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Dating: One on One: Eastridge Heights Basketball Book 1

Page 19

by Stephanie Street


  The next couple of weeks passed in a blur. Every day was filled with Piper. Piper and basketball. Each day we were together, I realized what I’d been missing in my life. And sure enough my mother was bound and determined to remind me.

  “Piper.” I nudged her shoulder with mine. We were in her room, with the door wide open, of course.

  “Hmmm,” she grumbled.

  “Are you sleeping?” I’d felt her head drop to my shoulder, but I didn’t think she’d fallen asleep.

  “Uh-uh.” She shifted, snuggling deeper into my side and wrapping her arm around my waist.

  “Oh, good. Because I wanted to ask you something.” I twirled a lock of her long hair around my fingers.

  “Hmmm?” She drew lazy circles with her fingers on some exposed skin between my shirt hem and the waist of my pants.

  “Mmm. That feels nice.” I lifted the edge of my shirt to give her better access.

  She smiled against my chest. “Don’t forget the door’s open.”

  “That is the only reason my shirt is even still on,” I teased her.

  She slapped my skin playfully. “What is this question you have for me, Andrew?”

  I growled deep in my throat and poked her in the ribs making her giggle. She’d taken to calling me Andrew to tease me, but mostly I think it was a reminder that I was still somewhat in trouble with her for not telling her about myself. “Stop calling me that.”

  “It is your name.”

  “Not anymore.”

  And it was true. I’d become Drew. I liked the separation of the Andrew from Colorado and the Drew who lived in Indiana.

  She tilted her head back, gazing at me with one brow quirked. Right. The question.

  “So, everybody’s been talking about this big dance next weekend.” I let that statement dangle a little as I watched her face for any clues as to how she felt about it.

  I wasn’t sure what I expected but the shutters that dropped over her eyes were not it.

  “Don’t you want to go?”

  “Do you,” she asked, pulling away from me and sitting up on her bed.

  I pushed myself up, too. “Well, want might be a strong word. I’m willing to go.”

  She rolled her eyes and snorted. “Now, I’m just dying to go with you.”

  I had to laugh at the look on her face. “That’s not what I meant.” I shook my head. “I really messed this up, I’m sorry. Piper, will you go with me to the dance. I’d really like to go with you.”

  She still eyed me skeptically. “Explain your little clarifier you did at the end of that.”

  “No clarifier. I want us to go to the dance. Together.”

  She squinted her eyes at me. And she was right. There was a clarifier. I hated dances. But I wanted to go with her. Luke told me the last time she went to a school dance was in eighth grade and it had been horrible. I tried to get the details from him but he wouldn’t tell me. I had to wonder if he even knew. Omitting some details from her brother to keep him from beating somebody up sounded like something Piper would do.

  Basically, I wanted to take Piper. I wanted to be her date and help her to have a good memory of a school dance. It was the least I could do.

  “So, are we going?”

  She watched me carefully and I tried to keep my face as pleasant as possible. I didn’t want her to think I didn’t want to go, because ultimately, I did- with her.

  “Yeah, okay. Let’s go to the school dance.”

  “Awesome, it’s settled.”

  Chapter 30


  “Oh, wow. You have to buy that dress,” Dannika gushed from her seat on the floor of the dressing room where I was trying on dresses. “Drew won’t know what hit him when he sees you in that.”

  I didn’t know about that, but I had to admit the dress was stunning. It was a deep red velvet that fit my curves from my waist down over my hips and then flared in a subtle mermaid skirt. Because the dress was supposed to have a small train, it was really the perfect length for my tall frame. The top was smooth across my stomach and the fabric split and crisscrossed over my chest and then connected behind my neck in a halter.

  “Is my hair too red,” I asked.

  Danni shook her head. “Nope, no way. It’s perfect.” She stood behind me and lifted my hair up, leaving just a few tendrils to curl around my face. The effect was amazing.


  “Yep. You’re getting this one. Come on. If we hurry we can get a smoothie before the food court closes.”

  I quickly changed and bought the dress. Danni and I raced to get smoothies.

