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Dragon's Angel

Page 3

by Donica Covey

  She moved away them away from the main room and into a hallway. “I wish you'd stay, Xavier. I just don't understand what is going on with you."

  "I don't understand it, either.” He leaned down and kissed her cheek. “Midnight Cinderella."

  She smiled and squeezed him. “I'll be waiting for my pumpkin.” She stared deeply into his eyes. “Don't be gone all night, please."

  "I won't be.” He hurried out the door. As he stepped into the night, he undid the tie and unbuttoned the top two shirt buttons. He stuffed the tie into his pocket and walked off down the sidewalk.

  He didn't know where he was going but his steps seemed so sure he just kept moving forward. Only three years ago he'd have jumped on the chance to be with Evie. Now just the thought of her annoyed him. The people, the way he grew up, his lifestyle left him feeling unfulfilled, bored. And there was a large chunk of his life missing.

  The sound of ballad rock music made him look up to see a brick building. The side door was propped open; music drew him in like a magnet. He made his way through the crowd of people stacked inside. He found a lone stool at the bar and sat down. A prickling sensation made the hair on the back of his neck stand up and he glanced around the room. And met the gaze of the woman, Keely, he'd seen for the first time just two days ago.

  Her eyes widened and her mouth gaped open. She quickly clamped it shut but she didn't break the connection of their eyes.

  "What can I get you?” he heard the bartender ask.

  "Whiskey neat, and a shot of Jagermeister,” he answered without looking away. Her constant gaze left him uneasy. There was an intensity in the lovely purple eyes that kept him frozen in place. When the drinks were served he lifted his shot glass in her direction then drank down the alcohol.

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  Keely couldn't stop staring. It was him. The man who'd mocked her, laughed at her. This time he didn't look amused. He seemed confused. Until he lifted his glass. Then it was back, that derisive smile, the sardonic lift to the eyebrow.

  She shook her head and tore her gaze away. Arrogant jerk. He wasn't going to take up any more of her thoughts, at least not tonight. Still, her heart raced and she felt him watching. It took all she had not to look back at him.

  Someone touched her shoulder and she jumped in her seat. “What?"

  Renee and Di laughed as Tol leaned down close and pressed his lips against her cheek. “Hello, Beautiful.” He grinned and crouched beside the chair. “I haven't seen you in a while."

  Tol. Tolepheral Davis. What a time to run into Mr. Obnoxious. “When you don't call a woman she tends to try and forget you exist."

  "I'm sorry. I've been very busy.” He offered her an apologetic smile.

  "Yeah, busy getting busy,” Scott Simpson shouted as he crowded into the group. “Damn, you look good enough to eat, Keely."

  The smell of alcohol emanated from him in waves. Great, just what she needed: two drunks. Tol and Scott were pains-in-the-ass to begin with, but give them a little booze and it got worse. “Nice to see you too, Scott. Well, you guys have a lot to do, so many women and all that. Please don't let us keep you."

  "I've been hoping to see you again.” Tol pressed his hand on her knee.

  She reached down and picked up his fingers. “Move it or lose it."

  He slid his hand away. “You're not being very friendly tonight. What's wrong?"

  "Besides the fact you're an ass?"

  Scott laughed and the shaking shoulders on her two best friends showed they were barely containing their giggles.

  Tol's eyes darkened but he grinned. “Funny. I guess we better get moving. See you three later.” He shoved to his feet, swayed slightly and righted himself.

  Keely could still feel the stranger's eyes watching her every move. She stretched her neck slightly, working out a kink as she glanced over to where he was sitting.

  Damn. His smile became larger and he nodded at her.

  "Shit,” she spat.

  Renee and Di swung around to look at her. “What's wrong?” Renee asked.

  "There's a guy over at the bar. Dark hair to his shoulders, big green eyes and a white toothy smile."

  She could swear she heard neck muscles snapping as her friends whipped their heads over to look at him. “Don't do that,” she hissed. “He's looking."

  "So let him stare. Man, he's hot."

