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The Doctor's Little Girl

Page 9

by Alex Reynolds

  “I’ve been worried about my weight, doctor,” she told him.

  Andrew frowned. Just by eyeballing her, Melissa was strikingly average in the weight department. He took a look at her charts and saw that her weight was, indeed, very healthy.

  “I don’t think you have much to worry about, Melissa,” he told her. “According to the chart, your weight is exactly where it should be for a girl your age and height.” Melissa frowned.

  “I really want to lose about ten pounds. I feel like I’m much chubbier than the other girls at school.”

  Admittedly, Andrew thought, this was probably true. Due to peer pressure and the perpetuation of negative body images, the girls at the local high school were growing skinnier by the year, a phenomenon that genuinely concerned Andrew.

  “The problem is that you’re the one who is medically fine and the other girls at school are the ones with an issue,” Andrew tried to explain. “There are a lot of girls your age who are actually underweight, and in order for you to grow into a healthy young adult you need proper nutrition,” he added.

  Melissa shrugged. “I’ve tried to eat less and to be healthier, and I play sports so I’m always working out, but it doesn’t seem to make a difference. When I was at the nurse’s office the other day I saw this booklet so I wanted to talk to you about it.”

  She handed him the brochure that she was holding. It was one of the Mialis leaflets that Marcel had been distributing. Anger rippled through him.

  “You got this from your school nurse?” he asked, barely able to contain his rage. Melissa nodded.

  “Yeah, it was mixed in with the other health issue brochures. I was wondering if I could go on this medication, just for a little while, to lose a little weight. The book made it sound like losing ten pounds was pretty reasonable.”

  Andrew shook his head. “The booklet is not a doctor, Mol—I mean, Melissa,” he said, embarrassed by his slipup. It seemed that whenever he got into a scolding mood now, there was only one person on his mind. Really, there was only one person on his mind most of the time, but that was beside the point.

  “I’m your doctor and I’m telling you that you don’t need to lose weight. Even if you did, which you don’t, I would want you to do it healthily, by increasing your exercise and eating healthy foods. Taking drugs that you don’t need, especially at your young age, is simply dangerous.”

  Melissa tried to argue with him, but he quickly sent her on her way, asking Molly to make her a follow-up appointment in a couple of months to make sure that she was still at a healthy weight. It was time to go home now, so there was no point in making angry phone calls that night, but he knew what he would be spending his free time tomorrow doing.

  * * *

  When they got home that night, Molly still felt impossibly horny from her earlier examination. Andrew seemed to be in a fairly grumpy mood when they first left work, but Molly was feeling perky and playful, and she asked him if they could make dinner together that night. They had done so, joking around and teasing each other a bit as they cooked, and Andrew had soon cheered up. Molly liked being able to bring a smile to his face, and she liked having him help her.

  “Maybe from now on I should only let you cook with supervision,” Andrew suggested. “You are quite a little girl to be using dangerous things like knives and the stove all by yourself.”

  Molly squirmed and giggled. “I haven’t burned down the house yet,” she quipped.

  Andrew tousled her hair. “Yet is the key word,” he told her.

  They finished cooking and Molly set the table. Andrew served the food, and when he made Molly’s plate, he cut up her meat for her. She felt embarrassed by this, but, like so many other things in her life, also enjoyed it. They enjoyed their meal together, but Molly was hungry for other things than food. She wanted attention of a particular kind. When they finished, Andrew told her to clean things up. Hoping this would lead to what she wanted, she looked him right in the eye and said “No!”

  Andrew stopped dead in his tracks and stared at her. “What did you just say to me, little girl?” he asked.

  Molly smiled. Her plan was working.

  “Wipe that grin off your face,” he insisted. “My little girl does not speak to me like that. When I tell you to do something, you do it.”

  Molly cast her eyes down, trying to make it less obvious that this was exactly the response she had been looking for. Andrew grabbed her by the wrist and dragged her into the living room. She opened her mouth to protest.

  “Nooooo,” she whined, despite her desire for what was about to come next. “Daddy, I didn’t mean to!”

