The Hudson House Three (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)

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The Hudson House Three (Siren Publishing Ménage and More) Page 12

by Louisa Neil

  “I have. This is the Jeff I met so many years ago.”

  “This is the Jeff I remember from family visits. It’s good to have someone who cares about the old place living here again.” Marilyn headed toward the door. “Finish your coffee, and remember to eat lunch.”

  “Yes, ma’am.” Marilyn opened the door to leave. “Marilyn, it’s nice to have people taking care of us who actually care.” The other woman winked at her and left.

  “You get some work done. I’ll come looking for you if you don’t come up for air at supper.”

  “I’ll be there.” She gave Marilyn a questioning smile. “Do we know what Cook’s making tonight?”

  “I believe it will be spaghetti with meatballs.”

  “I’ll be there,” she said. “That’s one of my favorites.”

  “Just make sure you don’t miss it, then.” Marilyn left her alone in the lab. She sipped at the coffee, and when the cup was empty, walked to the table to refill it. She sidetracked to the bathroom in the rear of the storage area and splashed water on her face. Awake now, she filled her mug and headed back to her workstation. When the guys came in, she acknowledged them with a wave but went back to her screens.

  The rest of the day was quiet. At some point, one of the men put a plate beside her with a turkey sandwich on it and a bottle of water. Again, she acknowledged them with a wave. By four o’clock she was bleary-eyed, and her stomach was rumbling loudly.

  “That’s the first noise we’ve heard from you,” Jeff said, laughing at her.

  “Sorry, I was distracted. I have a few things to discuss with you two over supper. For now, I’m going for a swim and then a shower. I’ll see you guys at supper.”

  She didn’t take offense to Mason’s wave of his hand as a dismissal, only that he didn’t want to lose the thought he was working on. Jeff winked at her and went back to his work.

  She did feel better after the swim and a long, hot shower. She was the first one in the dining room, dressed in clean sweats with her damp hair air-drying. They arrived a few minutes later, Jeff with a bottle of wine in hand. He opened it and poured for them. After their first few bites of the meal, she paused and looked at the men sitting around her. “So what did I miss?”

  “Not much,” Mason told her, digging into his pasta.

  “The painters arrived on time, but didn’t seem to get much done. How long does it take to paint a room with no windows? All they had to do was move the equipment to the center of the room and cover the floor. Yet there’s no paint on the walls.” Jeff didn’t seem happy.

  “When they gave you the estimate, what was their time frame?”

  “Day one, move everything and cover and tape the moldings. They should have had the first coat of paint on the ceiling before they left.”

  “What will you do tomorrow when they arrive?” Alice asked between bites.

  Mason paused with his fork halfway to this mouth. “Be standing there with the estimate in hand and an authoritative air.” He laughed. “Hey, if that’s what it takes to get the job done, better you than me.”

  “I just figured I didn’t hear them because they’re working above us.” Alice pulled a slice of fresh bread in half and slathered butter on one piece. “I’m really glad we had the lab painted before the move. Marilyn reminded me you took care of that and all the extra electrical we needed to run the lab, Jeff. Thank you.”

  “Could you imagine us having to pack up again to get that done? I couldn’t. So let’s just decide to live with the white for a long time.”

  “It was a good idea,” Alice told them. “While we’re all here and not buried in screens, I want to go over a few things.”

  “Go ahead. You have my attention,” Mason told her.

  “I found some interesting things we can to do update the security system in the house. They shouldn’t require major work, only a few days’ inconvenience while they’re installed.”

  “Fine, do it.” Jeff told her, sipping his wine. “Just make sure Marilyn and Cook know how it works. If it’s too complicated, they’ll bypass it for convenience.”

  “You seem distracted,” she told him, watching him carefully.

  “Just annoyed at the painter. What else? You didn’t spend all afternoon and night in the lab just finding updates for the alarm system.”

  Alice glanced from one man to the other. “I found a new system specifically for the lab. Once installed, only the three of us will have access. That way nobody can wander in for any reason.”

