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Illumined Shadows (Treble and the Lost Boys Book 3)

Page 24

by G. R. Lyons

  “Leave me alone!” Colby shouted. He looked all around frantically, then took off running, struggling to hold Patches in his arms as he went. His whole body hurt, and running with the dog was so much harder, but he had to get away. He couldn't let Bad Man get him.

  “Boy! Don't you run away from me! You're mine, you hear me? And you have to help me. No one else can see me!”


  Bad Man surged forward and tried to grab him, but his hands passed right through Colby's body.


  “No!” Colby screamed, then choked out a sob. “Go away!”

  He kept running, gasping for air and stumbling along, his legs aching and his feet screaming in pain, his vision blurry from the tears that just wouldn't stop. Somehow, he had to get home. If he could just get home, he'd be safe. Safe from Bad Man.

  Safe with Vic.

  But he still had no idea where he was, or how far he had to go.

  He kept running. He couldn't stop. He wouldn't.

  Bad Man wasn't going to have him again.

  * * *

  VIC WAS just about to give up all hope. Sharma had led them on a wild chase through the neighborhoods, down one street, then another, the dog sniffing along the zigzag trail until they were over a mile from home. And were they even on the right path? Had Colby really gone this way?

  Where in the gods' names was his sweet boy?

  “Did you hear that?” Ryley asked.

  “What?” Vic gasped, looking around wildly as he strained to listen.

  “There!” Ryley said. “Someone's shouting–”

  Another scream sounded, and Vic and Ryley looked at each other.

  “Is that–”

  “It's Colby,” Vic gasped, and they took off running in the direction of the sound. “Colby!” Vic shouted.

  Sharma barked, then they heard, “Vic?”


  Vic pushed Sharma's lead into Ryley's hands and sprinted forward, heading for that voice. He rounded a corner and jerked to a stop, gasping with relief when he saw Colby just ahead, then took off running again.


  Colby's eyes went wide. “Vic!” The boy put on a burst of speed and met him halfway, barreling into Vic's arms and sobbing as they collided, both of them dropping to their knees right there on the sidewalk.


  “I've got you, sweetheart,” Vic gasped. “I've got you.”

  “Vic!” Colby cried.

  “You're safe.” Vic held the boy so close, he was afraid he might squeeze the air right out of him, but he couldn't help it. He had to feel Colby. He didn't ever want to let go. “You're safe. I've got you.” He pulled back just enough to see Colby's face, brushing the tears off his cheeks, then yanked him into a tight hug again. “What in the gods' names are you doing way out here?”

  Colby choked out a sob, then sniffed. “Patches got out. I had to save her.”


  Colby leaned back slightly and rubbed his sleeve across his nose, the movement awkward as he still had Cam's dog in his arms. “I wanted to go out to get the mail. I wanted to be brave and make you proud since your rescue didn't work, but Patches ran outside before I could grab her leash.” Colby sniffed again. “I couldn't let her get hurt. Cam would have been so sad.”

  Vic stared at the boy, then pulled him into his arms again.

  “And then I was lost and Bad Man was there and I was so scared I'd never see you again!”

  Vic's heart clenched, and he squeezed his eyes shut, holding Colby as tight as he could. “My sweet boy. Oh gods. It's alright. You're safe. I've got you, sweetheart. It's alright.” He pulled back again and wiped away more tears. “Come on. Let's get you home.” Vic stood, and Colby struggled to do the same, wincing as he got to his feet.

  “Here.” Ryley stepped in. “Let's do it the fast way.” He flashed them a smirk, then wrapped his arms around both Vic and Colby before transporting them all right back into the house.

  Colby yelped and burrowed into Vic, then slowly peeked out, relaxing slightly when he realized where they were.

  “Sorry, kiddo,” Ryley said, standing back. “Didn't meant to startle you.”

  Colby looked around again. “Are we home?”

  “Yeah. Just a magic trick. Got us back here in an instant.”

  “Oh.” Colby looked all around, glancing from Ryley to Vic and back, then to each of the dogs. He did it again, as though mentally cataloging everyone to make sure they were all there, then looked to Vic's side. “Cam, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean for her to get out!”

