Hood Rat
Page 26
“Hello?” Marlene said, not recognizing the number.
“Yeah, can I speak to Paul?” Rhonda said, as if Marlene wasn’t supposed to be answering her own phone.
Marlene looked at the phone, not believing the nerve of the little ghetto bitch. “He’s not here, and P.J. is sleeping.”
“I figured P.J. was sleeping, that’s why I asked for Paul,” Rhonda said in a borderline stink tone. “Look, when he comes in, just tell him that I’m still waiting for P.J.’s sneakers and I’m gonna need some money to pay Verna to do his hair.”
“I’ll relay the message about the sneakers, but I braided P.J.’s hair this afternoon,” Marlene told her.
“How sweet,” Rhonda said sarcastically. “Anyhow, tell him he can drop the money off when he brings P.J. home.” Before Marlene could respond, Rhonda hung up.
“Fucking bitch,” Marlene mumbled to the dead phone line. It was moments like those that Marlene regretted giving Rhonda the green light to call her house. She did it as a courtesy because P.J. spent nights there, but Rhonda used it as an excuse to irritate her. Paul’s baby’s mother was a royal pain in the ass and Marlene was getting tired of her shit. If Paul didn’t have the balls or the desire to do something about her, Marlene was going to take matters into her own hands.
Walking to the supply closet in the hall, Marlene removed a small Ziploc bag and an envelope. Next she picked up the comb that she had been using on P.J.’s hair and Paul’s brush. One way or another, Rhonda’s bullshit was going to come to an end.
Part Three
A Vicious Cycle
Yo, kid, I’m bored as hell,” Groovy said, flicking through the channels on the television.
“Me, too, yo,” Rel agreed, pouring some Hennessy into a plastic cup. “Man, we need to be on the streets.”
“And risk that little nutball muthafucka Jah creeping on us?” Slick said from the wooden chair he was lounging on. “Nah, we’re gonna keep a low profile until we resolve this shit.”
“Yo, I’m feeling like a real sucka-ass nigga just sitting around, Slick. That young nigga ain’t built like that,” Rel said, downing his cup. “That’s my word, we can get it popping wherever we see duke!”
“Man, I’m wit’ Rel on this one, Slick.” Groovy dropped the remote and sat up. “I know we beefing wit’ the niggaz from the other side, but Jah ain’t nobody. We’re acting like we getting it on with some heavyweights. We got the guns and the soldiers, man, ain’t no need for us to get low.”
“Groove, I dig where you’re coming from, but you gotta dig where I’m coming from. Right now we’re banging out with some niggaz we really don’t know too much about. We don’t know how deep Jah’s crew is, or exactly who he’s with. Anytime one of us leaves here, we’re gonna have to take a hammer and with his getting it on so close to the precinct, the streets are on fire. You gotta think about this logically.” Slick was putting up a front like he was going at the situation logically, but he was really nervous.
Anytime he had gotten into a major beef in the past, his uncles or someone out of their crew would handle it. Now he found himself in some serious shit. A young man had already died because of it, and more death would surely come of it, all over some pack money and egos. If it was the last thing he did, he was going to make sure his life wasn’t among those lost in the feud, and if he had to keep a low profile to do it, that’s what he was going to do.
Rel picked up the bottle. “Y’all can do what you want, but I’m going out to try and get some pussy. Fuck Jah!” He took a long swig directly from the bottle.
“Yo, I think Shooter’s on Thirty-eighth is popping tonight,” Groovy said.
“Yeah, they always got some fine bitches up in there that’ll fuck for some paper.” Rel grabbed his crotch. “I’m wit’ that.”
“You coming, Slick?” Groovy asked, picking up his gun.
“Nah, y’all niggaz do y’all. Just be safe out there,” Slick told them. He watched his crew leave, thinking how they were asking for trouble. Slick might not have been the toughest hustler in the streets, but he was damn sure one of the smartest. While Groovy and Rel continued to stick their heads in the lion’s mouth, Slick would let it come to him.
