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Black Mark Series Book 3: Black Mark's Heart

Page 8

by Ebony Olson

  Jasper laughed, "Had you booked in for that C-section, you wouldn't have this problem."

  "I'm not due for two more days, but I'm over it. The midwife said you get them out the same way you get them in, so get naked and encourage this baby to leave its warm comfy place," I ordered.

  Jasper chuckled again, "Mora, it's not guaranteed to work."

  I turned to look at Jasper, frustrated. "I am offering you the opportunity to have unprotected sex with me until you convince my body to go into labor. Are you turning me down?"

  Jasper laughed again and started taking his jacket off. "I would be more than happy to help you out of this predicament. I'll even order pizza for dinner when we need a break." Jasper pulled me towards him, my large belly forcing him to bend forward to reach my mouth. Jasper looked down and laughed. "I feel like there is something coming between us, Mora."

  To say the sex was uncomfortable would be an understatement, but Jasper was kind and gentle with me, spooning me or getting me to kneel in a supported position for him to take me from behind. We'd finished round four and were sitting in the lounge room eating pizza by the time Zander came home from the gym after work.

  "Hi, Jasper, you two just hanging out?" Zander asked.

  "Mora is trying to get Jacob to leave his happy home, and I've been helping out," Jasper answered honestly.

  "Any luck so far?" Zander laughed, taking a seat and stealing a slice of pizza.

  "Other than a backache, nothing," I pouted.

  Jasper sat forward. "How long has your back been aching?"

  I shrugged. "About an hour. It started out as a niggle, but it is slowly getting worse."

  "Huh," Jasper smiled. "It worked after all."

  "What do you mean it worked?" I asked, annoyed, pointing to my belly. "Baby is still inside and my waters haven't broken."

  Jasper chuckled, "Yes, but I would hazard a guess that your backache is actually labor pain, Mora." Jasper picked up another slice of pizza. "Let's give it another hour. If your pain keeps getting worse, we'll take you down to the after-hours clinic and get them to throw a monitor on to see if you are having contractions.

  Two hours later, I was sitting on a bed in the private hospital I'd booked into, having an epidural. If you think I was going to push a baby this big out without some sort of pain relief, you were wrong.

  Jasper hadn't bothered with the clinic. After an hour, I was bent over the table crying at the slow ache in my back. Jasper just gave me a kiss goodbye and told Zander to take me straight to the hospital.

  Now Zander sat holding my hand while we waited for Sophie to arrive, and the woman in the room next to us screamed like she was being tortured.

  "Okay, Mora. That will take the pain away for now," the anesthetist assured. "The baby is facing the wrong way and putting all the pressure onto your spine."

  I nodded as he helped me lie down. The midwife smiled and checked my progress again. "You are five centimeters dilated already. We're going to let you rest for a little while, but I'll check on you regularly. Get some sleep, as it may be your last chance for a good rest for a while."

  "Is it really that painful?" I asked, listening to the woman next door.

  The midwife smiled gently, "Everyone has different pain thresholds. I'll be back in an hour to check on you."

  "I'll go and see if Sophie is here yet," Zander squeezed my hand and followed the nurse out.

  I picked up my phone and sent a message I never thought I'd send.

  I just want you to know, I still love you and I miss you.

  Darius's reply was almost instant, telling me he was probably home relaxing tonight.

  I miss you too. Let me see you?

  Instantly followed by,

  Please? I need you.

  I held back the tears I felt ready to fall. I wanted him to be here.

  I'm sorry. I can't. It's more than I can handle.

  Several minutes passed and I thought he wouldn't respond.

  Next week at the Halloween Ball? Just one dance?

  I swallowed the sob that caught in my throat as I caressed my belly.

  I won't be there. I'm sorry Dare, it is better this way. I just needed you to know, it's always going to be you.

  I put my phone aside and closed my eyes. I started feeling the need to push and went with it. I was all about listening to my body and happy to accommodate.

  "Guess who we just saw?" Zander smiled, coming in the door with Sophie. Sophie looked ready to burst with happiness.

