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House of Outrageous Fortune: Fifteen Central Park West, the World’s Most Powerful Address

Page 41

by Gross, Michael

  Chernitsyn, Sergey, 340

  Childs, David, 124, 128, 130

  Chirlin, Herbert, 166

  Chrysler Building, 8, 56, 64

  Chrysler family, 56

  Chu, David, 263

  Chu, Gina Lin, 263

  Citicorp, 227, 246, 344

  Citigroup, xvii, 3, 4, 245, 245n, 247–48, 254, 334, 345

  CitySpire, 93, 94–96, 109, 342

  Claar, Gary, 240

  Claman, Peter, 93, 153–54, 170

  Clark, Edward, 21–22, 23, 27, 44, 45

  Clifton, Eli, 236

  Clinton, Bill, 219, 249, 311

  Cock, Abigail Somerindyck Thorn, 17

  Cock, William, 17

  Cohan, William D., 249, 255, 312, 313

  Cohen, Arthur, 72

  Cohen, Benjamin, 318

  Cohen, Michael, 318

  Cohen, Robert Stephan, 263, 323

  Cohen, Steven A., 237, 345

  Cohen, Todd, 264

  Cole, Evan, 276–77

  Colin, Justin, 69–70, 71

  Coliseum, Columbus Circle

  bidding for site of, 117–18, 124–25, 127–29, 151, 159

  demolition of, 130–31

  Moses’s development of, 112–14, 115, 116, 136

  Columbia condominium tower, 70, 71, 74

  Columbus Centre project, 119–21

  Columbus Circle

  automobile showrooms near, 31, 36–37, 111, 115, 138

  Avlon’s interest in possibilities of, 134, 136–37

  Bill Zeckendorf Jr.’s projects for, 73, 77, 79

  Coliseum project developed on, 112–14

  Coliseum sale to Zuckerman and, 117

  Columbus statue in, 29–30, 114, 115

  early buildings on, 30, 34–35, 45

  as an entertainment zone, 31–34, 49

  Hearst’s plans for, 32, 34, 112

  Jazz at Lincoln Center on, 129, 130

  Maine Monument on, 34, 114, 120

  Moses’s scheme for, 60–61, 112–13

  MTA’s solicitation of proposals for 127–29

  Related’s proposal for, 129–30

  renovations and redesigns of, 111–12, 133, 193

  Stern’s design’s association with, 174–75

  Columbus Circle (cont.)