* * *
“Why don’t you slow down with that shit?” Lex suggested, watching Pain snort line after line of cocaine.
“Stop clocking what I do,” Pain said, sniffling and snorting. “I’m a grown-ass man.”
“You keep putting that shit in your brain and you probably won’t live to see old age,” True added.
“Nigga, I know you ain’t talking wit’ all the powder Don B. sniffs.
I guess ’cause that’s your boss it’s okay for him to do it,” Pain said venomously.
True stopped rolling his blunt and moved to stand directly in front of where Pain was hunched over. “I’m getting real tired of the way you be coming at me.”
Pain stood to meet his challenge, his eyes glassed over from all the cocaine he had snorted. “My dude, don’t be raising up on me like you built like that. Don’t let the shit these punk-ass magazines write about you go to your head. Bad Blood is a group, not a one-man show.”
True matched Pain’s stare. “Nigga, don’t tell me about a group. I’m down for my niggaz all day, kid. You be the one acting all funny and shit. That coke be having you moody.”
“Why don’t the both of y’all relax?” suggested Jay, coming out of the bedroom. “Pain, every time I turn around, you arguing with one of these niggaz. We supposed to be a group, so let’s act like it.”
“We?” Pain made a face. “Nigga, you run errands for Don B. You ain’t even a member of Bad Blood.” This broke the tension and drew a laugh from all the young men in the room. Pain’s cell phone started ringing, but he just looked at the caller ID without picking it up. It was the third time he had done it over the last hour.
“Fuck you keep looping?” Lex asked.
“Just this little chickenhead that can’t get enough of daddy’s dick,” Pain lied.
“Well, why don’t you call that bitch so we can all bust ass?” True said.
“Fuck outta here, you don’t ever share your bitches, so why should I share one of mine?”
“’Cause we a group.” True tried to put his arm around Pain, but he brushed it off.
“Man, let’s go outside. Its crazy hot in here,” Lah said, fanning himself.
“Shut up and stop complaining,” Pain said. “Matter of fact,” Pain said, and tossed him a bag of weed, “roll that.”
“Leave the little nigga alone, yo,” Jay cut in. “He’s right, it is mad hot in here. This project has always got some rat bitches running around trying to get their heads popped off. Let’s go see if we can find some.” They all agreed and filed out of the apartment in search of a good time.
* * *
The weather had dropped so Yoshi had changed into jeans and a short leather jacket. Her heeled leather boots clicked on the ground beneath her, making a strange melody accompanied by the rumbling of the wheels of her small rolling case. Her cell vibrated, causing her to reflexively slow up.
“Speak on it,” she answered.
“What’s good, informer?” Billy asked jokingly.
“Hey, Billy. Listen, I hope you’re not tight about me giving Marcus your number?”
“Nah, it’s cool. I was glad to speak to him.”
“That’s good. Marcus really is a nice guy.”
“I guess I’ll find out for sure tonight. I’m supposed to meet him at the club,” Billy admitted.
“You freaky little heifer!” Yoshi squealed.
“It ain’t even like that, bitch. I’m just meeting him there. He’s taking me out for a nice Italian dinner.”
“That’s what I’m talking about,” Yoshi said proudly. “Some niggaz try to jump straight for the pussy before they spend some dough. Knowing Marcus, he’s probably gonna take you somewhere nice. Why can’t all these niggaz move like that?”
bsp; “Well, I’m not making him out to be Superman just yet, but so far he’s on the right track.”
“‘Bout time you get out and date. I’m happy for you, Billy,” Yoshi said honestly.
“It feels kind of funny, ya know. I’ve spent so much time trying to avoid dudes that I probably won’t know how to act around him tonight.”
“You’ll do fine, Billy. I’ll be at the club by the time you get down there so you make sure you check me before you slide out.”
“A’ight, Yoshi. I’ll see you tonight.”
Yoshi tucked her phone back in her purse and continued toward the club. It was a modest little joint with blacked-out glass doors and a green awning with its name printed on it. Yoshi nodded at the young man smoking out front and continued through the entrance.