  Vic blinked, then saw Colby step aside and hug what appeared to be nothing but air.

  “I'm so sorry,” Colby cried.

  Vic held his breath, waiting, then saw Colby pull back and nod.

  “What did he say?” Vic asked.

  Colby tucked his hands up under his chin. “He said he can't believe I risked seeing Bad Man to go after Patches,” he answered. “But I couldn't let Patches get hurt!” the boy insisted. “Not when Cam loves her so much. I didn't want Cam to be sad. He's already lost enough as it is.”

  Vic stared at Colby, utterly speechless.

  Here was a boy who had endured innumerable horrors—probably more than Vic would ever know—a boy who could have so easily turned out bitter and angry and hating everything about the world because of what was done to him. Instead, Colby had such an incredible capacity for caring. For the enjoyment of beauty and goodness. For friendship. For joy.

  For love.

  Colby had run out that door without a second thought, braving the presence of his worst tormentor, all for the sake of not letting Cam have another reason to suffer. He'd faced his greatest fear just to protect Cam's happiness.

  Vic's heart broke even as he fell utterly, hopelessly in love.

  And if Colby—sweet, tortured Colby—could face his nightmares, it was damned well time that Vic stopped being a coward and did the same.

  Chapter 24

  VIC PULLED Colby into his arms and settled back on the pillows with a sigh.

  “I'm so glad you're safe,” he murmured, though he'd already said it a dozen times that afternoon. “I was so worried…”

  Colby snuggled in closer, nuzzling his neck.

  Vic smiled, kissed the top of Colby's head, and sighed again. He couldn't seem to let the boy out of his sight, not after thinking he'd lost him. And Colby seemed to need it as well. They'd both headed for Vic's bedroom after showering, some unspoken agreement settling between them, both of them needing to be close to one another.

  “I need to go do something tomorrow,” Vic said. Colby tensed, and tipped his head back to look up at him. “Probably just for a few hours. But I need to do it. It's a long time in coming.” He paused, staring across the room at Cam's bracelet, resting in its usual nightly spot on top of his dresser. “I've put it off way too long.”


  Vic put on a smile and looked down at the boy. “Nothing for you to worry about, sweetheart. It's just time for me to face my demons.”

  “Oh,” Colby said, an adorably puzzled frown on his face.

  Vic slowly reached up and rested a hand along Colby's jaw. “Come here.”

  Colby brightened, and moved right in for a kiss.

  Vic smiled, turning to his side so he could face the boy and draw him in closer, their bodies pressed together everywhere they could manage as they kissed and held one another. Time disappeared as they got lost in the moment, the warmth and sweetness carrying them away from the real world.

  Colby gave a soft whimper, pressing harder into Vic, then his whole body tensed. Vic sucked in a breath between kisses, feeling Colby's hard length against his own, separated by layers of fabric. It took everything he had to keep still, planting his hands firmly on Colby's back, determined not to let them move, determined to keep his hips still when all he wanted was to rock into Colby and share that exquisite feeling.

  But it had to be up to Colby.
If the boy wanted more, Vic would give it, but there would be no taking pleasure from the boy. Not yet. Not until Vic had earned it.

  * * *

  COLBY WOKE alone the next morning and checked the time. Vic must have gone to the gym. The big man had been oddly preoccupied last night, even as he'd held Colby, even as they'd kissed. Colby hugged Vic's pillow and pulled the blankets up to his chin. He'd felt Vic get hard last night while they were kissing, but Vic hadn't moved to do a thing about it. He just kept kissing Colby back and holding him close for as long as Colby wanted, never so much as hinting at trying to make something more happen between them.

  And Colby had felt so grateful. Not that he didn't want it. There was a moment, last night, when he'd almost opened his mouth and begged Vic to touch him again, begged him to make him feel all those amazing things, but he realized he wasn't ready yet. He needed something else before anything like that could happen again.

  Somehow, he got the feeling Vic wasn't ready yet, either. Vic said he needed to go face his demons, and maybe that meant that something would change if he succeeded.

  And Colby had a few more demons to conquer, himself.

