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This Time Forever

Page 12

by Williams, Adrienne

  By the time Renee finished going over invoices and meeting with the accounting department, it was 5:15. She had just ended a call with Elliott, who had called to let her know that he was on his way to pick her up and would be there shortly. As she was ending the call, Genie walked into her office, looking like the cat that ate the canary. “Well, well, well, look at you. See, I knew there was something going on with you? When did you two get back together? Is he moving here? Girl, what’s up?” Renee laughed at Genie’s inquisition and said, “Wait a minute, now, why are you reading so much into things? We’re just . . . “ Before she could finish, Elliott was walking into her office and saying “We’re just on our way over to Liza and E’s for dinner this evening.” Genie eyed them knowingly and on her way out of the office said, “Just let me know before you go running off to California, Renee.” Renee let out a big sigh as she watched Genie sashay out of her office. “You ready, honey?” he asked as she shut down her laptop. “Yes. What’s this about dinner with Liza and E this evening? I thought we’d just . . . “ He finished her thought for her and said, “Yes, I thought we’d have a repeat of last night, too, especially since you’re off the rest of the week. But they keep asking for us to come over so I said yes.” Renee really was very tired from last night and today, but she did want to see Liza and E so she said, “Okay, let’s get moving. I’ll change into something else and we’ll head over there.”

  Liza had prepared a delicious dinner. In addition to being one of New York’s premiere interior designers, her cooking skills were second to no one’s. The meal that she had prepared was simple: Roasted chicken with fresh vegetables and mashed cauliflower. The chicken and vegetables were seasoned to perfection and the chicken was so tender that it was practically falling off the bone. For dessert she made angel food cake with fresh strawberries and cream. During dinner E proposed a toast. “To new beginnings.” After dinner, E and Elliott went into the game room to play a few rounds of pool, while Renee and Liza sat in the living room in front of the fireplace. “So, we were able to finally get you two to come up for air and food. I gotta tell you that was no easy feat.” Renee took a sip of her green tea and said, “I’m sorry. You know, I’ve been so busy lately. I was hoping that once things settled down a bit, I’d have a little more free time, but it’s busier than ever.” Liza said that she understood and added, “Plus the fact that you and Elliott have been all over each other like horny teenagers.” Renee didn’t respond, so Liza continued, “What plans have the two of you made? I mean is he going back to California soon? What happens next?” These were questions that Renee had certainly thought of, but she had no answers. Things were going along so well. Elliott was spending time with Matt and Kayla. Kayla absolutely loved him and he had spoiled her a bit since being there. Things with Matt started off shaky, but they seemed to have worked themselves out and were getting along very well. “I don’t know, Liza. I really don’t. I mean, I know that he has to go back to California soon. His job is there. His life is there.” Liza said “His job is there, but his life has changed a bit. He has kids now and it appears that he and their mother have reunited.” Just as Renee was getting ready to respond, E and Elliott walked into the room. Elliott said, “We’d better get going.” Renee said “Yes. Thank you so much for dinner. As usual, it was absolutely delicious and I ate way too much. I’m sure I’ll sleep like a baby tonight.” Liza said, “Or maybe not.” Elliott smiled and E said, “Liza . . . “ Renee hugged Liza and E and thanked them again and promised them that they would go out on the town sometime soon.

