An Artist's Kiss [Dark Desires 4] (Siren Publishing Sensations)

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An Artist's Kiss [Dark Desires 4] (Siren Publishing Sensations) Page 20

by Suzy Shearer

  “It’s called sub-space. It’s when endorphins get released and send you off to a happy place. It’s kind of like a morphine hit.”

  “Happy place, hell, it’s way more than happy.”

  “That means I’m doing something right. The same reason as you fall asleep, you’re coming down from that high, you’re relaxed, satisfied.”


  “This is important, Issie, very important. If you feel down after you wake up or even the next day or days after, you have to tell me immediately. That’s called sub-drop, guess the easiest way to explain is it as the opposite of sub-space. That’s why I let you sleep, why I’ll always look after you once we’ve finished playing. Usually I’d make you have a drink—water, fruit juice, even chocolate. I’d stay with you until I knew you were feeling okay.”

  She’d been watching his face the whole time he spoke, a serious look on her face, and now she nodded.

  “I understand. That’s why you kept asking me if I felt okay?”


  “So much to take in.”

  “Don’t worry, after a while it should become second nature.”

  She snuggled into him and Gabriel was very happy to lie there quietly with her in his arms. An hour later and he felt her smother a yawn.

  “I think I’d better let you get some sleep.”

  “Mm,” she murmured lazily.

  Gabriel climbed out of bed and then pulled up the covers and blankets. He gently tucked Isabella in as she opened her eyes and grinned. He leant down and kissed her.

  “Goodnight, sweet girl. If I may I’ll come over and see you tomorrow afternoon.”

  Another kiss. As he watched she closed her eyes. Gabriel could have stood there all night watching her sleep but realised he needed to get home. After dressing he let himself out. He drove in high spirits. This was going to work, he just knew it.

  I love her.

  Chapter Seventeen

  The following week saw Isabella and Gabriel spend most of their time together. Not only was Gabriel still working on the paintings so she was sometimes posing, but he took her out for dinner a few times through the week—sans panties. Then he asked her to come to his place on Sunday because his brother and husband were coming for dinner along with Ian. He’d added that Ian was bringing Erica as extra incentive but Isabella didn’t need it. She just wanted to be with him as much as possible.

  They spent more time talking through their wants and desires. Isabella still found talking about sex difficult but she was coming to see that it made perfect sense, especially when considering the risks involved with this darker lifestyle. She discovered that she loved pain—it seemed to heighten the sex. In fact, she began to crave it. When Gabriel hit her or bit down hard she’d almost climax. Gabriel seemed to find this even more exciting, probably because of the way he loved to bite her so he would ensure he did something to give her pain as she orgasmed.

  Thursday morning her painting was delivered. She’d waited until she knew she’d be home before arranging the delivery. Now she stood back to admire it. Isabella was right—it looked perfect on the wall opposite her bed. She wondered what Gabriel would say when he saw it.

  In the afternoon when Isabella went over to pose, Gabriel handed her a letter from his doctor stating he was clean. That meant no more condoms. Isabella had been prescribed birth control pills a few years back—she was menopausal and they’d help with her irregular periods and hot flushes. Her doctor had suggested she could actually stop taking them a month ago to see if she got a period but now she was sexually active, Isabella decided she’d wait a few months before stopping them, just to be sure.

  The sex part of their relationship was amazing as far as she was concerned, even though it had only been a few weeks. Gabriel was taking things slow and had only used his hand on her, tying her hands and feet but he’d promised when she was comfortable he was going to take things to the next level.

  It scared her but at the same time she felt so excited. Last night he’d asked her if there was anything she’d like to try. Isabella was so embarrassed but did tell him that he was already fulfilling her dark fantasies. He’d laughed and told her to dream up some more.

  Sunday morning he’d picked her up around eleven. Isabella had asked if she could bring something so Gabriel had told her to bring a dessert, she’d made a tiramisu on Saturday morning. When they arrived at his home she had to laugh when she complimented him on lunch as he popped a lasagne in the oven to cook.

  “I didn’t realise your skills were good in the kitchen, too.”

