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Tempted (Redemption Harbor Book 1)

Page 2

by Brandi Evans

  She rolled her eyes and smiled. So breathtaking, so beautiful, the sight sent a spark straight into his soul. And into his cock. No doubt about it, Lyndi Garrison was still in terrible danger, this time from him. The sooner he ditched his human form—and her—the better off she’d be.

  How long could he hold out before his desire took over?

  He needed to help her fix her car and get out of here, but he couldn’t merely offer to help fix said car without revealing the fact he’d overheard the conversation she’d had with Michaels.

  “Forgive the cliché,” he began, “but what’s a beautiful woman like you doing alone in a place like this?”

  She pointed over her shoulder. “Car trouble. I can take down a man twice my size. When my car starts smoking, however… Well, let’s just say I’m severely automotively challenged.”

  “Why don’t I take a look? I know a thing or two about fixing cars.” He may not be of this world, but his expertise on humanity included everything from the most advanced principles of quantum physics to rudimentary things like transportation.

  “Please…” She motioned toward the car with a quick jerk of the head.

  Although she acted casual, a smile tugging her lips, she obviously wanted to keep him in front of her. Just in case he wasn’t who he said he was.

  “Do you have a last name that goes with Seth? Or are you like Madonna and Cher? One name does it.”

  Actually, yes. But his lack of last name would be difficult to explain.

  “Jones,” he lied. “Seth Jones.”

  “And, Seth Jones, do you normally skulk around parks on Friday nights trying to rescue damsels in distress? Or is this a special occasion?”

  “I was out for a walk,” he lied.

  “Wearing that?”

  Seth looked at himself and realized how absurd his answer must seem to her. Going for a walk in a suit, wool trench coat, and dress shoes? Yeah, he wouldn’t believe his excuse either. He should have conjured himself a pair of jeans and—

  His spine tingled. A warm shot of awareness darted to the forefront of his consciousness, an alert he’d fine-tuned over the centuries. Someone like him was watching them. Angel, demon, or fellow death worker though he couldn’t tell; the sensations came and fled so fast that he almost dismissed them.


  On instinct, he turned and looked around, opened his mind. He hadn’t sensed anyone earlier. Since she hadn’t actually needed help, his actions shouldn’t have brought him onto anyone’s radar. To be on the safe side, he needed to send her on her way as soon as possible.

  “Seth?” Lyndi’s uncertain voice called to him. “Did you hear something, someone? Did he come back?”

  “No,” he said honestly. “It’s nothing.” He turned back to the road. “What were we talking about?”

  “You being out for a walk in dress clothes.”

  “Oh yeah. Well, I wasn’t out for a walk walk. I’m a tourist. I was strolling. I hadn’t intended to walk this far from my hotel but…” He shrugged. “Everything was so lovely that I kept going.”

  The lie might work. A small bed and breakfast sat about a mile down the beach, and she’d already clued in to the fact he wasn’t a local.

  When they reached her car, he shifted the conversation away from himself. He couldn’t tell her who he was, and he’d rather not lie more than he had to. Lies were messy, and they always got him into trouble.

  “Was the smoke white or black?” he asked. “From your car. A black smoke or more of a steamy, water vapor smoke?”

  “White,” she answered. “Like water vapor, I guess.”

  “Sounds like your radiator could have boiled out the last of its coolant.” He turned to the exposed engine, found the radiator reservoir, and unscrewed the cap.

  Lyndi stepped next to him, and the soft scent of vanilla and honeysuckle wreaked havoc on his senses, so much more visceral than before. This aroma didn’t torment his spirit; it tormented his tactile senses. Arousal filled his very physical cock, a familiar need and yet alien to anything he’d ever felt before. He could only imagine the shot of lust he’d receive if they touched skin to skin.

  The outside of Lyndi’s hip and thigh pressed against his as she motioned to the engine. “What’s the verdict?”

  “Radiator’s a desert.” And so was his mouth. “How long has it been since you added any fluids?”

