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An Artist's Kiss [Dark Desires 4] (Siren Publishing Sensations)

Page 11

by Suzy Shearer

  “Twenty-one thousand.”

  “Right. Fingers crossed.”

  Bidding was fierce for the painting. Archangel had good investment value. The reserve price was ridiculously low but very quickly it went up to fifteen thousand pounds. A few people bidding dropped out as the price went higher and higher until only Erica and one other person bid. Isabella saw Gabriel ask Ian something and Ian shook his head and shrugged. She wondered if he’d asked if Erica knew who Archangel was.

  Finally the other bidder dropped out, and although Isabella was nineteen and a half grand out of pocket, she was now the owner of the piece. Her modelling fee would now be spent, plus some of the deposit for the bull. There’d be no extra payments on her mortgage. Erica nudged her.

  “Guess what? That’s brought the total over the target by almost two thousand. Isn’t that wonderful? There’s only a few small items left and yours. Let’s hope it goes for a good sum.”

  “Wow, Erica, that’s fabulous news. I was speaking with Britt’s mother the other day and she was telling me after they did the renovations on Britt’s house they were going to save for an electric wheelchair. Maybe this will give them enough to buy one in the top of the range.”

  “Gee, that would be perfect.”

  The next five items all found owners, bringing in another nine thousand pounds. Now it was Isabella’s statue.

  “I love this, Issie. I’m going to bid on it, too.”

  “You should have told me, I could have made you one but I destroyed the casting. Wanted it to be a one-off.”

  “I think it’s one of your best. It’s filled with such raw emotion.”

  Isabella blushed as she thanked her friend. The announcer spoke.

  “Lot twenty-nine. A one-off original by Leigh Price called ‘I’m Begging.’ The artist has put a reserve of just five thousand pounds on this amazing piece.”

  She watched as people began to wait for the first bid. She’d been really happy with the way the piece had turned out. It was of a slightly larger than life-sized woman. The full-figured nude was raised up on her knees, leaning back on her heels. Her arms were outstretched before her and the expression on her face was one of pleading, of begging for help.

  Isabella believed what had made the piece so arresting was the fact she’d used her own expression on the face, her own body. She’d used her shame and pleading for understanding, to not think of her as depraved. The pain she’d faced and still bore when Derek had rejected her and called her perverted was now forever cast in bronze. The whole piece was her. In a way it felt cathartic when she had worked on the emotional strength of the piece.

  “It’s just a woman.” Isabella shrugged.

  “No, it’s more, Issie. That face is amazing. I know it’s you, I know it’s your pain, the pain you’ve kept bottled up all these years. You make me want to cry and hug you, hug her. I want to tell you everything will be all right. I can’t believe how much emotion you managed to get in it. It’s stunning.”

  Erica’s eyes had filled with tears as she spoke and Isabella hugged her, wishing once again she could tell her friend and share her pain with her. When the bidding began Isabella had been surprised at the amount of people who were vying for it. The reserve soon went out the window as it quickly reached twenty-five thousand pounds.

  “Sorry, Issie, it’s too much for me.”

  People were tense as it continued soaring. Isabella was shocked when Gabriel put in a bid but then remembered he’d once before tried to buy a Leigh Price.

  Erica leaned over and whispered.

  “Does Gabriel know you’re Leigh Price?”

  “No, he thinks Leigh is a man.” She giggled.

  Three people were left bidding—Gabriel, Jake and an unknown woman. People were on the edge of their seats wondering who would win and just how much they’d be willing to pay for the privilege. The woman pulled out at thirty-two thousand then when Gabriel bid thirty-five Jake bowed his head in Gabriel’s direction and gestured for him to take the piece.

  Gabriel grinned over and waved his thanks as the hammer came down. The place erupted in applause. The auction for the final piece was almost lost in the cheering. Finally the auctioneer called for order.

  “I have the greatest honour to announce that tonight’s auction has raised a total of two hundred and ninety-seven thousand pounds.”

  Once more the room erupted into cheers as Britt was wheeled onto the stage. Stammering her thanks between her tears, she told the audience how overwhelmed she felt with their generosity.