  Chapter 19

  The next few weeks flew by. Thanksgiving had come and gone and Christmas was right around the corner. Elliott and Renee had been spending all of their time together. They made several visits to her dad and aunt. They enjoyed spending time with Liza and Joe, and of course, they loved spending time with Kayla and Matt. Elliott had kept in contact with his office in LA and was able to do some consulting work while in New York, but he knew that he was going to have to go back to LA soon. What had started out being a simple few weeks’ vacation had turned into a several months’ leave of absence. When Renee got home that evening, she noticed that Elliott seemed quieter than usual. “Are you okay, baby?” “Yeah, I’m fine. I do want to talk to you about something, though.” He led her into the living room and they sat on the sectional. “I was talking to Daniel today. There is a very important matter that I have to handle for a client. I need to be back in LA next week to start preparing for it. I’ve made flight arrangements for us to leave next . . . “ Renee sat there listening to Elliott. She knew that he would eventually have to return to LA, but she just didn’t want to think about it. She wondered to herself what she had been doing and thinking all this time. She knew he had a life on the other coast and that her life was here in New York. “Renee, honey, I want you to go with me. You could . . . “ Renee stood up and said, “I could what, Elliott? Just pack up and leave? Everything I know is here. My life is here. I can’t just go with you. I mean, how would you feel if I suggested that you just pack up and move here?” She was standing up now with tears welling in her brown eyes and wetting her thick lashes. “But Renee, I . . . “ Before he could finish, she said, “I’m going to pack my things and go back to my place.” He tried to stop her, but she had completely shut down. Wasn’t talking to him, wasn’t looking at him. It hurt him so bad. As she was walking toward the door, he said, “Please don’t do this. I . . . “ The only thing she said was, “Good-bye, Elliott.”

  During her drive back to her apartment, Renee had to keep wiping tears from her eyes. By the time she got to her apartment, she was a mess. Elliott had tried to call her several times. She finally unplugged her phone and turned off her cell. She lay back down on her bed, still dressed, feeling numb, feeling empty. When she awoke the next morning, she turned on her cell phone and there was a text message from Elliott. “I decided not to wait until the weekend to leave. I’m leaving this a.m. I’ve already told the kids bye and will see them in a few weeks” She felt sick and lost. Elliott had left. She got up and went into the bathroom so that she could get showered. After her shower, she put on her thick robe and went into the kitchen and got some orange juice. After Elliott left, her days were all pretty much the same. Her staff had noticed that her mood seemed to have shifted from joy to depression. Genie, ever blunt, said “I don’t know why you didn’t go with him. I mean, is it because of work? You do realize that this is your company, right? You have people to manage it for you. If you’re needed here, there are these things called airplanes. Hell, you could even use Skype. Renee? What is wrong with you? I wish I did have a man who loved me like that. I mean, forget the fact that he is as fine as sin, the way he looked at you, the way you looked at him . . . “ Genie didn’t go any further because she saw that Renee was tearing up. “Oh, well, it’s done now.” With that, she left Renee’s office. The following day at the women’s center, Mya was a bit more sympathetic than Genie. “Look, I’m just saying, maybe you should call him. It couldn’t hurt just to say hi.” Renee looked miserable and said, “I just can’t, Mya. It hurts so bad to think about him.” Later that day Matt and Kayla took her some lunch from her favorite Chinese place. Kayla said, “Mom, you really need to eat. I don’t know how much weight you’ve lost, but please just eat something, okay?” Matt said, “Do you need me to do anything for you?” Renee assured them both that she was fine and was just feeling a little under the weather. Kayla and Matt didn’t respond. They knew why Renee was so down in the dumps and it had nothing to do with weather. Matt said, “Well, if you need us for anything, just call.” She gave them both hugs and kisses and told them that she would.

  Later that evening as she was settling in to watch some mind-numbing reality show, her doorbell rang. It was Liza. She didn’t waste time with any pleasantries. Renee had been avoiding seeing or talking to Liza since Elliott returned to LA a few weeks ago. “There has to be something really wrong with you. How is it that you are sitting here on
your ass pining away over Elliott when all you had to do was go with him? I mean, I can’t believe you, Renee. Have you lost your mind? That man is in love with you. Haven’t you figured that out by now? Did you not pay attention to what happened? He came here probably to find you probably more than he came to see Joe. He finds out he has gorgeous twins that he thought you kept secret from him. He finds out what really happened with your nightmare of a mother. He had never stopped loving you and you never stopped loving him. You couldn’t even bring yourself to be with another man, and it wasn’t for lack of men not trying. You’re a fool for letting him leave. Renee stood up, angry at Liza, but even angrier at herself. “You think you know everything! I already told him why I couldn’t just go with him.” Liza stepped closer to her and said, “Yeah, he told Joe those lame-ass excuses you came up with. Your life is here. You can’t just pack up and leave. Bullshit, Renee. This is me you’re talking to. You’re a smart woman, or so I thought you were. You could work all that out” Renee knew that Liza was right. They stood there staring at each other for what seemed like an eternity. Liza finally said, “I’m leaving. Call me when you come to your senses.” Renee knew that Liza was right about everything she said to her. She went into her bathroom and splashed cold water on her face. When she looked in the mirror, she didn’t like the reflection staring back at her.

