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Black Mark Series Book 3: Black Mark's Heart

Page 3

by Ebony Olson

  "It is amazing how three instruments can make music this powerful," I murmured. The music of the strings felt like it was going right through me.

  "They are three of the most talented classical musicians on my books. They better make you feel it," Jeremy grinned.

  All of a sudden, drums and a bass guitar came in over the top. It was a different song, and yet the classical music complemented it. I saw the other two band members walk on stage and, suddenly, the heavy rock music was at war with the classical. Still, it worked beautifully together.

  The lead singer started singing and the crowd went wild. I stood there with Jeremy, enjoying the energetic performance of the band members. Every time the strings started playing, the music moved through me and I felt my entire body reacting to it.

  After the first hour and a half, all but the lead singer walked off stage. The piano came up under the lights, and sitting next to it was the cellist. My heart stopped when I recognized Mora sitting there.

  "We are going to slow things down and change the pace a little," Andrew, the lead singer, announced. "Ewan, our very talented drummer, is going to join with our equally talented Mora to perform a new song for you while I catch my breath."

  The crowd cheered. Andrew ran off stage and Ewan walked on. He went to Mora first and kissed her on the cheek before taking his seat at the piano. The piano started and, a moment later, Mora joined in with him. All of a sudden, I realized why the music had been affecting me so powerfully.

  Ewan started singing. The lyrics were heartbreak and loneliness, having to leave but asking the person he loved to leave with him. At the coda, Ewan stopped playing the piano, standing up and walking away, while Mora played out the last thirty seconds of heartache by herself.

  Jeremy was watching me warily. "I'm sorry, Dare. Andrew told me they were performing a new song. I didn't realize Mora helped write it."

  "She's working for you now?" I asked, surprised. I hadn't even considered that Mora would take a performance contract. The amount of evenings I sat in my library just to hear her play, and it just never occurred to me.

  "Yes, I saw her eight weeks ago. She needed to get away and I needed a talented cellist. It worked to our mutual benefit," Jeremy explained.

  "You sent a broken-hearted girl away with a rock band?" I growled. Images of drunken and reckless abandonment flashed in my brain.

  Jeremy smiled at me. "They are a Christian rock band, Dare. All but one of the band members are married with kids." Jeremy's eyes went back to Mora as she pulled her bow back for the final note. "It's been like therapy for her, Dare. She's been able to play her pain every night for six weeks, and, by collaborating in the song writing, she's expressing her emotions about what happened between you two."

  The guitars came in suddenly. The members of the band walked back on to the stage, bringing the concert back to heavy rock. The strings had been moved to the center of the stage. I could hear the strings coming through in the undercurrent of the song, Mora's fingers working the fingerboard hard. She was dripping sweat like every other musician out on that stage. When the song reached its pinnacle, the strings powered up and were drowning out the rock music as Andrew sang the last line of the song. The band members pulled the music back and the strings took over, fading the song out.

  I sat there mesmerized as I watched Mora put her heart and soul into every song, and watched her fingers and bow arm move rapidly to keep up with the heavy rock music.

  "She looks exhausted," I couldn't take my eyes off her. Three months ago, we'd been two days away from our wedding, and we'd been so happy. That beautiful woman on stage had been my wife for only an hour, and that was the best hour of my life.

  "They've been doing this for four nights a week for the last six weeks, Dare. Of course she's exhausted," Jeremy informed me. "She's been real sick for the last week of it too, so that hasn't helped."

  "Sick how?" I asked, worried.

  Jeremy looked at me. "Stomach flu."

  "Oh." I frowned, "And she kept working?"

  Jeremy gave me a half smile. "The show must go on, Dare. From what Andrew tells me, being out there and performing helps Mora feel better."

  I nodded. Playing the cello always did help Mora feel better.

  The band finished their show, the string trio fading the last song off into another classical piece.

  "Come meet the band." Jeremy turned, putting his hand on my shoulder and turning me away from Mora.

  I followed Jeremy back to the band's room. The manager stopped us on the way so he could chat with Jeremy about the London performance tomorrow night. I stood there half listening, watching the roadies get to work with starting to pack the gear for transport to London tonight.