  Trump International renovation on, 121–24, 125–27, 128, 131, 174

  Zuckerman’s and Boston Properties’ proposals for, 117–21, 124–25

  See also Mayflower Hotel (Mayflower block); Time Warner Center

  Conrad, Heinrich, 33

  Coopchik, Scott, 122

  Cooper, B. J., 341

  Copley condominium, 74

  Corcoran Group, 134, 143n, 206, 207, 209

  Cornejo, Pasco, 334

  Costa, Emil, 258

  Costas, Bob, 5, 265–66, 273, 308–09, 318

  Cribbs, Derek, 345

  Cross, Eliot, 50

  Cross, John, 50

  Cutler, Joanna, 263–64, 285


  Daily News, 124, 225, 328

  Dakota apartment house, 10, 22–23, 24, 25, 27, 28, 29, 39, 40, 44, 45, 171, 179

  Davidson, Jim, 153, 170

  Davis, J. Morton “Morty,” 286, 287, 288, 289

  Davis, Rivki, 286, 288, 289, 290

  DeFranca, Susan, 131, 132

  Delacorte, George, 115

  de Lancey family, 16

  Delmonico Plaza, 71, 72

  de Milly, Michele, 205

  Deutsch, Ken, 329

  Diamond, Jennifer, 301

  Diamond, Robert Edward III “Bob,” 242, 301, 310, 323, 343

  Diaz, Cameron, 333

  Diaz-Azcuy, Orlando, 241

  Dinkins, David, 111, 124

  Donaldson, Lufkin & Jenrette, 128, 159, 320

  Dorchester Towers, 98–99

  Dorilton apartment house, 26, 48, 54

  Drexel Burnham Lambert, 213, 227, 264, 330

  Dubrovsky, Luiza, 298

  Duncan, Karen, 198, 206

  Dunlap, David W., 77, 78, 110–11, 192–93, 198, 225

  Durland’s Riding Academy, 32, 34, 54

  Durst, Joseph, 43n

  Durst family, 47


  Eastdil Secured, 127

  Edelman, Asher, 240

  Ehrlich, Judith Ramsey, 247

  Eichner, Bruce, 93, 94–95

  Einhorn, David, 256

  Elad Holdings, 159, 160

  el-Debs, Sobhi and Wafaa, 318–19, 349

  El Dorado apartment house, 26–27, 40, 41

  Ellis, Perry, 7, 266–67, 268

  Ellis, Tyler Alexandra Gallagher, 7, 266–69, 323, 324

  Eno, Amos, 30

  Equitable Life Assurance Society, 67, 84, 89

  Ertegun, Mica, 315

  Essex House, 39, 168, 169, 170

  Estey, Arthur Shepherd and Evelyne, 248

  Estis, Warren, 328


  Fairleigh Dickinson University, 115, 116

  Falcone, Arthur and Edward, 274, 329, 329n

  Fields, Richard, 285

  Fifth Avenue Hotel, 30

  Fisher, Avery, 98

  Fitzgerald, F. Scott, 8, 33

  Flatiron Building, 30

  Fifteen Central Park West (15CPW)

  alterations and renovations at, 306–09, 315, 329–30

  apartments per floor and, 187–88, 189–90

  basement health club in, 186–87

  Central Park views from, 153–54, 170, 187, 191, 202, 205, 220

  Central Park West address chosen for, xiv, 173, 186

  classic New York apartment houses as inspiration for, 28, 172, 174, 179–80

  construction office for, 194–95

  courtyards in, 186

  daily rhythm of life at, 323–24

  design of top of, 184

  duplexes for families at, 188

  entrances and street-level appearance of, 184–86

  flipping at, 258, 273–74, 276, 284, 285, 289, 295, 301, 320, 329, 364

  floor plans in, xv, 171, 179–80, 181, 187–91, 245, 315, 348, 361

  garage design at, 192–93

  Goldman Sachs’ backing of, zvii, 14, 175–79, 183–84, 187

  Goldman Sachs executives at, 14, 199, 200, 202, 205, 209–13, 258, 301, 312, 317–18, 320, 345–46

  Goldman Sachs–related buyers at, 206, 209, 213–15, 217, 218–19, 243, 259, 277, 301, 316, 320, 326, 358, 361–63

  input from brokers and focus groups about design of, 181–83

  insider sales at, 199–203

  Israeli residents of, xiv, 3, 6, 147–49, 208-09, 242, 269, 282, 285, 289–91, 299, 324–25, 349–50, 352

  Jewish residents of, 220, 231, 234–35, 245, 246, 247, 262, 289, 349, 350, 352, 354

  kitchens and bathrooms in, 191

  larger apartments included in, 183–84

  limestone exterior chosen for, 174–75, 177–78, 194, 261

  lobby design of, 173–74, 185

  marketing campaign and sales at, xiv, xvi, xv–xvi, xvii, 177, 188, 191, 195, 198, 199, 200, 201, 202, 205–06, 208, 216–17, 218, 226, 248, 262, 266, 272, 273, 296, 305, 348

  offering plan and amendments for, 195, 197, 198, 200, 201, 202, 273

  paparazzi and photographers at, 311–12

  penthouses of, xiii, xiv, xv, xvii, xviii, 2, 5, 96, 183, 184, 188–89, 190–91, 196, 197, 198, 199, 200, 204, 218, 220, 233, 245, 248, 264, 265, 271, 272, 276, 285, 288, 289, 290, 292, 295–96, 299, 300, 301, 304, 306, 316, 335, 336, 340, 341, 358, 363, 364

  pricing decisions at, xiv, xv, 183–84, 187, 195, 197, 257, 272

  rentals at, 208–09, 214, 231, 263, 264, 273–74, 275, 290, 298, 300, 301, 311, 316, 317, 323, 325, 326, 328–29, 330, 331, 332, 342n, 343, 346, 347–48, 350, 353

  restaurant in, 185, 186, 268–69, 322, 323

  retail component of, 177, 185–86

  Fifteen Central Park West (cont.)

