An Artist's Kiss [Dark Desires 4] (Siren Publishing Sensations)

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An Artist's Kiss [Dark Desires 4] (Siren Publishing Sensations) Page 17

by Suzy Shearer

  “I think the reason I married Peter was because it was safe. I knew what he was like. I think I married him because he wouldn’t ask me for sex. It was my way of hiding what I was.”

  “Because you thought you were perverted?”

  She nodded.

  “You are not perverted,” he said forcefully. “You honestly understand now, don’t you?”

  Hesitantly she answered, “I think I’m getting it.”

  Gabriel tried to steer the conversation to more normal subjects.

  “How did you get into posing?”

  “By accident, actually. I had a friend who was a year older than me. She was studying art at university and I was doing casual work as a typist while I was trying to decide what I wanted to do. Anyway, one day she mentioned that the model hired couldn’t come and casually asked if I’d pose for a life studies class.”

  Isabella laughed wryly. “I had no idea life studies models were more often nude so I said yes.”

  Gabriel burst out laughing at her confession. She rolled her eyes and grinned back.

  “I turned up and my friend told me I could take my clothes off in a small change room. I was shocked but didn’t want anyone to know I wasn’t ‘cool’ so I went for it.”

  “Hell, Issie, that was bloody brave.”

  “It was more false bravado than anything else. I was shaking like a leaf, especially as there were about a dozen people of both sexes. Somehow I made it through the four hours. The teacher paid me ten pounds, which was a hell of a lot of money back then, and asked if I could come back the following week.

  “I said yes. I mean once I’d gotten over my initial embarrassment it wasn’t that bad. Anyway, word spread and I got more and more gigs. The rest is history.”

  “Wow. You’re a brave woman.”

  Isabella laughed, “It wasn’t bravery as much as the money. I made my month’s salary as a typist in one week as a model. Of course I pretended to my parents that I kept my clothes on for a while but they soon saw through me. Amazingly, although they were hesitant at first they’ve always supported me. Think they saw I wasn’t going crazy, I had an agent, and everything was above board.”

  “Well, however you got into modelling I’m very glad you did,” Gabriel added sincerely.

  She got to her feet and took her mug to the sink.

  “You said you wanted to work on the face.”

  “Only if you want to.”

  “I do.”

  “Okay. Let’s put in an hour and then if you’d let me, can I take you to lunch?”


  He laughed, “Yes, lunch. You do eat, don’t you?”

  The grin she gave him was so cheeky and his heart skipped a beat.

  “Yes, I eat.” She looked down at her body. “Have to keep this in perfect curvy shape.”

  Gabriel stepped up to her and put his hands on her hips.

  “You got that right. This is perfectly shaped. I love every single curve.”

  Isabella cocked her head as he kissed her shoulder then her ear.

  “You honestly do, don’t you?”

  “Mmm, very much. Your curves are very addictive,” he said in her ear, letting his lips caress the lobe as he spoke.

  He felt her shiver and take a breath to answer when they both heard a car drive in and a door slam shut. Gabriel walked to a window in the family room and looked through.

  “Ian. Must be heading into the studio. Come on.”

  He held out his hand. Would she take it? Would she let Ian see her holding hands with him? He held his breath but there was no hesitation on her part. She linked her fingers with his and seemed to stand straighter. They walked down the hall and into the corridor that led into the studio. Ian was standing in front of the canvas Gabriel had been working on earlier. He turned as they approached and his eyes widened in total surprise.

  “Isabella? Isabella, um…hello.”

  “Hi.” She blushed delightfully as she spoke.

  Gabriel gave a smug grin.

  “Hi, Ian. Here to look at my statue?”

  “Er…yes. I’m working from my local office today so figured I’d call over.”

  It was obvious he was completely thrown by the new closeness of the two of them. Gabriel draped the old duffle coat over Isabella’s shoulders, still holding Isabella’s hand. He pointed to the boots and waited till Isabella slipped her feet in then led the way back outside. They walked out into the courtyard and across to where the statue was.

  “There she is.”

