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The Complete Mackenzie Collection

Page 58

by Linda Howard

  “We could order room service,” she suggested.

  His eyes took on that heavy-lidded look. “No, we couldn’t.” His tone was definite, a little strained. His hand was warm and heavy on the small of her back. “You need to eat, and I don’t trust my self-control to last that long unless we’re in a public place.”

  Perhaps feeding her was his only concern, or perhaps he knew more about seduction than most men, she thought as they watched each other over a progression of courses. Knowing that he was going to make love to her as soon as they reached the suite, anticipating the heaviness of his weight on her, the hard thrust of his turgid length into her…the frustration readied her for him as surely as if he was stroking her flesh. Her breasts lifted hard and swollen against the bodice of her dress. Her insides tightened with desire, so that she had to press her legs together to ease the throbbing. His gaze kept dropping to her breasts, and as before, she couldn’t temper her response. She could feel her own moisture, feel the heaviness in her womb.

  She was scarcely aware of what she ate—something bland, to reduce the chances of early-pregnancy nausea. She drank only water. But turnabout was fair play, so she lingered over each bite while she stared at his mouth, or in the direction of his lap. She delicately licked her lips, shivering with delight as his face darkened and his jaw set. She stroked the rim of her water glass with one fingertip, drawing his gaze, making his breath come harder and faster. Beneath the table, she rubbed her foot against the muscled calf of his leg.

  He turned to snare their waiter with a laser glare. “Check!” he barked, and the waiter hurried to obey that voice of command. Zane scribbled their room number and his fictitious name on the check, and Barrie stared at him in amazement. It was hard to believe he could remember something like that when she could barely manage to walk.

  For revenge, when he pulled her chair back so she could stand, she allowed the knuckles of one hand to brush, oh, so very lightly, against his crotch. He went absolutely rigid for a moment, and his breath hissed out between his teeth. All innocence, Barrie turned to give him a sweetly inquiring What’s-wrong? look.

  His darkly tanned face was even darker with the flush running under the browned skin. His expression was set, giving away little, but his eyes were glittering like shards of diamond. His big hand closed firmly around her elbow. “Let’s go,” he said in the soundless whisper she’d first heard in a dark room in Benghazi. “And don’t do that again, or I swear I’ll have you in the elevator.”

  “Really.” She smiled at him over her shoulder. “How…uplifting.”

  A faint but visible shudder racked him, and the look he gave her promised retribution. “Here I’ve been thinking you were so sweet.”

  “I am sweet,” she declared as they marched toward the elevator. “But I’m not a pushover.”

  “We’ll see about that. I’m going to push you over.” They reached the bank of elevators, and he jabbed the call button with more force than necessary.

  “You won’t have to push hard. As a matter of fact, you can just blow me over.” She gave him another sweet smile and pursed her lips, blowing a tiny puff of air against his chest to demonstrate.

  The bell chimed, the doors opened, and they stood back to allow the car’s passengers to exit. They stepped inside alone, and even though people were hurrying toward them to catch that car, Zane ruthlessly punched their floor number and then the door close button. When the car began to rise, he turned on her like a tiger on fresh meat.

  She stepped gracefully out of his reach, staring at the numbers flashing on the digital display. “We’re almost there.”

  “You’re damn right about that,” he growled, coming after her. In the small confines of the elevator she didn’t have a chance of evading him, not that she wanted to. What she wanted was to drive him as crazy as he was driving her. His hard hands closed around her waist and lifted her; his muscled body pinned her to the wall. His hips pushed insistently at hers, and she gasped at how hard he was. Automatically her legs opened, allowing him access to the tender recesses of her body. He thrust against her, his hips moving rhythmically, and his mouth came down on hers, smothering, fiercely hungry.

  The bell chimed softly, and the elevator gave a slight lurch as it stopped. Zane didn’t release her. He simply turned with her still in his grasp and left the elevator, striding rapidly down the hall to their suite. Barrie twined her arms around his neck and her legs around his hips, biting back little moans as each stride he took rubbed his swollen sex against the aching softness of her loins. Pleasure arced through her like lightning with every step, and helplessly she felt her hips undulate against him in a mindless search for a deeper pleasure. A low curse hissed out from between his clenched teeth.

