were going to do it and has Joe seen it?" Liza laughed at her friend's rapid-fire questioning and said "I actually did it on a whim yesterday. I didn't want to think too much about it because then I wouldn't do it. And Joe, let me tell you, he went crazy. He loves it, too. I thought he was going to freak out, but I think he feels like he is cheating on me with me." They laughed and talked a bit more before Liza stood up to leave. "Okay, hun, have a great day. See you Friday." Renee's phone rang again. She answered it and blew a kiss to Liza.

  Renee and Liza had been best friends since she came to New York to live with her Aunt Sophie and Uncle Leonard. They met at a doctor's appointment and became fast friends while Renee was still pregnant with the twins. Even though she was only a few years older than Renee, Liza felt very protective of her. She quickly became the sister that Renee never had. When they met, Liza and Joe were married and had a son and daughter. Liza had been there for her when she needed her. She and Joe were like an aunt and uncle to Kayla and Matt. Even with her busy schedule, when the kids were small, Liza would always step in to help Renee. She felt truly blessed to have her in her life.

  Chapter 2

  The bright LA sun bore into Elliott James' eyes as he drove down the congested freeway. He hated early morning rush hour, but he had to be to his office before 7:00 in order to be certain that all documents were ready to be signed. He was sure they were, but a little extra measure couldn't hurt. He thought to himself at least he could have this taken care of early, and the rest of his day should be relatively easy. His mind drifted to his date the weekend prior. It was just okay, nothing to write home about. The woman he had gone out with was attractive in that LA sort of way with a Botox-filled filled face, hair extensions, and boobs that were too big for her slightly too-thin body. She was interesting enough, but just not interesting enough for Elliott. He had listened to her drone on and on for what felt like hours about how she really had to watch what she ate because if she didn't she would blow up to the size of Texas, and how much she loved shopping for designer labels. She didn't ask Elliott anything about what his job or his interests. Not that it would have made any difference, because she was clearly not his type and he had absolutely no intention of ever seeing her again. What in the world had Daniel been thinking when he introduced them? Surely he had to have known that Elliott would never be interested in that kind of woman. Again, there was nothing wrong with her. For some men, she would have been perfect, but for Elliott, it was a no. Maybe it was just him, he thought to himself. It had been a while since he had been on a date, let alone a real relationship. Living in LA afforded him many opportunities for dating or to just get laid, but he really had been very busy over the years with law school, working at a large firm, and then setting up his own successful practice. Time just seemed to slip by so fast. When his longtime friend and law partner Daniel had introduced him to this past weekend's date, Elliott already knew that she would not be someone that he could ever be serious about, but it was just a date, after all, and he decided that he needed to start somewhere and she was it.

  After he met with his client meeting that morning, Elliott started reading over the paperwork for his next case. When he was doing a Google search, he was stunned at what he found. At first he could not believe it and thought it had to be some sort of weird mistake. But, when he looked further, he found that it was not a mistake at all. He just sat there for a long time before he would click the link that lead to the website and saw the picture. He was, to say the least, floored. He often thought about her and how she was doing. He always knew that she would be successful at whatever it was she set out to do and it appeared that he was right. He imagined her being married and making some man very happy. The thought of her being with someone else made him feel nauseous, uncomfortable, and jealous. He had tried over the years not to think about her, but the harder he tried, the more he thought, and now here was her image looking at him with those soulful brown eyes that he had gazed into so long ago. The terrible way things ended still played in his mind. He felt rejected, hurt, confused, and just about any other negative emotion that goes along with a breakup with someone that you'd fallen in love with, thought you'd spend your life with. He remembered screaming into the phone at her about why she had decided to move away when he they had made plans to live in LA. He remembered her crying, shaky voice stating, "Look, El, things change, you know? It'll be good for us to spend some time apart and for me to see other places. I'm just so sorry this is hap . . ." With those words, her mother, Maggie took the phone and said to him, "Elliott, don't call. Don't come over. She will not be here." Then the line went dead. They were so young then. Young, in love, and their whole lives ahead of them. If only he had some idea what he had done or said or didn't do or didn't say to make her change her mind so drastically about them.

