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An Artist's Kiss [Dark Desires 4] (Siren Publishing Sensations)

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by Suzy Shearer

  Dark Desires 4

  An Artist’s Kiss

  Isabella Coburn, 50, left the nude modelling world years ago, but Gabriel Milford, 47, needs a rubenesque, older woman to pose for him. Determined to win her over, Gabriel does it the wrong way—he attempts blackmail, then forces his attentions on her. It is only when she tries to sneak into his property that she finally agrees.

  Isabella has had a secret since she was 19, a secret she has only shared with one other person, who treated her like she had the plague when she confessed it. Since then, she considers herself perverted, sick, and tries to forget. Now she has met the one man who makes her dark desires clamor to be free—desires that Gabriel is only too willing to satisfy—and she is running scared.

  Can Gabriel convince her that she isn’t perverted? Will she finally accept who she is, or will she continue to shun happiness the way she has for all these years?

  Genre: BDSM, Contemporary

  Length: 101,364 words


  Dark Desires 4

  Suzy Shearer


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  IMPRINT: Siren Sensations


  Copyright © 2016 by Suzy Shearer

  E-book ISBN: 978-1-68295-503-1

  First E-book Publication: September 2016

  Cover design by Harris Channing

  All art and logo copyright © 2016 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: This literary work may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, including electronic or photographic reproduction, in whole or in part, without express written permission.

  All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Amanda Hilton, Publisher


  The painter in me had always wanted to write a book with either the hero or heroine as an artist. I’ve written a few books where it’s been mentioned but never one until now where the story revolves around art and sculpting. I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it.

  As well these Dark Desire books are for everyone who harbours a secret desire, a dark little kink. Don’t wait until it’s too late. Take the chance and grab it with both hands—you just might enjoy it!

  To the real “Isabella,” who, at 62, is so unhappy and unfulfilled. My heart breaks for her.

  Once again a big thank you to my soul sister Lindi. You’ve been the shoulder I’ve cried on, my candle in the dark even though we never actually met physically for many years. Your encouragement and friendship mean the whole world to me.

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Chapter Twenty Six

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Chapter Twenty-Nine


  About the Author


  Dark Desires 4


  Copyright © 2016

  Chapter One

  Grimacing, Gabriel looked at the brush in his very paint-stained hands then angrily turned back to glare ferociously at Ian.

  “What do you mean, you haven’t been able to get a model? There’s got to be thousands of women out there who pose,” he growled.

  “True, but you said you wanted an older woman and most women models that age are just not plus-sized.”

  Furiously Gabriel snarled loudly, “Well, find one!”

  “Calm down, Gabriel. I’ve contacted Erica Jones’ agency. We’ve used her agency before although I’ve never actually met her. She’s got plus-sized models on her books but I think they’re in their twenties and thirties. Still, she said she might have or might know someone.”

  “I don’t want someone young, Ian,” Gabriel snapped, sick of telling Ian the same thing over and over. “I told you I want someone in their forties or even older. I don’t care if she’s in her late sixties or seventies. I want a woman with character, a woman who’s lived.”

  “Okay, okay. I get the picture!”

  Gabriel threw down the paintbrush and, stomping angrily across to his easel, he tried to look critically at the painting as he fumed on Ian’s unsuccessful search. Surely it shouldn’t be this hard to find one damn model! Ignoring Ian for the moment, he turned his attention back to the huge canvas in front of him.

  A foreshortened figure of a gaunt naked man, lying on his back with his head toward the viewer, filled the painting. Even though the strokes were broad and heavy there was still a slight softness about the work
that created a sympathetic feel. The haunted face appeared as if the man were in pain. Maybe from being stretched out or maybe he was ill or tortured. Whatever the reason, it drew the viewer immediately and they felt the same hurt, the same agony. It was an uncomfortable piece but it certainly demanded attention.

  There wasn’t much work left to do on it and he really wanted to get started on the female nude. He took a deep breath, inhaling the aromas of paint, linseed oil, and turpentine.

  Without turning, Gabriel said gruffly, “Just find someone, Ian.”

  “I will. For goodness’ sake, Gabe, relax,” Ian snapped a retort.