  “Fluids? Uh…what kinds of fluids are you talking about? The only liquid I ever add to my car is gas.”

  “Ah, you’re that kind of car owner.” Seth grinned yet again, amazed how easily she elicited the reaction from him, especially considering how long it had been since he’d last genuinely smiled.

  A gust of wind blew in from the ocean and tousled her hair. The locks shimmered beneath the streetlight above them, much in the same manner water glistened beneath the sun’s rays. Or the moon’s beams.

  She shifted her weight toward him, the move so slight that most men wouldn’t have even noticed. Hell, she might not have even noticed, but his fucking human body magnified every tangible sensation. His dick throbbed with a desire he couldn’t seem to rein in. He wanted to know what her hair would feel like as he ran his fingers through the locks, wanted to know what her body would feel like beneath his, what it would feel like to slide deep inside her until he found a different kind of heaven.

  He focused his attention on the engine. “If we can get some fluids in here right now, it won’t fix it, but it’ll be good enough to get you on the road again.”

  “What kind of fluids? Dad taught me to always have a couple gallons of bottled water in the trunk in case of emergencies.”

  “That’ll work. It’s better to have a mixture of coolant and water, but the water will be enough to get you out of here.”

  And end the temptation he’d gotten himself into.

  He turned to her. Whoa. She stood so close to him. He should back away, but the vibrant life sparkling in her eyes put his brain on lockdown. If he leaned in, just a little bit, he could kiss her. And he wanted to kiss her.

  He couldn’t kiss her.

  “Good,” she said. “I’ll still be able to make it to the party my family shanghaied me into. Apparently, I work too much and have no life.” She rolled her eyes. “Actually, tonight’s get-together is to celebrate my first art show.”

  “Your first art show? Congratulations.”

  “Thanks. I still can’t believe I lucked into finding someone to back my show. He offered to rent out a big space at the Redemption Harbor Art Gallery, but I wanted to have it at my studio. It felt more me, ya know?”

  She pushed away and headed toward the trunk, and Seth let out the breath he didn’t realize he’d been holding.

  “I’m insanely nervous, though,” she continued. “I keep thinking crazy things like, What if no one likes me or What if I get such bad reviews no one will ever take a chance on me again? It’s driving me crazy!”

  Did Lyndi have any concept of personal boundaries whatsoever? Even given their limited interaction, he was placing the money he didn’t have on no, and he had to admit, he found the trait refreshing. After working so long in a world where all words were calculated, where everyone had an agenda, where everyone manipulated every circumstance to achieve their mission, her straightforwardness refreshed him.

  She hit a button on her key fob, and the trunk popped open. “What about you? Got any big plans for your vacation weekend?”

  He grabbed the two gallons of water from her trunk and headed back to the engine. “Not really,” he answered.

  “Geez, Seth. Lay it all on me, why don’t ya?” Deep, gravelly laughter bubbled in her throat.

  God, the sound was so sexy.

  Despite the chilly temp, a motorcycle whizzed by just as Seth screwed the cap back on the radiator reservoir and lowered the hood. “Remember,” he said, turning to Lyndi, “this isn’t a permanent fix. You’ll need to take your car to the shop ASAP. Okay?”

  She nodded. “I’l
l have my dad check it once I get to the party. And speaking of the party…”

  Did she move closer? Or was that his overstimulated imagination?

  “You should come with, Seth. It’ll be fun. My family’s a blast, and my mom always makes enough food to feed an army. What do you think?”

  What did he think?

  He thought the suggestion had danger written all over it. In flashing neon lights. He’d already crossed the line by revealing himself to her. No way could he show himself to an entire family.

  “I really shouldn’t, Lyndi. I’ve still got some work I need to finish tonight before—”

  “Work? I thought you were on vacation?”

  Fucking lies. “Working vacation,” he supplied, hoping she’d accept it and leave him be.

  “But it’s still your vacation. And it’s Friday night! Besides, I need someone to help me fool my family into believing I’ve actually gone out and found a man. And seeing as you want to bow out of my invite because you’ve got work to do—on a Friday night while you’re on vacation—you’re obviously way past ready for a night of fun. Besides, I won’t take no for an answer.”

