An Artist's Kiss [Dark Desires 4] (Siren Publishing Sensations)

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An Artist's Kiss [Dark Desires 4] (Siren Publishing Sensations) Page 21

by Suzy Shearer

  Isabella woke to feel a line of kisses running down the side of her neck. Amazed to find herself tucked in bed with Gabriel, she looked at him, puzzled.

  “I thought I was in the bath.”

  “That was hours ago, my dearest. I brought you into bed when you started snoring.”

  “I don’t snore!” she said indignantly.

  “Okay, I brought you into bed when you started breathing heavily. You didn’t even wake when I dried you.”

  She grinned up at him and he kissed the tip of her nose. He grinned back at her then his face turned serious.

  “Issie, is it too soon to tell you I love you? Too bad because I do.”

  Isabella felt her heart flutter at his words. She could see the truth written on his face, he really did love her. She went to speak but he put a finger across her lips.

  “Hush. Don’t say anything. I know this is a surprise but I just wanted you to know. I wanted you to understand that this isn’t some casual fling. For me this is forever.”

  She kissed him with all the passion she could muster. No words were really needed. If she was honest she had fallen in love with him, too. She made sure her kisses were filled with all the joy she felt for this man.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Isabella felt very nervous. She’d already met Michael and Andrew and they had been so nice. It hadn’t been too bad meeting Gabriel’s brother Adam either when he moved in last week but this would be different. This was his whole family at once, it was damn nerve-wracking. She felt thankful that Ian and Erica were coming also. Apparently the family treated Ian just like another family member. It was assumed by all that he would be there and he also did his share of hosting in the family roster. Gabriel had told her not to be so worried but she couldn’t help it.

  Each family would be bringing dishes to supplement the roast pig Gabriel had cooking on the spit so Isabella had made a large dish of scalloped potatoes, a large bread and butter pudding and a Pavlova. She’d driven over around ten, hoping to get there before the family but Gabriel and his brother Raphael were rearranging furniture while Raphael’s wife, Jenny, and her two children were busy cooking.

  “Hi. You must be Isabella. I’m Jenny and these are Grace and Charlie,” a very attractive woman said as Isabella walked into the kitchen. She gave her a very friendly grin and Isabella just knew they would get on well.


  “Just put everything on the long counter.”

  Isabella deposited two of the dishes then went back for the other.

  “Any of those need to be cooked?”

  “I already have but the potatoes will need to stay warm.”

  “Perfect. I’ll fit them in the oven then. Can you ask Gabe if his grandmother’s serving platter is still in the upstairs cabinet, please? We need it.”

  “Oh. Um…yes, sure.”

  Isabella put the potatoes down and went to find Gabriel. She found him and his brother carrying the last of the chairs into the conservatory. She delivered her message after Gabriel kissed her hello.

  “I think it’s there. I’ll go check. This is my brother Raphael, Jenny’s husband.”

  Raphael kissed her cheek and said hello.

  “Raff, can you check the pig, please?”

  As Raphael headed out the door Gabriel took Isabella’s hand and they went upstairs.

  “You still nervous about today?”


  “Relax, sweetheart, they’ll all love you.”

  “Hey, you’re not the one meeting thirty or forty people, I am.”

  He just laughed at her, pulled her around and into his arms.

  “Issie, honestly it’s going to be fine.”

  She snuggled into his chest and sighed.

  “You met Mike and Andy and liked them. You like Adam. That wasn’t so horrible.”

  “I know. They’re all lovely but this is like a whole army!”

  Jenny’s voice floated up the stairs. “Hey, Gabe, where’s that platter!”

  “Coming,” he shouted down to her.

  Gabriel released Isabella reluctantly as they walked into one of the upstairs reception rooms. A large cabinet displayed lots of china. It had surprised her when Gabriel told her he collected pieces but then he was an artist and she was the same, she collected Victorian pendants and Pie Birds. Gabriel lifted out a huge platter and carried it back down to the kitchen, giving it to his sister-in-law.

