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This Time Forever

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by Williams, Adrienne

  Later that night as E climbed into bed next to Elizabeth she turned to him with a puzzled expression on her face and said "I have the strangest feeling that I have seen or met Elliott somewhere before." He raised his eyebrows at her and said "Really? Perhaps he's a past lover or a lover from a previous life," he teased as he softly kissed her neck. "You're so silly. I'm just saying he has one of those faces that seem really familiar. You know that feeling you get when you . . . " Yeah, I got a feeling right now. Let's just think about that feeling.” She looked into his handsome face as he pulled her on top of him and slipped her nightie over her head, revealing her long, slim body and firm, high breasts. "Jeez, you're beautiful," he said huskily. She leaned down and kissed him softly on the lips. When she sat up, he propped himself up against the headboard so that he was facing her. He brought her closer to him and took her hardened nipple into mouth, alternating between licking and sucking. Liza moaned softly. She was sliding her wet, hot mound up and down the shaft of his ever-growing erection. She smiled seductively and said "You'll say just about anything to have your way with me, won't you? " He smiled back at her and asked "Is it working?" She raised herself up slightly so that he could enter and stroke her deeply and sighed, "Oh, yes, it is definitely working."

  When Elliott arrived to his house he felt very keyed up. He played the voice messages on his phone and checked his email. There was nothing of any significance so he decided to watch some TV before going to bed. While he was watching TV, his mind started to drift to the night's events. E and Elizabeth were a great couple and they had made him feel so welcome in their home and lives. He sensed that Elizabeth felt odd about him, though he couldn't exactly pinpoint why he felt that way. It certainly wasn't anything she said or did, as she had been gracious to him during his visit. Perhaps she just felt that he needed to have a wife or at least a girlfriend. Whatever the reason, he liked her and E had made the right decision in marrying her. He was beginning to feel a bit sleepy and was on his way to bed. On his way to the bedroom he stopped as his computer again and looked up an address that he intended to visit the following day. Once he had written the address onto a piece of paper, he turned off the computer and went to bed.

  Chapter 5

  Renee had been in a business meeting all morning and was looking forward to having a few moments alone to herself before her lunch date with Kayla and Matt. Just as she was about to settle into her chair, Kay bounced enthusiastically into her office. "Mom," said Kay, "You did remember that Matt and I are having lunch with you today, right?" Renee looked at Kay briefly and did an exaggerated eye-roll and said "Duh, like I would forget that you guys are paying for my lunch today. Of course I remember. I just need to send off a couple of emails. After Renee sent the emails, she and Kay sat chatting about school and her new apartment. Kayla was about to call Matt when Renee's receptionist knocked on her door and said that someone was there to see her. "Oh, you mean Matt, yeah? He knows to just . . . " When Renee saw who it was that was there to see her, she couldn't believe her eyes. Her stomach felt like an elevator plunging to the bottom floor and she had the world's biggest lump in her throat. "Hi, Renee" Elliott said. Before Renee could respond, Kayla came to the door and was saying "It's about time you got here. We've been waiting for you forever." Kay stopped so quickly she almost fell over her own feet, and had such a strange expression on her face. "Hi. I'm Elliott James, an old friend of Renee's." Kayla just stood there, dumbfounded. Renee finally said "Elliott, it's been such a long time." Her voice sounded far away and not like herself to her own ears. "Yes it has," Elliott replied. "Kayla is my daughter . . . " Before she could finish her sentence Elliott said "I could tell. She's so much like you." By this time Matt had come into the office and saw his mom and sister standing in the doorway talking to someone. When Matt took the last few steps to reach them, he was stunned by what he saw. The man that was talking to his mom and sister looked exactly like him, except for their skin complexions. Where Elliott's skin was white, Matt's skin tone was chocolate brown like that of his mother. Outside of that, both men were almost equal in height, same slim, muscular frames, same beautiful eyes. Elliott was now just as stunned as Matt and Kayla. When he looked at Matt it was as if he were looking into a mirror. He didn't know what to do or what to say. Even the office staff had become quiet and observant. Finally, Kayla broke everyone's silence and said "Maybe we should go into Mom's office."

