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A Texas-Sized Secret

Page 12

by Maureen Child

  * * *

  Toby lay there like a dead man. If the hotel had been on fire, he’d burn to a crisp because there was no way he could move. He doubted his legs still worked.

  Hell, he’d been with plenty of women in his time, but not once had he experienced anything like what had just happened between him and Naomi. He scraped one hand across his face and stared at the ceiling. He’d crossed a line. Hell, he’d erased the line. And he didn’t give a good damn. All he could think about was that he wanted her. Again. Now.

  She curled on her side and slid one leg across his, and the silky glide of her skin against his stirred him into need in a flat second. Who knew that there would be such heat between them? He rubbed one hand down her back, and she cuddled into him, sliding her palm across his chest. She was...amazing. More than that, but he didn’t have the words. What he had was need that only she could meet.

  That was dangerous territory, though, and he had to lay out some signposts before they headed farther down this road. Now that the line was gone, new ones had to be drawn. To protect both of them.


  She whispered his name on a breathy sigh, and instantly his body tightened. Didn’t seem to matter that he barely had his breath back from the most incredible sex of his life—his body was apparently raring to go again.

  But right now he had to give his brain the upper hand. If he could manage it while she was looking at him through soft eyes, her tongue running across her bottom lip. Oh, man.

  “Okay, we need to talk,” he said and winced because he’d just sounded like a damn cliché.

  “No, we don’t,” she said and smoothed her fingertips across his nipple.

  “That’s not helping.” Muffling a groan, Toby caught her hand in his and held her still. If she kept touching him like that, talking would be the last thing on his mind. “Naomi, this changes things.”

  She chuckled, tipped her head back and looked up at him. “It sure does.”

  “Not funny,” he warned, going up on one elbow and rolling her over onto her back. Still, seeing the softness and the humor in her eyes, he nearly smiled back. Then he remembered the line. Smoothing her hair back from her face, he ran his fingers through the long, silky threads and had to fight to concentrate. “We have to talk about what this is going to mean between us.”

  She sighed, stiffened a little, then said, “That it’ll be even easier for us to show affection toward each other?”

  Oh, he wanted to show her some affection right now. But before anything else got started, he had to make sure she knew there was a limit on how much he was willing to give. How much he was willing to risk.

  He looked into her eyes—eyes that shone like warm whiskey—and shook his head. Taking a deep breath to center himself, he said, “Sure. Yeah. That’s a good point. But what I want to say is...” Hell. What was he trying to say?

  Naomi pushed herself up slightly, bracing one hand against his chest. “Want me to say it for you? That I shouldn’t let my little heart fall in love with you because you’re not interested in love?”


  “Or is it that you don’t want me to make the mistake of thinking that our marriage is going to be real all of a sudden?”

  “That’s not what I was going to say,” he argued, though he had to admit it was pretty damn close.

  “Right.” She tipped her head to one side. “You can stop panicking, Toby. We were friends and now we’re friends plus. That’s all. I get it. That about sum everything up?”

  Sounded like it did. Although why it bothered him that she was being so reasonable about it all, he didn’t know. He hadn’t expected calm, and he should be grateful for it. Toby wasn’t even sure why he felt oddly...disappointed. “Yeah, I guess it does. Look, the point is, we had the no-sex agreement, and that’s shot to hell—”

  “Not going to say I’m sorry about that,” she put in.

  “No, me either,” he admitted. They could at least be honest with each other. “But I have to make sure you know that sex doesn’t mean—”

  She pushed herself off his chest into a sitting position, shoved her tangled hair back and looked him dead in the eye. “For heaven’s sake, Toby. I’m not going to throw my heart at your feet. I know you, remember? I know that Sasha messed your head up so bad you don’t even want to hear the word love.”

  His frown deepened. Was it a blessing or a curse that Naomi knew him so well? “This isn’t about Sasha,” he ground out.