  “Can I do anything?” Isabella asked.

  Gabriel leered at her and swung her around.

  “Let me tie you to the kitchen bench. I can do you.”

  “Hey, Gabe, enough, there’s kids present. Go play upstairs,” Jenny chastised him with a grin.

  He grabbed Isabella’s hand and looked at Jenny. “Can we?”

  “No, silly. Anyway, mum and dad just pulled up.”

  “Damn.” He gave Isabella a silly noisy kiss, crossed his eyes, and pulled a face at the two children laughing beside him. “Sorry have to wait, babe.”

  She grabbed a serving spoon and thumped his arm hard just as his parents walked in.

  “That’s what I like to see, someone giving my son a taste of his own medicine. Hope you enjoy being on the receiving end for a change, son.”

  Isabella felt so embarrassed, she wanted to crawl into a hole. Gabriel’s father laughed at his son and gave Isabella a big hug.

  “I’m Michael senior, just call me Mike or dad.” He winked. “I’m so pleased to meet you at last.” He kissed her cheeks and she felt her embarrassment disappear at the twinkle in his eyes. “Glad my son has finally met someone who’ll stand up to him.”

  Isabella smiled tentatively. Michael was so like Gabriel and she could see the other brothers in him, too. He was almost as tall as his three sons but where Raphael and Michael were broad and muscular, Michael senior was lean like Gabriel and Adam. He put his arm around a beautiful white-haired woman who had followed him inside and pulled her close.

  “This is Dorothy—Dottie to her friends.”

  Isabella went to shake her hand but Dorothy had other ideas and hugged her as well. It seemed like all of Gabriel’s family were a family who showed their affection easily.

  “Hello, Isabella. We’ve heard so much about you, it’s lovely to finally get to meet you. Gabriel never stops talking about you.”

  “Please call me Issie, nearly everyone does.”

  Dorothy took Isabella’s hand after she’d kissed all her children and grandchildren then led her over to a couch in the enormous family room adjoining the kitchen.

  “Gabe tells us you’re a nude model. I wish I had your bravery. I would have loved to try that.”

  “It’s not too late, you know. There are people who model into their eighties and older.”

  “Oh my goodness. I had no idea. But then you are such a beautiful woman, I can see why you’re so popular.”

  Trying hard not to blush, Isabella thanked her.

  “This might seem forward but is my son treating you well? I worry about him.”

  Isabella could hear her genuine concern as she answered,

  “He is.”

  Dorothy leaned close.

  “Don’t tell anyone but he’s always been my favourite. Despite his rough exterior he’s such a gentle sensitive boy. I know how brash and arrogant he comes over but it’s all a façade. I think that’s why he’s such a wonderful artist, he channels it all into his work.”

  “I’m learning that, Dottie.”

  Isabella looked over to where the three men were standing laughing together. Gabriel must have felt her eyes on him because he turned and winked at her. He kept looking at her until Raphael nudged him.

  “Well.” Dorothy gave a very self-satisfied sigh. “I think I can safely say my son is in love at last. I’m so happy.”

  Isabella had no idea what to say. He’d told her twice now that he loved her, she was starting to believe it and she knew she felt the same about him. Dorothy patted her hand.

>   “I’m glad and I can see you feel the same,” she said with a soft smile.

  Isabella risked a glance at Gabriel then looked at his mother.

  “He means a lot to me.”

  “You are a special woman to take him on with his…shall we say… alternative likes.”

  Oh hell. She knows about his kinks. Shit, this is so fucking embarrassing.

  Isabella didn’t know where to look. She ended up studying the ground in front of her. Dorothy put a hand on her arm.

  “Don’t be ashamed. He gets it from his father and me,” she said confidentially.

  Dorothy gave a laugh as Isabella looked at her in absolute shock.

  “Nothing like a little spanking to put the fire into a person.” She winked then said, “Well, I think I’ve subjected you enough to the mother inquisition and the personal details. Let’s go join the boys. If I’m not mistaken I can hear Michael junior’s soft voice.”