  She gave Di her best withering look. “I met him the other night."

  "What?” they shouted in unison.

  "You meet a double d like that and you didn't share the information?” Renee frowned. “You should go over, talk to him, and then give us all the smutty details."

  The code. She smiled at the reference. Many years ago they'd developed the code as their own private way of discussing the men they'd seen at the bars without being understood. DD, Definitely Doable. MAFW, Maybe After A Few Drinks. WBB, With A Brown Bag, NOD, Not On A Dare, and NFW, No Freaking Way. “Knock it off. I'm not interested,” Keely argued.

  Di grabbed her wrist and held it a second. “Nope, she's not dead."

  A flush of heat suffused Keely's body. Her head swam and she became a little short of breath. She gulped air.

  "Are you all right?” Renee's joking demeanor fled. “What's wrong?"

  Keely grabbed her drink and swallowed a mouthful. She leaned back in the seat and waited. “I'm just a little warm. This place is too crowded. I need some fresh air.” She stood up and the girls rose as well. Keely lifted a hand. “I'm all right just need to get outside for a few minutes."

  "Alone? No way,” Di argued. “If you think we're going to let you just wander off alone you're out of your mind."

  "I'm just going outside. I'm not running off. I'm a big girl. Just back off."

  Renee frowned but didn't say anything. She looked like she was still thinking it over. Finally, she nodded and sat back down. “Back in no more than ten or we call out the Marines."

  "Green Berets.” Keely grinned.

  "What?” Di looked confused.

  "I'm not crazy about Marines. Send out the Army. Special Forces, secret missions ... Yeah, definitely need that fresh air now. Be right back."

  She picked through the crowd, to the side door and slipped outside. The cool breeze didn't help clear her head right away. She paced away from the door and toward the parking lot. She leaned a hip against the corner and bent at the waist then slowly straightened upright.

  A sound drew her attention and she tried to track it. But almost as soon as it came, it vanished. She shivered and tried to get another breath. The spinning in her brain slowed its rotation and she felt a little better. Moving from the wall she turned to head back inside. A noise from behind the dumpster startled her and before she could cry out a hand clamped over her mouth and dragged her back into the darkness.

  * * * *

  A scowl crossed Tol's face. He'd pretended not to care but Keely really pissed him off. She had embarrassed him, the frigid bitch. She thought she was better than him. She was a sexy woman but she'd cut him off completely so he'd spent some time chasing tail. Seeing Keely tonight, her body barely concealed by the lace top, made him want her more than he had before.

  He watched as she slipped out the door. She needed to be taken down a few pegs, and he would do it. He shoved his way outside

  Where the hell had she gone? He stalked down the walk along the building but she wasn't anywhere to be seen. He slammed his hand into the wall. He'd go in and have a few more. Miss Frigidaire surely didn't pick up another guy. She could have easily made it in by the side door, it took him long enough to part the crowd to get out.

  Growling to himself he stumbled along to the front door. The music, drink and possibility of meeting some sweet meat drew him back inside. He'd see her again, he knew where she lived.

  * * * *

  Xavier watched the drunk follow Keely outside. His nerves stretched but it wasn't any of his business. A fire started in his belly and burned up to
his throat. Heat prickled his skin. A sudden overwhelming feeling of panic shot through him. Something was wrong. Very wrong.

  He shoved out of his seat so hard the stool teetered and thumped into the wall behind him. He sprinted for the door, almost knocking down the other man in his haste.

  The drunk staggered. “Watch it asshole,” the man growled as he maneuvered his way back inside.

  Cries filled Xavier's head and he was pulled forward. He ran around the back of the building and into the parking lot across the alley from the bar.

  He wasn't moving fast enough. He felt her fear. Where was she? A small copse of trees popped up in front of him and through the branches he saw her. A man had her pushed against the tree, one arm pressed to her throat and a hand tangled in her hair.

  He hurtled himself in a running tackle into the man's side. His fist pulled back and he slammed it into the man's face once, and then a second time for good measure.