  Chapter 6

  Renee felt as if her legs were going to give way as she walked across her office to her chair. They all sat in silence for a moment before Renee finally said "There are some things I need to say." Elliott looked at her long and hard and said "You think so? Like, maybe some things you should have said a while back, Renee." Kayla asked in a small, quiet voice, "Is this man related to us?" Matt still remained silent, not knowing what to say. Renee took a deep breath and said "Yes, baby. He's your father." At this point, Elliott almost lost it. "Damn it, how could you keep something like this from me? Why did you do this, Renee? He was pacing back and forth and his voice was rising. "Look" Matt finally said standing up and getting right in Elliott’s face, "I don't know what is going on here exactly but some things obviously happened. I will say this, though and you'd better listen because I will only say it once. No one raises their voice to my mom. You got that?" He stood face-to-face with the man who bore a mirror-like resemblance to him, blue eyes unblinking. He glanced at his mother to make sure she was okay, and then walked out of the office without another word. Kay stood and walked out with her brother, leaving Renee and Elliott alone in her office.

  Elliott stood there glaring at Renee. He just really didn't even have words for her right now. When he had written down her office address last night before he went to bed, he never would have imagined today's scene. He thought he would surprise her, see how and what she had been doing all this time. Take her to dinner or lunch. Never, ever in his wildest dreams did he think he would come to New York, to her office and find out that he has twins. A beautiful daughter and a handsome, protective son, both of whom obviously loved their mom very much. Renee sat there, not wanting to talk because she was afraid her voice would not come, and she didn't want to look at him either because she was afraid of the tears. "Renee," he said, "I don't even have words for you right now. What you've done is . . . I mean did you come to hate me so much that you couldn't even tell me about my own kids?" Renee tried to answer. "Elliott, please, I . . . " He walked over to her and said "No, you can't explain anything to me, ever. There is absolutely no excuse for what you've done. " She tried again to tell him what happened, but Elliott did not want to hear it. He stormed out of her office, slamming her door shut. As he walked out, everyone in the outer office was silent. They knew that something big had just happened, and that the man who just left was obviously the father of Renee's kids.

  After Elliott left Renee's office, she sat there at her desk feeling shocked and numbed at the same time. She sat there for probably another hour or so before she felt that she could walk out the door. When she did open the door, the office staff seemed to be going about their daily routine of answering calls and taking care of business. On her way out she informed the receptionist that she would not be coming in for the rest of the week.

  When Renee got home, she called Liza and told her about what happened that day. She was shaking and tearful, just as she had been all those years ago. Joe could tell from Liza's end of the conversation that her friend needed her, and he would have to sleep alone, at least tonight. "Okay . . . no I'm coming over there and we'll have a good old fashioned slumber/pity party complete with all the wine we can handle. So I'll see you in a bit." With that, Liza hung up the phone, packed her pajamas, a couple of bottles of wine. She kissed Joe and headed over to Renee's.

  When Liza got to Renee's apartment, her friend, who always looked fresh and effortlessly beautiful, had red, puffy, teary eyes and was wearing a shapeless, oatmeal-colored lounge set. "Well, dear, I suppose this outfit suits the occasion.
" Renee tried to smile, but instead burst into tears. Liza put her arm around Renee's shoulders and told her that everything would be okay. They initially sat on the overstuffed sofa in the living room as Renee recounted the events of the day. Afterward, Liza changed into her pajamas she came out of Kayla's room bearing wine. "Look, I know that it's hard to believe right now, but things are really going to be okay. Have you talked to the kids since all of this?" Renee sighed "No, I haven't heard from them. Maybe they hate me too, huh?" Liza looked at her and said "Don't be ridiculous. They love you so much. Probably just need a chance to let some things sink in. Why don't you give them a call?" She hesitated and was ready to resist, but decided that she needed to do it. Kay answered on the first ring. "Mom, is everything okay? We just didn't want to bother you after everything today, you know?" Renee swallowed and said "You and your brother are never a bother to me. Have you seen or heard from Matt?" Kay indicated that Matt was there with her and handed him the phone. "Hi, baby," she said. "Hi, Mom. You okay? Do you need us to come over tonight?" Renee replied that Liza was spending the night and that she would be fine and would see them the following day.