  “Oh, please. It’s always about Sasha. That miserable excuse for a woman was never right for you, and,” she said, lifting one eyebrow meaningfully, “if you’ll remember, I told you that at the time.”

  “Yeah. I remember.” His expression soured. “Thanks for the I told you so.”

  “No problem.” She scooted off the bed, stalked to the window and stared out at the deepening twilight.

  The growing darkness seeped into the room as well, shadows filling every corner. Toby’s gaze followed the line of Naomi’s back and down to the curve of her behind. The woman had a great behind. Then, when she turned to look back at him, she was profiled and her breasts were high and full, the rounded outline of the baby on full display. She was beautiful. Even the fire in her eye couldn’t dim his reaction to the woman.

  Then she started talking. “Sasha leaving was the best thing to happen to you.”

  He gritted his teeth. “This isn’t about Sasha.”

  “It’s all about her,” Naomi continued. “Has been since the day she walked out with her pretty-boy country singer. She’s gone, Toby, but you’re still caught up in that drama.”

  He sat up and leaned against the headboard, the sheet pooling at his hips. “What the hell are you talking about?”

  “You.” Naomi walked back to the side of the bed and glared down at him. “She’s moved on, Toby, but you’re still running your life by what happened to you with her.”

  “No, I’m not.”

  “Really? You haven’t been involved in a single relationship since she left.” She crossed her arms beneath her breasts. “Why?”

  “Not interested.”

  “Liar.” Now she frowned at him. “At least be honest and admit that you won’t let yourself trust anyone anymore.”

  “I trust you,” he pointed out. And why did he suddenly feel as though he had to defend himself?

  She sighed as if disappointed, but damned if he knew what the problem was.

  “Toby, you’re cheating yourself out of maybe finding something amazing, all because Sasha convinced you that feelings weren’t to be trusted.” She bent down and tapped her index finger against his chest. “Well, you’re wrong to give her so much power.”

  “How did this get to be about Sasha?” he asked, shoving himself off the bed to stare down at her. “She doesn’t run my life. Never has. Never will. I stopped thinking about her the day she left Royal. I live my life the way I want to, Naomi.”

  “You’re probably the most stubborn man I’ve ever met.”


  “Not really a compliment.” She sighed a little and chewed at her bottom lip.

  He dropped both hands to her hips and pulled her in closer. She had to tip her head back to meet his eyes, but she did. “I trust you. That’s good enough for me.”

  “Okay,” she said, nodding, watching his eyes. “I just don’t want you to be sorry one day for marrying me and cheating yourself out of love somewhere down the line.”

  “We’re getting married, Naomi.” He smiled softly. “And hell, if we get sex, too, all the better.”

  Her returning smile wasn’t wide, but it was there. “Yeah, that works for me, too.”

  “I do love you, Naomi. Always will. I just don’t want you to think of what we have as more than what we have.”

“Got it. You’re not in love with me.”

  “Right.” He didn’t know what the hell he was feeling at the moment, but it wasn’t the kind of love that people built dreams around. He knew that much.

  “Fine. Don’t worry about it.” She shook her hair back and said, “Oh, stop looking like you’re kicking a puppy. I’m a big girl, Toby. I walked into this with eyes wide open, and I didn’t ask for undying declarations of romantic love.”

  No, she hadn’t, he realized. In fact, she was acting like what had happened between them was no big deal. And he didn’t know how he felt about that. Damn it, Naomi had a way of turning everything around on him so that Toby didn’t know whether he was coming or going, and she’d just managed it again. Was he worried about nothing?

  “So, are we finished talking?” she asked, running one hand down his chest, across his abdomen and lower still, to curl her fingers around the thick, hard length of him.

  He hissed in a breath through his teeth. “Yeah, I think that about covers everything.”

  “Good to hear,” she said and kissed him while her fingers moved on him, sliding, caressing. “So don’t just stand there, cowboy. Show me what you’ve got.”