  He shoved up and turned to face Keely. Tears filled her deep lavender eyes. She shivered violently and he slid off his jacket to place it over her shoulders.

  Her eyes were wide with terror, she made a squeaking sound then her eyes rolled back, and she fainted. He caught her before she hit the ground. “Hey,” he tapped her cheeks. “Open those eyes. It's all right. It's all over, you're safe now."

  He tried to hold her while he wrestled his cell phone from his pocket.

  "Nine-one-one. What is your emergency?"

  "A woman was just attacked. She needs an ambulance."

  "Where are you, sir?"

  He looked around trying to get his bearings. “I have no freaking clue,” he shouted. “A subdivision. There's like a small park or something."

  "Do you see any street signs?"

  He scanned the area. “No. I can't. Wait ... it says Cherry Orchard Lane."

  He could hear typing in the background. “How badly is she injured?"

  "I don't know. She was standing there and then she just fainted."

  "Is there any blood?"

  Xavier studied her as carefully as he could. “No. Her neck is red from where he had her pinned."

  "What's your name, sir?"

  "Xavier Blake."

  "All right Mr. Blake. The ambulance is on the way. I have a squad car turning up the lane now. Do you see them?"

  "No. Wait, yes there they are."

  "Fine. I'll leave you with them."

  "Thank you."

  The uniformed officers came running over watching him warily. “What happened?"

  Xavier shook his head. “I saw this guy pinning her to that tree.” He looked around. What had happened to the attacker? “The guy. I know I knocked the wind out of him. Where the hell did he go?” He scanned the area but there was no trace.


  The ambulance pulled in and a gurney was rolled toward them. Xavier didn't move from her side until the paramedics came over to take care of her.

  When he finally moved the police were watching his every move. “Just tell me what happened,” an older officer ordered.

  Xavier nodded. “I was sitting in the bar down the street. I saw her walk out and some guy followed her. I got an uneasy feeling so I came outside to check. I still felt funny so I came this way and saw a man pinning her pinned to the tree. His arm was pressed against her neck.” He had a sinking feeling as their eyes watched him.

  "Which way did he go?"

  Xavier shook his head. “I don't know. I was trying to check her out and she fainted. I called for help and when I turned around, he was gone. That's all I know."

  "You just happened to ‘feel’ something was wrong?"

  Xavier nodded. Uh oh. This wasn't good. “If I'd been the one, do you think I'd have been stupid enough to call the police?"

  They exchanged looks. “Name, address and phone number."

  "Xavier Blake. Eighteen-forty-nine Hallson Ferry. 314-7631."

  The officer wrote it all down in his book. Xavier looked above the policeman's head and watched the paramedics roll the gurney to the ambulance.

  "Is she going to be all right?” he called as they passed by. He received a dismissive shrug in reply. He turned back to the police officer. “What hospital are they taking her to?"

  "Probably St. Luke's, it's the closest. Now what did this man look like?"

  Xavier scratched his forehead. “White man. About thirty-five, thirty-eight, somewhere in there. He had light hair pulled back into a ponytail. He stood about, oh I don't know, maybe six feet. Weight about one hundred and seventy pounds."

  When were they going to let him go? He glanced down at his watch. Almost one a.m. He pulled up his phone and the officer eyed him. “I'm checking on my mother to make sure she made it home safely."

  The guy grinned and stepped away. It was the first time Xavier hadn't felt cornered by them since the cops arrived.

  "Xavier. Where are you?” his mother demanded the minute she picked up the phone.

  "I'm fine, Mother. There was an incident and I have to talk to the police, then I'll be home."

  "Accident? Are you injured?"

  "No, Mother. Someone else was. I'll explain it all in the morning. Did you make it home safely?"

  "I did. You make sure you do the same."

  "I will. Good bye."

  "Good night Xavier. I love you."

  "Love you, too."

  He hung up and glanced over to find the cops grinning at him. He felt a flush creep over his face. A man his age calling in to check in with his mother. “If there's nothing else, I need to go.” At the officer's nod he started walking away. Then he turned back. “I don't know her name but she was with two friends who are probably very worried about her."