  She smiled at him, and his resolve melted.

  He turned his face to the sky. Heaven help me.


  What had she been thinking?

  Side by side, Lyndi and Seth climbed the steps of her childhood home. As much as she hated to admit it, she was glad Seth had shown up when he did. From the second he and his massive body had arrived on scene, he’d made her feel safe, protected. She no longer trusted easily, but she’d trusted him. She couldn’t explain why, only that she’d known she was safe with him.

  The truth was, after the adrenaline had worn off, she had been scared. If Seth hadn’t shown up, would she have really been able to keep fighting off that asshole?

  Yes, she taught women to defend themselves against the scum of the earth, but she’d never been in a true life-and-death situation before. Not to mention she’d been on a relatively deserted stretch of highway at the time, no cell phone, no means of transportation. She’d gotten the jump on her attacker, sure. But what if he wouldn’t have stayed down? What if he’d kept coming after her? Even if she’d made it back to her car, nothing but a breakable frame of glass would have stood between them.

  A shudder chased goosebumps down her spine. If he’d managed to subdue her, would the man have raped her? Beaten her? Killed her and left her body lying in a ditch somewhere?

  The fear she’d managed to keep wrangled during the attack broke free with a vengeance, and her hands started shaking. She clenched her fingers into fists to cover the weakness, but it was too late. The tremors were already spreading up her arms.

  As if in tune with her shifting emotions, Seth pressed a hand to the small of her back. “Lyndi? Are you okay?”

  “Yeah,” she lied, as unable to stop herself from leaning into his big frame as she was to stop the shivering. “Just…cold.”

  Her jaw tightened against the sobs threatening to break free. Fuck it all! She needed to get her emotions under control before they went inside. Her sisters were like piranhas. They’d pick up on even the smallest amount of emotional bleeding and it’d be game over.

  Trying to settle herself, she took a deep breath and let the familiar sights and smells of home mingle with the calm Seth’s company brought her. She loved her parents’ old two-story, beachfront house. Light yellow siding, pale blue shutters—with matching shingles—and white trim gave the place a come-take-a-load-off appeal. High-stretching trees, cobblestone walks, and flowering bushes completed the look.

  “Lyndi? Are you really okay?” Seth asked again, worry darkening his voice. “It’s okay to be afraid.”

  She let out a long breath. Did she lie to him? Say she was nervous about her plan to bring him along and pass him off as her new beau? Maybe. But what was the point?

  She turned toward him but kept her gaze to the ground. “I was thinking about that man and wondering what would have happened to me if you hadn’t come along. I had no way of getting out of there, no way of calling for help. How long could I have held him off before he gave up?”

  Or killed me?

  “But I did come along. So don’t give that jackass another thought, okay?”

  She nodded, wishing her mind would comply.

  Seth had stopped midway up the stairs, a step below where she now stood, but he still loomed ridiculously high over her.

  “You shouldn’t fear the past, Lyndi. Learn from it, yes, but never fear it. The past can’t hurt you unless you let it.”

  The timbre of his voice made her finally lift her gaze. Here in the shadows, the soft hue of the yellow porch light playing in his shoulder-length brown hair and over his sexy, several-days-of-growth scruff, he looked like a man who knew a thing or two hundred about painful pasts. His brown eyes seemed to have witnessed a thousand lifetimes of sorrow.

  What tragedies did he have in his past?

  “The past might not be able to hurt me,” she whispered, “but having you beside me has steadied me. Seth Jones, my very own guardian angel.”

  Now, it was his turn to slide his gaze to the ground, his words coming out softly. “I’m no one’s Guardian. Not anymore.”

  The pain in his words lanced her heart. The need to comfort him in some small way swamped her, and she pressed a palm against his cheek. His nostrils flared and his eyes rolled back, an expression of intense pleasure, as if she’d dropped to her knees and started sucking his cock, not merely placed her hand against his cheek.