  “I can’t believe how wonderful you all are. It’s been so humbling the way you have all supported me through my ordeal. ‘Thank you’ just doesn’t seem enough. You’ve changed my life for the better. I’m so overwhelmed by everyone’s generosity. From the artists who contributed to those who bought pieces, please accept my heartfelt thank-yous.”

  More applause.

  Through her tears of happiness she continued, “If it’s okay with everyone, I’d like to give whatever money is left over to the research unit where I did my rehab. They were and still are the most wonderful people.”

  The room echoed loudly with clapping and cheers as she emotionally thanked everyone again and left the stage. A centre area was cleared and a band struck up. People began moving around, socialising. Erica and Isabella’s friends slowly went off to speak to other people until there were only three at the table left. Ian came over to their table and sat down alongside Erica.

  “That went really well, didn’t it?” Ian asked.

  “I know.”

  “I didn’t realise you like Archangel’s work, Erica.” There was a slight suspicion in his voice.

  “I was actually bidding for someone who couldn’t make it tonight.”

  “Oh, well, they’ll be happy you won, I bet.”

  “Oh, I’m very sure of that. Your friend was willing to pay for the Price statue,” Erica said casually to Ian.

  “Yep, he loves Price’s work. He tried to buy a piece recently but was outbid. This time he was determined to get it. Anyway Leigh Price has great investment value so it’ll double in price in a few months if it hasn’t already.”

  Isabella looked over to where Gabriel was knee-deep in conversation with Jake. Worriedly she just hoped Jake wouldn’t spill her secret to him. Erica nudged her.

  “What? Sorry.”

  “Ian was asking how the photos turned out.”

  “Oh, um…yes, they’re perfect, I think. I’ll make a small model in clay and see if I have the muscle details right.”

  “So you do a lot of clay modelling, Isabella?” Ian asked interestedly.

  “Er… yes.”

  “Sold anything? Would I know your work?”


  Isabella was saved by Gabriel coming over. He held out his hand to her.

  “We’ll dance now, Isabella,” he demanded.

  She looked from his outstretched hand to his face then to Erica, who nodded.


  Gabriel smiled warmly at her then said, “Excuse me, you two.”

  Standing, she put her hand in Gabriel’s, let him lead her to the floor then nervously she allowed him to sweep her into his arms. Hesitantly at first they circled the floor but then something clicked and it was as if they fitted together perfectly. She could feel his hand on the small of her back, applying gentle pressure as he led the dance. She looked up into his face, his eyes were on her.

  “You look so amazing and you smell delicious.” His voice was husky with unhidden desire as he added, “I want to eat you.”

  A soft “oh” was all she could manage, she was so aware of him. His hair tightly pulled back into a tidy bun, his beard neatly trimmed. She took a deep breath.

  Soap. Masculine. His aftershave a hint of darkness, woodsy yet seductive. There was still a slight aroma of oil paint and linseed oil. It reminded her of leather and her hidden wants. Everything about the man turned her on. Everything about him made her
dark desires spring to the fore.

  He swung her out with one hand then pulled her in close. She wanted to crawl inside those deep blue eyes as they never broke contact with hers.

  He dropped his head. She could feel his breath against the side of her head.

  “You know you tempt me every time I look at you. You’re so hard to resist.”

  Gabriel’s voice was so low, seductive, sexy as he whispered in her ear. Isabella felt a sudden dampness between her legs as the hair on her neck stood on end.

  “If only you were mine. The things I’d do to you.”

  “Do to me?” she stammered in fear and desire, missing a step.

  “Yes, my sweet little Isabella. Things that should shock you but I’m sure you would enjoy every single one of them.”

  Oh my god. He knows!

  Thankfully the music came to an end and she stood staring, her mouth slightly open. Her mind was in turmoil. Gabriel lowered his handsome head to whisper in her ear again.

  “You’d be screaming my name as you came.” His breath on her ear was doing things she would never have thought possible. “I’d have you stretched out and tied to my bed, I’d hit that lovely arse of yours till it was bright pink. You’d be defenceless as I fucked you hard.”