  The following day, Liza was up bright and early. She went into Renee's room and said "Come on, sleepyhead," she said to Renee. "We got some things to do today." Renee rubbed her eyes and groggily said "Wow, Liza, seriously? What time is it? The sun is barely up." Liza pulled the covers off Renee and said too cheerily for so early in the morning, "Well, good, that means we might have enough time to get some things done today. Up, up, up. " Renee showed her irritation by flinging her feet over the bed while rolling her eyes at Liza. "Very good," Liza said. "Now go get washed up while I finish making breakfast. I thought we'd go over and see Dennis and Sharon." Liza froze. "Oh, Liza, I'm not ready to tell Dad about all this yet." Liza looked at her and said "The sooner that he knows Elliott is in town, the better. Besides, didn't you say that your dad always questioned the way things happened?" Renee knew that Liza was right about going over to tell him about what was going on, and yes Dennis had always had reservations about the way things turned out. Liza said "Okay, then off you go to get a shower. And find a cute outfit for that cute little body. Do not come out of here looking drab, Renee." She smiled a bit and promised Liza that she would do her very best to find something cute. Liza finished making egg white omelets, wheat toast, and orange slices just as Renee walked into the kitchen. "Now see, that's the fresh-faced beauty with the banging little body I know", Liza chuckled as Renee entered the kitchen. Renee had put on a pair of dark jeans that fit her petite curves as if they had been specifically made for her. She wore a simple cream-colored boat-neck top. Her dreadlocks were styled in a high ponytail secured with an elastic and she wore her favorite diamond stud earrings. "You have to be the only 38-year-old woman that I know who can truly give a 25-year-old a run for her money." Renee smiled appreciatively at her and said "Well, you're too kind. I don't think I was giving 25-year-olds a run for their money when I was 25." Liza gave her a look and said "You're kidding right? Honey, you are working with everything the Good Lord gave you. I wasn't going to say this, but you know me. I say what's on my mind so here goes . . . Don't be surprised when Elliott comes back for more of you, okay?" Renee looked at Liza in disbelief and said "Did you listen to me last night when I told you what he said to me? During the time we were together, I'd never seen him like that, Liza. I'm sure if I were a man, it would have come to blows. He hates me, Liza, and that's all there is to say. So forget any fantasy of some fairytale ending because it's not gonna happen" Liza attempted to speak, "Look, I'm just saying . . . " Before she could finish, Renee gave her a look that said to drop it, so she did. They finished their breakfast and afterward Renee put on a pair of sandals and she and Liza set out for Renee's father's house.

  Elliott got absolutely no sleep that night. He did not even attempt to go to bed. Too much had happened. He thought he was just going to come to New York for some rest and relaxation. He was even willing to admit to himself that he did want to see Renee again. But when he went to see her at her office, he got way more than he thought possible. He had so many different feelings all at the same time. Of course he was shocked beyond belief that he had kids. Upset that he did not know that he had kids. Happy that he had kids. Confused as to why he had to find out this way. There were so many things that just didn't make sense. He tried and tried to remember what he said or did to make Renee despise him so much that she would pull something like this. He knew he could never forgive her. He looked at the time on his cell phone. It was 3:00 a.m. He was in the middle of dialing his parent's number when it dawned on him that it was quite late and they were probably asleep. He would have to wait until later before he could tell them that they are grandparents. He decided to take a warm shower to try to relieve some of the tenseness that had felt. As the warm water coursed over his body he felt some of the tension melt away. The only problem was that the tension was replaced with thoughts of Renee. Even being thoroughly pissed at her, he could not help noticing that she was still the most beautiful woman he knew. Even after all these years, she was still just as fine as he remembered. Irritated with himself for thinking about Renee like some schoolboy with a crush, he quickly finished his shower and got into bed in an effort to get at least a few hours of sleep.

