His Number One Fan
Page 15
“How many of you out there have ever been in love?” I ask the crowd. I grab my guitar and take a seat on the stool. I adjust the microphone, then I pull out my earpiece.
We love you Mason!
“I love you too. But seriously. How many of you have found that one person that you would do anything for, and you feel that life isn't worth living unless you have them there with you?”
The fans continue to scream.
“Well I have a confession... I have. Matter of fact do you want to meet her?” I turn my head to the left and see Nyla standing there with Brooke and Jordyn, shaking her head no with a look of horror on her face.
“Baby do you want to come out and meet our fans?”
Brooke was trying to push her on stage, but she kept refusing.
“I think she's a bit shy. Too bad because I really wanted everyone to meet the special lady in my life. “
Awww. Some fans responded.
I'll be your girl! Others shouted.
“While on tour I wrote a song about her. It only took me a day to write it. With a little help from my brother Caleb. I was able to turn it into a masterpiece. Do you guys want to hear it?”
“Baby this is for you. The name of this song is called Number One Fan.”
The crowd settles down, patiently waiting.
I close my eyes and my guitar pick moves across the strings, creating a calm but beautiful melody. I part my lips and I let my heart do the singing. My song was about her, so it wasn't too hard for my emotions to get involved. I wanted her to know how I felt about her. How much I needed her. Adored her. How bad I wanted her to remain mine and only mine.
I pause and I stand to remove my guitar strap from around my neck, letting my band mates to continue on with the melody of my song. I grab the microphone and I break down. Pouring my soul out with every lyric that came flowing from my mouth.
I turn my attention to the one who inspired me to write the song, just to see her face streaked with tears, but nonetheless, she had a smile on her face.
* * *
“So what are we getting into tonight? The night is still young. I say we hit the town and see what Manhattan has to offer us.” Jax offers, while we make our way to the end of the hall to get to the private exit of the arena.
“You guys go ahead and enjoy yourselves. I thing Nyla and I are going to stay in tonight.”
“Man there's no telling when you'll be able to come back to New York. Let’s enjoy this night. We'll be leaving in two days to head to Las Vegas.” Evans says.
“True but I know I'll be back. Plus, Nyla and I have a lot to catch up on.”
“Well while you two quote catch up. Jordyn and Brooke, you're more than welcome to chill with us tonight.” Caleb suggests.
“Cool. Maybe I can show you guys around our city. Take you to some of the hot spots.” Jordyn responds.
“Fine let’s do it.” Caleb shouts.
We push our way through the double doors of the exit and into the cool night air, where our transportation waited.
“You two enjoy your night. I know we will.” Jeremy says before getting into an oversized black SUV, with everyone following behind him. Evan was the last to get in. As soon as he shuts the door, the SUV pulls away, and into the busy Manhattan nightlife.
“Ready babe?”
I slide my fingers through hers, interlocking our hands together, and I guide her to our waiting vehicle. Our driver opens the door and we get in. When the door closes beside me I pull Nyla into my arms. The driver gets in and drives us to her apartment.
“I didn't stay here last night so if my apartment is a mess. Blame it on Jordyn and Brooke.”
“Baby just open the door.” He whispers against my neck. “Do you know how long I've patiently waited to have you to myself? I wanted to make love to you this morning, but since we were in Caleb's bed, and I have a lot of respect for him I didn't. Now open the door.”
I insert my key into the door, and he pushes it open. We step inside and he closes the door and locks it behind us. I turn my attention to Mason, giving him an innocent look.
“Can I get you something to eat or drink?”
“No I'm good babe.”
“Okay. I'm going to get a quick snack and after that we can chill on the couch and watch some tv.”
I walk into the kitchen and I open the pantry and pull out some microwave popcorn. I tear it open and I place it into the microwave to cook. I turn around and see Mason leaning against the wall looking at me.
“Want me to show you around?” I ask him.
“Maybe tomorrow.” He steps away from the wall and comes to stand in front of me. “How about you show me what's underneath this tight ass black dress.” His hands linger at the hem of my dress. Just the slight touch of his fingertips brushing against my thighs was sending chills throughout my body, and straight to the spot between my legs.
“This old thing?” I ask breathless. Looking into his eyes, still keeping my innocent act. “There’s nothing under this dress that I think you’ll find interesting.”
“Try me.”
Damn he always knew how to make me feel so sexy. I hope he continues to months from now when my stomach starts growing and other body parts start changing. Will he feel the same?
I reach up and release my hair from its bun and I let my hair fall past my shoulders. I turn around and I lift my hair up, before looking over my shoulder at him. “Do you think you can help me with my zipper?”
His hands slide up my body and he slowly pulls my zipper down.
I turn around and I pull the sleeves off my shoulders and I allow the dress to slide to the floor. Then I step out of my pumps and I walk around Mason, giving him a view of my naked body.
“Are you going to just stand there remembering how it feels to be inside me? Or do you want to find out?” I walk out the kitchen and I make my way to my bedroom. Looking over my shoulder once, to see Mason following behind me.
I walk into my room and I crawl to the middle of my bed and I turn around to see Mason walking in. He stands at the foot of my bed and removes his clothes and shoes. “Open your legs.” He tells me and I comply. He crawls up my bed to me, and rests his hips between my legs. He lowers his head and kisses my forehead. “I missed you.” He confesses then he kisses both of my cheeks, the tip of my nose, lips, chin, between my breasts, and down to my belly button where he gently touches my stomach.
“I'm going to get so big.”
“Only because you're carrying our baby.” He says while placing tender kisses against my flat stomach. “I can't wait to see how big you’ll get.”