  “What kind of system?” Mason asked, finally giving her his attention now that he’d gotten part of his meal down.

  “Retina and palm scans. Only the three of us will be scanned into the system and know the override passwords.”

  “Do you think we need to go to that drastic?” Jeff asked.

  “I think I’d rather be safe than sorry if a stranger wants in. Besides, this way if we’re in the mood to take a break, we won’t be surprised.” She glanced to each of them and smiled. “Okay, what’s going on? Something has changed since yesterday morning in bed.”

  Jeff stood and topped off all their glasses. “Well, in the spirit of being honest among us…” He drew a deep breath and slowly let it out.

  Alice hadn’t seen him this nervous since he gathered them together to tell them about getting engaged to Naomi. “Spill it, Mr. Dallen. Mason, how bad could the bomb he’s going to drop be?”

  Mason glanced at her and went back to his meal. “Jeff, just tell her before she gets anxious and starts making up stuff.”

  “Fine, between the three of us”—he drank half the wine in his glass and lowered his voice—“this morning, Mason initiated me into the male side of sex.”

  She could only describe his tone as relieved and didn’t hold back her smile. “Do I get the details or is it none of my business?”

  “I told you, didn’t I?” He sat back in his seat, seemingly relieved.

  “Okay, I won’t push for details. Just tell me this. Was it a one-time thing, or is it something we can add to our playtime?”

  “Small steps,” Mason told her, “small steps.”

  “I think I need to become a bit more comfortable with all this before we go at it wide open,” Jeff whispered. She watched his cheeks turn red. “All right, poor choice of words.”

  Laughing, she lifted her glass to toast him. “To Jeff, for broadening your horizons.” The three of them clanked glasses and sipped. It was only a few seconds before Jeff started to smile and then laugh. Mason was next, and she joined them.

  “Still stinging?”

  Jeff blushed a second time but didn’t turn from her. “A bit this morning, but it’s fine now.”

  “Damn, I was hoping you’d need a repeat to sooth the angst.” Alice winked at him.

  “You’re just horny,” Mason told her.

  “Yeah, I am. But I did enjoy our Sunday morning in bed, so I’ll forgive you for not including me in your deflowering.”

  “I think that term is antiquated here,” Jeff told her. “I let you use toys on me in the past.”

  “Toys are one thing. A live cock is another. But I’ll forgive you.”

  “I’m so happy you’ll let me have some semblance of a private life.”

  “While we’re alarming the house, should we consider putting cameras in our rooms?”

  “Not to tape me!” Jeff said quickly, his tone sounding like panic.

  “I meant so we could monitor who’s in the hallways around us, but if you want to put in a few cameras to film our exploits…”

  “No thanks. Just to keep our privacy.”

  “No spirit of adventure,” she told the men. “So about the lab?”

  “Order what you think we need.”

  “I was hoping you’d say that, because I placed the order last night. We should have the equipment here by the end of the week.”

  “Who’s going to install it?” Mason asked.

  “I’ve gotten a few names from the security company
you use currently and a few I found online. I started the background checks early this morning. I’ve got two out of the five I think we could work with, but we’ll have to interview them in depth.”

  “No problem. Make the appointments for first thing in the morning so we don’t have to stop work in the middle of the day.” Jeff finally seemed relaxed.

  “Done. One contractor is set for Thursday at eight, and the other for Friday, same time.”

  Mason pushed his empty plate to the side. “Did you think any more about a lounge in the lab area?”

  “Actually, I did. I rummaged around some of the unused rooms and the attic sometime in the middle of the night. That attic has no real lighting up there. That was a hassle, but I got through it with a flashlight. There are a few things we can pull from them, tables and lamps. I found a few sofas online that would work. I printed them out. I’ll show you the photos later.”

  “I’ll accept your judgment,” Mason told her. “Just make sure the fabrics are soft, not scratchy.”

  “I agree. Order what you think we’ll be comfortable on.” Jeff gave her an impish smile.