  "If you say Dare is out there visiting a friend, I'm going to scream," I groaned. It wouldn't surprise me in the least if he turned up right at this moment.

  "Not tonight," Zander frowned. "Tomorrow, possibly. Cassandra went into labor an hour ago. Jeremy and her just arrived at the hospital. It looks like you two are racing each other."

  I smiled gratefully, "Perhaps we can get a room together."

  Zander's smile dropped and he rubbed an anxious palm through his hair. "Dare has come to see them after every baby was born, Mora. It's probably not a good idea to share a room with Cassandra."

  I swallowed and nodded. "Do me a favor? If I try to call him or demand you call him when this starts, stop me."

  Sophie sat beside me on the bed and put her hand on my belly. "You are going to be way too focused to care about Dare when this starts, Mora. Don't fret about him; just think positive thoughts of welcoming your son into the world."

  I nodded and went back to caressing my stomach. The sensation to push passed over me again, so I pushed, then relaxed back, closing my eyes while Sophie picked up my phone to put some music on for me.

  "You messaged him already?" Sophie frowned at me. She held out the phone to show Zander the string of messages and Darius's final reply.

  I still love you too. Please let me see you?

  Zander read the messages and took my hand in his. "You wanted him to know he was still in your heart while you went through this."

  Sophie exhaled, "I could call him. Ask him to come down?"

  I shook my head, "No, he made his choice."

  I was glad I didn't give in. Two hours later when the nurse came to check on me, I was fully dilated and already crowned. The nurse called my obstetrician in - she'd been in with Cassandra, who wasn't quite as far along - and once my obstetrician was settled, she told me to start pushing.

  I was proud. I didn't scream once, not even when the baby got his broad shoulders stuck on my pelvic bone and they had to reach in and turn him to get him out. Thirty-three minutes of pushing and panting later, I was holding my baby boy to my chest and giving him his first feed.

  Sophie and Zander stood there smiling at me like the wind changed and they couldn't change expressions.

  "He's gorgeous," Sophie cooed.

  "Beautiful like his mother," Zander nodded.

  "Please!" I murmured happily. "His father is a demi-god. As if he was ever going to be anything other than gorgeous." I smiled while Jacob sucked at my breast, making happy sounds. "I love your daddy so much, but I'm going to love you even more, Jacob Blake Rafal."


  "Knock knock," Jeremy smiled, walking in holding Ashelynn, his new daughter. "I should be disappointed. I just left my wife to get some sleep after finishing a feed, only to walk in on my mistress breastfeeding her baby."

  "Mistress?" I raised a brow in humor.

  Jeremy shrugged. "Wishful thinking. How's my future son-in-law?"

  I smiled. Two days old and Jeremy had already decided Jacob and Ashelynn would marry someday. "He's a hungry little thing. Takes twenty minutes on each side before he falls off milk drunk and sated."

  Jeremy chuckled, "Sounds like his father."

  I smirked at Jeremy. I'd finally reached that point where we could joke about Dare. "Has he been up to visit yet?" I asked quietly as Jacob finally finished drinking and fell back looking very happy. I covered myself up and propped him up to burp him.

  "He's coming after work tonight." Jeremy's smile fade
d. "You still want me to test the waters about your business venture for you?"

  "Yeah, I really want to take the Solstice Carnival over next year, if I can afford it. It's a burden on Lynwood, and they really don't manage a touring event well," I answered.

  Jeremy snickered, "Six weeks on one tour and you know it all, hey?"

  "No," I defended. Jacob burped beautifully, and I placed him into his cot to sleep it off. "Six weeks on tour with seasoned tourers, and them coming back after doing the Carnival this year telling me how badly organized and rushed it was." I sat back and looked at Jeremy. "You know it could be run better. We could make the Carnival one of the biggest events of the year if we work together."

  Jeremy smiled, "I'll float it by him tonight then, while he's busy going doe-eyed at Ashelynn here."

  "Is he good with babies?" I asked, touching Jacob's palm until he gripped my finger. "He seemed good with his niece and nephew."