  She froze suddenly, clapping her hand over her mouth. She hadn’t meant to say that. She felt embarrassed now, but a different kind, not the sexy, exciting embarrassment that overtook her when Andrew had stripped her, or spanked her, or examined her. What she felt was closer to the humiliation that she felt when she had believed that Rebecca was making fun of her.

  She had been thinking of Andrew as her daddy whenever he was treating her as a little girl, but she had made herself promise she would never say that aloud to him. She figured it would make him uncomfortable, and she was terrified that it would make him not want to play this way if he knew how she thought of him. It was true, though: that was the only word that she had to describe the feelings that she had for him. He took care of her the way that she imagined a daddy was meant to take care of a little girl. This was something that had only ever been in her imagination until now, and she hadn’t meant to let the word slip out. She felt for a second like she might cry.

  Without missing a beat, and seeming not even to notice that anything significant had happened, Andrew dragged her over to the sofa and bent her over it, pulling her skirt up to display her panties. “There’s that word again, baby,” he warned. “Good little girls do not say ‘no’ to their daddies.”

  Molly’s emotions turned on a dime. He was alright with this? He didn’t think that Molly was being weird, or that she had ‘issues’? Her heart raced.

  “I’m sorry, daddy,” she whimpered, her mood suddenly much more serious than it had been a moment before.

  “Uh huh,” Andrew said, “now you are. I’m still going to have to punish you for speaking to me that way.”

  Molly squirmed over the back of the couch, her tummy full of butterflies. She heard the jingle of Andrew’s belt buckle and looked back over her shoulder to see him pulling it through its loops.

  “Drop those panties, young lady,” Andrew scolded. Molly reached back and pulled her panties down to her knees, noticing how moistened they were with her arousal as she did. She turned around again to see Andrew doubling the belt over to create a looped end.

  “Eyes front,” he instructed, and Molly did as she was told. She braced herself, and waited to feel the belt collide with her bottom. In a second, it did, with a loud cracking sound. The pain was sharper than Andrew’s hand, and it spread out across her bottom in a warm line. She whimpered, a little sound escaping her lips. A moment later, the belt snapped into her skin again, immediately below where the first one had landed. Molly let out a gasp.

  “Owwww! Daddy!” she yelped. “It hurts!”

  The belt landed again, harder it seemed. Molly wiggled in position.

  “Of course it hurts, my darling,” Andrew said. “It’s meant to. I’m glad I’m doing my job.” Another stroke, and another wail from Molly. “Are you learning a lesson?” he asked.

  Molly nodded enthusiastically. “Yes! Yes, sir!” She tried to scoot forward on the couch, as if she could escape the punishing sting of the belt this way, but Andrew grabbed her by the ankle and pulled her down.

  “If you’re learning your lesson about not disagreeing with me, then it would behoove you to hold still and keep your bottom in position for your punishment,” Andrew quipped, landing three more hard strokes of the belt all in a row.

  Molly felt so sore that she couldn’t possibly take anymore, but Andrew didn’t stop, and she disc
overed that she in fact could. The pain didn’t turn to pleasure the way that it had the last time that he had spanked her, but as much as it hurt, she felt safe and secure. She stopped resisting and relaxed her body into it.

  “There,” Andrew told her, his voice proud. “That’s how my good little girl takes her punishment.” Molly still cried out with each stroke, but she didn’t resist anymore. Andrew gave her another dozen or so with the belt, then stopped and set it down next to her on the couch. “That’s all for now, I think,” he said.

  “For now?” Molly questioned. Her bottom was hot and buzzing, and she was sure that it was the brightest red imaginable.

  “For now,” her daddy confirmed. He got her to her feet and led her around the couch. “Come here, baby,” he said, sitting down on the sofa and pulling her into his lap. He stroked her hair soothingly and she cuddled up into him, her bottom feeling warm against him. She stayed there for a while, enjoying the comfort of his presence. As she came down to earth from all the adrenaline that the belting had caused her, she realized that she was soaking wet. Wiggling on Andrew’s lap proved that he had enjoyed giving the punishment as much as she had enjoyed receiving it.