  She started to pull her hand away, but he caught her wrist. “Don’t.” He choked out the word. “Don’t.”

  She burned where they touched. Heat radiated up her arm, through her shoulder, and into her chest. Her heart kicked into overdrive, but when that strange heat hit her belly, what had started as a subtle burn turned into a raging fire. Her pussy clenched and her clit sizzled, so inflamed that she feared the mere act of walking might set her off.

  And wasn’t that great. Superhorny at her parents’ place. It was like being in high school all over again.

  “Seth.” His name came out on a moan.

  His gaze snapped to hers, and God have mercy, the raw emotion on his face tugged at her, drew her closer to him. Sadness. Longing. Regret. Lust. They painted him in the most haunting, compelling glow. If only she could duplicate this on canvas…

  He traced the pad of his index finger over her lips. “I’m going to kiss you. Is that okay?” But he didn’t give her even a nanosecond to answer.

  He bracketed her face with big hands that felt much too warm against her winter-chilled skin and captured her mouth with his. Her sluggish brain scarcely had time to comprehend the kiss before his tongue bullied its way into her mouth, exploring, tasting, demanding.


  Her knees buckled but she gripped the lapels of his jacket and dragged herself against him.

  “Lyndi.” He moaned her name into her mouth, beard scraping her lips, his strong arms banding and crushing her against his boulder-hard body—as rock-hard was an offensive downsizing for a man of his stature. “I want you.”

  Then take me.

  She wanted to say the words, but his tongue had subdued hers again.

  Fuck, this was surreal.

  Desperate for more of him, she met him kiss for glorious kiss. Erotic images assaulted her mind, of their clothes disappearing, of her supple, compliant body beneath him, of his cock inside her, pounding and pounding and pounding until—

  The front door opened, and her father cleared his throat.


  Behind the deep timbre of her father’s hmm-hmm, her sisters’ giggles confirmed her fears: her family had spied on them.

  “I can still catch daddy’s little girl making out on the front porch,” her old man said, humor lacing his mock disapproval. “I see I haven’t lost my touch.”

  “Apparently neither has Lyndi,” her oldest sister, Mari, called f
rom somewhere inside.

  Thanks, guys. Way to completely guarantee I’ll never get a second date.

  She loved her family—most of the time anyway. Still, she couldn’t help but smile as she stepped into her father’s outstretched arms.

  “Hello, Daddy.”

  “Glad you made it, Lynds, seeing as we’re throwing this shindig for you.” He kissed the top of her head. “Ya know, you need to get yourself a better car. Or learn how to take care of the one you’ve got.”

  Lyndi laughed. She and Seth had stopped at a little gas station on the way to top off her reservoir, and while there, she’d called her dad to tell him about her delay, leaving out all references to creepy men and ass-kickings.

  Her dad turned to Seth. “Who’s this, baby? And does he play football? If he doesn’t, he damn well should!”

  Her dad made a valid point. Seth probably had to duck and turn sideways to keep from damaging doorframes.

  For a split second, her naughty, naughty imagination seized control. Considering Seth’s large stature, was his cock as supersized as the rest of him? Her gaze fell quickly to his feet. Well, if that old adage about shoe size was even close to being true. Whew!

  “Dad,” Lyndi said, shaking off the delightfully impure thoughts, “this is Seth Jones. He’s a cop. Seth, this is my dad, Carl Garrison.”

  “A cop, huh? Well, isn’t this a nice change, you bringing cops home instead of cops bringing you home?”


  But her father just laughed and extended his hand to Seth, and her fake date didn’t hesitate in returning the gesture.

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you, sir,” Seth said, and damn if he didn’t sound like he meant it. “I appreciate you letting me intrude on a family gathering.”

  Dad waved him off. “If Lynds likes you enough to torture you—I mean to invite you—into the lion’s den, then well, you’re practically family already.”

  Shit, Dad. Are you trying to make sure my love life stays nun-approved?

  But Seth took everything in stride. “Thank you, Mr. Garrison. I’m pleased to be an honorary Garrison for the evening.”


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