  After another ten minutes, the manager let Jeremy go. We made our way into the room where the band was winding down. I expected to see a room full of groupies, bottles of alcohol, and possibly even drugs, although I knew Jeremy was very strict when it came to drug use and his clients.

  What I walked into was a lounge room where the band members stood talking, drinking bottles of water, and standing around a snack table of fruit, cheese, and biscuits.

  Mora sat in the far corner with the drummer, Ewan, who was massaging her left hand while she wrote on a notepad with her right.

  "Jeremy." Andrew, the lead singer, stepped out of the huddle by the table and came forward. "I heard you were flying up tonight. Did you catch the concert?"

  "I did," Jeremy smiled. "Heard the new song too and I have to admit, I think I was going to cry."

  Andrew looked back over his shoulder where Mora and Ewan were still talking. "Yeah, Mora is a godsend. Mora and Ewan started hanging out in the first week, and she's brought him out of his writer’s block. Those two have their heads together every night writing new songs. I think we've nearly got an entire album ready to go now."

  Jeremy's smile grew. "Excellent. I'll book the studio and you can start laying down some tracks before you head to Asia next month." Jeremy looked at me. "This is my good friend Darius Rafal. He's a big fan of your music."

  "As in the director of Lynwood?" Andrew shook my hand, his eyes wide.

  "That's me," I smiled.

  "Dude, I have been begging Jeremy for years to get us on the lineup for the summer Solstice Carnival. How can I convince you to make it happen?" Andrew gave me big puppy-dog eyes.

  The Solstice Carnival ran for three weeks, touring throughout the United Kingdom. It had become one of the biggest musical events of the year, with some of the biggest names in music attending from all over the world. It was an event I started, but I barely took part in the planning anymore.

  "Give me thirty minutes alone with your cellist, and I'll talk to the event planners about adding you," I dared.

  Jeremy laughed, "Dare, she'd probably disembowel you."

  Andrew was looking at me, surprised. "Dude, that would be seriously uncool. Ewan and her were out house hunting today."

  I tilted my head, looking Andrew in the eye. "Here in Glasgow?"

  Andrew shrugged. "Didn't say. All I know is that Mora's asshole ex threw her out a few months back. She needs to find a place to live when the tour finishes on Sunday."

  "What about her father's place?" I asked, confused.

  Andrew laughed, "God, no. Her dad is the reason the ex threw her out. She's barely spoken to him since it happened."

  I looked over to the corner where Mora was happily working with the drummer. The drummer was looking towards us. He smiled and waved at Jeremy and said something to Mora. Mora's head swiveled around, a smile on her face, a smile that quickly died when she saw me.

  Turning back to the drummer, I watched Mora take a deep breath before murmuring something to Ewan. His eyes locked on me and turned angry. Mora stood up, handing him the notebook, and walked towards the door. That brought her closer to us.

  "Mora," Jeremy smiled, stepping towards her with his arms open. "How are you feeling? I was told you've had a bit of the stomach flu?"
  Mora glared at Jeremy. "What is he doing here?"

  Jeremy's smile faded, and so did Andrew's. "He's a fan of the band, Mora. You can't stop him going to concerts."

  "I know that, Jeremy. That doesn't mean you had to bring him back here," Mora replied evenly. Jeremy lifted a brow and Mora sighed. "How's Cassandra?"

  Jeremy's smile reengaged. "She's good. She still wants to drag you shopping when you get back. Did you get that information she emailed you?" Jeremy asked and waited until Mora nodded. "Good. Now what's this I hear about you looking for places here in Glasgow? If you are going to be recording on Denial's next album, you'll still have to come and rent in London. You may as well just find a place back home."

  Mora glared at Jeremy, her eyes moving to me. "No thanks. I'll just crash at Alex's when I'm in town. I'm exhausted," Mora put her hand over her stomach, "Stomach bug and all that. I'll head back to the hotel. See you tomorrow night?"

  "Do you want to fly back with me in the morning?" Jeremy asked.

