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Dragon's Angel

Page 14

by Donica Covey

"Take me to the valley, and Blacdrake."

  Torina once more curtsied and stepped outside. She took hold of Keely's hand and lifted her into the air. They soared over the trees and forested lands, past the desolate desert, and over a large mountain pass.

  Below, shouts echoed off the hills and smoke billowed up from the ground. She felt pain, she felt death, she felt fear, and it overwhelmed her.

  When Torina deposited her on the ground, Keely pushed her way through the fighting men and other creatures. Blood soaked the grass in places making it hard to find traction.

  Ahead of her, through smoke and the sweat that had begun to flow down her forehead, Keely spotted Bellerophon.

  "Bellerophon,” she shouted and rushed to him. “Bellerophon.” He still didn't seem to hear her. She reached his side and slapped a hand on his shoulder.

  He spun on her a wild look in his eyes a large sword lifted in the air. When he realized whom she was his sword dropped and his mouth gaped. He blinked several times in disbelief. “My ... Lady?"

  She nodded and gently touched his hand for conformation. “Where is Xavier?"

  His senses finally returned. He looked out over the chaos. “I don't know, my Lady. We were attacked and scattered. I'm not sure where he disappeared to."

  She nodded and ran from him, searching the fight for Xavier. As she passed by the injured, she paused long enough to work her healing magic on them before rushing on. “Xavier,” she screamed the telepathic message.

  There was no reply. A horrible sense of dread and death slammed into her body. Where was Xavier?

  * * * *

  As the Seer soaked in the vile concoction described in the scroll and ate the disgusting platter of meat she kept watch in the gazing crystal. Soon she'd have the power she needed and would swoop into the battle. She'd destroy them all with her fiery breath. She'd cloak herself as she charged in for the kill. “No, it's not possible,” the Seer screamed when she saw Keely running across the battlefield. “How does she still live?” Her shouts reverberated through the chamber and the crystal shook violently.

  Had she gained enough to be able to use the dragon power against the Dragon and the accursed Unicorn? It had better be enough. There was no more time. She shoved from the blood filled tub and grabbed for her robes.

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  Xavier's great wings beat the air as he dipped low over the enemy encampment. He belched white-hot flames that decimated tents and weapons, and scattered the soldiers.

  He pulled up into the sky, climbing higher and higher. Then he dove straight down, gaining momentum and spraying another shower of flame over the army.

  Soldiers darted from the protection of the trees to fire arrows at him. He roared a laugh at their futile attempts to stop him. Didn't they know his scales were impregnable?

  A bolt jarred into his body. Shock mingled with the pain that sliced its way through his chest. He was soon hurtling to the ground. He landed with such force that the air was slammed from his lungs. The pain sent shock waves all the way to his talons. He lay momentarily stunned before looking skyward. A large black dragon landed in front of him and began stalking closer. It's scaled lips pulled back in a sneer revealing large pointed teeth with elongated canines. It had bright red eyes and razor thin claws. Another dragon? It wasn't possible.

  The great jaws opened and he was showered with coals of flame. The belched flames enveloped him in a scorching embrace. The heat licked its way up, over and through his body.

  He trembled as his skin replaced the scales; he dragged his way from the massive claws as the great dragon lifted its foot and brought it back to earth. It landed just shy of his head with such force that the ground beneath him rocked.

  Where the hell had it come from?

  A chorus of screeching voices filled the air and Xavier looked up to find a mass of winged creatures soaring overhead. The color, the shape of their bodies all indicated they weren't the Pegusians. Who were they? Were they friend or foe?

  One swooped down and caught him up in its massive paws. The large beak resembled that of an eagle on steroids. The eagle wings beat and the lion's paws held him tight. It was a Gryphineos. But that still didn't answer his question: friend or foe?

  The creature landed and placed Xavier a distance away before it shifted into the form of a man. Xavier was weak from the fiery exchange with the dragon and he didn't know if he had the strength to do battle so soon. His fists clenched at his sides. If he had to he could.