  Russian residents of, 3, 7, 209, 264, 292, 295–96, 297–98, 299–300, 335–36, 341, 352
br />   security at, 310–11, 314, 315, 343

  selection of Stern as architect for, 171–73

  sense of community in, 317–18, 322–23

  staff of, 309–11, 315–17, 333–34

  terraces in, xv, xvi, 184, 188, 189, 190–91, 198, 207, 218, 220, 241, 307, 315, 321–22, 358, 364

  Time Warner Center and, 172, 174, 181, 199, 252, 266, 270, 285, 316, 321, 322, 324

  tower of, 189–91

  Wall Street buyers in, 209–14, 217–18

  wide social range of residents in, 173–74, 349, 359

  Zeckendorf brothers’ ambition to build the best quality at, 175, 177–78

  Zeckendorf brothers’ apartments at, 199–200, 363–65

  Forbes, 13, 215, 219, 242, 272, 281–82, 287, 294, 298, 325, 335

  Fordham University, 97, 98, 298

  Fortress Investment Group, 177

  Foster, Norman, 361

  Four Seasons Hotel, 80

  Fowler, John, 274–75, 329

  Foy, Thelma Chrysler, 56–57, 57n, 364

  France, Brian, 6, 284

  Frank, Joel, 220

  Freedomland project, Bronx, 64, 65

  French, Fred F., 51n

  Frey, Dale, 122

  Friedman, Joshua S., 213

  Friedman, Janna, 355–57, 358–59

  Friedman, Semyon, 354–57, 358, 359

  Fuld, Richard, 225, 249, 255


  Galbreath Company, 122, 124, 125

  Gallagher, Barbara, 267–68

  Galleria condominium, 87, 90, 91, 232

  Gallery of Modern Art, 114–15, 116–17, 193

  Garza, Patricia, 407

  Gates, Bill, 312, 335

  General Atlantic Realty, 100–101

  General Electric (G.E.), 121, 122, 123

  General Property Corporation (General Properties), 66, 67–68, 69

  Genesco, 84

  Gilchrist, Susan, 298

  Gimbels redevelopment project, 78, 79, 105

  Giuliani, Rudolph, 107, 124, 125, 128, 129

  Goelet family, 43n

  Goeschel, Nancy, 44

  Goldberger, Paul, 89, 92, 120, 139, 170

  Goldman, Allen, 160

  Goldman, Jay Glenn, 345–46

  Goldman Sachs, 248, 344

  Arthur and Will Zeckendorf’s early projects with, 102, 103, 104–05

  Bill Jr. Zeckendorf’s plans and, 100

  Blankfein’s career at, 312–14, 358, 361

  Coliseum site bidding by, 128

  compensation at, 223, 313

  East Sixtieth Street project with, 147, 149, 361

  15CPW’s development and, xvii, 14, 175, 177–79, 183–84, 187

  15CPW’s pricing and, 195, 196, 197

  15CPW’s sales to executives of, 14, 199, 200, 202, 205, 209–13, 258, 301, 312, 317–18, 320, 345–46

  15CPW’s sales to buyers connected to, 206, 209, 213–15, 217, 218–19, 243, 259, 277, 301, 316, 320, 326, 358, 361–63

  515 Park Avenue project with, 106–08, 142, 144–45, 146, 149

  financial deregulation and, 4

  Mayflower block acquisition and, 154–59, 160–61, 176–77

  Millennium Partners and, 101, 102, 103

  Occupy Wall Street protests against, 244

  Ofer family and, 148, 149

  subprime mortgages from, 235, 253, 259

  Whitehall fund from, 104–05, 106, 107, 147, 157, 158, 159, 161, 162, 179, 188, 218, 249, 258, 361