  Ian moved past them and stood in front of the piece. He was silent as his eyes took in every part. He gave a start when he looked into the face and reached a hand out to touch it.

  “Shit, Isabella, this really is you!”

  “I know.” She laughed and Gabriel felt so delighted when she gave him a wink.

  “My god, you posed for Leigh Price!” He rushed on almost babbling, “What’s he like? Is he great to work with? Did he spend a lot of time working with you?”

  “Oh yes, perfect to work with.”

  It seemed as if Isabella had suppressed her laughter for years because it erupted out. It was contagious and Gabriel couldn’t help himself as he joined her. Ian looked at the pair of them as if they were crazy. Gabriel finally got himself under control.

  “I need to swear you to secrecy.”

  “What for?”

  “You have to promise what I am about to tell you, you will never, ever repeat to anyone.”

  “Except Erica,” Isabella put in.

  “Yes, except Erica—oh, and us.”

  “What are you playing at, Gabe?” Ian demanded.

  “I have a secret I’m allowed to tell you about Leigh Price.”

  “Leigh Price?” Ian looked across to Isabella with a huge grin on his face. “Hey, don’t tell me you know him personally, Isabella? I mean you obviously posed for him but you know him?”

  She said, “Intimately.”

  Confused, Ian looked at her as she laughed again.

  That had set her off again, especially when Gabriel squeezed her hand and said, “I know him intimately too now.”

  Angrily Ian said, “Stop playing bloody games, Gabe.”

  Gabriel dropped Isabella’s hand and gave her a sweeping bow.

  “Ian, allow me to introduce you to Leigh Price.”

  Ian’s face was a picture on its own. He looked puzzled, stunned, then absolutely amazed. His eyes widened as he finally understood.

  “You. You’re Leigh Price?” he demanded.

  She nodded.

  “That’s fucking wonderful!”

  He grabbed her on the shoulders then hugged her tight.

  “I love Leigh Price. Hell no, I love you!”

  He turned back to the statue while Gabriel and Isabella exchanged a private glance. Ian turned back, a wide smile on his face.

  “Fucking hell. You’re Leigh Price.”

  He ran his hands through his hair while he kept looking from Isabella to the statue.

  “Wow. Isabella, I…I can’t believe it.” He rushed on, “You have no idea how much I love your work. I’ve got a couple of small pieces.”

  Gabriel looked serious as he said to Ian, “You understand you can’t tell anyone. It’s like me and Archangel.”

  “Of course. I understand.”

  “So did you only come to look at the statue?”

  “Yes, plus I was going to see if Isabella was okay after yesterday but I can see…well, I can see she is.”

  “Forgot the time yesterday, Ian.”

  “That’s what Erica said would have happened. She’s in Paris.”

  “I know.”

  Ian hit his forehead, “Duh. Of course you do.”

  Gabriel just shook his head at his friend and, turning to Isabella, sotto voce said, “He’s rather enamoured with Erica.”

  Isabella looked at Ian intensely.

  “You are? Really?”

  “Fuck. My secret’s out. I really like her a lot
. Have no idea if the feelings are reciprocated but I’m hopeful.”

  Isabella got a silly grin on her face.

  “Seeing as how Erica is always getting involved in my life, maybe it’s time for me to do the same.” She looked around as if pretending someone may be listening.

  Cupping a hand to her mouth she said, “She likes you too—a lot. A real lot.”

  “She does? You sure?” Ian asked hopefully.

  “I’m sure, she told me.”

  He gave an enormous sigh.

  “That’s perfect. So what are you two doing?”

  Gabriel noticed Isabella started. He looked over at Ian and said, “Just had a coffee and off to work on Issie’s face for a while.”

  “A coffee?”

  “Yes, you know, that brown stuff that we drink by the bucket load.”

  “Ha ha, very funny, Gabe. I’ll go make myself one while you two go play.”