  The next few weeks saw Renee going through her life in a daze. The skin care line and both salons were doing fantastic, and with the upcoming holidays, things were even busier than ever. Renee tried her best to immerse herself into her thriving business and at the women’s center. She had decided that in the upcoming year she was going to become a certified yoga instructor. This would be something she could do to fill the emptiness that she felt. Her nights were spent watching reality TV, or singing and dancing competitions. Even though Constance cooked for her, she decided that she would start making some dishes herself. She’d even rearranged the furniture. And even though she tried to fill her life with things, there was no escaping the reality that there was a huge void. A void that couldn’t be filled by business success, yoga, or cooking. She climbed into a huge, cold bed at night alone and with tears stinging her eyes. Was this really the life she wanted?

  Chapter 20

  “Dad, I can’t believe I’m in California. I mean, it’s all I’ve talked about since forever. Matt is trying to be so cool, but he’s just as excited as me.” Elliott couldn’t help but to laugh at his daughter’s excitement. “I know, baby. Are you sure you guys don’t want me to pick you up? It’s not that far and with this rain . . .” Kayla said, “Oh no, we’ve already picked up the rental and I’m driving to your house right now. He laughed and said, “Mom and Dad can’t wait to see the both of you, and I have to warn you, they have told all their friends that you are coming, so just be prepared.” Kayla laughed and told him to tell Grandma and Granddad that she loves them and will be there soon. “Oh, Dad, what’s the weather like?” “Well, right now it’s kinda cold and rainy. Nothing compared to New York cold and rainy, but I think it’s going to clear up soon.” After his call with Kayla ended, Elliott went back to the paperwork on his desk. He was in the middle of preparing for his client’s upcoming trial. Just as he was about to immerse himself into his work, his doorbell rang. He figured the only person crazy enough to be out in this kind of weather without any good reason would be Daniel. When he opened the door he was prepared to say “Only a wild man or a . . . “ Only it wasn’t Daniel. As she was standing there, she started to feel a sense of panic. Maybe she shouldn’t have come. What if Elliott didn’t want her there? What if she had messed things up so badly that he never wanted to see her again? “Renee,” was all Elliott could say. He was surprised to say the very least. “Elliott, I was wrong.” Before she could say anything else, Elliott had pulled her in from the pouring rain and was kissing her lips softly. She returned his kiss and then started to plant butterfly kisses all over his face. “I don’t know what I was thinking. I’ve missed you more than you can ever know.” He said, “I just want us to be together. I don’t want to be without you. I never meant to upset you or to make you feel like the life you’ve made is not important.” He took her hand and led her into the living area and they sat on the loveseat. “I guess I’ve been so used to doing things for myself that I freaked out,” she said. He said, “I just want to be a part of your life and for you to be part of my life. I want to be there for you. I want to make things easier for you and the kids. I know they’re pretty much grown now, but they still need us.” Renee smiled at him and said “Yeah, I want that, too.” He placed a loc that had fallen into her face behind her ear and leaned in to kiss her. “I’m freezing,” she said. He smiled as he kissed the tip of her nose and said “I can definitely do something about that.”