The inside of the club wasn’t packed, but there were people sitting at the bar drinking. A few of the less attractive girls were on the pole doing their thing. They were out of shape and had skin marred with stretch marks, which was reflected in the light sprinkling of tips laid at their feet. The big spenders hadn’t gotten there yet, but when they did, the real bitches would come out.
Passing the bar and a few patrons who tried to get her attention, Yoshi snaked through the hallway to the dressing room. The room contained about a dozen or so lockers and several vanity tables. Several of the girls were putting on their costumes while some sat around smoking blunts and sipping. Yoshi nodded, but for the most part she never got too friendly with the girls she worked with.
Sitting at the vanity table at the other end of the room, Yoshi sat down and began going through her case. As she was getting her first outfit of the night together, a girl they called Scar came over. She was a beautiful chick who was at least five-foot ten and built like a track star. She got her name Scar because of the tribal marks on her face. She was from some country in Africa, but Yoshi could never remember which one.
“What’s up, China?” Scar asked in a slight accent.
“Another day, another dollar,” Yoshi said, continuing with her task.
“Say, I’ve got some killer green.” Scar produced a rolled-up joint from her halter top. “Real good shit my guy gets from Panama. You wanna blaze?”
“I’m good for right now, thanks.”
Scar sat on the bench a little too close for Yoshi’s taste. “What’s the matter, China, you don’t like me?”
“We cool, but if you don’t move back a taste that might change,” Yoshi said, with a sharp edge to her voice.
“Scar, get your hot ass outta here and leave China alone,” a voice called from behind them. Cat strolled over, dressed only in a thong and white thigh-high boots. Even without a top, her perky breasts stood at attention.
“My bad, Cat,” Scar said, gracefully sliding off the bench, “I didn’t know she was one of yours.”
“Whether she was one of mine or not, you keep sniffing around stray pussy and you’re liable to get scratched.” The look she gave Scar was one of warning. The taller girl took the hint and headed back to the other side of the room. “Some bitches,” Cat said and shook her head.
“I don’t know what it is with bitches hitting on me lately,” Yoshi said.
“Can’t say that I blame them.” Cat eyed her.
“Don’t play wit’ me.”
“I’m only joking, Yoshi. So I hear my brother has a date with your friend tonight.”
“Damn, did he put it on the Internet?”
“Come on, Yoshi, I’m his sister. He seems to really like her,” Cat admitted.
“I hope so. If he disrespects my friend, I’m gonna get in his ass,” Yoshi warned.
“Yoshi, let me tell you something about my brother.” She sat in the spot Scar had vacated. “Regardless of what you might think, he ain’t like that. Yeah, Marcus used to be a dog just like the rest of him, but his rabbit got a hold of a gun.”
“What?” Yoshi asked, confused.
Cat laughed. “He got played. Marcus had hooked up with this chick and fell head over heels for her. The boy was even thinking about moving in with her. Come to find out, she was fucking some out-of-town niggaz for hits of dope. That shit crushed my brother, and since then he’s been really funny about the type of girls he dates. Trust me, he ain’t gonna play no games with Billy’s heart. If he’s trying to holla, then he genuinely digs her.”
“And why should I take your word for that?” Yoshi challenged.
Cat just shrugged. “Billy already made it clear to me that she doesn’t do pussy, so I stand nothing to gain from trying to sabotage it. See you out on the floor.” Cat got up and grabbed her top before heading out to the main floor. As she passed, Scar gave her a look, but kept her mouth in check.
Yo, I don’t believe I let that clown-ass nigga hit it,” Rhonda said, filling her plastic cup with Long Island iced tea.
“I thought you said he had a big dick,” Reese said, sipping from her cup.
“Oh, from what I can remember the sex was good, but he ain’t really got nothing to offer. I asked my brother about him and he told me that Slick ain’t no heavyweight.”
“So what, you bust a nut and hit the nigga for a few dollars. If anything, you came out on top.”