  Surprised at the exasperated tone in Ian’s voice, Gabriel turned back and really looked at the man who was both friend and agent. Gabriel saw with surprise that Ian looked very upset but was still trying to calm Gabriel down. Ruefully he realised at once Ian would be doing everything he could to satisfy Gabriel’s request.

  They’d been friends for so long, ever since Gabriel started making his name in the art world. It was then he’d realised he’d need an agent and found Ian’s agency. Ian worked with the three “As”—artists, actors, and authors. Gabriel knew how hard Ian worked to satisfy his clients. Now Gabriel felt awful for yelling and complaining.

  “I’m sorry. It’s just I get caught up and…”

  Ian sighed loudly.

  “I know, Gabriel. Believe it or not, I do understand. Let’s face it, I’ve seen you working for years so I know a little of what goes on inside that thick head of yours.” He smiled to take the sting out of his words. “Just when were you planning on starting the nude?”

  Gabriel looked back at the vast painting.

  “This…” He pointed to the canvas. “It’s really finished. I just want to touch up a few areas so maybe next week. The client wants this ready in three weeks so I’m ahead of time. Anyway, I want to get plenty of sketches down on the female nude so I can decide exactly on the pose and size. Until I have a model, I really don’t know the pose.”

  He hoped Ian could understand the frustration he felt. His mind was filled with dozens of ideas but until he had an actual woman in front of him he wouldn’t be able to decide. The pose would really depend on the woman, how the play of light and shadows affected her body, even the woman’s personality would play into his ideas.

  “I’m meeting Erica Saturday night, a party with a few million people, anyway hopefully she tells me she’s found someone.”

  “Thanks, Ian.”

  “If she doesn’t have a model then there’s a good chance she’ll know an agency that might be able to help. Don’t worry, Gabe, I’ll find her for you.”

  “Sorry I got angry. I know you’re doing your best.”

  Gabriel reached out a hand to Ian as a peace offering.

  “Thanks, mate.” The two men shook hands and Ian clapped Gabriel’s shoulder. “So, happy with this one?”

  “I think so. It’s what the client wanted. Not my choice but hey, he’s paying through the nose for it.”

  “That he is. The fee should pay off your mortgage completely and still have a decent amount left.”

  “Yeah. It’ll feel good to be completely out of debt. I mean I could have got rid of the damn thing years ago but I wanted to build up the bank balance as well as top up my investments. By the way, that property stock has gone through the roof.”

  “Yes, I saw that.”

  “Our broker did suggest I cash in, have to let him know by the end of the week.”

  “Told me the same thing. I’m thinking it’s probably wise to follow his advice.”

  “Yeah, it’ll give me a very handsome profit. Bring the bank balance very close to that magic seven figures.”

  “Well, with this property, your investments, and that balance you are way over the million pounds.” Ian gave a laugh. “Plus this property has to be worth three mill at the very least.”

  “It is. I got it at the right time, just before the boom. Last I checked, even with the mortgage interest I’ve almost doubled my investment in it.”

  “Shit! Didn’t think it had gone that crazy. Still, come to think of it, my place has more than trebled since I got it.”

  “Yep, I bought at a good time. This place had been on the market for over a year and the owner was glad to take anything. In fact he was desperate to sell regardless of the price.”

  “Hey, is Adam still moving in?”

  “Yep, in the next week or so. Told him he could stay as long as he wants. Hell, he can live here permanently. I don’t mind. He’s promised to take over the grounds upkeep.”

  “That’s good. When was the last time you mowed?” Ian asked with a grin. “Don’t tell me. Let me guess—never.”

  “Got that right. The two guys who come in only mow. They don’t do anything else so Adam said he’ll tidy it all up and find the gardens underneath the jungle. Michael’s done it a few times. Told Adam if he wants to look after the grounds he doesn’t have to pay me any rent.”

  “Good idea. So is Marisa still looking for a new position?”

  “She is. Wants to find something closer to here but I don’t think she’s had much success. Adam said something about it the other day.”

  “I’ll give her a ring. One of my business pals is looking for a new PA and I thought of her.”