  The strange man bent into a deep bow. “My Lord Blacdrake. I and all in my house serve you and the Lady Alicorno."

  Some of the tension seeped from Xavier. “I'm glad to have you. We will need all the help we can get."

  The man stood and looked into Xavier's eyes. “I've not seen the Lady."

  Xavier's pain flashed fresh. “The Lady is dead. The Seer murdered her."

  The Gryphineos didn't try to mask his shock. “But what of the prophecy?"

  "We will still overthrow the evil Montrose and this day will see the death of the Seer,” Xavier roared.

  "Then we're off.” The Gryphineo took a running leap to the sky. His transformation back into the gryphon was seamless and apparently pain free.

  Xavier charged skyward himself and shifted back into his dragon form. This battle would end soon.

  * * * *

  Keely rushed through the army, healing the injured as quickly as she could reach them. The pounding of great hooves could be heard and she looked up to find human headed centaurs galloping into the fray.

  Behind her the battle cries split the sky and she spun around to find great two legged creatures rushing toward her people.

  These creatures struck some memory, but she couldn't place it. The beasts had great trunks, with strong muscular human-like legs. Their heads were massive and covered with hair. Huge tusks protruded from massive jaws in their snouts. She met the dead eyes of one of the beasts. It slammed through the fighting men and bolted straight for her.

  As the monster barreled forward she sidestepped and searched for some shelter. She would never be able to outrun the monstrosity. Not in human form anyway. She ran and forced her transformation. Four sleek white legs carried her swiftly from the monster and up a large slope. She heard a low growl and looked back over her shoulder in time to see the creature collapse to the ground, a large axe protruding from its head.

  A centaur bowed low then galloped off to rejoin his troop. Overhead, gold and brown gryphons glided on wind currents. The sound of rushing winds filled the air as wings propelled the majestic beasts through the sky. The creatures cast shadows over the great stone bipedal dinalopes.

  More soldiers spilled out of the surrounding trees. As the men fell, blood stained the ground beneath them. Where was Montrose getting his army? It seemed never ending.

  Gryphons swooped. Their great paws spread wide, the razor-sharp claws catching the sun as they extended from their sheaths and grabbed soldier after soldier, then tossed them from great heights. The creatures’ shrieks drowned out the cries of the men as they hurdled to the ground.

  Destruction was all around as Keely crested the hill and looked onto the battlefield below. So many lives were lost. The pain and smell of death filled her every pore. If only there had been a way to end it without this senseless slaughter.

  The ground shook and she looked up to find a dragon standing before her. Its bright red eyes bore into her soul and she collapsed to the ground from the pain. She shook off the shards of agony beating her limbs. Keely's unicorn self rose to stand face to face with the great dragon.

  Sunlight glinted off her silver horn. Its reflection danced in the dragon's eyes. Xavier, her mind cried before she lowered her head and plunged forward burying her horn deep into the massive creature's chest between three diamond-shaped scales.

  A scream of pain ripped through the air and in her human form she was flung from the body. Fire flashed and the dragon's body exploded in fla
me. The smell of burning flesh filled the air, making her stomach churn.

  Her body ached in its every pore. She searched to her depths but couldn't find the strength to stand. She dragged her way to a small tree and used it to pull up onto her feet. She leaned against the sapling for support and vomited. Bones cracked and pain cut into her once again. Keely dropped on hands and knees to the stony ground.

  The battle would soon be over. She knew it as she knew she'd killed the dragon. Who had it been? Xavier was the only Draco, was it he? No, it couldn't have been. Through blurry eyes she studied the ash and scorch marks on the ground and somehow sensed the answer. It was the Seer. She'd been the one in charge of Montrose's army.

  Once the opposing forces realized their leader was dead they would quickly surrender.