  Gordon, Jeff, 2, 5, 204, 225, 262, 273, 276, 284

  Gotham condominium, 80, 105

  Gottlieb, Alexandra Lumiere, 207, 208

  Gottlieb, Jacob, 207, 208

  Goulandris, Basil, 150

  Goulandris, John P., 135, 150

  Goulandris, Peter, 135, 155

  Goulandris family, 134, 135–36, 155, 157, 162

  Grabow, Michael, 164, 165, 165n, 167–70

  Graham Court Apartments, 28

  Grammer, Camille, 327–28

  Grammer, Kelsey, 5, 312, 328

  Grand Army Plaza, 13, 119

  Grand Circle, 20, 29–30, 32

  Grand Hyatt Hotel, 88

  Grand Millennium condominium, 103

  Granger, Haidee, 217

  Gratz, Roberta, 59, 99, 309, 310

  Gray, Christopher, 44

  Gray, Kevin, 200

  Green, Hetty, 57

  Greenspan, Alan, 246

  Greenwich, Connecticut, 247, 299, 350

  Big Bill Zeckendorf’s estate at, 46, 57, 67

  Greenwich Village, 174, 212, 227, 346

  Griffin, Ken, 231–32, 285

  Grigoriadis, Vanessa, 229

  Grolier Club, 149n

  Gulf & Western, 74, 115, 116–17, 121

  Gulf & Western Building, 115, 116, 117, 121–24

  Gupta, Rajat, 344–45


  Hader, Karen, 330, 331, 332

  Halstead Property, 143n, 156, 183

  Hanover Bank, 58

  Harde, Herbert Spencer, 28–29

  Hardenbergh, Henry, 22, 39

  Hardy, Hugh, 171

  Harperley Hall, 35–36, 333

  Harrell, Cindy, 271

  Harrison, Wallace K., 53, 98

  Hartford, George Huntington, 114–15, 116, 193

  Hearst, William Randolph, 32, 34, 49, 55, 55n, 73, 110, 112, 114, 364

  Heller, Joseph, 226

  Helliker, Adam, 275

  Helmsley, Harry, 103

  Helmsley, Leona, 103–04

  Hilton, Conrad, 61

  Himmel, Leslie Wohlman, 210

  Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 67

  Holtz, Michael, 276, 277–78, 281

  Hoover, Herbert, 43, 236

  Hoover, Margaret, 236, 236n

  Hooverville, 43

  Horn, Alan, 6, 271

  Hotel Alden, 38

  Hotel Delmonico, 69, 72, 81

  Hotel des Artistes, 28, 29, 187

  Hotel Majestic, 25, 29

  Hotel Navarro, 69

  Hotel San Remo, 25

  Hotel Zeckendorf project, 63, 64, 72

  Howard, Alan, 226, 242–43

  Howard, Sabine, 242

  Hudson Towers, 74

  Hunt, Richard Morris, 9–10, 37

  Huxtable, Ada Louise, 115


  Icahn, Carl, xiii–xiv, xv–xvi, xvii–xviii, 201, 204, 224, 225, 238, 238n, 241

  Icahn, Gail, xv

  Idov, Michael, 300

  Ingrao, Anthony, 220

  Ireland, Gregg, 237, 334

  Itzler, Jesse, 6, 278, 280–82, 283–84, 316, 328, 333

  Ives, Brewster, 90


  J. P. Morgan & Co., 43n, 101, 246, 260

  Jacobs, Alexander, 281

  Jahn, Helmut, 93, 94, 128

  JANA Partners, 5n, 205, 240–42

  Jazz at Lincoln Center, 129, 130, 132, 270

  Jeffries, Christopher, 100–101, 128


  exclusion from “good buildings” of, xvi, 262

  15CPW residents and, 220, 231, 234–35, 245, 246, 247, 262, 289, 349, 350, 352, 354