  “Are you going to the dance?” I asked her after slurping some strawberry banana up through my straw.

  Danni shook her head. “No. Dances aren’t really my thing.”

  I studied her. “Dances aren’t really my thing, either, yet here we are.”

  “Yeah, well, you have a super hot boyfriend to take you and I don’t.”

  “What about Luke? Have you given up on my stupid brother?”

  She made a face. “Luke doesn’t like me that way. In fact, I don’t think he likes me at all.”

  I had to agree with her.

  “So, what’s up with Drew, anyway? Is he really some basketball Phenom?” Dannika and I hadn’t really had a chance to talk about what was going on with Drew. She’d missed the last week of school with a stomach bug and before that our paths hadn’t really crossed when there wasn’t a whole slew of people around. This was the first time we’d been able to talk with any kind of privacy.

  “Yeah, he really is. After he and I talked about it, I Googled him again and came across this article. Turns out I have a copy of the magazine. It came out two years ago, but I’d read it when it first came out. Anyway, there he was, right on the cover. Andrew Thompson, the first freshman voted Colorado’s Mr. Basketball.” That had been surreal. I’d shown it to Drew and he’d blushed. Blushed!

  “I looked up his stats, too and he’s amazing. He’s on track this season to be the highest scoring player in Indiana. The boys are undefeated and all the media attention has been good for both teams.” It was true. All the attention Drew was garnering had brought scouts to games. I was grateful for the hype. I didn’t care what it took for universities to notice me and the fact that it was my super star, super hot boyfriend was just a bonus.

  “Has anyone asked to talk to you about him, about your relationship or anything?”

  “This one lady tried to corner me when I was waiting for him to get out of the locker room. He seemed really upset about it, actually. I didn’t care, though. He already told me he didn’t like anyone butting into his personal life so I told her I had no comment. Which seemed weird, like he’s some celebrity and not just him.”

  “Wow.” Dannika shook her head.

  “I know, right. It’s just basketball, though. Between him being recognized in Colorado as Mr. Basketball as a freshman and his dad being a former college and pro player in Europe- it’s just news here.” Except for that brief blurb on ESPN after the first game this season.

  “Still, it’s weird.”

  It was.


  The dance was on Saturday. We’d had games the night before, which we both won, and I knew Piper was spending the day getting all pampered and made up for the dance. She hadn’t let me see her dress, but had allowed a peek at the hem so I’d know what color to match for her corsage.

  I hadn’t really told my parents about Piper. I mean, they knew we spent a lot of time together but they might have been under the impression I spent a lot of time at the Hines’s house because Luke and I were friends.

  I hadn’t set them straight.

  They for sure didn’t know I was going to this dance with her. I’d rented the tux, ordered the corsage, and told them I was going stag with some of the team. Mom had been terribly disappointed, clucking her tongue the whole time she took my picture, solitary, in front of the formal living room fireplace. I’d fo
rced Kittie to pose for a couple and they’d turned out hilarious.

  You’re going with Piper, aren’t you?

  I grabbed her hands, glancing around to make sure neither of our parents had noticed. Quiet, you!

  She laughed. You can’t keep her a secret forever.

  I frowned at her. I didn’t want to keep Piper a secret.



  I didn’t.

  Ugh, but I have been. It was easier this way. Safer. For me. Shit.

  Well, I couldn’t fix it tonight. I’d have to come clean to my parents about my relationship with Piper.

  You are right.

  Her expression was smug. Of course, I am.

  Rolling my eyes, I pulled her in for a hug and noogie. She laughed and it was good to see her happy. I couldn’t fix everything, but I loved to see her smile.

  “Bye!” I called, making my way out the door.

  Pulling up to Piper’s house, I was more nervous than I wanted to admit and had to wipe my damp palms on my pant legs as I waited for someone to answer after I knocked on her door.

  “Drew! Don’t you look handsome. Come in.” Piper’s mom opened the door with a flourish.

  I stepped over the threshold and couldn’t help but look around for Piper-

  “She’s almost ready,” her mom informed me.