  Mora studied Jeremy. "Thanks for the offer, but I'll pass."

  "Are you sure?" Jeremy pressed. "There are less people on my jet. For someone with your claustrophobia, it would be more pleasant."

  Mora stood straighter and looked at me. "Are you flying with Jeremy?"

  I gave a singular nod, understanding exactly what Jeremy was trying to do.

  Mora looked back to Jeremy. "I'd rather fly back locked in a coffin. Goodnight."

  Mora stormed out. Jeremy hung his head a moment before looking back at me and shrugging.

  Andrew cleared his throat. "Guessing you two know each other then?"

  "I'm the asshole ex," I confirmed.

  "Right," Andrew sighed. "So no chance of getting on the carnival run this year?"

  I smirked and looked at Jeremy. "You want them on the carnival?"

  Jeremy's brows went up. "I wouldn't mind it, but what's the trade?"

  I let my eyes drift to the door Mora just exited. Jeremy frowned then looked at his shoes. "Andrew, what's Mora's room number?"

  Andrew's eyes popped open in surprise. "Jeremy, you can't be serious?"

  "I'm only telling him where to find her. It's up to Mora to let him in or not," Jeremy advised.

  Andrew blew out a breath. "Ewan?"

  "Yeah, man?" Ewan, who was Andrew's younger brother and the youngest member of the band at twenty-seven, walked over.

  "You spent all night in Mora's room last night. What was her room number again?" Andrew asked.

  I glared at the suggestion Andrew was making. Ewan looked at me. "Why?"

  Jeremy put his hand on Ewan's shoulder. "I heard you two have written a new album together?"

  "Yeah, so?"

  Jeremy smiled. "Is she going to be needed to play on the album?"

  Ewan swallowed and slowly nodded.

  Jeremy nodded too. "I was just telling Andrew that I'd like to get you in the studio next week to start laying down tracks. If that's the case, I need to go negotiate an extension to Mora's contract. She was only contracted for the European tour."

  Ewan's eyes told me he wasn't fully buying it. He turned to Jeremy and murmured the room number so I couldn't hear it. When he turned back around, he looked at his older brother. "I'm beat. We have an early morning, so I'm going to crash."

  "See you on the plane." Andrew scruffed his brother's hair and we watched him leave. Andrew looked at me. "Don't keep her up late. She barely sleeps as it is."

  I nodded as Andrew turned back to the room. Jeremy stepped towards me. "Take it easy, okay? She lost everything when she lost you."

  "I swear I'll ask to talk. If she slams the door in my face, I'll leave," I promised.

  Jeremy lifted a brow. "And if she lets you in?" I lifted a brow back. Jeremy smirked, shaking his head. "I guess I can't blame you for that. She's in room five forty-three; the same hotel as us."

  I nodded and left. If I was meant to give Mora up, we wouldn't keep turning up in the same place. So we couldn't be married. Marshall had been my mentor for years. If he could keep his relationship with the woman he loved a secret, so could I.

  Chapter One


  I'd just pulled on my pajamas and was towel-drying my hair when I heard the knock at the door. I smiled, thinking it was Ewan coming to keep working on the songs. The man was addicted now that he was back writing. I pulled on the robe and opened the door.

  "I thought we decided to rest tonight..." I cut off when I saw Darius standing there. His dark hair was scruffy and well overdue for a trim, his hazel eyes piercing. "What are you doing here?"

  "Can I come in?" he asked with the same self-confidence he'd had when we first met.

  "You told me to get out of your life, Darius," I snapped. "I did what you asked. I always did. You can't keep stepping back into mine and think that's okay."

  "I just want to talk, Mora," Darius assured, but I couldn't believe him. I knew what that look in his eyes meant now.

  "No, you don't."

  Darius smirked, "You're right." He stepped forward and kissed me.

  I stepped back away from him, angry. "Have you been drinking?"

  Darius stepped forward, catching the door and then moved to the side, closing the door behind him so he was in my room. "No."

  "Then why would you think this is okay?" I asked astounded.

  "Your father continued sleeping with Alex's mom after she married another man." Darius shrugged out of his jacket and threw it on the couch as he moved into my room freely.