  “Yep, I’m very clever at removing the plastic wrap and putting things into dishes.”

  She’d looked puzzled and he’d told her that he bought it pre-made from a local place—The Deli.

  “I can’t cook for quids. If you open the freezer door you’ll see all my hidden talents.”

  Intrigued, Isabella opened the door and burst into laughter. It was stacked with pre-made dinners, most he’d told her were from the same deli.

  “It’s a wonder you invited your brother here then.”

  “Nah, the family knows me. They know I’ll have something organised. That is, unless it’s a barbecue, I’m a whiz at those,” he said triumphantly, a huge grin on his face.

  “I’ll keep that in mind.” Isabella gestured around her. “It’s a shame this beautiful kitchen doesn’t get used.”

  His kitchen was twice the size of hers and hers was very big. This one made her drool—a chef’s kitchen with enormous range and vast island, more bench space that she could ever want. As well there were cupboards, cupboards and even more cupboards and drawers. The walk-in pantry was big enough to hold a party in. On top of that there was so much room to move around—at least a metre and a half between the islands and any bench.

  “The people I bought the house from were into cooking and entertaining in a big way. I love this kitchen even if it doesn’t get used properly.”

  “Mmm, I love it, too.”

  He wrapped his arms around her.

  “Have I told you today that you’re gorgeous?”

  “No, not yet.” She laughed.

  “Damn, I must be slipping. Issie, you’re gorgeous.”

  She grinned and shook her head. “And you’re incorrigible.”

  They heard a rat-tat-tat on a car horn.

  “That’s the guys.”

  Isabella waited in the kitchen while Gabriel went out to say hello. Last night it had snowed, one last fall to end the winter, she hoped, and even though only a light dusting was on the ground it was damn cold outside. When the two men walked in she knew immediately which one was Michael. There was no mistaking the tall frame. Even though he was more muscular, he had the same brilliant blue eyes as Gabriel. It would be unmistakable that they were brothers. Alongside him a shorter man, lean with blonde hair and dark eyes—Andrew. Gabriel did the introductions.

  “This is Isabella Coburn. Issie, my brother Mike and his husband Andy.”

  Isabella went to shake hands but both men kissed her instead. After getting a drink for everyone Gabriel put his arm across Isabella’s shoulders as they walked into the family room and settled on the couches. He sat close to her, keeping her tucked under his arm.

  “Is Ian coming?”

  “Yeah, he’s picking up his girlfriend.”

  “Girlfriend? Whoa, when did that happen? Thought he was a confirmed bachelor.” The amazement in Michael’s voice was impossible to miss.

  “He was until he met Erica, she’s Issie’s agent,” Gabriel told them.

  “I heard they had to coax you out of retirement, Isabella?” Andrew asked.

  “Oh yes. I was adamant I wouldn’t pose.”

  “Sounds like a story there.”

  “Let’s just say there were some hurdles to overcome, Andy.”

  “Ha ha, knowing Gabe, I could imagine.”

  “Hey, I’m not that bad!”

  Michael and Andrew burst into laughter, Gabriel soon
joined them.

  “Okay, maybe I am. Still, I’m bloody glad we sorted out our differences.”

  “Me, too, but I’m glad we managed to reconcile the…er.” Isabella seemed at a loss for the right word but she added, “Um… problems.”

  Gabriel gave her a squeeze. It excited her to know they were both finally together and it looked like it would be for the long haul.

  “How were Mum and Dad, Mike?”

  “Fine, Mum’s very happily babysitting. She told Andy and me not to rush home.”

  “I don’t doubt that.”

  They all heard a car pull up and Gabriel excused himself to let the others in. Erica was her usual bubbly self—she introduced herself to the boys with a kiss then greeted Isabella. Ian followed behind and gave Isabella a quick kiss before shaking hands with the other two men.

  “What do you want to drink?” Gabriel asked Erica.

  “Moscato for me if you have it, otherwise anything sweet and white.”

  “You’re in luck, I got a few bottles in for Issie. The usual for you, Ian?”