  “Oh!” she said, suddenly remembering something, “thank you for punishing me, daddy!”

  “You’re very welcome, little girl,” he told her, giving her a little squeeze. The feeling of Andrew’s hard cock pressing into her as she sat on his lap gave Molly an idea. She got down off his lap and knelt in front of him, nuzzling his lap with her head for a second. She wanted to say something about wanting to show him just how thankful she was, but she couldn’t bring herself to speak. Instead she just muttered something unintelligible, while looking up at him with big eyes.

  “What do you want, little girl?” Andrew asked, as if he had no idea.

  Molly tried to reach for his cock and free it from his pants. It only seemed fair that she make him feel as good as he did her. She looked up at him, as if he should inherently know what she wanted. The smile that crossed his face suggested that he did, but instead of helping her out, he said, “I don’t know what you need, little girl.” Molly sighed.

  “I wanna put it in my mouth, daddy,” was all she could come up with. Not exactly the sexiest thing she could have said, or the most eloquent, but it got the point across, she thought.

  Andrew smiled deviously. “You want to suck my cock?” he asked.

  Molly nodded.

  “If you want to suck my cock, you’re going to have to ask me properly,” he told her.

  Molly turned red again. How unfair, she thought. He knew she was embarrassed to ask. She opened her mouth, but no words came out. Instead, she simply moved her hands to the zipper of his pants and tried to undo them.

  Andrew pushed them away. “I just told you to ask me properly. Say ‘Daddy, may I please suck your cock?’”

  Molly groaned. “I can’t,” she whispered. She looked up at him with pleading eyes.

  “Yes, you can,” Andrew encouraged. “Go ahead and ask.”

  Molly shook her head no. She was too embarrassed, and now she was feeling stubborn.

  “Fine, then,” Andrew said, getting up and pulling Molly to her feet. “If you don’t want to do as I say, then you obviously haven’t learned your lesson yet.”

  Molly gasped. Was he going to spank her again? Her bottom was so sore and hot. She couldn’t imagine how it would feel to be spanked. “But, but, you’re not going to…” she muttered.

  Andrew nodded. “Over the couch,” he directed.

  Molly tried her best to do as she was told without hesitating, but she let out a little whimper as she assumed the position, feeling how exposed and high her naked, tender bottom was.

  Andrew picked the belt back up from where he had left it. “I did say ‘for now’ before, didn’t I?” he quipped.

  Molly gripped the sofa and let out a wail as he lay into her with the belt again.

  “Nooooo!” she howled as it struck her. On her punished skin, it felt a hundred times more painful than it had before. It was agonizing. “I’m sorry, daddy!” Andrew didn’t say anything, but continued to apply the belt, making hot, red stripes across Molly’s backside. “Please!” she begged. “Please, I’ll ask you properly!”

  “Ask me what?” Andrew asked, swinging again.

  “Ahhhhhhh!” cried Molly. “I’ll ask to suck your cock! I want to! Please! Please just let me suck your cock, daddy!”

  “It’s too late now,” Andrew told her. “You could have asked like a big girl when I told you to.” He gave her another stroke. “I’m going to give you ten more, and then we can try again.”

  Molly sniffled. “Yes, sir,” she whimpered.

  Andrew delivered the last ten strokes rapid fire, making Molly howl and dance around, tears running down her face, her pussy throbbing with heat and desire.

  When he finished, Andrew walked around to the couch and sat back down. Molly took a second to catch her breath before getting up. She took a second to gingerly rub her bottom. It felt swollen, the skin burning. She then quickly returned to her earlier position, kneeling on the floor in front of Andrew.

  “Something to say to me?” Andrew inquired. Molly nodded.

  “May I please suck your cock, daddy?” she asked, her face purple with mortification at the words.

  Andrew unbuttoned his pants and pulled his cock out. “Yes, you may,” he said.