  So much had been lost. Now the pain could come and, with it, the tears she'd tried for so long to hold at bay. Tonight there would be many to heal and bury, and cry for. By morning the body count would be well in the thousands. Foolish greed and pride. An entire world almost destroyed for the sake of fleeting power. The insanity of it all made her ill. Why would anyone be so willing to sacrifice their entire world just to claim the crown for the short span of life?

  A large black dragon swooped to the ground and shifted to human form. Soon she was wrapped tightly in Xavier's arms. He brushed away the hair from her eyes. “You're alive! Have you been hurt?"

  She pulled away to look closely at him. “Everything hurts, Xavier. My body, my heart, my soul. I've never felt such pain. How senseless to sacrifice so many. Why did those men keep fighting?” She collapsed against his chest. “The killing. The pain each soldier felt before they died, I felt. The anguish tore me apart. Oh god,” she cried and jumped behind the tree to be sick again.

  "I felt the pain too,” he said softly. “I'm damn sorry it had to be this way. It's going to take a long time to rebuild, but Grogan will move forward. This world is safe and will be better than the one that has passed. This is the dawn of a new day and together we'll make sure this never happens again."

  She wiped the corners of her mouth. Then commanded a large flask of water appear. She rinsed out her mouth several times and when he tore a piece of his shirt she soaked it and washed her face. “A new day and a new life,” she agreed and when he reached for her, she didn't resist but allowed him to support her.

  He scooped her into his arms and she nestled against his chest. It hurt to move, it hurt to breathe, but around them the sounds of the battle were slowly dying. Before long her people would need her to heal their injuries. If only she could heal her own hurt. She could heal the physical pain of course, but the mental anguish would last forever.

  "I'll be here with you, Keely. Lean on me,” Xavier said softly and pressed a kiss on the top of her head.

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  Keely leaned into the soft lush grass under a large tree just outside of the Pegusian town. Montrose had never been found but Keely was certain he was gone for good. Most of his army had surrendered and there were still regiments trickling in to lay down their arms.

  There had been far too many deaths. Over five thousand in the battle alone. That didn't include the village of Quibleks who had been massacred.

  She reached up to wipe away the tear that slid down her cheek. The number of injured had been overwhelming. She felt her strength waning with each one she healed.


  She looked up. Xavier dropped to the ground next to her and took her hand in his. “How are you feeling?"

  She inhaled a long breath and let it out slowly. “I'm tired, still weak, but I think I'm better."

  He scooted closer and pulled her into his lap. “It's going to take a while for life to get back to normal.” He slid a finger under her chin and tilted her face up to his. “You're very pale. You feel too thin. You've got to take better care of yourself, Keely. These people depend on you now. I'm depending on you."

  "Don't you mean they are depending on us?"

  He kissed her. “Us then.” He kept her close to his chest. “We've got some decisions to make."

  "Some is putting it mildly. Where do we start?"

  "Us. I want you to be my wife. I don't know what their weddings are like here but you're mine. I want it official."

  "I want that too. But what of the bigger picture? The people need food, they need shelter."

  "If we are going to be the new rulers, the king and queen or whatever, we're going to start out right. With you as my wife."

  He was adamant, and she adored it. “All right, we find out what the official marriage thing is here. Then we ... Oh Xavier,” she jerked away from him. “A wedding."

  * * * *

  He had been expecting happiness but instead he felt sadness, confusion and loss. “What's the matter, baby?"

  She sighed. “My parents. I always imagined them at my wedding but if we're married here, then we can't, I mean they can't..."

  His mother's image danced in his mind. If she were robbed of his joy she'd be crushed. She was probably out of her mind with worry now. “My mother's probably crazy right now. I just disappeared off the planet. Well, so to speak."

  Keely nodded. “My mom and dad. All my friends, they must be worried sick.” She sagged against his chest and he felt her tears soak his shirt. “We'll never see them again."

  His heart ached at the thought. “My mother's an amazing woman. I really want to see her, to let her know I'm all right. That I'm alive, that I'm happy and I've finally found the one woman made for me."

  "We can't. There's no way back. If we leave we can't ever come back."

