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Salvation and Secrets (Chastity Falls #2)

Page 22

by L A Cotton

  I needed Braiden.

  After all, it was his beef with Reibeckitt that landed us here. But I couldn’t go there, I had to focus on Ana.

  Students were everywhere; lining the path up the house, hanging out of windows, Solo cups in hand. And from the music booming from inside, the party was already in full swing. A couple of people noticed me approach and called out to me, congratulating me on the win, but I ignored them. My sights were set on only one thing.

  The house was crowded, but I knew Braiden—and the rest of the guys—and there was only one place they would be. Steve and Tripp frowned when I reached them, standing guard at the basement door in their usual place.

  “Hmm, Pierce, didn’t expect to see you here, man,” Steve mumbled, his eyes shifting to Tripp, who just shrugged.

  “I need to see Braiden.”

  “Umm, listen, man, I don’t think we’re suppo-”

  Tripp grunted as I barged him out of the way and slammed the door. A heavy beat blared out and sounds of laughter filled the room. I could hear them behind me, deciding whether they should try to stop me or let me go down. They didn’t follow me. Pussys.

  The sight in front of me was one I’d witnessed time and time again. Braiden and his favorite girl, Kacey, were making out on the chair in the far corner, a bottle of Jack in his right hand. Kyler and Shaun pawed at a slim blonde wearing a tight fitting jersey as a dress. And Travis was all up in some petite brunette, grinding to the beat with her. Dennis noticed me right away and was off his usual spot in the corner in a second, stalking in my direction.

  “Everything okay?” His arched his eyebrow and cast me a knowing glance.

  “I need to talk to Braiden," I said, stepping forward.

  His hand came up to my shoulder. “Are you sure? He’s pretty wasted.”

  Nodding, I closed the distance between us. He still hadn't noticed me, too busy letting Kacey feel him up, all the while shoving her tongue down his throat.

  "Can we talk?"

  Kyler choked out a cough somewhere behind me, but I didn't take my eyes off Braiden. Kacey twisted in his lap and started to rise, flushed with embarrassment.

  "The fuck you think you're going." He snaked an arm around her waist and pulled her back onto his lap. She giggled and my pulse spiked.

  "A word?"

  With a groan, Braiden knocked her to the side and narrowed his eyes at me.

  "What?" he snarled.

  My eyes darted to Kacey. "In private."

  Braiden nudged her completely off his lap and tapped her on the butt. "Go up to my room and wait for me." His eyes moved to the other two girls. "Out."

  The girls swallowed hard before hurrying up the stairs. Braiden’s eyes burned into me, but he didn't move just continued taking long pulls on the bottle in his hand. The rest of the guys lingered behind us not saying anything. Waiting for whatever was about to come.

  "Tell me this isn't you; tell me you didn't do this to get back at me."

  In a second, Braiden was off the chair and standing nose to nose with me. His chest was heaving so hard it was obvious how much my being there was affecting him. But I stood my ground, willing to take whatever he had to throw at me because this wasn't about us, it was about Ana. It was about the broken girl I dragged into my shitstorm, and I was getting her back, unharmed, with or without his help.

  Cocking his chin with a sly smirk on his face, Braiden said, "The fuck you talking about?"

  "Ana's missing. Tell me it wasn't you, Braiden. Tell me you're not that fucked up to do something like this twice." My hands trembled as I fought to control myself, but all I could see was red.

  And Ana.




  Braiden's jaw ticked and his eyes drew into tights lines. And then he laughed. I was standing a desperate guy in front of him and he laughed in my face. Something deep in me stirred with the realization at just how over our relationship was.

  "You think I give a flying fuck about that bitch? It was never about her, it was about you. About you thinking you're better than me, better than us. Better than the family who raised you. Who gave you everything. She was just the snake. The snake that wormed her way into our family and turned you once and for all."

  There wasn't time for this. Braiden and I had stuff to settle, but now wasn't the time. Not while Ana was out there somewhere.

  "Then it can only be Calder and his fucked-up games." My voice was quiet, thick with frustration.

  "Not my problem."