  Ian nodded then sat, dragging Erica down with him. She wriggled around until she could sit on his lap. Isabella hid a smile. She’d thought her friend had fallen in love and now this proved it. Erica normally didn’t show her boyfriends much affection in front of others. Ian caught Isabella’s eye and raised his eyebrows as if to say “look.” Isabella gave him the thumbs up and winked.

  “Where’s your little girl? Ian told me you have a baby,” Erica asked.

  Andrew nodded and said, “Yep, the apple of our eye. She’s with Mike’s parents. They grab any opportunity to babysit.”

  Gabriel came back in with a glass of wine for Erica and a beer for Ian then went back into the kitchen. When he returned he put a large platter of antipasto and Bruschetta on a low table between everyone.

  He picked up his glass when Mike looked at the food then asked, “When did The Deli start doing platters?”

  Everyone except Erica laughed as Gabriel cheerfully replied, “They don’t. This is courtesy of the lovely Erica.”

  Ian whispered something in Erica’s ear. She looked at Gabriel and said, shocked, “Nothing? You mean he can’t cook anything at all?”

  “Hey, Ian, don’t give away all my secrets.”

  “You should have seen him when Mum tried to teach him. She ended up banning him from the kitchen after he ruined her second pot,” Michael informed her.

  “I can’t help it, I’m artistic instead.”

  Erica laughed. “Don’t think you can use that as an excuse, Gabriel. Isabella’s artistic and she’s a great cook.”

  “She is?” Gabriel turned to Isabella. “I didn’t know that, you never said. In future you can take charge in the kitchen when we have anyone over.”

  Isabella got a warm rush at his words. The fact he was talking long term and assuming they would be together as partners excited her. She smiled at him and blew a kiss. He sat back down alongside her with an arm on her leg. Talk turned to food and things people liked and disliked. Half an hour later Gabriel excused himself to check on lunch, dragging Isabella with him.

  “Sweetheart, can you make a salad thingy? There’s stuff in the fridge.”

  “Salad thingy? Wow, such technical talk. Will do.”

  Isabella found plenty of things to make a large salad and set to work.

  “Have you got any dressing?”

  “Dressing? Me? No.”

  “Do you have anything in the pantry besides biscuits?” she joked.

  “Think there’s stuff left over from last time people came.”

  Isabella walked into the pantry. Amid the many packets of biscuits she discovered some balsamic vinegar, plain white vinegar, wholegrain mustard, olive oil, and a quarter bottle of mayonnaise. Grabbing them, she rummaged in his cupboards. Finding an empty jam jar, she put in some balsamic, olive oil, salt, and pepper, and shook it well then tasted it. Using the remains of the mayonnaise, she tipped it into a bowl then Isabella added some wholegrain mustard then salt and pepper. She whisked in some white vinegar. Gabriel dipped his finger in both and tasted them.

  In wonder he asked, “How the fuck did you do that?”

  “Unlike some people, I know how to cook.”

  He pulled a face and grabbed her roughly.

  Kissing her hungrily, he released her then said huskily, “God, woman, I want you.”

  “I’m glad but I hope it isn’t just for my cooking abilities,” she said then laughed.

  Delighted, he said, “Oh, they’ve upped the stakes. Now I’m certainly not letting you go.”

  “Hey. When’s food?”

  They both heard the loud voice of Michael.

  “It’s coming, Mike. Get everyone into the dining room.”

  Isabella carried the salad into the huge dining room with its vast wooden table then went back for the dressings. Gabriel followed her with the steaming lasagne. He went back into the kitchen and returned with a couple of long crispy baguettes and butter.

  “Thanks for the bread, Ian.”

  “Knew you wouldn’t think of it.”

  Sitting, Gabriel said, “Help yourself, everyone.”

  They all tucked in, Isabella reminding everyone to shake the dressing if they used the one in the jam jar. Halfway through the meal Michael looked over at his brother and grinned.

  “You outdid yourself this time. Must have a new cook at The Deli, this lasagne is delicious.”

  “Ha ha, very funny, Michael Milford.”

  When they’d finished Andy helped Michael clean then he carried in the tiramisu Isabella had made while Gabriel made a large pot of coffee and another of tea.