  immigration to the West Side by, 20, 44, 47, 115, 135, 296

  Obama’s support from, 236

  as real estate developers, 43n, 44, 47

  West Side apartment houses and, 23, 25, 43, 44, 45, 48

  Johnson, Jed, 187

  Johnson, Philip, 55, 122–23, 125

  Jones, Alfred Winslow, 221–22

  JPMorgan Chase, 4, 58, 254, 259, 260, 261

  Julis, Mitchell R., 213

  Juilliard School, 98


  Kahn, E. J. Jr., 53

  Kahn, Eugene, 6

  Kahn, Otto, 33, 49

  Kalomirakis, Theo, 189

  Kalsi, Sonny, 203, 258

  Kao, Min, 5, 364

  Kapur, Ajay, 3, 4, 5, 7, 14, 371

  Karr, Jerry, 102, 157, 175, 178, 179, 197

  Karr, Robert and Suzanne, 211

  Kava, Alan, 179, 209

bsp; Kaye, Lewis B., 90

  Kaye, Marilyn, 90–91, 96–97

  Keil, Braden, 133, 224, 225, 270–71, 328

  Keil, Jennifer Gould, 328, 329

  Kellner, Samuel, 157, 158, 161, 196, 296–97

  Kennedy, Jacqueline, 11, 13, 119, 179

  Kerzner, Andrea, 7, 333

  Kessler, Judy, 154, 196, 196n, 200

  Kevin Roche John Dinkeloo and Associates, 128

  Khashoggi, Adnan, 86–87, 88

  Khloponin, Aleksandr, 300

  Khloponina, Luvov, 300

  Kips Bay Plaza, 8, 60, 67

  Kirsh, Nathan, 302

  Klein, Adam, 317

  Koch, Ed, 117–18, 120

  Kogan, Alex, 300

  Kogan, Valery Mikhailovich, 298–300, 352, 359

  Kohlberg, James, 7, 216

  Kohlberg, Jerome, 216

  Kohn Pederson Fox, 128

  Kondylis, Constantine “Costas” Andrew, 91–92, 96, 122–23, 160

  Konopka, Bob, 150, 151, 369

  Kordestani, Omid, 5

  Krutoy, Igor, 341


  Lamberg, Carol, 156n

  Lambert, Ben, 127, 128, 129

  Landau, Sarah Bradford, 23

  Landmarks Preservation Commission, 44, 139, 140

  Langham apartment house, 27

  Laskaridis, Anathasios, 216

  Lazard Frères, 61

  Lear, Lyn, 271–72, 325

  Lear, Norman, 6, 119, 267, 271–72, 325

  Lee, James T., 11, 56, 192

  LeFrak, Richard, 159

  LeFrak family, 47

  Lehman Brothers, 4, 219, 225, 248, 249, 251, 252–57, 259, 343

  Lenz, Dolly, 289, 290

  Leong, Rosita and Ricardo, 298

  Levin, Carl, 314

  Lewkowitz, Caroline, 324

  Libeskind, Daniel¸ 171

  Library and Museum of the Performing Arts, Lincoln Center, 98

  Lidle, Cory, 265

  Lie, Guri, 53, 62, 99n, 205, 348

  Lie, Trygve, 53

  Lieberman, Caroline, 7, 324

  Liebeskind, Arie, 282–83, 284, 344

  Liebeskind, Doreen, 282–83, 344

  Liebeskind, Marc, 283, 284

  Liebman, Pamela, 134, 206

  Life magazine, 52, 64, 65, 165, 350

  Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts

  construction of, 98

  culture hub of, 9, 98

  15CPW’s proximity to, xiv, 283, 348

  jazz performing space and, 129, 130, 270

  West Side growth and, 9, 32, 97, 98–99, 115, 116, 136

  Lincoln Plaza condominium, 99

  Lincoln Square, 60, 68, 97–98, 103

  Lincoln Square district, 99

  Lincoln Square Zoning District, 103, 140–41

  Lincoln Towers, 8, 60–61, 67, 98


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