  My rage exploded. I rammed Braiden against the wall, my forearm pinning him by the neck. But as quickly as it happened, strong arms wrapped around me and yanked me back.

  "Easy, easy, big guy." Dennis' voice cut through my red haze and I slumped, defeated in his steel grip.

  "You're done. YOU'RE DONE, PIERCE," Braiden boomed as Dennis hurled me up the stairs.

  Kyler, Travis, and Shaun all just watched, mouths agape while Braiden hurled the bottle at the wall and starting kicking the shit out of the chair. They could deal with him after this; there was no going back.

  There was no slither of hope for smoothing things out between us.

  Things were unsalvageable.


  After managing to get me outside to cool off, Dennis marched me to Tyson's house. The door flew open and Elena ran over to us tears still streaming down her face.

  "So, will he help? Does he know where Ana is?"

  Dennis held out his hand, giving me my space. My world was imploding and I couldn't think straight, let alone answer the flurry of questions Elena was hurtling at me.

  "Babe, give him space and let him get through the door, yeah?" Tyson lifted his head as Dennis pushed me past him.

  Everyone searched my eyes for answers. Something. But the red haze was still swarming my mind.

  "Is he okay?" a meek female voice asked.

  Dennis grunted something over my shoulder before pulling out a chair and forcing me down on it. "Sit. Someone get him a drink."

  I heard someone rummage in the refrigerator, the pop of the cap, and the thud of a bottle landing in front of me. I felt their eyes watching me, their unsure stares waiting for me to say something.

  But I had nothing. All I could see was Ana's face. I'd dragged her into this, I’d put her in harm's way...twice, and Braiden was right. It was never about her, it was about me.

  It was all my fault.

  "Jackson, don't you thin—"

  "Let him be for a minute. He's had a rough night," Dennis snapped back at Elena.

  "Rough night? My best friend is missing, probably with those crazy fucks from that godforsaken town and you're telling me to let him be? Nah-ah. Move out of my way, mister, or I'll move you myself."

  I twisted to watch Elena stalk forward placing herself directly in front of Dennis, who stood arms folded over his chest. The guy was huge and scary, but feisty Elena wasn't backing down, and Tyson moved to intervene in their standoff, but Elena's words clicked.


  What the fuck was I doing?

  The chair crashed against the table as I jumped up, startling everyone.

  "I need my car. Or someone's car." Nine faces looked at me like I'd grown a second head. "Now."

  Paul padded his pocket and yanked out my keys. "Your bag, I thought you might be needing these." He threw them across the table to me and I caught them.

  "My car’s in McGinley's parking lot. I'll call as soon as I find Ana."

  "Wait? That's you plan? Just storm off and go with all guns blazing? Shouldn't we call the police or something?"

  My eyes narrowed at Elena. She knew calling the police wasn't an option. You didn't involve the police on Donohue business. And I was still a Donohue. Until I could end this once and for all.

  "I'm coming." Dennis stepped up beside me and I nodded my appreciation.

  "We have your back, too," Tyson said, and my eyes flicked to Jamie and Paul, who looked rea
dy to piss themselves.

  "No, you guys stay put. I appreciate it, but this is my mess. I need you here for Ana. Please."

  Dennis and I headed out in silence, making the short sprint to McGinley in a couple of minutes.

  "You know where she is?" he asked, climbing into the passenger side.

  "I have a pretty good idea. You ready for this? I appreciate it, man, but you can back out."

  He belted up and barked, "No fucking chance."

  I hit the gas and sped up the hidden road out of the back of the campus. The forest whirled by in a blur, my eyes focused only on the road in front.

  We drove in silence and the seconds ticked by painfully slow. My mind drifted to Ana more than once—where was she, what were they doing to her, but every time I let myself go there, my hands gripped the wheel to the point of cutting off blood supply and Dennis had to tell me to calm down.

  Twenty-five minutes later, we rolled up outside the Grill ‘n’ Dine. It was almost eleven, and the closed sign hung in the window, but Calder was here. His car was parked in the small lot to the side.

  “What now?” Dennis’ voice pierced the silence.