  He walked off toward the bottom entrance to the house. Gabriel took Isabella’s hand again and walked back into the studio. He dropped her hand, threw the old coat on a nearby chair, and picked up a sketch block and charcoals. Isabella sat down on the chaise, tucking her feet up after pulling off the boots as Gabriel came and sat beside her. He pulled the tie from her hair and freed it, letting it drift over her shoulders.

  Seriously he spoke, “Issie, I hope you didn’t mind that Ian now knows there’s something between us?”

  Isabella looked deep into his eyes then gave a sweet hesitant smile that had his stomach doing loop-de-loops again.

  “I want something between us, Gabriel. Did you really mean it when you said you wanted more?”

  “I did. I do,” he reassured her. “So it’s okay about Ian?”

  “I’m a big girl, Gabriel. I’m not afraid to speak my mind and not afraid to show my feelings.” She gave a silly giggle, “Okay, so maybe I’m afraid of the sex part but you know what I mean.”

  He leant forward and gave her a kiss just as Ian walked in with a mug in his hand.

  “Want me to leave so you two can get a room?” Ian inquired artlessly.

  “Why get a room when there’s plenty of beds here?”

  Gabriel tried to keep a straight face as Ian nodded wisely.

  “Yes, that’s true.”

  Isabella didn’t speak but he noticed her eyes were sparkling with laughter. He was glad. He knew she was a strong woman, he only had to look at the way she’d acted when they first met. But this was different. Ian would know perfectly well that Gabriel wouldn’t be holding her hand or kissing her unless something was going on. He would also know that for Gabriel sex couldn’t be vanilla.

  Gabriel started sketching, ignoring Ian completely. Isabella began giving him different expressions. Delightedly he noticed that she seemed to be giving him ones that showed desire and pleasure more than anything else. His charcoal skipped across the page as he filled it with her eyes, her mouth, the way her nose crinkled up at times.

  “Hey, Gabe.”


  “Gabe, I’m going. Don’t work Isabella too hard.”

  “What? Oh, okay. Yep,” Gabriel answered distractedly as he tried to keep sketching.

  Ian just laughed and came over to where Isabella sat. He leant down and kissed her cheek.

  “If this fool does anything, and I mean anything, to make you upset or hurt, you just let me know,” Ian told Isabella seriously.

  “I will. Of course that will be after I’ve socked him.”

  “Think you’ve met your match, my friend.”

  Ian’s laughter rang out as he left the room. Gabriel looked at Isabella.

  “You would, too, wouldn’t you?”

  “Hell yes. I told you I’m not letting anyone stuff me around anymore.”

  He grabbed her and held her chin between his thumb and finger. Her lips parted slightly and he crushed his against them. She tasted like coffee and sex. As he deepened the kiss, she grabbed him and held on tight as he forced his tongue between her lips. When they broke apart they were both panting slightly.

  “Fuck, Issie, I can’t keep my hands to myself around you.”

  “Maybe I don’t want you to.”

  “You don’t?”

  “I love that you want me.” She searched his face. “I want you, too. This is all new to me, Gabriel, but…hell, I’ve never…oh damn. It’s going to take a bit for me to realise I’m not what I thought I was. I am trying to understand I can have exactly what I want and not be ashamed.”

  “I understand, Issie. We just take it as it comes. We talk, too, it’s really important.”

  “I know.” She looked down at her lap. “I’ve never spoken frankly before. Gabriel, if you want this to continue you have to understand I have all those years of stupid thinking to push aside.”

  “Issie, look up.” When she did he continued, “I don’t care how long it takes as long as we can enjoy each other’s company. Come on, let’s go eat.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  They went back into the house and while Gabriel went upstairs to change, Isabella used the bathroom and tidied her hair. She stood staring at her face in the mirror. Isabella didn’t look any different but inside she felt so changed. It amazed her not to see any visible differences.

  She actually felt liberated. Her mind felt lighter even though there was a way to go in dispelling all those ghosts that haunted her. But now the first step had been taken, Isabella knew the rest would be much easier. It had surprised her how, without pressing her, Gabriel had managed to get her to open up about her past. He didn’t judge her, he didn’t show any sign of thinking she’d been as foolish as she now felt.