  Isabella had to laugh because everyone within a one kilometre radius would be able to hear the booming male voice calling out. She and Dorothy went over to the men and were joined by Jenny, who casually put an arm across Dorothy’s shoulders. Gabriel pulled Isabella between him and his father as the two men entered. Andrew was holding a lovely little one in his arms. Most of the family immediately put their arms out for her but Andrew passed her across to Dorothy.

  “She needs a bottle, Mum. I’ll just warm one up.”

  “Thank you, Andy.”

  Dorothy cooed at the little girl, whose big brown eyes seemed to fill her pretty face. She smiled and cooed back.

  “She’s beautiful.” Isabella couldn’t take her eyes off the gorgeous little baby.

  “Isn’t she. Mike and Andy went overseas to adopt her, her name’s Ayesha. I love the rich colour of her skin, don’t you?”

  “Yes, and those eyelashes are to die for.”

  “Why is it most men get long lashes and we women end up with short stubby ones?”

  Isabella laughed. “At least this little one won’t have that problem.”

  Dorothy turned her so Isabella could see her better. Her curly brown hair and those amazingly long eyelashes gave her an elfin look. Her lovely face was enchanting. It was filled with amazement and delight and Isabella’s fingers yearned to mould it with clay. There was something so appealing, so wonderful about this little one.

  “Watch out, I can see my Issie’s fingers itching.”

  Everyone turned to look at Isabella. She reddened. Dorothy looked puzzled until Gabriel added, “I know that look on her face, she wants to get her clay and make a model of Ayesha. Tell me I’m wrong, Issie.”

  She shrugged her shoulders and smiled good-naturedly.

  “I admit it.”

  Gabriel’s father looked across at her.

  “Gabe said you like to work in clay. Do you do that often when you’re not modelling?”


  Isabella felt guilty not telling these people who she was but at the same time she didn’t want to appear like she was boasting about being Leigh Price. Fortunately the rest of the family turned up and she was spared from saying anything else. Although the next question made her tense.

  “Hey, Gabe, where did you get that statue? It’s amazing.”

  “Hello, Milly. Won it in an auction to raise funds for a woman in a wheelchair.”

  “Well, you’re damn lucky because we just spent time admiring it and I’d love to have it in my garden.”

  Gabriel introduced the new members to her and she shrank against the look on Milly and Marisa’s faces. She knew they were thinking that the statue and her looked one and the same. Fortunately by the time everyone was introduced, including Ian and Erica, who turned up in the middle, the statue was forgotten.

  The kitchen and the family room were rather crowded so most people moved into one of the downstairs reception rooms that Gabriel used as another family room. He’d filled it with four large sofas and several couches. There was also a long padded bench running the length of the room under the large windows. The older children wandered off and the littlies were either put on various laps or settled on the floor with a large box of toys Gabriel obviously kept for them.

  Isabella found it impossible to follow the conversations that seemed to flow back and forth across the room. Michael junior seemed to realise she was totally lost, he began talking to her about art and Gabriel’s work. She soon found herself relaxing as they chatted. It felt good to have met him and his partner before. There were just so many people here she didn’t know who to listen to.

  Gabriel and two of his brothers left the room to check on the roasting pig after his sisters Angie and Hannah passed around trays of hors d’oeuvres. When the brothers returned they told everyone the pig was ready so there was a flurry of activity to get dishes from the oven and fridge then onto the massive tables.

  The huge dining room with its high ceilings and a traditional carved fireplace wasn’t big enough to fit the entire family. Gabriel had an enormous wooden table which could sit twenty people. When he’d first shown her around his home she couldn’t imagine anyone needing a table so big but when she realised how often this family got together to eat it made perfect sense.