“Baby, life ain’t always about a few dollars and a nut. I’m looking for the big score,” Rhonda told her. “Speaking of big score, what’s up with you and Don B.?”
“Ain’t nothing up,” Reese said, her thoughts going back to her test results.
Rhonda gave her a funny look. “Reese, why don’t you come clean? What really happened with Don B.?”
“I already told you, we fucked, I got dropped off, and that was that,” Reese said.
“You a better bitch than me, ’cause I’d have been all up in that nigga’s ass.” Rhonda took a gulp of her drink. “On another note, where the hell is Billy?”
“Oh, you ain’t know Ms. Thing had a date?”
Rhonda looked as if she couldn’t believe it. “A date? With who?”
“Dude from the club. Yo, you should’ve seen Billy when she stepped out. Our bitch was killing ’em.”
“I don’t know what she got all dressed up for. She ain’t gonna give him no pussy,” Rhonda hated.
Reese’s attention was drawn by the sound of male voices coming from her left. Under the dim streetlights she could make out the shapes of five men coming their way. Squinting, she could see the faces of True, Pain, Lex, and the little light-skinned one from the group, Lah. When the fifth face came into focus Reese, cursed under her breath.
“Is that True?” Rhonda looked in the direction in which Reese had been staring. “Yeah, that’s him. Good, ’cause I got a few choice words for that nigga.”
“Rhonda, please don’t start,” Reese pleaded.
“I ain’t gonna start, I’m just gonna speak my mind.”
Reese sighed, because she knew when Rhonda said she’d “speak her mind,” she really meant she’d embarrass them. When the five men noticed Rhonda and Reese sitting on the bench, they altered their course and headed over to them. There was something about the look on Jay and Pain’s faces that made Reese uncomfortable.
“Rhonda, what’s good?” True asked, spreading his arms for a hug.
“Oh, now you wanna act like you know a bitch,” she said, backing away. “That was some real foul shit you pulled in the club last night, True.”
“What you talking about?” he said, trying to fake ignorance.
“True, how you gonna leave me with ya people so you can run around the club and whore yourself? You know me and you is cooler than that, so all you had to do was keep it funky.”
True gave her a high smile. “My bad, ma. I got caught up with the show and shit and never had a chance to get back with you. What can I do to make it up to you?”
“I’ll think of something,” she said flirtatiously.
“Shorty, don’t I know you?” Jay asked Reese, taking a drink from the bottle. From the way he was glaring at her, she c
ould tell the liquor had him feeling himself.
“Do you?” she asked with an attitude.
“Shorty, stop acting like that,” Pain said, wiping his nose with the sleeve of his shirt. “You know what it is.”
“Excuse you?” Reese snaked her neck.
“You gotta pardon my dude. Sometimes he doesn’t know what to say out of his mouth,” Jay said in his best pimp voice.
“Well, you need to check him,” Reese said.
Jay took another deep swig and rocked a bit. “Pay that nigga no mind. What I’m trying to find out is what’s popping for the night?”
“I couldn’t tell you. I’ve got plans of my own.”
“You think you could include me and my niggaz in your plan?” Jay asked, putting his arms around Pain and Lex, who were eyeing Reese like fresh meat.
“Nah, I’m good.” Reese turned away from them to hide her nervousness.
Jay took her slight as a green light to go in for the kill. “I know you’re good. That was probably the best pussy I had in a long time, and that’s why I’m trying to let my niggaz see what that’s about.”
“No the fuck you didn’t.” Rhonda got in his face. “Don’t be coming over here trying to disrespect my homegirl.”
“Shit, she did that on her own,” Pain said and snickered.
“What?” Rhonda spun on him.
“She ain’t tell you she blazed the whole Big Dawg squad?” Pain fell out laughing at his own “joke.”
Reese felt like her whole body had caved in on itself. Everyone who had been listening was shocked, except for Pain and Jay, who were doubled over with laughter. The very thing she had been trying to keep on the low ended up coming out because a drunk nigga didn’t know how to hold his tongue.