  I cut the engine and raked a hand through my hair. A plan would have been good, but I had nothing. If Ana was in there—which I was pretty sure she was—I was going in. No questions asked. No plan. No Braiden.

  “I’m going in. You can stay here, I won—”

  Dennis grunted his disapproval before climbing out the car and stalking around to the sidewalk. I joined him and we crossed the road to the diner, snaking around the sidewalk to the side door we had used to enter the building before. As we drew closer, muffled voices filtered through an open window and I held my hand up to Dennis, mouthing ‘wait’ to him. My heart pounded in my chest as I pressed my ear to the window to hear better.

  “... I thought she would give us the upper hand. Draw them out. Make things eas—”

  I froze at the mention of Ana. All the blood rushing to my muscles and causing my whole body to tense.

  “Do you have any fucking idea what you’ve done?” I recognized Calder’s voice, but I couldn’t make out the other voice, although I had my suspicions.

  “Shit, fuck, I thought this was the right thing. You said to watch her and him. And she was alone at the game, and I thought it was an opportunity we couldn’t—”

  Something smashed and Calder roared, “Smith, you’re a fucking liability. I said watch them, not fucking kidnap one of them. And her of all fucking people. I should fucking put a bullet in your head.”

  “Cole, easy man, it could work to our advantage,” a different voice said.

  “No one asked you, Merrick. Keep the fuck out of this.”

  Merrick. The name sounded familiar. He was the guy who had been with Calder when they hijacked the money and coke.

  Something else smashed and Merrick cursed. I couldn’t see anything through the blinds, just silhouettes. I was done watching anyway, they had Ana somewhere in the building and I was getting her back. Even if it meant doing something I might regret.

  “I’m going in,” I whispered to Dennis, who was standing flush against the wall, trying to remain invisible in the shadows. He nodded and grabbed the door handle. It opened without resistance and we slipped inside.

  No one noticed us arrive, Calder, Merrick, and a guy with blond shaggy hair stood in the far corner of the room, just outside of Calder’s personal office. Landon Smith looked just the same. Thin, wiry, and as freaky as fuck. But he also looked terrified as Calder continued to yell at him, the ugly jagged pink scar stretching from cheek to jaw glistening. I hadn’t seen him since that night, but Braiden was right. He had given Calder a permanent reminder not to mess with the Donohue’s.

  “So what the fuck are we going to do with her? They’ll know she’s missing, and they’re probably on their way over here right now.”

  Landon’s face paled even more and he shifted uncomfortably, rocking back and forth on the balls of his feet. I scanned the room trying to locate Ana, but there was no sign of her.

  Dennis looked at me for a signal of our next move, but the sound of car tires screeching startled everyone and before we had chance to move the door flew open and Braiden stormed into the room and straight past us, his sights set firmly on Calder.

  “You really fucked up this time, Calder.” Braiden’s voice was eerily calm as he stalked to the three guys watching his every move.

  Landon and Merrick stepped away from Calder leaving him all out on his own. But Calder didn’t falter, he didn’t budge a muscle. I saw the flash of fear in his eyes, but it was soon replaced by the crazy glint he had that night. Right before he plunged the knife into me.

  This isn’t going to end well.

  I motioned to Dennis, indicating that we should step up behind Braiden, and he nodded in agreement. No one turned to acknowledge us, but Braiden knew we were there. Of course he did, it was the reason he was here now.

  “What a shit hole this is.” Roman strolled into the room like he owned the place and I flashed Dennis a look. Things just got a whole lot more dangerous. Now there wasn’t only one crazy fuck in the room, there were two.

  “Rome,” Braiden warned. If anyone could keep Roman in check, it was Braiden, but he’d been itching to get payback on Reibeckitt—even more so than Braiden and that scared the shit out of me.

  We all stood locked in some kind of stalemate. Braiden and Calder’s eyes burned at each other. Fire and ice. Roman bounced on the spot like he was ready for the fight, and the rest of us—myself, Dennis, Merrick, and Landon—just watched, waiting for a spark to ignite. For all hell to break loose.