  “Challenge accepted,” he muttered. He felt like he was going to explode. How could he want her so desperately? Lifting her, he half turned and braced her back against the closest wall. “Not slow this time, Naomi. This time it’s gonna be hot and fast.”

  She leaned into him, wrapped her legs around his waist and nibbled at his neck. “Show me.”

  Hard and aching, he slid inside her and instantly felt her body tighten around his. Silky heat surrounded him, and he groaned as Naomi scraped her nails across his skin and hooked her ankles behind his back. She met him eagerly, hungrily, and his brain short-circuited as he stared into the eyes of a woman he’d thought he knew.

  Her body, his, moving together, in a mad, wild tangle of desire and need that gripped them both. One corner of his mind yelled at him to lay her down, take his time with her. But that calm, reasonable voice was shouted down by the other half of him demanding that he have her. Now.

  “Toby, Toby...” She twisted her hips on him, increasing the friction, increasing the need until he thought he’d go blind with it.

  “Come on, baby.” He kissed her, hard and long and deep, and took her breath as his own, devouring her as she was devouring his body. “Come with me. Come with me now.”

  He felt her body tighten, felt the first flickering pulse of her climax and watched her eyes glaze. And while she rocked with the orgasm shaking through her, he forgot about control and emptied himself inside her.

  Caught in the web spinning between them, Toby knew that in spite of what he’d said before, nothing would ever be the same.


  After a few days in LA, Naomi was ready to be home in Texas. Now that she was back home, she might miss Hollywood a little, but it was good to be back. As summer heated up and June inched toward July, the days got longer and the people moved slower. It was an easier pace than the big city, and that was part of its appeal. She’d heard people say that anyone could live up north, but it took real character to make it through a southern summer.

  Naomi wasn’t so sure about that. But one thing she did know—she was grateful the Royal Diner had AC. The minute she and Toby’s sister, Scarlett, stepped inside, Naomi almost whimpered.

  “Oh, it’s going to be one ugly summer,” Scarlett said as she signaled to Amanda and then tugged Naomi to a booth.

  Naomi flopped onto the red vinyl bench seat and stacked her shopping bags beside her. “I let you talk me into buying too much.”

  “It’s never too much,” Scarlett said. “Besides, you’re getting married. You need...stuff.”

  Stuff didn’t begin to describe all the things Naomi had picked up that morning. She and Scarlett had spent the last several hours at the Courtyard Shops, a great collection of eclectic shops where you could find anything from antiques and crafts to fresh local produce. But there was also a new bridal shop owned by Natalie Valentine.

  And that shop was where Scarlett had pushed Naomi into going a little nuts. She was only carrying a few of the things she’d bought. The rest were being delivered to the ranch. Naomi wanted a small wedding, in the evening, maybe, out at the ranch. She hadn’t talked to Toby about it yet, and she knew her mother wouldn’t be happy with the venue, but Naomi was. A small, simple wedding, with just their families and friends there, made the most sense to Naomi. After all, it wasn’t as if this was ever going to be a real marriage.

  Her heart ached at that thought, but she had to acknowledge the truth, no matter how painful. Toby was never going to know she loved him. Never going to love her back. And she had to find a way to be all right with that. If she couldn’t...then maybe marriage wasn’t the answer. For either of them.

  “I love the dress you picked out,” Scarlett said. “That pale yellow just looks gorgeous on you, and knee length will keep you from passing out in this heat.”

  “Thanks,” Naomi said. “I like it, too. My mother will no doubt want me in yards of lace and tulle, but that doesn’t make sense for a backyard ceremony. And besides,” she added wryly, “it’s tacky to wear white on your wedding day when your baby bump is showing.”

  Scarlett laughed a little, then shook her head. “You’re going to be a beautiful bride. But are you really sure you want it held outside? Even in the evening it’ll be hot.”