  "He loves babies," Jeremy admitted. "He's been a fantastic uncle to Cody and Nick, spoiling them rotten. He'll make a great father one day, when you let him."

  I looked at Jeremy. "Don't do that. You know I tried to tell him."

  Jeremy nodded, "I know, I didn't mean it like that. I just meant he's not looking for anyone else, Mora. He's holding out in hope that you will change your mind about being his lover. And yes, I know the reasons that can't work are all the same reasons you can't be my mistress..."

  "I was never going to be your mistress," I interjected, causing Jeremy to smile.

  "...But, he's a man in love, and it's you he wants, even though he's not willing to make the sacrifice to have you."

  I studied Jeremy. "Would you have given it all up for Cassandra? Back then, when you first got married?"

  "Dare asked me the same question. You can never be sure. I know I could never have given her up entirely," Jeremy answered honestly. "Just like Dare can't you."

  "It's been nine months Jeremy, I'm sure he's ready to try," I answered sadly.

  "Is that why you sent him that message when you went into labor?" Jeremy asked. I looked at him, surprised. Jeremy smiled at his daughter and kept his voice calm. "I saw him yesterday and he showed me the message. Wanted to know where he could find you."

  I swallowed, "What did you say?"

  "That fate has always had a hand in bringing you two together. When it's ready, it'll put you in the same room," Jeremy cooed. "When that didn't work, I told him you weren't home, that you'd gone away and wouldn't be back this week. That's all I knew." Jeremy met my eyes. "What do you want, Mora?"

  I smiled and looked to Jacob. "I want to settle into being a new mother, get back to work in a couple of months, and take over the organization of the Solstice Carnival."

  "What about Zander?" Jeremy asked carefully.

  "He's my friend, nothing more."

  "And Jasper?" Jeremy almost growled the name.

  I snickered. "Also a friend, who I happen to enjoy fantastic sex with when the need arises." I reached forward and touched his shoulder. "I love Dare, Jeremy. Just because he's in some secret society with my father doesn't stop that. This black mark bullshit was probably caused because an original member coveted another member’s wife. He created this swingers club in order to bang another man’s woman. It's outdated and unnecessary. My father missed out on being married to the woman he loved because she wouldn't be shared. I miss out on being with the man I love because I'm my father's daughter. It's all stupid."

  Jeremy smiled. "Well, for what it's worth, being a black mark only stops me from having a long-term sexual relationship with you. Cassandra and I would still be happy to fuck you anytime."

  I cringed at the idea, and Jeremy laughed. "Cassandra told me the idea of sex for a few weeks after giving birth is akin to starring in a horror movie."

  I nodded, "I have to say, anyone brings a penis near me anytime soon, they may lose it."

  Jeremy adjusted Ashelynn in his arms. "Did you need many stitches?"

  "Just one. Can't even feel it."

  "Just one?" Jeremy looked surprised, then looked to Jacob sleeping soundly. "That wasn't a small baby, Mora."

  Jacob was born weighing ten pounds. Even the doctor had been impressed. Cassandra had told me her two boys weighed in just over seven pounds, and Ashelynn was her biggest at eight pounds five.

  I laughed, "I pushed him out, Jeremy. I know he wasn't small, but neither was his father putting him in." I waited for Jeremy to snicker. "Although the doctor did say it was probably helped by my flexibility. How did Cassandra go?"

  Jeremy cringed, "She has six stitches and is very sore. I have been told I need to visit the doctor and get the snip before I will be allowed to put my dick in her again." Jeremy laughed. "Those were her exact words."

  I smiled, "I bet she reneges."

  Jeremy chuckled, "I know she will." He winked and stood up. "You should rest while he sleeps. I'm going to take Ashelynn for a walk."

  I nodded and settled back on the bed.

  "Mora, I want to have Dare as Ashelynn's godfather, and Cassandra and I would like you as the godmother," Jeremy told me as he walked to the door.

  "How long until the christening?" I asked.

  "Six months."

  I nodded, "I'm sure we can be civil and well-behaved in a church."

  "Oh, God, you are an atheist, aren't you?" Jeremy asked, faking worry.