  He got up and made the bed so the room looked nice when Vic got home from the gym, and after Vic showered, they had breakfast together, after which Vic left again, a look of grim determination on his face. Colby waited until Vic's car headed down the street, then he went to his room.

  Colby shut the door and pulled the shades down, casting the room into total darkness. He considered going out to the garden again to do this, but he wanted to see if he could manage it without Deyn's help. And the darkness would keep him safe.

  Bundled up in all his layers, Colby gathered up his comforter and made a nest for himself in the middle of the bed. He lay down, wrapped up safe and warm, and closed his eyes, taking slow, deep breaths as he turned his thoughts inward and concentrated on his goal.

  Slowly but surely, one scar disappeared, followed by another, then another. He focused on the smaller ones first, building up practice and endurance. By the time he wore himself out and had to stop, he still had several more to go, but when he tugged his clothes aside and looked at his skin, he couldn't help smiling.

  He was banishing Bad Man from his body, one tiny bit at a time.

  * * *

  VIC PULLED up to the address he'd programmed into the nav screen and eyed the building. It looked like any other in Morbran City. Inviting. Beautiful. Intricate stonework covered over in trailing ivy.

  But inside, somewhere, was a monster.

  Vic blew out a breath and glanced at the passenger seat. “You ready for this?”

  Cam's pen floated up. I think so. He paused. What if I see him and get scared?

  “Hey.” Vic reached out, found Cam's shoulder, and gave it a squeeze. “You have nothing to be ashamed about if you're not ready to face him. Nothing at all, alright? This is the first time you'll be seeing him since it happened.” And the first time I'll ever set eyes on him. “I'd be surprised if it didn't trigger something.” Vic gave him another squeeze. “You don't have to go in there if you don't want to.”

  No, I want to. It's just… Cam's shoulders lifted and dropped as though he'd sighed. I've imagined this moment for so long, and I don't know if it's going to go like I think it is or if I'm just gonna freak out and run away.

  “Whatever you do,” Vic said, “will be right. For you. Whatever you need. And I'll be right there with you the whole time.”

  Cam rested his head on Vic's shoulder and nodded, then sat up again and wrote, And I'll be there for you.

  Vic smiled. “Thanks, kiddo.” He looked at the building again and blew out another heavy breath. “Alright. Here goes.”

  Cam set his notepad down, gave Vic's hand a squeeze, and they got out of the car.

  Vic walked into the office building and looked around. He had absolutely no plan for how to go about this, but he couldn't stop now that he'd started. They were going to face the man, and that was all there was to it. Drawing himself up to his full height, he strode up to the receptionist and cleared his throat.

  “Yes, sir?” the woman greeted him. “What can I do for you?”

  “I'm here to see Logan Jarvis,” Vic told her.

  “Did you have an appointment?” she asked, turning to a computer screen sitting on the counter.


  She turned back to him and clasped her hands before herself. “I'm very sorry, sir, but no one can see Mr. Jarvis without an appointment.”

  Vic clenched his jaw, fighting for patience, then pulled out a business card and handed it over. “Tell him it's urgent.”

  The woman frowned as she took the card from him and read it over. “Sturmwyn Insurance…” She looked back up at Vic. “Is there a problem with one of his contracts or policies? I can run it by his personal assistant–”

  “It's a private matter.”

  “Mr…” The woman looked back down at the card again. “Lucius. I–” She did a double-take and read the card again, then looked at Vic with wide eyes. “Missing persons? But–”

  “Like I said,” Vic told her, “it's a private matter. And I need to speak with him immediately.”

  The woman hesitated, then stepped aside to grab her phone. “Let me see what I can do, sir.”

  She turned away and called someone, speaking in hushed tones so Vic couldn't quite make out what she was saying. Vic strolled about the reception area, keeping his footsteps slow and even, trying to maintain a semblance of control while his heart was galloping away.

  Fifteen years, and he was finally going to face Cam's attacker. He didn't care what he had to do to make it happen, but he wasn't leaving that office until he saw the man.

  “Mr. Lucius?”

  Vic turned and strode back over to the counter.

  “Mr. Jarvis is in a meeting at the moment,” the receptionist told him, “but he should be back in his office in about ten minutes.”