  She didn’t know if they passed anyone in the hall. She buried her face against his neck and gave in to the soaring hunger. She had needed him for so long, missed him, worried herself sick about him. Now he was here, vitally alive, about to take her with the same uncomplicated fierceness as before, and she didn’t care about anything else.

  He pushed her against a wall, and for one terrified, delirious moment she thought she had tempted him too much. Instead he unhooked her legs from around his waist and let her slide to the floor. He was breathing hard, his eyes dilated with a sexual hunger that wouldn’t be denied much longer, but on one level he was still very much in control. Lifting one finger to his lips to indicate silence, he slipped his right hand inside his jacket. When his hand emerged, it was filled with the butt of that big automatic. He thumbed off the safety, dealt with the electronic lock on the door to their suite, depressed the door handle and slipped noiselessly inside. The door closed as silently as it had opened.

  Barrie stood frozen in the hallway, sudden terror chasing away her desire as she waited with her eyes closed and her hands clenched into fists, all her concentration focused on trying to hear anything from inside the suite. She heard nothing. Absolutely nothing. Zane moved like a cat, but so did other men, men like him, men who worked best under cover of night and who could kill as silently as he had dispatched that guard in Benghazi. Her kidnappers hadn’t possessed the same expertise, but whoever was behind her abduction wouldn’t use Middle Eastern men here in the middle of the glitter and flash of Las Vegas. Perhaps this time he would hire someone more deadly, someone more interested in getting the job done than in terrifying a bound and helpless woman. Any thump, any whisper, might signal the end of Zane’s life, and she thought she would shatter under the strain.

  She didn’t hear the door open again. All she heard was Zane saying, “All clear,” in a calm, normal tone, and then she was in his arms again. She didn’t think she moved; she thought he simply gathered her in, pulling her into the security of his embrace.

  “I’m sorry,” he murmured against her hair as he carried her inside. He paused to lock and chain the door. “But I won’t take chances with your safety.”

  Fury roared through her like a brushfire. She lifted her head from the sanctuary of his shoulder and glared at him. “What about yours?” she demanded violently. “Do you have any idea what it does to me when you do things like that? Do you think I don’t notice when you put yourself between me and other people, so if anyone shoots at me, you’ll be the one with the bullet hole?” She hit him on the chest with a clenched fist, amazing even herself; she had never struck anyone before. She hit him again. “Damn it, I want you healthy and whole! I want our baby to have its daddy! I want to have more of your babies, so that means you have to stay alive, do you hear me?”

  “I hear,” he rumbled, his tone soothing as he caught her pounding fists and pressed them against his chest, stilling them. “I’d like the same things myself. That means I have to do whatever’s necessary to keep you and Junior safe.”

  She relaxed against him, her lips trembling as she fought back tears. She wasn’t a weepy person; it was just the hormonal roller coaster of pregnancy that was making her so, but still, she didn’t want to cry all over him.
He had enough to handle without having to deal with a sobbing wife every time he turned around.

  When she could manage a steady tone, she said in a small voice, “Junior, is it?”

  She saw the flash of his grin as he lifted her in his arms. “I’m afraid so,” he said as he carried her to the bed. “My sister Maris is the only female the Mackenzies have managed to produce, and that was twenty-nine years and ten boys ago.”

  He bent and gently placed her on the bed and sat down beside her. His dark face was intent as he reached beneath her for the zipper of her dress. “Now let’s see if I can get you back to where you were before you got scared, and we’ll introduce Junior to his daddy,” he whispered.