  He closed his eyes. “There has to be a way. We're these all-powerful beings so why the hell can't we do this?"

  "I don't know, Xavier."

  "I just had a thought. We've established that the Seer was a liar. She said we couldn't travel back and forth. Maybe that wasn't the truth either."

  Keely still hadn't raised her head. “My mother said the same thing though. She said if I chose to leave, to turn my back on our world that I could never return."

  "But we didn't turn our backs. We stayed. We fought. We won. Surely that means something.” Did it? God he hoped so. “We'll find a way. I promise."

  She still wasn't convinced. She pulled away from him and pushed to her feet. He watched her walk away, her shoulders slumped, sadness hanging over her like a veil.

  What could he say? What could he do?


  He turned in the direction of the voice. A woman's shade stood in front of him. Her dark hair was gathered into a knot under a red net. Her green eyes filled with moisture.

  Her appearance stirred a memory in his heart. The woman from his dreams. Was it possible? “Mother?"

  She nodded and stretched out her arms to him. “Oh my son.” She cried and wrapped him in a warm embrace. “I'm so proud of you.” She leaned back and studied him close. “So strong. So wise. So handsome. My son.” Tears fell to the ground.

  "Oh mother, I've wondered about you. I've wanted to see you."

  "I couldn't come to you before, but now I can see you one last time before I must leave."


  "We must move on, my son."

  He turned to face his father. “Move on,” sadness tinged his voice. “I've only just met you both and now I've got to lose you again."

  "It's the way of life. One generation leaves so another can live. Fulfill the destiny that has been written for them."

  "I know. It's just so unfair."

  "We'll always be watching over you.” His father looked off in the Keely's direction. “We'll be watching over your family. Our grandchildren. Their grandchildren and their grandchildren."

  Xavier scrubbed a hand down his face. His family. His children. “I'll miss you. There is so much I need to learn."

  "You'll learn it. Together you and Aldmakeelia will learn it. Take care of each other. Always put her needs above your own.
Follow your heart. It will not lead you astray."

  "Good bye, my son.” His mother stepped forward and pressed a kiss to his cheek.

  A soft gentle breeze caressed his skin and when he looked up his parents were gone. Profound loss filled him and was quickly washed away by a peaceful understanding. While they were forever gone from his reach, they would always remain in his heart.

  * * * *

  Keely brushed the tears away from her eyes. This world had become hers. She'd even managed to go all this time without thinking of her parents or her friends. Now that she did, the pain was so deep. She wanted to go home, if only long enough to tell them goodbye.

  "Aldmakeelia.” Her mother stood beneath the trees, sunlight dappled on her face.

  "Mother,” Keely choked.

  Her mother came to her and hugged her close. “I know your pain. I know your struggles."

  "I miss them so much, Mother. I just want to say goodbye. I want them to know I'm alive and that I'm all right."

  "I know, my darling daughter. I know."

  "I can go to them. I know I have the power to open the portal but if I go I can never come back."

  "Do you truly feel this is your world?"

  Keely nodded and looked into her mother's eyes.

  A man's voice floated on the breeze. “Aldmakeelia."

  Keely and her mother faced the man who was walking up to join them. He was familiar. It suddenly struck her. “You're my father."

  "Yes. You are every bit as beautiful as your mother. You have her strength. Her gentle spirit. I'm so proud of you. You've won the day and saved the world. You're now set on the path that you were always destined to walk. You will be a kind queen. You'll be a strong and loving wife and mother."

  Keely froze. “Wife and mother.” She loved Xavier. She couldn't wait to be his wife but their wedding should be a happy occasion but the pain she felt right now would never allow that to happen.

  "You're home, Aldmakeelia,” her mother began then she glanced at her father. “I know you aren't happy. If you could go back, what would you do? Would you return to Grogan?"

  Keely stood in silence. This was really her world. This was her home. She loved her mom and dad, loved and missed her friends, but in her heart she knew this was where she belonged. “Yes. I just want to say goodbye."


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