  “This is yours, Isabella, isn’t it?” Erica asked.


  It was another hour before everyone finally rose from the table. Isabella had found it very relaxing to sit and chat with everyone. They moved back into the family room for a few more hours then around five-thirty the party broke up.

  “Don’t forget, Gabe, it’s your turn to host the family get together in two weeks.”

  “I won’t. Got a pig ordered.”

  Michael clapped his brother’s shoulder.

  “Smart thinking.” He looked at Isabella and winked. “That’s the only thing he can cook, something on the barbecue.”

  “So he told me.”

  They waved everyone off then went back inside. After loading the dishwasher and cleaning up Gabriel looked at Isabella. She knew that look and it sent shivers down her spine. He had a wooden spoon in his hand and waved it at her.

  “I think it’s time to show you who’s boss. Take those clothes off now.”

  Isabella thought she broke the record for stripping. The house was lovely and warm but that had nothing to do with the heat she now felt.

  “Time to show you a few pervertable kitchen items.”

  He forced her over to the kitchen island and made her lean across it, tummy down. She soon discovered what the wooden spoon was for as he gave her arse three good whacks then bit down on one cheek. Isabella loved it when he bit her, she loved seeing the imprint on her skin, like a tattoo or a brand from him telling her she was his alone.

  She heard him rummaging in one of the drawers and turned her head. He pulled out a large plastic spatula, a plastic egg slide, and a few pegs, the kind used for closing packets. As she watched he went into the pantry but she couldn’t see what he got. He alternated between the spatula and the egg slide to make her arse sting. Isabella was certain her juices were running down her legs as he forced them apart with one hand and his leg.

  She felt his breath on her ear.

  “Very soon I’m going to fuck this glorious arse but at the moment I want you used to having it filled.”

  Isabella tensed when he said this. She heard him rip open a condom and then felt him rubbing her arse again. He poured something on it and then rubbed up and down until she was well lubricated. Using his thumb he began pushing against the tight rosette
until he’d entered her arse to the joint. In and out the thumb went then she felt him remove it. Isabella could feel him holding something at the entrance and then she groaned as he pushed two fingers into her wet dripping slit. She closed her eyes as he began moving them in and out. Then she felt something pushing against her arse again. Tensing, she gave a quick gasp as something entered but Gabriel began pulling at her clit until she relaxed.

  Whatever he was using was going in and out of her arse while his fingers were working their magic on her clit. It felt strange but it felt good. She knew an orgasm wasn’t far away and so did Gabriel. He tweaked her clit then pinched it between his fingers while pushing into her arse. She screamed—loud, as she came.

  He took his hand away from her clit and began hitting her again with the egg slide. Between the pain of the hits and the burning pleasure-pain in her arse she was defenceless.

  “Let me hear you scream again,” he demanded and Isabella complied as another orgasm rocked her.

  When she’d recovered he removed the item from her arse then made her stand. She saw he’d been using the thick wooden handle on a potato masher as he dropped it into the sink. Turning to face him, she gasped as he clamped a peg on each nipple. Grabbing her chin, he roughly kissed her then flicked each clamp. The pain was exquisite. He pulled one then the other. Isabella was whimpering but he kept up the torment, flicking, pulling, squeezing until she sank away into sub-space. All she could see, all she could feel was her body. In the back of her mind logically she knew Gabriel was still there, knew he was doing things to her body but they only added to her pleasure.

  She felt him enter her with his cock. Felt the way it filled her, the way it moved in and out, the way his thrusts matched hers. While he fucked her he was still pulling or pressing hard on the clamps. The pain had long turned into pleasure as his thrusts got harder and rougher. He was slamming her against the side of the counter, the hard edge of it pressing into her arse, between her cheeks.

  Her climax shook her body, in her mind it felt as if it would never stop and she didn’t want it to. Vaguely she heard and felt Gabriel come. He’d pulled her hard onto his cock, his fingers digging into her body, the pegs between them biting into her flesh. Floating on a wave of pleasure, Isabella felt him lift her. Felt him carrying her then she could feel warm water lapping against her body, feel his arms holding her safe as she allowed herself to drift away.


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