  His cock was bigger than what Molly was used to. It wasn’t so big that it scared her, but it was long and thick and it stood straight up at attention, rock hard. Molly knew that it must make Andrew as horny to spank her as it did for her to be spanked; he was already leaking pre-cum from the tip. So she started there, licking the salty fluid off the top, teasing the head with her tongue and lips and then slowly licking down the shaft.

  Andrew leaned back and let out a satisfied moan. Pleased with his response, Molly opened her mouth around him, trying to take the entirety of it. She had a little trouble, but began to play with it with her tongue, moving her head back and forth as she found her rhythm. Andrew gripped her by the back of the head, guiding her up and down and leading her a little bit further down each time, until she was excited to realize that she had taken his entire length down her throat. She continued to bob her head obediently, and Andrew’s body tightened with pleasure. Suddenly, he used his hand to guide Molly off.

  “What’s wrong, daddy?” she asked, licking her lips and admiring his wet, shiny cock.

  “Nothing is wrong, my love,” Andrew said. “I just want to fuck you, that’s all.”

  The words swirled up more excitement in Molly than anything ever had before. She had longed for this. Andrew got up and led her by the hand to his bedroom, where he roughly pulled her clothes off. Molly heard a button from her blouse hit the floor, but neither of them cared. His motions were rough and fast, like it was an emergency. It was, for Molly. She needed to be fucked, and she told Andrew so.

  “Please, sir,” she whinnied. “I need it. I need to be fucked.”

  The words came out so much more easily than anything like that she had ever said had. They just spilled off her lips desperately. Andrew didn’t say anything in response. He just pulled his shirt off and slid out of his pants so that they were both completely naked, then lifted Molly onto the bed. He pulled her legs apart and rubbed her clit, as if to make her wet enough to enter her. It was entirely unnecessary; she was dripping, but she writhed under his touch anyway.

  Andrew leaned down and whispered into Molly’s ear, “I’m going to make you really mine, princess,” and then he carefully slid his hard and throbbing member into her tight pussy.

  Molly gasped as he filled her, feeling the thickness throughout her body. He gave her a moment to adjust to him, then thrust, a bit tenderly at first. Once he seemed confident that Molly was ready for it, though, Andrew began to fuck her hard, slamming her back onto the bed as waves of pleasure began to build in her body.

  It had never, ever felt like thi
s before. Molly was no virgin, having had more than her fair share of sexual experiences for her few years, but she had never felt like someone had consumed her senses and taken claim of her body like this before. As Andrew pumped in and out, Molly felt truly taken by him, and she understood exactly what he had meant: she was entirely his and no one else’s, inside and out.

  She trembled with pleasure as sweat ran down their bodies. After a few minutes, Andrew flipped her over, pushing her down onto her stomach. He came around behind her and dipped his fingers into her pussy, pulling them out drenched. “That’s my naughty little girl,” he told her, pushing his fingers into her mouth so she could taste her own wetness. The smell and taste of her own sex served to make her even more aroused, and she wiggled her ass in the air as he entered her from behind, gripping her thighs tight and pulling her into him. The change of angle made Molly even more crazed with passion. His thrusts never slowed, and eventually, the aching heat in her sex began to buzz with the tingles that came before her climax.

  “Ohhhhhhhh,” she moaned. “Ohhhhh, God.”

  Andrew’s voice sounded strained, like he was in too much pleasure to speak, but he still managed to give Molly an instruction.

  “Ask me for my permission when you want to cum, little girl. Your orgasms belong to me.”

  Andrew’s words made Molly’s pussy tighten with excitement, and he moaned as it hugged his cock. Molly tried to hold off and let the pleasure build more, but she was so close to the edge that she couldn’t hold off any longer.

  “Daddy, may I please cum?” she whimpered through breathy gasps. Andrew shook his head.

  “Not yet,” he said.

  Molly gripped at the sheet, unmaking the bed in her desperation to clutch at anything. She felt like she was being swept away by his ministrations.

  “Please, daddy! Please! Let me cum!” she wailed. Andrew ignored her, thrusting harder against her until Molly felt like she might cry. Her head was hot and her muscles ached.


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