  To be honest, one of the hardest things was coming to terms with how naïve and gullible she’d been, how much of her life she’d wasted because she’d been such an idiot. If she’d only spoken to Erica—hell, to anyone!

  How she’d let someone make her believe she was perverted was really stupid and looking back from where she now stood Isabella found it hard to believe she’d been so immature and ingenuous. Yet she was still that same naïve girl and she knew if she allowed Gabriel to lead her, he would take her so far out of her comfort zone. But that was the whole point, wasn’t it?

  Her first taste of what previously had been forbidden desires had been amazing. She wanted more, she wanted to sample all those dark delights. It had overwhelmed her, never in her life had she experienced such pleasure. It surprised her how much she’d enjoyed the pain as well. Gabriel had promised her more and more. It felt as if she had opened a secret treasure chest and wanted to delve down deep to reveal every hidden item.

  More exciting, Gabriel had told her he wanted a relationship. Scared but exhilarated, Isabella knew that was what she wanted, too.

  She went back into the kitchen to find Gabriel leaning against the counter waiting for her. The sensuous gaze he gave her sent her senses into overdrive. He pushed off the counter and stood looking down at her, a sudden serious look on his face.

  “You okay, Issie? Really okay?”

  She nodded.

  “Yes. I…” She tried to think of how to explain the way she felt. “I feel different. I guess I feel kind of released, freed, alive. It’s hard to explain.”

  “I think I understand.”

  He squeezed her shoulder, bending to touch his head to hers. Isabella breathed in deeply. He wrapped his arms around her with his head resting gently on hers. His masculine aroma filled her nose. He always smelt so delicious, the leathery woodsy smell of either his soap or aftershave was mixed with oil paint, turps, and linseed oil. Maybe some people would find it a turn-off but Isabella couldn’t get enough of it. It was simply Gabriel.

  “So, my sweet Issie, ready to eat?”


  “There’s a pub not far away, they have great food.”

  Gabriel took her hand and they walked out to his car in the large garage. The drive over didn’t take long and it was done in comfortable silence. Gabriel seemed to know
that Isabella was still on a high and still emotionally sensitive. He drove casually yet expertly and in no time they pulled into the car park of the pub. Going inside, they found an empty table and sat. Gabriel passed over a menu and studied his.

  “Damn, I didn’t bring my bag. No glasses.”

  Gabriel’s smile made her heart turn over as he said, “Shall I read it out to you?”

  “It’s okay. Do they have steak?”

  “Do they ever. Really delicious steak.”

  “Then that’s what I’ll have.”

  “Do you want a rump, a T-bone, Porterhouse? And how do you like it?”

  “T-bone please, medium rare.”

  “Like a glass of white wine?”

  “Mm, yes please, sweet. Maybe a Moscato.”

  Gabriel stood and went over to the bar counter where he gave their order. Returning, he put a wine glass and a glass of ale on the table then leant down and kissed her cheek before sitting opposite.

  “I like this place, come here a lot. I prefer this casual relaxed atmosphere rather than some classy restaurants.”

  “So do I. I hated living in the city and doing the rounds with people. This is so much nicer.”

  “So how long have you lived out here?”

  “About two weeks.” Gabriel’s eyebrows in surprise rose as she continued. “I’ve always wanted to get back to the country, grew up in a little quiet village. Anyway, I had an apartment in the city and a separate studio. I hated it. Don’t get me wrong, I loved the work, but I hated not being on site. Sometimes you get the urge to work in the middle of the night and I hated having to drive from one place to the other.”

  “Know what you mean. I often crawl out of bed in the wee small hours because I’ve had some idea or want to change something.”

  “Exactly,” she agreed excitedly. “Anyway, the house came on the market and so I sold the apartment and then the studio. I have money invested but I didn’t want to touch that so got a mortgage for the remainder of the cost.”

  “I did something similar. Had a small house on the outskirts of town then when I started making money I invested. Ian steered me in the right direction and I did pretty good. Bought the place about five years ago.”


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