  “I’m sure,” Naomi said. “We can have the reception by the pool, and if it gets too hot, people can go into the house for a break. Of course, I haven’t talked to Toby about any of this yet, so he may have different ideas...”

  Scarlett waved one hand at her. “He’ll be good with whatever you want. He loves you, right?”

  Sighing a little, Naomi leaned toward the other woman and whispered, “Scarlett, you know the truth. I know Toby told you.”

  “Sure, I know,” she said. “And I know my brother. He’s a great guy, Naomi, but he’s not going to marry someone just to do her a favor. He cares for you. I can see it.”

  Care was a long way from love. Too long. Since they got back from California, they’d shared a bed and shared each other, every night, every morning and one memorable afternoon in the workshop. But they hadn’t talked about Hollywood. Hadn’t talked about their wedding. Hadn’t talked about anything important. It was as if they were both holding back, and Naomi didn’t know what to do about it.

  “Hey, Naomi, you okay?”

  “What?” Sighing, she shook her head. “Sorry. I drifted.”

  “To somewhere nice? Maybe cooler?” Scarlett asked.

  “No, stayed right here in Royal. Scarlett, can I ask you something?”


  “Are you good with this?” Naomi asked. “I mean, me and Toby getting married. You’re okay about it?”

  “Absolutely.” Scarlett paused when Amanda Battle walked up to their table. She slid two tall glasses of ice water onto the table, and Scarlett sighed. “Bless you, my child.”

  “Thanks, I’ll take it,” Amanda said, laughing. “You two been running around buying out Royal’s shops?”

  “Just put a dent in a few of them,” Naomi assured her. Her stomach rumbled, reminding her of why they’d come to the diner. And a salad just didn’t sound the least bit appetizing. “Can I get a turkey sandwich? Potato salad?”

  “Oh, me too, please,” Scarlett said.

  Amanda nodded and hurried off to tend to other customers. So when they were alone again, Scarlett took a long drink of her water, then said, “Anyway, why wouldn’t I want you married to Toby? You’re way better for him than Sasha was.”

  “Low bar there, but thanks,” Naomi said drily.

  “What’s going on?” Scarlett watched her for a long minute. “You don’t se
em as excited as I thought you’d be over everything. I mean, you’re engaged, pregnant and have Hollywood knocking on your door.”

  “It’s complicated,” Naomi said and thought that might be the understatement of the century. She still didn’t know what she was going to do about the offer from Tamara Stiles, and she had to let them know soon.

  But if she took it, she would be giving up the kind of control that had made the show hers in the first place. And did she really want to live in Hollywood for weeks at a time? If she did, what about Toby? Would he move there with her? Stay on the ranch? And what about when she had the baby? What then? Would she be dragging the baby from state to state?

  “Wow. Judging by your expression, wish I could buy you a beer.”

  Naomi sighed. “Me too. Or the most gigantic glass of wine in the state of Texas.” She took a long drink of her ice water, letting it soothe her dry throat. “There’s just so much going on right now, and I’m still getting emails from people about that stupid video—”

  “No one who knows you cares about that thing, Naomi,” Scarlett said.

  “I know, but millions of people who don’t know me have seen it.” Just thinking of that made her want to cringe. Didn’t matter if she’d managed to turn the tables on Maverick. That she’d taken his vicious attack and made it work for her.

  Whoever Maverick was had tried to ruin her life, and knowing that person was still out there made her nervous. He’d wanted to make her life a misery. Wouldn’t it infuriate him to realize that he’d inadvertently helped Naomi rather than hurt her? Wasn’t it likely that he’d try something else in order to make trouble for her?

  “Okay, yeah,” Scarlett allowed, “millions of people saw the video, but now they’re tuning in to your show, so hey. Win for you.” She picked up her water glass, waited for Naomi to do the same and then clinked them together in a toast. “Seriously, don’t let that weirdo bother you. I’m sure Sheriff Battle’s going to find out who Maverick is and stop him. Soon.”


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