  There were wide sliding doors between this room and the large conservatory room. Gabriel had another large table in it. Now it had been slid along so it now joined the end of the one in the dining room. Everyone was able to sit comfortably with the babes in highchairs. Gabriel had surprised Isabella when he said not everyone was there. Apparently some of the older grandchildren hadn’t been able to come but there were still thirty-five people.

  Isabella couldn’t recall ever having enjoyed a meal as much as she did that day. All her fears at meeting the Milford clan soon evaporated at their warm welcome and honest friendship. Gabriel’s parents told her she was to visit them often, even if alone. They both appeared to be genuinely pleased to have met her. She was regretful when all but Michael and Andrew left. Ayesha was sound asleep in a nearby room.

  The family had all pitched in and cleaned up so the four of them moved into the smaller family room and sat drinking tea. Isabella listened as they told tales of the family growing up. She felt a pang of envy at the closeness of this family. She and her parents were close but there were no siblings to share the enjoyment, the pain or the victories with.

  “Do you really want to make a model of Ayesha, Isabella?” Gabe asked.

  “She has such a beautiful face, amazing bone structure.” She gave a smile. “I have to admit I’d love to, with your permission, of course, Mike and Andy.”

  Carefully Michael asked, “Have you made many baby models?”

  Gabriel began laughing and said, “I think you’re trying to ask politely if Issie is any good.”

  Michael had the grace to look embarrassed. Andrew grinned at his partner but nodded his head.

  “I think we’ve all seen some horrible busts made of people.” He looked awkwardly at Isabella. “Not that I mean yours would be. Shit. Think I just made it worse.”

  Isabella couldn’t help her laughter, it bubbled up and burst free.

  “I’m sorry for laughing but I think I’m reasonably good.”

  Everyone looked at Gabriel as his hoot of laughter echoed around the room.

  “Reasonably good. Ha, that’s so funny, Issie.”

  He snorted and she grinned at him.

  “We’d love if you’d like to make something, Isabella. I mean we know it wouldn’t be a Leigh Price like that beautiful statue near Gabe’s studio but …”

  Gabriel had recently made a plinth at the entrance to his studio in the small flowering shrub garden. He, Ian and Adam had managed to manoeuvrer the statue into place where now she looked even better.

  As soon as Michael mentioned Leigh Price, Isabella started giggling then Gabriel, who was still laughing, added another roar. Michael looked at them as if they’d both gone mad. Andrew seemed to be wondering what on earth was so funny. Isabella fi
nally managed to get her laughter under control. She wiped a tear from her eye and looked at the others. Michael glared over at Gabriel, who was still snickering.

  “I guess there’s some inside joke, bro, but we’re actually serious.”

  Gabriel waved a hand in his brother’s direction.

  “I know. I’m sorry. It’s…um…it’s hard to explain.”

  “Oh, to hell with it!” Isabella said as she looked at Gabriel with raised eyebrows. He shrugged then nodded.

  She looked at the two men sitting opposite and said, “I’m Leigh Price.”

  “Fuck!” Michael said as Andrew added, “No shit?”

  “No shit, Andy, she and Leigh Price are one and the same,” Gabriel said earnestly.

  Michael was staring at Isabella as if she’d suddenly grown two heads. She grinned at him and winked. He finally gave a grin and shook his head. The look on his face was priceless. Isabella explained to the two men about using her middle name and mother’s maiden name. Gabriel looked seriously at the two men.

  “You can’t say a word of this to anyone, understand? It’s like me and Archangel.”

  “We understand. This is amazing and shit…geeze. And you want to use Ayesha!” Andrew was grinning crazily at her.

  Michael sounded completely confused as he said, “But you’re famous!”

  “How does it work? I mean she’s a little on the young side to pose,” Andrew asked Isabella.

  “I’d work from photographs. I’d have to take a lot of her just so I get the bone structure and shapes right. But before I fired and cast, I’d want to compare her and the model.”

  “Sounds good to us.” Michael looked at his brother, “How come you never wanted to paint her or any of the other kids?”

  “Er…in case you hadn’t noticed I mainly paint nudes.”


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