  Vic gave a sharp nod even while his nerves spiked. Having to wait to face the man was only going to make it more difficult. Then again, he'd already waited fifteen years. He'd just have to bear a few more minutes.

  “Thank you.”

  “If you'd like to wait over there,” the woman said, pointing at a seating area, “his personal assistant will be down to get you.”

  Vic nodded again, then walked over to a chair. He didn't want to sit—he was far too restless to sit—but he needed to at least try to appear calm.

  An invisible touch tapped him on the arm. Vic looked around, then pulled out his phone and opened a texting app.

  I'm scared, Vic.

  Vic's heart clenched. Poor Cam. He found Cam's arm and gave it a squeeze. “You don't have to do this if you don't want to,” he whispered.

  No, I want to. Cam paused, then typed out, It's just scary to think I haven't seen his face since he–

  Vic waited, watching the cursor just sit there.

  “Say it, Cam,” Vic urged him.

  I don't know if I can.

  “It's time, kiddo.” Vic kept a hold on Cam's arm. “Maybe…You can joke about it, and that's great in its own way, but…Maybe, if you finally say it…”

  Cam's hand shook.

  “I know it's hard, Cam,” Vic whispered, “but saying it will help you own it. Help you accept it. It gives you control of it. Not him.” Vic moved his hand up to Cam's shoulder, and felt his brother act out taking a deep breath, even though he didn't need it.

  Slowly, Cam typed out, He raped me. Then beat me into a coma, and threw my body in a garbage heap.

  Vic squeezed Cam's shoulder, holding his breath while he waited.

  Gods, Cam continued after a moment. It really happened, didn't it?

  Vic swallowed down the emotion clogging his throat. “Yeah, it did.”

  Cam was silent for a long while, then typed, It feels like it's outside of me now. Like…I don't know. I can't explain it, but it's not so scary now.

  Vic smiled. “I'm s
o proud of you, kiddo–”

  “Mr. Lucius?”

  Vic looked up and saw another woman standing by the counter.

  “Mr. Jarvis will see you now,” she told him.

  Vic nodded, then whispered, “You ready?”

  Yeah. Yeah, I think I am.

  Vic pocketed his phone, stood up, buttoned his jacket, straightened to his full height, and followed the woman down the hall.

  They passed a series of offices, then stopped at a door. The woman knocked, opened the door, and walked in, gesturing for Vic to follow.

  Vic paused for half a second before stepping into the room, bearing himself up for the first sight of the man who had stolen his little brother's innocence.

  Cam seized Vic's arm in a desperate grip, then slowly relaxed.

  “Is that him?” Vic asked, keeping his voice as low and quiet as he could make it.

  Cam leaned against him and nodded.

  “Mr. Jarvis,” the personal assistant said, “this is Victor Lucius with Sturmwyn Insurance. He works in missing persons and says he's here about a personal matter.”

  Jarvis frowned with concern, and quickly stood from his chair to reach across his desk and offer his hand. “Mr. Lucius. How can I be of service?”

  Vic glanced at the man's hand, but didn't move to accept it. Jarvis waited, then slowly drew his arm back and sat back down, rolling his chair forward and clasping his hands on the desktop, a stern look on his face.

  “You may want to have her leave the room,” Vic said, nodding at the woman. It was the only courtesy he was willing to extend the man. Until he saw how Jarvis reacted to the reason for Vic's presence, Vic wouldn't decide just how far to spread the news of the man's crimes.

  Jarvis scowled. “Audrey is my personal assistant and handles all of my business and personal affairs. There's nothing you can say that she can't hear.”

  Vic's eyebrows went up. “As you wish.” He took a step forward. “Fifteen years ago, you met a fourteen-year-old boy in a nightclub. You spiked his drink, then kidnapped him, raped him, beat him into a coma, and left him to die in a pile of garbage in an alleyway.”

  Jarvis's eyes got wider and wider as Vic went on, the man breaking out in a sweat and a vein standing out on his forehead. Audrey, who had started taking notes, suddenly stopped and looked up with a gasp, a look of horror crossing her face. Jarvis looked from her to Vic and back, his expression helpless and desperate.


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