  Just at that moment, the two women came running up, panting and out of breath. “Keely!” the brunette cried out.

  Xavier watched as one of the officers stepped up to take charge and answered their questions. Their worried frowns deepened.

  Well, it wasn't any of his business. He had done his good deed for the day.

  Xavier shook his head. What a mess. When he seemed to fade from their thoughts he slipped away. He used his cell to call for the car service. The need to check on Keely was overwhelming. Keely. Why did the name stir him the way it did?

  Without warning another dreamlike scene popped into his head. A large black dragon stood in a field of summer green grass. Directly across from it, a pure white unicorn pranced. It made slow, tentative steps closer and closer to the dragon.

  The black beast reached out a clawed paw and snatched the unicorn up in its grip. A feeling of love, peace and connection filled the air. The unicorn pointed its head toward the dragon's jaws. A skinny stream of gray smoke puffed then a sliver of flame reached out and caressed the unicorn.

  It placed the white animal back on the ground and they shimmered. In the place of the two animals a couple emerged. The woman had blonde hair, the color of the moon and the man had dark hair. On their heads sat golden crowns.

  Hand in hand they moved away and faded from view.

  "Mr. Blake?” Xavier looked up to see two officers standing near by. A sinking feeling gathered in the pit of his stomach. He glanced around the park. His story didn't make any sense. Xavier knew it. The attacker had vanished into thin air. If it hadn't happened to him, Xavier wasn't sure he'd believe it. “Yes?"

  "Sir, we'd like you to come with us and have you answer a few more questions. Maybe you could help out by working out a sketch?” The tone in the cop's voice clearly indicated he didn't believe Xavier's story.

  Well, this was a hell of a way to wrap up his night. He followed the cop to a squad car. The flashing red and blue lights cut through the dark night. He blinked against the brightness and slid into the backseat. The sooner he got this over with the sooner he could get to St. Luke's and check on Keely.

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  "Keely!” Renee shouted, rushing into the room. “Oh my God. Are you all right? Did he hu
rt you?"

  Keely shook her head. “He grabbed me and dragged me to the park. He pinned me against a tree. He was saying something about black dragons and unicorns. He kept saying I had to go back to Grogan. I've never been so frightened in my life."

  "I'm just glad you're all right. You are, right?” Di fretted and scanned Keely's face.

  "I'm fine. If it hadn't been for that man,” she shook her head.

  "What man?"

  "The man from the bar. The one I told you about."

  "Oh. The double d? He's not only hot he's a knight in shining armor too?” Renee chuckled.

  "He just came out of nowhere and slammed the man to the ground.” Keely remembered watching her hero drop on top of the attacker and pummel him. When he stood up and came to her, she felt safe, protected, like she belonged with him.

  She remembered looking over his shoulder and watching while her attacker pushed from the ground and vanished from sight. It was then that the world went dark. She shivered as she remembered it all.

  "Keely? Should I get you a blanket?” Di fretted and pulled a cabinet open.

  "No. I'm fine."

  "Sure you are. We'll get you out of here and home where you belong,” Renee promised.

  "We should call your parents."

  "No Di. Don't. Mom would freak and start in with the move-back-home-to-the-farm routine."

  "You love the farm,” Renee said softly.

  "I do, but I like it here. My job, my friends, even you two,” she laughed.

  "As soon as the doctor gives the okay, we're gone."

  A knock sounded on the door and all three heads turned. Keely felt her heart stop as her knight in shining armor came into the room.

  Renee and Di exchanged glances. “Ahem. Think we'll go grab some coffee.” Renee stood, grabbed Di's hand and led her out of the room.

  "How are you feeling?” His cultured voice wrapped around her like silk and she had a sudden longing to melt into his arms.

  "I'm good, thanks to you.” She waited but he just stood staring. When he didn't say anything she shifted in the bed. “Can I at least know the name of my hero?"

  "Oh right, sorry. I'm Xavier. Xavier Blake."


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