  Yes, he knew! Was it possible to have an orgasm just from someone whispering?

  She shook herself and pulled out of his arms, almost running back to the table, Gabriel following casually behind. Grabbing her purse, she told Erica she was going to the ladies’ room. A glance at Gabriel. He gave her a predatory look and she gasped. Pushing past him, Isabella rushed out of the room. She made her way to the indoor garden and sank onto a stone bench behind some tall palms. Hidden by anyone, she tried to calm down. Her pulse raced and she was puffing. Taking a few deep breaths, Isabella fought to get her emotions under control.

  She couldn’t stay there much longer. As it was Erica was probably suspicious and heaven knew what Gabriel was thinking in that sexy mind of his. How could she face him? Why was he saying those dirty sexy things to her?

  Confused, she felt her face with her hands. It felt hot but she stood and walked to the ladies’ room. Using the facilities, she looked at her cheeks as she washed her hands. Bright red spots heightened them but there was nothing she could do about it. Taking one more deep cleansing breath, she walked back into the banquet room.

  Erica, Ian, and Gabriel seemed deep in conversation. She heard Erica’s tinkling laugh then Gabriel nodded and said something. Erica replied and put a hand on Ian’s knee as she spoke to him. As if he knew she was approaching, Gabriel turned his head and looked at her. A possessive smile filled his face as he stood. He held out a seat for her and she had no choice but to sit alongside him. He casually put his arm across the back of her chair as he listened to Ian.

  Isabella had no idea what anyone was talking about. All her attention was on the man alongside her. He overrode her thoughts as she tried to listen to the conversation around her but it was as if everyone was suddenly speaking a foreign language. Instead she found her thoughts focusing on the things he’d whispered in her ear.

  She felt Gabriel touch her arm and looked at him, puzzled.

  “I said, would you like a drink. Glass of wine? Juice?”

  She knew she was staring blankly at him but finally his question made sense.

  “Wine. Um…glass of sweet white wine, please.”

  An eyebrow rose and a cheeky grin appeared as if he knew what was happening to her. He stood and strode off to the bar, leaving Isabella to wonder what else she’d missed.

  “Are you okay, Issie?”

  Distracted she replied, “Okay? Sorry, um…Yes, I’m fine.”

  Erica gave her a very deep look. “Are you sure?”

  “Yes. Yes.”

  Erica was about to say something more when Gabriel returned with a tray of drinks. He handed them out then sat back alongside Isabella. She lifted her glass but wasn’t at all surprised to see her hand shaking. Taking a quick gulp, she put the glass on the table. Gabriel dropped his hand once again onto the chair and she could feel his fingers ever so lightly touching her back.

  “Gabriel was telling me he’s a great fan of Leigh Price’s work, Issie.”

  Erica’s voice was all innocence but Isabella knew better.

  “Yes. I love it. I can’t wait to see the statue I just won in the flesh. It’s really hard to get an idea of it from a photo.” Gabriel’s voice was filled with childish excitement.

  “You’ll love it. I think it’s Price’s best yet,” Erica told him.

  “You’ve seen it?” he inquired.

  Isabella looked at Erica in dismay.

  “Er…Yes, I saw it when it was being photographed.”

  Erica gave Isabella a half-hearted smile and a tiny shrug and raised both eyebrows as if to say sorry. Isabella was relieved that both men accepted Erica’s explanation.

  “Ian has a couple of his pieces. I’ve coveted them for ages but he checks each time I leave his house in case I’ve tried to smuggle them out.”

  “I know you, Gabe. When you want something you can’t keep your hands to yourself.”

  Isabella got the feeling it wasn’t just the sculptures he was talking about. Gabriel’s fingers were still sending tingles down her spine, making it hard not to react. It felt like there was a direct link from his fingers on her back to her clit. She was frightened to move because there was a very good chance she would climax. It was amazing and frightening at the same time.

  “Isabella has an amazing horse of his in her front yard, Ian. You should go and look at it.”

  “You have? Is it life sized?” he asked Isabella eagerly.