  Barrie was seized by a mixture of shyness and uneasiness as he stripped the dress down her hips and legs, then tossed it aside. Since her kidnappers had stripped her in a deliberate attempt to terrorize her, to break her spirit, she hadn’t been comfortable with being naked. Except for those hours hidden in the ruins in Benghazi, when Zane had finally coaxed her out of his shirt and she had lost herself in his lovemaking, she had hurried through any times of necessary nudity, such as when she showered, pulling on clothes or a robe as soon as possible. Once upon a time she had lingered after her bath, enjoying the wash of air over her damp skin as she pampered herself with perfumed oils and lotions, but for the past two months that luxury had fallen beneath her urgent need to be covered.

  Zane wanted her naked.

  Her dress was already gone, and the silk and lace of her matching bra and underpants weren’t much protection. Deftly he thumbed open the front fastening of her bra, and the cups loosened, sliding apart to reveal the inner curves of her breasts. Barrie couldn’t help herself; she protectively crossed her arms over her breasts, holding the bra in place.

  Zane paused, his face still as his pale gaze lifted to her face, examining the helpless, embarrassed expression she wore. She didn’t have to explain. He’d been there; he knew. “Still having problems with that shirt?” he asked gently, referring to the way she’d clung so desperately to his garment.

  He’d switched on a single lamp. She lay exposed in the small circle of light, while his face was shadowed. She moistened her lips and nodded once, a slight acknowledgment that was all he needed.

  “We can’t undo things,” he said, his face and tone serious. Using one finger, he lightly stroked the upper curves of her breasts, where they plumped above the protection of her crossed arms. “We can put them behind us and move on, but we can’t undo them. They stay part of us, they change us inside, but as other things happen, we change still more. I remember the face of the first man I killed. I don’t regret doing it, because he was a bomb-happy piece of scum who had left his calling card on a cruise ship, killing nine old people who were just trying to enjoy their retirement. Right then he was trying like hell to kill me…but I always carry his face with me, deep inside.”

  He paused, thinking, remembering. “He’s a part of me now, because killing him changed me. He made me stronger. I know that I can do whatever has to be done, and I know how to go on. I’ve killed others,” he said, as calmly as if he was discussing the weather, “but I don’t remember their faces. Only his. And I’m glad I won.”

  Barrie stared at him, the shadows emphasizing the planes and hollows of his somber face, deepening the oldness in his eyes. Deep inside she understood, the realization going past thought into the center of instinct. Being kidnapped had changed her; she’d faced that before Zane had rescued her. She was stronger, more decisive, more willing to take action. When he’d shown up that afternoon, she had been preparing to take extraordinary measures to protect herself and the child she carried by disappearing from the comfortable life she’d always known. She’d been naked with Zane before—and enjoyed it. She would again.

  Slowly she lifted one hand and stroked the precise line of the small scar on his left cheekbone. He turned his head a little, rubbing his cheek against her fingers.

  “Take off your clothes,” she suggested softly. Balance. If her nudity was balanced by his, she would be more comfortable.

  His eyebrows quirked upward. “All right.”

  She didn’t have to explain, but then, she’d known she wouldn’t. She lay on the bed and watched him peel out of his jacket, then remove the shoulder holster, which once more carried its lethal cargo. This last was carefully placed on the bedside table, where it would be within reach. Then his shirt came off, and he dropped it on the floor, along with her dress and his jacket.

  The new scar on his upper abdomen was red and puckered, and bisected by a long surgical scar where the ship’s surgeon had sliced into him to stop the bleeding and save his life. She had seen the scar before, when he had removed his shirt before showering, but she had been under orders not to touch him then lest she make him forget his priorities. There was no such restriction now.

  Her fingers moved over the scar, feeling the heat and vitality of the man, and she thought how easily all of that could have been snuffed out. She had come so close to losing him….

  “Don’t think about it,” he murmured, catching her hand and lifting it to his lips. “It didn’t happen.”

  “It could have.”

  “It didn’t.” His tone was final as he bent over to tug off his boots. They dropped to the floor with twin thuds, then he stood to unfasten his pants.

  He was right. It hadn’t happened. Pick yourself up, learn something, and go on. It was in the past. The future was their marriage, their child. The present was now, and as Zane swiftly stripped off his remaining clothes, a lot more urgent.