  “I’ll take care of it tonight.” She finished her wine. “Anyone interested in a swim or something more private?”

  Cook came in, appraised the empty plates on the table, and smiled while she gathered them. “At least you all ate tonight. Do you want dessert and coffee?”

  “Not me,” Mason said. “Maybe later.”

  “I’m full, too. We’ll serve ourselves later.”

  “All right then. I’ll finish up in the kitchen and see you all tomorrow.”

  “Night, Cook. Thanks for a wonderful supper.” Alice smiled at the woman.

  “You’re welcome. Don’t forget dessert. There’s bread pudding in the warming oven when you’re ready.”

  “Bread pudding,” Mason said. Alice watched his eyes light up. “That’s my favorite.”

  “I know,” Cook told him. “Alice favors anything with chocolate, and Jeff is an apple pie fan.” She smiled at them. “I’ll do my best to keep you all fed and happy.”

  “You do a wonderful job, Cook. I’m truly thankful you agreed to come back to work with us.” Jeff smiled at her.

  “You, I can work for. Just don’t get me started on your cousin.” She laughed all the way out of the room.

  “How about some television tonight? I think we could all use a distraction from our workday.”

  “I’m game. Something mindless that I don’t have to concentrate on,” Alice decreed as she took her glass and the wine bottle with her.

  “At least Cook will do the dishes tonight,” Mason teased. He stood, grabbed his laptop, and waited while Jeff pushed his chair in.

  When they were all stretched out in the study with the huge television on, Alice looked around. There was a large sofa pit with lounges on each end. There were several cushioned chairs sprinkled in. It was a comfortable room.

  “So, what do you two think about this furniture?”

  “It’s comfortable,” Mason said, his fingers tapping at the computer keys.

  “It’s fine, I guess. Not the fabrics or colors I’d choose, but comfortable enough.” Jeff reached forward and grabbed his wine. They all waved and said good night as Marilyn stopped by, her coat and hat already in place.

  “Cook’s already gone. We’ll see you tomorrow at eight.” She pulled her gloves from her coat pocket. “Oh, I spoke with old Finnegan this afternoon. He’ll be back full-time next Monday, along with two of his trusted workers.”

  “Just in time for the winter season,” Jeff noted. “Marilyn, thank you for talking him into coming back. It will make all our lives easier to have him overseeing all the exterior work. He’s done amazing things with the gardens over the years.”

  “Not to mention keeping the roads clear once the snow starts and all the mowing the rest of the year.”

  “Hudson House owes all three of you gratitude for taking care of her all these years.”

  Marilyn’s cheeks turned red. “We all consider her our home to a point. Your uncle understood what it took to keep her alive and working.”

  “I remember having long talks with my uncle when I was a kid visiting. He loved this old place and had a vision that it should be kept a certain way.”

  “We all feel that way, or at least we did until Theo took over.” She gave him a dismissive wave with her hand. “All in the past now. Theo’s gone, and you’re here. We all trust you to take care of the house, the land, and us.”

  “With your help, and Cook’s and Finn’s, I hope to keep things running smoothly for many years to come.”

  “See you all in the morning,” Marilyn told them, smiling as she started walking from the room.

  “You’re a miracle worker,” Alice told her.

  “You just leave all those shipping crates and boxes in the back of the lab for now. Finn and his guys will get them out of your way next week.”

  “Be safe getting home, Marilyn,” Jeff called after her when she turned to leave.

  He seemed to be in deep debate when Alice called his name. He turned to her the second time she spoke it. “Yeah, sorry, I was lost there.”

  “I know. It’s not important. I was going to ask what you wanted on the television, but I’ll just leave the game on.”

  Jeff’s cell phone rang, and he pulled it from his pocket. “Damn, damn, damn.” It rang a second and third time. Alice knew after the fourth ring it would go to voice mail.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “It’s Naomi. I’m not in the mood to talk to her.”

  “Want me to take it?” Alice teased. He gave her a lopsided grin. “Okay, answer your own phone, but remember I offered.”