  So, there he sat at his computer looking at her Facebook page. She owns a very successful skin care business. It appeared that life was treating her well. He thought about contacting her, but every time he clicked on her page, something just wouldn't let him. He remembered their last happy time together. They had spent the day with Elliott's parents at their home. His parents adored her. She was pretty, smart, funny and they felt that she was really good for their son. Elliott had a tendency to be quite serious, but she could always bring out his playful side and get him to loosen up. That day Elliott's father, Benny, grilled fish and vegetables and his mother, Lena, made salad and strawberry tea and lemonade. They ate and laughed as Ben told stories about Elliott as a child and Lena brought out Elliott's childhood photos. After they finished their meal and helped with cleaning, Elliott took her to his parent's small beach house. They arrived at around 6:00 that evening. They had spent some time walking and talking about their future together. Elliott asked, "Are you cold?" He noticed the goose bumps on her arms and saw her shivering slightly. "Yeah, it's getting kinda cool out here." He took her by the hand and they ran to the house. By the time they got there they were warm and damp from running and laughing. "Do you mind if I take a quick shower, Elliott?" She felt sticky and sandy from the beach. "Sure, babe. I'm going to give Daniel a call." "Okay. I'll be out in a few minutes." But before she could get herself lathered well, Elliott was getting into the shower with her. "Mmmm," Elliott said. It looks like you missed a few key spots that I just might be able to help you with." She smiled innocently and said, "Hmmm, seems like I'm pretty clean." Elliott moved in closer to her and kissed her full on her lips. Their lips parted and their tongues danced around each other. He stepped back a little and began to fondle her nipples, first one and then the other before leaning down to take her left nipple into his mouth as he slipped his fingers into her slippery sweetness. "Ohhhh," she moaned as she arched her breast to his mouth. The constant stream of water from the shower and Elliott's mouth on her nipples made a delightful sensation on her hardened nipple. She moved her hand down his flat stomach to his hard throbbing erection and squeezed it lightly. He groaned and released her nipple from his mo
uth. He turned off the water and led her into the bedroom. He sat her down on the bed and as she lay down, he got on top of her. They were softly kissing and their hot, damp bodies working together was pure pleasure. Elliott went back to teasing her nipples with his lips and tongue as he rubbed his throbbing erection against her thigh. She moved her hand to grasp Elliott's sex. She gently played with his sac, working her small hands toward his thick shaft where she performed a squeezing/massaging maneuver. She eventually worked her way to the tip where she let her thumb slide around and around its slick tip. Elliott raised himself up so that he was sitting on top of her. He looked at her beautiful face and body and said "You know I love you for more than just this, right? I mean, if you think I'm only with you to fuck, that's not it. It's not even fucking with you, it's making love, and I want you to know that I love you, and if you don't wanna do it, I can just stop and we . . . " She looked at him at first with disbelief because she could not believe that he was interrupting what was about to be a truly mind-altering sharing of bodies and souls, then she really heard what he was saying to her, and then she felt what he was saying to her. "Elliott, baby, where is all this coming from? I don't think you just want to fuck me. If that was the case, we could have had a onetime thing and been done with it, but I know it's more than that, and I love you, too. If you are really feeling that we are doing it too much . . . " With that, Elliott covered her mouth with his in a searing kiss. Elliott slipped his fingers between her soft, wet folds and massaged her aching clit. When she couldn't take it anymore, she arched her back and Elliott entered her slowly to open and fill her up completely. That night seemed like the beginning of their lives together. It only seemed that way.

  Chapter 3

  Elliott took a deep breath and stood up from his desk and thought about what he should do. He had been thinking for quite some time about taking a vacation and knew he need to take some time off, get a new perspective on his life. When he was in law school he had a good friend, Elias, or E, as everyone called him. They had remained in touch throughout the years and E had for years been inviting Elliott to visit New York. He could well afford taking some time away from his law practice. And it would be good to see his good friend and his family after all these years. He took another deep breath, sat back down at his computer and said to himself, "New York, huh?" He looked for the earliest date he could leave for New York. He booked a one way ticket to JFK. He decided to do it this way, just in case he wanted the extra time. He called a meeting Wednesday afternoon to inform everyone that he would be taking an extended leave. He would be there through Friday. His partners and staff were concerned, but he assured them that he was just taking some time for much-needed off. He told them that he would check in from time to time.


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