“Will you think I'm still sexy?” I ask, looking down at him.
“Baby you'll always be sexy to me. Do you wanna know what I think is really sexy?”
“Tell me.”
“The way you look and sound when you're coming, and especially when you're calling out my name.”
He starts kissing his way back up my body.
“Mmm Mason.” I moan.
“Yes. Just like that.”
“He continues his kisses up, finally coming face to face with me. Staring into my eyes I could see he had something he wanted to say.
“What is it?” I ask him while running my hands through his hair.
He lowers his head and kisses my lips and reaches between my legs and inserts two fingers inside of me. Never answering my question.
“Are you ready for me?” He asks me.
“You know I am.”
He removes his fingers and places the tip of his dick at my entrance, and enters me. “I swear your pussy was made for me. You wrap around me so perfectly.”
“Yes.” A breathless moan slips from my lips. I spread my legs a little wider and I relax my muscles.
Mason pushes his hips forward going much deeper, filling me completely. Moving himself in and out of me while moaning out his pleasure.
“Baby I don't think I'm going to last long.” He says in a strained voice.
“Me either.”
We move in unison, changing our position and putting me on top of him.
He grips my hips tight and slides me up and down his length. Throwing my head back, I scream his name out in pleasure. He comes to a sitting position and I run my hands through his hair. Grabbing his silky strands, I bring his mouth to mine and I continue to work my body up and down his. Urgently seeking my release. His fingers dig into the skin on my hips, and he pushes me down hard on his length, and I scream out my release. My arms wrap lazily around his neck and the next moment I'm back on my back again.
“Stay with me Nyla. I'm so close sweetheart.” He slides his arm under my lower back, lifting my ass off the bed. He circles his hips moving his length deeper inside me, while staring down into my eyes. He continues a steady rhythm of Slow. Fast. Fast. Slow. Fast. Fast. Slow. Thrusting and rotating his hips, and giving both of our bodies the pleasure it’s been seeking. Several pumps later he closes his eyes and screams out my name, releasing all his built up tension inside of me. He lowers his head to the pillow and slows his pace to a stopping point. He lays on top of me, while putting all of his weight on me.
“Just give me a minute.” He says into my ear, sounding exhausted.
“You're fine.” I turn my head just enough to be able to kiss his lips.
“I love you.” He whispers against my lips.
“I love you too.” I whisper back before closing my eyes.
Several minutes of silence pass between us to a point that I thought he had fallen asleep until I open mine to see a pair of gray ones looking at me adoringly.
“I meant what I said Nyla.” He says running his thumb over my lips, then he leans in and swipes his tongue along them before gently sucking each lip at a time into his mouth, before pulling away. “You keep me going. I want to be a better person because of you. After my ma died, I pushed you away and you were so patient with me, and you never gave up on me. I don't know why you came into my life but I'm glad you did because you give me so much hope. I'm not perfect Nyla but I promise to try and be the best man and father to our baby. I am not like my father. I refuse to be. Just keep believing in me.”
He kisses me again, long and hard. Mason's hips shift between my legs, and I could feel his growing erection that was still inside of me. “Tell me that you love me Nyla.”
“I love you so much Mason.”
For the rest of the night we reacquainted ourselves with each other’s bodies. Just like Mason said earlier. We needed to catch up, and we did by making love all night until our bodies became too exhausted to function any more.
* * *
Boom. Boom. Boom.
My eyes fly open to the sound of someone banging on my front door. I sit up slowly in bed and I gather my sheet and wrap it around my body, then I slide out of bed.
“What time is?” Mason asks me. He reaches for my comforter and covers his naked body.
I tear my eyes away from him and glance at my alarm clock. “It's 8:15 am.”
“Who would be knocking this early? Let whoever it is keep knocking and come back to bed babe.”
“What if it's your sister and Jordyn? I don't remember hearing them come in last night, and if I remember correctly, you put the chain on the door, so they probably can't get in.”
“Shit. Go see and hurry back to bed.” He mumbles.
I walk out of my room and down the hall.
Boom. Boom. Boom.
“I'm coming!” I shout. I grab a hold to the sheet that was dragging around my feet and I jog the rest of the way to the door.
I undo the chain and unlock the dead bolt. I swing the door open, and I am shocked to see who's standing on the other side.
“Mom and dad?” I ask tightening the sheet around my body. “What are you doing here?” My voice was filled with shock and confusion.
“It's nice to see you too sweetheart.” My mom says walking past me and into my apartment with my dad following behind her. “Can we not surprise our daughter?” She continues.
You never have before.
“We wanted to stop in and see how you were doing. Your father and I are on our way to D.C.” My mom pauses and studies me. “Are you just now getting out of bed?” She asks me.
“I had a late night. Mom and dad I'm happy you stopped, but why didn't you call and tell me that you were going to be in town?”
My mom stands there looking at me real hard. Examining me like I was one of her patients. Her eyes travel up and down my body, noticing my state of dress.
“Babe are you coming back to bed?”
I turn around and see Mason standing there with nothing on except my comforter that was wrapped around his waist.
My dad clears his throat and he takes his gaze off of Mason. “Nyla who is this young man?”
* * * To Be Continued * * *
About The Author
Hi, I’m Danyell A. Wallace. I was born in Anchorage, Alaska and I’m currently living in Alabama. I’m a mom to two awesome kids, and a wife to an incredibly busy hubby. I have an overactive imagination and I love to read, so I decided to write my own stories and books. I find that reading and writing soothes me especially when there’s so much going on in this world today.
When I’m not writing, I’m spending time with my family and friends, catching up on tv shows that I have saved on my DVR, or I’m enjoying a good high school or college football game.