  “Oh. Okay.” I took an unsteady breath, wondering what the heck was wrong with me. I glanced over to find Piper’s mom grinning at me. I had to chuckle. I was being ridiculous. “Has Luke already left,” I asked, desperate to take the attention off how awkward I was being.

  Ms. Hines’s face lit up. “Yes, he’s taking Trinity, you know. Want to see a picture?”

  I shrugged. “Sure.” She handed me her phone and I scrolled through a couple of pictures of Luke standing in the living room looking very uncomfortable and annoyed in his tuxedo.

  “Don’t go back too far!” She snatched the phone out of my hands. “There are a few of Piper in her dress. I had to get a couple of them before Luke left. He promised he’d have Trinity’s parent’s send me a couple from her house, too.”

  I nodded. I had no idea what to say to that. What the heck was taking Piper so looong-

  “Hey, I’m ready.”

  And that was when my brain stopped functioning for the evening.

  Piper walked around the corner and all I could think about was how beautiful she looked. “Wow,” I breathed, my legs moved toward her, like they knew that’s what I wanted even though I was too astounded to actually tell them to move.

  Piper smiled, taking my hands once I reached her. I couldn’t stop if I wanted to, mother in the room or not, I had to kiss her. My lips brushed hers and it wasn’t enough, not even close, but I pulled away. “Wow.” I said it again, releasing one of her hands so I could twirl her around.

  Piper was gorgeous, but that dress- in the dress she was stunning and I couldn’t take my eyes off her. For the next ten minutes, her mom took our picture and I was probably looking at her like a drowning man in ninety-nine percent of them.

  “Oh, I forgot.” Because she’d reduced me to a bumbling idiot. “I did get you a corsage.” I picked it up off the counter and helped her slip it on her wrist as her mom clicked away on her camera.

  “It’s beautiful, thank you.” Piper’s eyes sparkled with excitement and I leaned in to kiss her again.


  “Mom!” Piper’s cheeks blushed red.

  “You guys are just too cute together. Now, get out of here and have fun. I have some reality television to catch up on.” Ms. Hines shoo-ed us out of the house and I was only too happy to leave.

  Piper threaded her arm through mine and I led her to my car. After opening her door and helping her make sure her skirt was safe from the door, I made my way over to my own seat and commanded myself to get a freaking grip.

  Chapter 31


  The school gymnasium looked fantastic. It had been transformed from the scene of last night’s games to an enchanting fall wonderland. Tables decorated with tulle of deep reds, oranges, and browns surrounded the center of the floor. In the middle of the tables couples danced to the pulsing music blaring from large speakers set up strategically around the room.

  But I barely registered any of it. From the moment I’d rounded the corner and gotten a look Drew in his tuxedo, my mouth had been dry, my palms sweaty, and my heart had yet to settle into its natural rhythm. What was this amazing, kind, sweet, hot guy doing with me?

  It helped when he seemed a little speechless himself, and that kiss! In front of my mother! Tingles still fluttered making my knees weak. I was grateful for his steady arm as we walked through the decorated arch into the gym.

  “Wow, it looks great in here,” Drew mused, glancing around the room.

  “They did an amazing job.” I nudged him with my elbow. “Hard to believe you scored twenty-seven points on this floor last night.”

  “It was an off night.” He shrugged with fake modesty.

  I laughed and elbowed his ribs. “Yeah, twenty-seven is hardly respectable for you.”

  “I was distracted by this tall beauty with amazing legs cheering me on. I don’t think you should wear those shorts to my games anymore. I can’t keep my eyes off you when you wear them.” He grinned into my eyes.

  Butterflies erupted in my belly at the thought that I was capable of distracting him from basketball, he always seemed so focused.

  “Got a thing for my legs, huh?” I teased him.

  He snorted. “A thing? More like an obsession.” This wasn’t really news to me. He made no secret about his love for my long legs. I guess, if he liked them so much, I should be glad for them rather than upset at them for being so long and making me so tall. In fact, I’d been feeling better about that since Drew, too. I knew it wasn’t good to base my self-worth on what my boyfriend thought about me, but he claimed I fit in his arms perfectly, and who was I to argue with that?