  He sat beside her again, comfortable in his own skin. It was such wonderful skin, she thought a little dreamily, reaching out to stroke his gleaming shoulders and furry chest and rub the tiny nipples hidden among the hair until they stood stiffly erect. She knew she was inviting him to reciprocate, and her breath caught in her chest as she waited for him to accept.

  He wasn’t slow about it. His hands went to the parted cups of her bra, and his gaze lifted to hers. “Ready?” he asked with a slight smile.

  She didn’t reply, just shrugged one shoulder so that her breast slid free of the cup, and that was answer enough.

  He glanced downward as he pushed the other cup aside, and she saw his pupils flare with arousal as he looked at her. His breath hissed out through parted lips. “I see our baby here,” he whispered, gently touching one nipple with a single fingertip. “You haven’t gained any weight, your stomach’s still flat, but he’s changed you here. Your nipples are darker, and swollen.” Ever so lightly, his touch circled the aureola, making it pucker and stand upright. Barrie whimpered with the rush of desire, the familiar lightning strike from breast to loin.

  He rubbed his thumb over the tip, then gently curved his hand beneath her breast, lifting it so that it plumped in his palm. “How much more sensitive are they?” he asked, never looking up from his absorption with these new details in her body.

  “Some—sometimes I can’t bear the touch of my bra.” she breathed.

  “Your veins are bluer, too,” he murmured. “They look like rivers running under a layer of white satin.” He leaned down and kissed her, taking possession of her mouth while he continued to fondle her breasts with exquisite care. She melted with a purring little hum of pleasure, lifting herself so she could taste him more deeply. His lips were as hot and forceful as she remembered, as delicious. He took his time; the kiss was slow and deep, his tongue probing. Her pregnancy-sensitive breasts hardened into almost painful arousal, her loins becoming warm and liquid.

  He bore her down onto the pillows, his hands slipping over her body, completely removing the bra and then disposing of her underpants. His eyes glittered hotly as he leaned over her. “I’m going to do everything to you I couldn’t do before,” he whispered. “We don’t have to worry about being on guard, or making noise, or what time it is. I’m going to eat you up, Little Red.”

  She should have been alarmed, because his express
ion was so fierce and hungry she could almost take him literally. Instead, she reached out for him, almost frantic with the need to feel him covering her, taking her.

  He had other ideas. He caught her hands and pressed them to the bed, as she had once done to him. He had trusted her with control, and now she returned the gift, arching her body up for whatever was his pleasure.

  His pleasure was her breasts, with their fascinating changes. He took one distended nipple into his mouth, carefully, lightly. That was enough to make her moan, though not with pain; the prickles of sensation were incredibly intense. His tongue batted at her nipple, swirled around it, then pushed it hard against the roof of his mouth as he began suckling.

  Her cry was thin, wild. Her breath exploded out of her lungs, and she couldn’t seem to draw in any replacement air. Oh, God, she hadn’t realized her breasts were that sensitive, or that he would so abruptly push her past both pleasure and pain into a realm so raw and powerful she couldn’t bear it. She surged upward, and he controlled the motion, holding her down, transferring his mouth to her other nipple, which received the same tender care and enticement, then the sudden, deliberate pressure that made her cry out again.

  He wouldn’t stop. She screamed for him to, begged him, but he wouldn’t stop. She heard her voice, frantic, pleading: “Zane—please. Oh, God, please. Don’t—more. More.” And then, sobbing, “Harder!” And she realized she wasn’t begging him to stop, but to continue. She writhed in his arms as he pushed her higher and higher, harder and harder, his mouth voracious on her breasts, and suddenly all her senses coalesced into a huge single throb that centered in her loins, and she came apart with pleasure.

  When she could breathe again, think again, her limbs were weak and useless in the aftermath. She lay limply on the bed, her eyes closed, and wondered how she had survived the implosion.

  “Just from sucking your breasts?” he murmured incredulously as he kissed his way down her stomach. “Oh, damn, are we going to have fun for the next seven months!”


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