  While Renee was taking a hot shower, Elliott went outside and parked her rental car into the garage and brought in her luggage. When he walked into the bedroom, she was sitting on the bed wearing his robe and putting on a lavender-scented moisturizer on her legs. She didn’t immediately see him, so he stood there watching her as she slowly massaged the fragrant cream into her skin. “Need some help?” he asked with a sly, sexy grin on his face. She glanced up at him and batted her thick lashes and said, Mmmm, I’m actually almost finished.” He said, “Stay right there, don’t move. I’ll be back in a few.” Before she could respond, he was walking down the hallway to his office. He made a phone call to Daniel to let him know that he would be running slightly behind schedule the following morning and he sent an email to his staff also letting them know that he would be a little late. Afterward, he shut down his laptop, unplugged his phone, and switched off his cell. When he got back to the bedroom, Renee was lying on the bed on her stomach with the collar of the robe resting at the small of her back. “You’re right. I do need some help with my back. Do you mind putting some moisturizer on my back for me, please?” He smiled at her and said, “Well, if you really need me to do it, then I just have to do it.” He took the bottle of lotion from the nightstand and placed some of its contents in his hand. He started at her shoulders, gently massaging as he worked his way down her back. When he reached the small of her back, where the robe was resting, he removed it and starting placing kisses all over her back. Renee took in a deep breath and let out a soft, yet audible sigh. Starting from her ankles, he placed moisturizer on the back of her legs, working his way up to her buttocks, massaging and lightly squeezing, pleasuring in its round, smooth firmness. He planted a kiss on each cheek and softly said, “Turn over, please.” Renee positioned herself so that she was now lying on her back. Elliott didn’t know where to look – her beautiful face with its soft delicate features, soulful brown eyes hooded by thick black lashes, soft, pink lips, and tousled hair – or her luscious body with its soft breasts, taught nipples, soft, flat stomach with nicely rounded hips, and firm, shapely thighs. Elliott stood up next to their bed and Renee moved herself so that she was standing on her knees in the bed. She removed Elliott’s shirt and unfastened and unzipped his jeans. He quickly removed his boxers. He rejoined her on the bed, burying his hands in her thick mane of hair and pulling her body close to his in a kiss that made her shiver and sent a hot bolt of desire into her stomach and nether regions. Elliott let out a deep moan as he bent his head to take her nipple into his mouth. Renee said, “Mmmm, that was so nice. But don’t you want me to return the favor?” Before he could answer, she had picked up the bottle of moisturizer and was rubbing it on his broad shoulders. As she was working her way down his back and to his buttocks, he moaned again and pulled her to him, this time laying her on the bed. They kissed passionately, until they were breathless. Elliott started working his way down Renee’s body, sucking on and gently biting her sensitive neck. He planted butterfly kisses across her collarbone and over her chest. He flicked his tongue over her sensitive nipple while gently pinching the other. Renee had wrapped her legs around his waist and was writhing beneath him, softly moaning, “Elliott.” He shif
ted his position so that he was sitting up. Renee took Elliott’s hardened sex into her hand and gently squeezed it. A deep groan escaped from the back of his throat. She traced her thumb over its slickened, reddened head and he sucked in a sharp intake of air. “Aaaah, feels so good,” he said. He leaned down again and flicked his tongue over her other nipple. She moaned and arched her chest so that she could feel more of the hot sensation that seemed to go from her breasts down to her sex. He sat up again and placed his fingers onto her hot, slippery sex. At first, he slipped his fingers into her tight opening, feeling her juices coat his fingers. He then used his thumb to simultaneously rub her sensitive clit. Renee felt her orgasm quickly approaching. Sensing that she was about to come, Elliott positioned himself so that he was on his back and Renee positioned herself so that she was straddling him. She gently worked his sac, moving her hands up the shaft of his sex. Elliott placed his hands on her hips and she slowly impaled herself on him. She sucked in a sharp intake of air as he entered her slowly and deeply. He placed his hands on her hips first, and then moved them around to grasp her buttocks. She was sighing and moaning softly as she was grinding in a back and forth motion. “Renee,” Elliott said, “Feels so good.” With her tight walls massaging him, Elliott knew that he could not hold on for very much longer. He placed his palms on her nipples, causing her to arch her back and making her body shudder. Elliott sat up and placed Renee onto her back. He was on top of her, licking and sucking her nipples and rubbing his throbbing sex against her hot, sticky wetness. Renee adjusted her legs so that they were drawn up and at Elliott’s sides. Just when she thought she would go mad, Elliott had slipped inside her, this time going deeper, feeling her grip him so good and so tight that he couldn’t hold on any longer. Renee was writhing beneath him, softly, breathlessly crying out his name, “Elliott, please . . . “ He thrust deeper into her, his juices completely filling her.


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