  Renee and Liza arrived at Dennis and Sharon's house at 9:00 that morning. Dennis and Maggie had divorced many years ago. It had not set too well with Maggie that Dennis told her she was wrong for what she had done. When he filed, Maggie swore that he would rue the day he did something like this to her. He told her that he had been ruing the day since he met her and that the only good thing about their relationship had been Renee. Dennis had not seen Maggie in almost 20 years and he did not miss one thing about her. Three years after leaving Maggie, Dennis met Sharon. They were attracted to each other immediately and had been madly and happily in love since.

  "Hey, kids," Dennis greeted Renee and Liza with hugs and kisses. "Hi Dennis," Liza said as she hugged and kissed Renee's dad. "How have you been? You look really great." Dennis chuckled and said, "Well, for an old guy like me, I can't complain." At 63 Dennis was very fit and active. "Renee," Dennis said as he kissed her face and hugged her. "How's my baby girl? Come in and sit down. By this time Sharon was entering the living room. She squealed with delight when she saw Renee and Liza sitting on the couch. "There's my two pretty girls," she said, hugging them both at the same time. "Can I get you girls something to eat? Renee explained that she and Liza had a slumber party the night before and that Liza had cooked a big breakfast before they left. "Well, at least let me get you some cranberry juice," Sharon said as she stood up. Dennis said jokingly "Uh-oh, when you two have slumber parties, it usually means something is up. Renee and Liza looked at each other. Sharon was coming back into the living room with cranberry juice for everyone. "Why is everyone so quiet and why do you two look so serious all of a sudden?" "Renee . . ." Liza prompted. Renee took a deep breath before speaking. "Well, Elliott came to my office yesterday." They all sat silent for a moment. Dennis said, "Are you okay, Renee?" She replied that she was okay, just still shocked that Elliott found her. She recounted what had happened in the office. "Oh, honey, I'm so sorry it happened this way," Dennis said. When Sharon saw Renee's eyes start to fill with tears, she put her arms around her and told her that things were going to be just fine. She said "Well, I know it's hard to believe it right now, but with everything out in the open, it really makes things easier for everyone." Liza said "I think so, too, Sharon." Dennis asked how Kayla and Matthew were dealing with finally meeting their dad. Renee said "Well, I think they're okay right now. I talked to them last night and they seemed okay. They really need to meet him officially, though." Dennis, Sharon, and Liza nodded in agreement. "Well, speaking of the kids," Renee said, "I believe Liza said they are our second stop for today, so we'd better get going." As they walked out to Liza's car, Dennis said "Okay, baby girl, you know if you need us for anything at all, we'r
e right here." Renee said she knew and that she loved them both. She gave Dennis and Sharon an extra tight hug before she and Liza drove back to the city to see the kids.

  Chapter 7

  Matt and Kayla stayed awake all night talking about meeting their dad. "I always wondered why mom never said very much about him. Matthew, you look just like him." Matthew did not respond at first, but then said "He must've done something to really hurt mom, Kay. Maybe that's why she never said anything about him." Kay looked her brother for a long while. Finally, she said "You know, obviously something more than what we know happened. I can't imagine what that something is, though. Right now, I'm too tired to think any more." They both remained silent for a while. Matt finally asked "You mind if I crash on your couch for a bit, sis? I didn't realize it's 5:00 in the morning. I just need to close my eyes for a little bit." "Of course you can. I'll get you some linens for the sleeper." When Kayla returned with the linens and pillows for the sofa sleeper, she and Matt both agreed that they needed to plan an official meeting with Elliott.


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