  I looked at him gobsmacked. He was so at ease, so confident that he could just walk in here and have sex with me. "Marshall didn't break her heart an hour after they got married without explaining why. He didn't sign an annulment to say the marriage was never consummated when he knew it had been."

  "You signed those papers too, Mora," Darius grumbled. He turned to look at me. I swallowed under the emotion in his eyes. "I hurt you. I was an asshole about it because I was hurting, and angry, and your pain just made it unbearable. You weren't the only one who lost the person they love, Mora. I have been a miserable asshole since that day, ask anyone. I miss you every minute of every day, but if God didn't want us to be together, you wouldn't keep turning up every time I turn around."

  "Jeremy is not God," I argued, turning away from him.

  Darius chuckled. "You think he brought me here on purpose to put us together?"

  I looked at Darius. "Jeremy told me about Marshall and Alex's mother. I think he was hoping he could put a smile back on your face if I was willing to go for that."

  "You're not though, are you?"

  "No, Dare. We're done, for good," I explained. Did he not understand how badly he'd broken my heart? How he'd broken his promises and I'd never trust him again?

  Dare stepped towards me. "What if I don't want that?" he asked, pulling me into his arms.

  I arched my back to look up at him, meeting his eyes. "This is unfair." I felt the first tear run down my face.

  He wiped the tear away. "You've always given me what I want, Mora, from the moment we met. I want you as my lover. I will never marry another woman because the woman I want is you."

  "So you want me, you just don't want anyone to know about me?" I clarified.

  "We can go away together. I can organize business trips every couple of weeks overseas. You can come with me, and we can be together openly then," Darius suggested.

  "But my father can't know, my brother, our friends?"

  Darius shook his head, his face falling in understanding of what I was saying.

  I sighed and shook my head staring at his strong chest. "No, Darius. You wanted me out of your life. I'm gone." I tried to step out of his embrace, but he held me tight.

  He lowered his mouth towards mine. "Please, Mora? I need you."

  "Don't," I begged.

  "Please?" Darius pleaded, his mouth brushing mine. "Please, Mora." His mouth brushed over mine again, his fingers pressing into my back where he held me. "I lov
e you."

  Darius firmed his mouth to mine and kissed me, slowly and deeply. I couldn't deny I loved him, we both knew I did. I desired him like he was oxygen, and I wanted to be with him.

  As he picked me up and carried me to the bed, I promised myself it was goodbye. We both needed this to truly end what happened between us. We loved each other, and it shouldn't end with anger and resentment. I could make love to him tonight, walk away from him tomorrow, knowing he loved me as much as I loved him and, if it were possible, we would be together in a heartbeat. It just wasn't possible.

  When Darius went to undress me, I stopped his hands. "Wait. Turn off the light please?"

  Darius frowned, "Why? The light has never bothered you before now."

  I shied away from him, holding my singlet slightly away from my body. I'd lost enough weight that it exaggerated my growing abdomen. I was terrified what it would mean for Darius to know, especially now that he wanted to be my lover.

  "Please, Dare. I would feel more comfortable."

  Darius looked me over. "Have you been self-harming again?"

  I shook my head.

  Darius lifted my chin so he could see my face clearly. "I want to see you, Mora."

  I pulled my chin from his grasp. "You ask everything from me, Dare, and I give it every time. I'm asking for you to turn the light off just this once, and you can't even do that." I shoved him away as hard as I could. "Get out, Dare! Get out of my life, out of my heart, just get out!" I yelled at him.

  Darius grabbed my upper arms, holding me to him as I near collapsed under the weight of my emotions. I felt him reach out and, a moment later, darkness descended upon us.

  "I want to hate you," I sobbed to his chest. "I want to hate you with all my heart. Why can't I hate you?"

  Darius didn't answer. He pulled my top over my head and then knelt to push my pants to my feet. He stayed absolutely silent. I cried. Darius kissed his way over my thighs and hips. When he kissed over my abdomen, I cried harder, threading my fingers through his thick hair and holding him there, letting him kiss his child through my skin.


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