  “Let it go to messages.” He turned it off and dropped it on the small table beside him. A few minutes later, Mason’s phone rang.

  He ignored the ringing. As soon as it stopped, it began again. He finally pulled it from his shirt pocket, glanced at the number, and put it aside. When it stopped ringing, he turned it off. “Unless you specifically want me to do otherwise, I’m going to ignore calls from your ex-fiancée.”

  “I’ll bet she won’t call mine!” Alice said, and all three of them laughed. The program came back from the commercial, and they dropped the subject. In the recesses of the home, they could hear the house line ringing. “That should go to the answering machine after five rings.” Jeff said it more for himself than to them, Alice realized. After the third call that one stopped ringing, too. The rest of the night the house was quiet.

  It was after eleven when they decide to turn in for the night. Alice was exhausted and beyond sex. But as they were cleaning up the study, Mason glanced at his phone.

  “There are three messages from Naomi. Do you want to listen to them or just delete?”

  “Let’s listen. We’ll find out what kind of mood she’s in.” Jeff sat forward in his seat.

  Mason pushed the buttons, and Naomi’s voice boomed through the room.

  The first was sweet sounding.

  “Mason, dear, this is Naomi. I’m trying to get hold of Jeff, but he’s not answering his cell. Ask him to call me.”

  The second held a bit more edge to her tone. “Mason, Jeff hasn’t called me back. Where is he? Get him my message.”

  The third was the worst. “Why haven’t you had Jeff call me back? Why aren’t you answering my calls? I bet that bitch Alice told you not to. I’ll not stand for this kind of treatment.”

  “Wow, she is annoyed,” Mason said as he deleted the calls.

  “Mine next,” Jeff said as he turned his back on. Naomi’s first message was so sweet it almost turned Alice’s stomach.

  “Jeff, dear, I know you’re probably still upset with me. Call me so we can get this straightened out. I miss you.”

  They glanced to each other. The second was similar. It was her third call that got their attention. “Jeff, you have no right not to call me or to take my calls. I bet that bitch Alice has you all angry at me
, telling you lies and making me seem like the bad person in this situation. Call me, or I’ll take matter into my own hands, and trust me, you won’t like it.” There was a slight hesitation before Naomi continued. “Call me, Jeff. No excuses. I’m waiting.”

  “Well, there was no veiled threat in that,” Jeff said, deleting the calls.

  As a group, they walked to the kitchen and hit the playback on the house line. The three calls to that number were a bit more staid, but all with the same purpose. Jeff had better call her, or she’d fire whoever wasn’t answering her calls.

  “She can’t fire Cook or Marilyn,” Mason mused, “can she?”

  “No.” He erased those messages, and they remembered the bread pudding in the warming oven. They stood at the counter, each with a fork in hand, taking bites of the sweet pudding.

  “What do you think she’ll do to follow through on her threats?” Alice asked Jeff.

  “I don’t have a clue, but let’s be careful with our e-mail and keep a check on the business. I wouldn’t put it past her to try to ruin our reputation, either as a whole or individually.” He took another bite. “How come my two best friends in the world didn’t warn me about her in the beginning?” He smiled, knowing they’d done exactly that several times in their own ways but he wasn’t ready to accept their criticism.

  Alice choked on her pudding, and Mason tapped her back. “I don’t think you were in any mood to hear me be negative about your latest screw bunny. Besides, no matter what I said, she’d have you believe it was jealousy.”

  Mason shook his head. “Anybody want any more of this?” They all shook their heads no. He searched around until he found a box of plastic wrap and covered the dish. After tucking it into the fridge, he turned to face them. “Jeff, would anything I’d have said made any difference?”

  “No, not at the time.”

  “There’s your answer. I’ll tell you what. Next time you bring home a bitch of a girlfriend, I promise to tell you immediately.” They all laughed at his comment.

  “Okay, I didn’t want to hear it at the time. And for the future, I’m not going to worry about anyone outside of this room.” He smiled at them. “Come on. Let’s get some sleep.”


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