  I smiled and winked at him.

  Chapter Six

  I took my seat on stage to play the final piece of the concert. I set my cello in place and waited. I didn't really get stage fright. As soon as I started playing, I forgot about the audience. Once I set my bow to the strings, it was just the music. I was merely the instrument it flowed through.

  The orchestra started, and the lights slowly came up as I set my bow to the strings and started playing. Les Lames de Jacqueline was composed by Jacques Offenbach and was the last piece I would play tonight at the tribute to Jacqueline Du Pre. It was both joyous and sad; the perfect tribute to an amazing talent whose life and music was cut short by what was still a mysterious disease.

  I imagined what it would be like to reach twenty-eight and lose my ability to play my cello, for my body to just slowly stop working how it should, for me to not even be able to hold my five-month-old son and care for him. I poured the fear and grief of that into my playing.

  I sat there on stage by myself for the third time tonight and let every emotion I was feeling vibrate through the strings and out into the audience. I wasn't the only cellist playing tonight, but I was the only cellist who played more than once.

  The concert was being recorded and would be sold. The profit would all go towards research into Multiple Sclerosis, the illness that struck such a talented woman's career and cut her life short.

  I played the final notes, the lights went down, and the audience applauded. I stood up and left. I needed to be home by ten to give Jacob his next feed. He'd started sleeping through the night after two weeks, so I just had the five feeds during the day now. Next week I would be back in the recording studio to start recording with Lana Gayle, an up and coming singer and songwriter that Jeremy just signed.

  I packed up my cello and pulled my winter coat on before walking out into the horrible winter weather. Getting a taxi in this weather was going to be a nightmare. I decided just to endure the snow and wind and make my way to the subway station. That would get me home the quickest.

  I made my way down the side street of the concert hall, passed the waiting cars of those who could afford drivers to sit and wait at their will, slowly filling with their employers and pulling away from the curb. One of the car doors opened, and a tall figure climbed out of the back seat and stepped into my path.

  "Mora," Darius breathed my name. "You were beautiful up there tonight."

  I blinked up at Darius. He hadn't changed a bit. I swallowed, unable to talk, or maybe I didn't trust myself to talk.

  Darius hesitated when I didn't respond. He gestured to the ca
r. "The weather is atrocious. Let me give you a lift home?"

  "I don't..." I started shaking my head.

  "Warren told me you wanted to see me, Mora," Darius challenged.

  "I asked for a meeting with you, I wasn't asking for..." I stumbled over the words. "For what you want to happen between us," I murmured the last.

  "A meeting?" Darius asked, surprised. "A business meeting?"

  I nodded.

  Darius cocked one of those damned eyebrows, making him look even sexier. I could see the humor cycling through his eyes. He indicated the warm car again. "Then let's meet while I drive you home." Darius gestured with his fingers, and Clark jumped out of the driver’s seat.

  "Nice to see you again, Miss Blake," Clark greeted with a sympathetic smile. Taking my cello from me, he went to the boot to put it in. Darius held the back door open for me.

  Inhaling deeply to gather myself, I slipped into the backseat and scooted across to allow Darius to hop in. Clark slid back behind the wheel and pulled away from the curb.

  "Where are we heading?" Darius asked.

  "South end of Saint John Street please, Clark," I answered with a sigh.

  Darius's eyebrows went up. "You live only a few blocks from my business?"

  "I live a few blocks away from my workplace," I countered.

  "The recording studio?"

  I nodded. Silence filled the space between us. I took a deep breath when Darius's hand brushed against mine. "I asked Warren to set up a meeting because I have a business proposal for you," I rushed. "I want to take over the Solstice Carnival management."

  Darius frowned, "You want to come and work for me again?"

  I shook my head, "No, I want to take it away from Lynwood completely. No offense, but while your staff do a great job with all your other events, they suck at organizing a touring event, especially with musicians."

  The car was dark. I couldn't see Darius's face to see how he was reacting. The car fell absolutely silent for well over a minute.

  "How much would you be looking at for me to take it over, Dare?"


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