  “Bout time you guys showed up.” Luke slapped Drew on the back, his date, Trinity, on his arm.

  “Hey, man. Looking fancy,” Drew teased and they did their bro handshake thing they did.

  “Thanks, you too.” Luke straightened his tux jacket.

  “I meant Trinity, you bozo.” Drew punched Luke on the shoulder and grinned at Trinity with a wink.

  “Thank you, Drew.” Trinity accepted his compliment with a smile. “Piper, that dress is amazing. You look gorgeous.”

  Drew pulled me close with his arm around my waist. “Yes, you do.”

  “Ugh. Here we go. You two are unbelievable.” Luke rolled his eyes and made gagging sounds.

  Laughing, I thanked Trinity and returned the compliment. She really did look beautiful. Luke was lucky she said yes.

  “Let’s dance, babe,” Drew suggested, ignoring Luke and pulling me toward the group dancing in the middle of the floor.

  “I have to warn you, I suck at dancing.”

  He stopped at the edge of the crowd and wrapped both arms around my waist. “Yeah, well before Kittie took up pottery it was karate and before karate was dancing, so…” he grinned.

  “Seriously, you are like the best brother ever,” I teased him as I slid my hands up his shoulders until I could clasp them behind his neck.

  “Don’t I know it.”


  For the next half hour, I swayed on the dancefloor with Piper in my arms. I’d been to dances before with other girls and I wondered how I ever thought shorter girls were more attractive. Piper fit in my arms perfectly, even in three inch heels, which she admitted was as high as she ever wore.

  We’d been here forty-five minutes and this was the most fun I’d had at a school dance- ever.

  “I’m thirsty, should we check out the food table?” Piper lifted her head from my shoulder to ask.

  “Whatever you want, babe,” I answered. I took her hand and cleared the way for us to the refreshment table. There were bowls of punch, which I was s
keptical of, and bottles of water. That seemed much safer even though there were fifteen chaperones standing nearby. I grabbed two waters and turned to Piper. “Anything else?”

  “I don’t think so. Do you want cookies?” she asked, pointing to the selection on trays on the table.

  “Normally, yes, but those don’t look that great.” They were store bought and that wasn’t my favorite.

  “Yeah, I didn’t think so, either. Well, let’s find a seat for a bit.”

  We walked around the edge of the gym looking for an empty space to sit.

  “That air feels good. I didn’t realize how hot it is.” I’d caught a breeze from one of the open doors and wanted to head toward it. “Let’s go out for a second.”

  Once outside, I stripped off my jacket, determined I wasn’t going to put it on again that night.

  “That does feel good. I was warm, too.” Piper stood beside me, her hands on her hips allowing the cool air to reach her arms.

  “I’m glad we came tonight.”

  She turned to face me, a happy smile on her lips. “Me, too.”

  Now, I wanted to kiss her. Reaching for her hips, I pulled her close, careful not to drop my jacket draped over my arm. “You really are beautiful.” I brushed her lips with mine.

  “Thank you,” she whispered, kissing me with the same soft kiss. I wanted more than a soft kiss. Just as I lowered my head to show her just how I felt about her, I heard-

  “Andrew Thompson! There you are! I’ve been looking all over for you!”

  “Holy shit!”

  Coming out of the gym, marching toward Piper and I in her five inch heels was-

  “Hi, I’m Blair. Andrew’s girlfriend. Who are you?”

  Blair Forrester propped one hand on her hip while snaking her other arm through mine like the last year hadn’t even happened.

  “I- I’m-” Piper’s eyes were wide and hurt.

  “Blair, what are you doing here?” I pulled her hand off my arm and took a step closer to Piper.

  “What do you mean? I’m here to be your date. Your mom was so excited you were going to this dance, she didn’t want you to go stag, so she called me. Flew me out here, bought me a dress and everything.” Blair stood there so proud of herself, smiling like she’d just won the lottery. She probably thought she had.


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