  “You think you can just barge in here, into my town, my diner.”

  Something crashed from the other side of Calder’s office door. It was Ana. I just knew it.

  “Go,” Braiden ordered me, and I rushed to the door yanking it open. Ana was trying to kick her foot restraints free, bucking around like a caged animal, blood seeping from a gash along her hairline.

  Her head whipped up and her eyes widened with surprise, filling with relief when I dropped to my knees to untie her. Yanking the gag free from her mouth, I brought my lips down on hers and wrapped her into my arms.

  “Jackson. Jax,” she whimpered into my shirt.

  I never wanted to pound the shit out of something more than I did at that moment. The sheer pain in her voice was almost too much to bear. I could see Ana had put up a fight; her ropes were frayed; purple bruises marking her skin where she had fought against them, and the room looked like it had been trashed, but the fear in her eyes undid me.

  “I’m here, Ana. I’m here.”

  Quickly untying the restraints, I scooped her up and helped her to her feet. Dennis appeared in the doorway scowling at the sight of the ropes.

  We rejoined the others; Braiden didn’t look our way still locked onto Calder. I tucked Ana behind me. She was safe, but from the tension crackling in the room, we had bigger problems.

  Braiden cracked his neck and a curse escaped my lips. I should have known the minute he walked into the room that he wasn’t here for the rescue party. He was here for retribution.

  Dennis caught my alarm and tried to reach Braiden, but he was too late as Braiden launched himself at Calder, throwing his fist straight into Calder’s unsuspecting face. The crunch sounded brutal, but Calder didn’t go down. Instead, he righted himself and slammed into Braiden and the two started trading blows. Ana screamed and I didn’t know what the fuck to do. Roman ran for Landon, tackling him and the two rolled to the floor. Dennis shot me a concerned glance before mouthing ‘go’ at me.

  I shook my head; I couldn’t leave. I couldn’t walk away from Braiden and let him make a mistake. One he might forever regret. But Ana tugged on my hand and my heart slammed into my chest. She was my choice.

  Braiden had made his.

  I had made mine.

  ‘Go,' Dennis mouthed again. ‘I’ll make sure he doesn’t do anything stupid.’<
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  Without giving it any more thought, I turned to Ana, scooped her up, and rushed out of there. As we reached the door, I glanced back just as Braiden slammed his fist into Calder’s face again. Dennis was in the thick of it now, trying to wrestle Braiden off him.

  I swallowed down the urge to call out to Braiden, to try to calm his rage. With Ana still in my arms, I walked out of there leaving my old life behind.

  Chapter 27


  Five weeks after the incident, rumors continued to circulate on campus about Braiden's arrest. Most people agreed it would only be a matter of time until he showed up, bragging about how Daddy and his hotshot family lawyer got him off. But a small few thought he got what was coming. I didn't know whether it made them brave, or incredibly stupid, making their feelings on the matter known. Braiden might have been out of the picture, but Briony was still on campus, and the guys—Kyler, Travis, and Shaun—were trying to stamp down their authority whenever they could.

  Since that night at Reibeckitt, Dennis had walked, too. And although he didn't hang out with us as such, he came by more. He didn't say a lot, especially around me, but he didn't make me feel uncomfortable either. Jackson said he owed him big time. I got no more explanation than that, but that was fine with me; I didn't want to keep reliving it. It was bad enough I had another scar to remind me.

  It was impossible to escape talk of that night. If I walked into a hallway, voices hushed and all heads turned my way. It was like Fort Pierce all over again. But, surprisingly, none of the whispers or stares bothered me. Because it was the first time, in a long time, that I actually felt like I could breathe.

  Braiden was out of the picture. Cole Calder was still in critical condition, and Maconey had moved into Reibeckitt, taking over Declan Calder's business. The Calder's were no longer a threat to Chastity Falls.

  To us.

  That just left Marcus Donohue.

  Jackson said he was handling it and that Marcus was no longer an issue. And from Briony's complete disinterest in me, I believed him. For the most part. But the little voice in my head kept reminding me of what I had discovered.


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