  “Just as well but I hope it’s bolted down. Otherwise you might wake up one morning and Gabriel’s been in through the night and stolen it.”

  “I could think of better things to steal, Ian.” Again the conversation was on two levels. “There are other things to stir the senses, you know.”

  Ian laughed and even Erica had a grin on her face.

  “So how’s the painting going, Gabriel? Have you selected a pose yet?” Erica inquired.

  “I’ve settled on a couple, Erica. Not sure which one I’ll go with but I’ve got some paint on one of the canvases and I’ll see how it comes together.”

  “That’s good. I can’t wait to see the finished article. When does the exhibition open?”

  “I’ve got six months before the opening day. Gives me enough time to finish the piece, get it dry and then ready for hanging. Isabella’s coming on Monday to pose again.”

  They chatted a little longer then Erica stood.

  “We’re leaving now, Issie. Did you get a room here?”

  “Yes. I’ll walk out to the foyer with you.”

  The majority of people had left or were leaving as they began walking. Isabella glanced around. The people near them stopped suddenly and moved aside. In front of her was the figure of Derek Fulton. He looked much older and rather worse for wear but he was unmistakable. It had been about ten years since she last saw him. Normally she avoided him like the plague.

  Swaying slightly, he had a glass in his hand and was talking to a couple of men. He turned his head and their eyes met. He glared at her and frowned.

  “Well, if it isn’t the perverted little deviant Isabella!”

  His loud voice echoed around the room, and Isabella shrank backward as the people still around looked at her then at him with disgust. Gabriel was behind her and put his arms on her shoulders. She could feel herself shaking. Derek looked at the others then fastened his eyes on Gabriel.

  “Keep away from this fucking weirdo if you know what’s good for you, she’s a real sicko.”

  Erica pushed Derek aside and grabbed a shocked Isabella’s hand, pulling her along.

  One of the men who had been standing with Derek grabbed his arm and said, “You’re fuckin’ drunk, Derek, shut your bloody mouth. Nobody wants to listen to your c
razy ranting. You’re insulting the lovely lady.” He looked at Isabella and said, “Sorry.”

  The same time as Erica said, “Get lost!”

  “She’s a sick deviant cunt!” he slurred loudly at Isabella as Erica rushed her past him.

  She allowed Erica to drag her, completely wrapped up in her shame. Ian grabbed Gabriel when he went to hit Derek. He roughly pushed Gabriel past Derek then the four of them left the room. Isabella could feel her legs shaking so much she was worried she’d fall. Gabriel came and put an arm around her waist, holding her up.

  Erica whispered, “Ignore that prick, Issie, we both know he’s just a drunken arsehole.”

  Isabella’s eyes had filled with tears that were threatening to spill. Of all the people to meet, why on earth did it have to be Derek? And why did Gabriel have to hear? She’d tried so hard to push the past behind her. It seemed as if fate was conspiring against her, ensuring she could never forget what she was.

  “What was that all about?” Ian’s voice was filled with concern.

  “Just Isabella’s ex, who didn’t like it when she left him.” Erica looked at Isabella and touched her arm, concerned. “Want me to come upstairs with you?”

  Mortified, Isabella shook her head and said, “No.”

  “I’ll take her upstairs. If you two wait for me.”

  There was no way Isabella wanted to face the questions she was sure Gabriel had.

  “No, I’m okay, Gabriel. You go.”

  “No. I’ll make sure you get to your room safely.” His voice was determined as his arm tightened around her waist.

  Erica smiled at him.

  “Thanks, Gabriel.”

  Erica hugged then kissed Isabella goodnight and so did Ian. Isabella found it hard to keep composed, she wanted to curl into a ball and howl. Keeping his arm around her waist, Gabriel ushered her to the elevators. To be honest, she was thankful he had his arm holding her. Isabella was sure if she’d been forced to walk alone she would have fallen. They entered an empty lift and Gabriel asked her what level.

  “Nine,” she whispered, shamefaced.

  He pressed the button and she felt so grateful he didn’t question her. When the doors opened they walked down the hall to her room. Gabriel took the key card from her shaking hand and opened the door.


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