  “That’d be great. I know neither are happy she’ll have to travel so far to work once they marry.”

  “Well, this guy is working locally so she’d only have a ten or fifteen minute commute. I’ll ring her and give her his number.”


  “Anyway, better get going. I’ll ring you once I’ve spoken with Erica.”

  The two men did the “man hug” thing, thumping each other on the back and Ian left with Gabriel feeling a little better.

  * * * *

  “Have you ever heard of Gabriel Milford?”

  “No. Should I?”

  “Maybe not.” Erica took a mouthful of her salad. She frowned then muttered, “Not sure if he paints under that name.”

  “So why the question?”

  “He’s contacted the agency, or rather his agent has, asking for a model. He’s specifically requested an older woman with plenty of curves.”

  “Ah. So you thought your old friend might like to get back into the modelling business.”

  Erica had the grace to look bashful at Isabella.

  “Come on, Issie, you were the best in the business. Practically every artist who painted nudes wanted to paint the beautiful Issie. There was a time when almost every female nude had your body and a lot had your face.”

  “That was a long time ago, Erica. I’m fifty years old, not twenty.”

  Erica waved her hand as if dismissing Isabella’s remark.

  “That’s a cop out and you know it. Look at you! You look amazing. Your birth certificate might say fifty but we both know you could easily pass for forty or younger.”

  Isabella shrugged as she took another mouthful of her delicious cauliflower risotto. Savouring it, she pointed her fork at Erica.

  “You can stop with the flattery. I’m not doing it.”

  “Maybe he’s single and a hunk,” Erica teased. “You need to get a man in your life again. It’s been what—ten or twelve years since your last date?”

  “Oh, come off it, Erica!” Isabella snapped. “It’s not that long.” Then she thought a little. “Okay, maybe eight years and I’ve told you heaps of times I no longer need a man.”

  “When was the last time you had sex with a man and not a lump of plastic?”

  “Geeze, Erica! Want to know my undies size, too?”

  “I already do. So answer the question. When?”

  Isabella looked down at her plate. Awkwardly she muttered, “Maybe ten, fifteen, maybe twenty. I don’t know.”

  She looked up quickly at Erica’s gasp of horror.

  “Issie! That’s awful.”

  Isabella shrugged.

  “Once you go a year or so without, the re
st just gets easier. Plus I’ve been busy.”

  “Oh, my darling. You need a man in your life.”

  “No I don’t.”

  “Bet he’s sexy,” she teased.


  “Gabriel Milford, silly.”

  “I don’t care. I most certainly would never get involved with an artist I was posing for.”

  “Even if he’s gorgeous?”

  “I wouldn’t care what he looked like. It’s unprofessional. Anyway, the answer is no.”

  “Please. I’m begging you, Issie. At least consider it.”

  “Uh uh.” Isabella moved her head from side to side as she said definitely, “No.”

  “Think of the lovely fat fee you would get.”

  Erica dangled this enticing bait but Isabella closed her eyes as she shook her head again, saying, “Not interested.”

  Then she lowered her eyes and studied her meal. She had to admit it did sound tempting. She missed posing, the excitement of watching a painting come to life, but she pretended she was too old. Erica wisely changed the subject but Isabella knew Erica had planted the seed.

  “It’s nice out here.”

  “Mmm, wouldn’t like to be sitting here in winter though.”

  She and Erica were sitting at one of the tables the restaurant had set up in their courtyard. It was pleasant in the sun but would be so cold in the middle of winter. She’d joined Erica for lunch in London after visiting with her solicitor to finalise the selling of her old studio. Erica moved her chair so she could turn her face to the sun. Isabella felt as if they’d been friends forever.

  Erica was a striking woman—fifty-five, tall with a shock of short platinum blonde hair that had a purple streak running through the fringe. Her figure made Isabella envious. Erica was one of those lucky people who seemed to eat anything and everything yet never put on weight. She had an outgoing personality and could get on with everyone yet at the same time she tended to hold back when she met a new man. She’d never married. Once she told Isabella that she was waiting for the right man. Plus, she’d seen too many of her friends have marriages that ended in divorce.


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