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Diamonds for the Holidays

Page 12

by Nicki Night

  Jade’s phone rang. Giggling, she reached through the morning light to grab it. Nixon kissed her spine as she answered. Jade tried not to let her giggles seep into her greeting.

  “Hey, Jewel.” She pressed her lips together, suppressing moans and snickers.

  “What’s up, lil sis? Need me to bring anything for tonight?”

  Jade sat up in Nixon’s bed. He was still kissing her and had started to caress her breasts. “Tonight?”

  “Don’t tell me you forgot.”

  “Oh Lord.” Jade slapped her hand across her forehead. “The slumber party!” Nixon scooted down on the bed, pulled the covers back and began a line of kisses along her thigh. Jade swallowed to keep from moaning.

  “Yes, the slumber party. It’s your turn to host. I hosted this summer and Chloe did the spring. It’s your time, ladybug.”

  “It just slipped my mind. This week at work was absolutely crazy. I’ll tell you all about it tonight.” Nixon’s mouth grazed her center. Jade instinctively parted her legs. “Don’t worry. I’ll be ready.” His tongue flicked her center. A moan escaped. Jade threw her hand over her mouth.


  “Uh...nothing. See you later.”

  Jade ended the call before she gave herself up. She tossed the phone, grabbed a pillow and swatted Nixon, whose face was still between her legs. Nixon snatched the pillow, tossed it over the bed and pulled her center closer. Not resisting, Jade fell back against the headboard and let him take her to paradise. They pleasured each other over and over again until their stomachs grumbled.

  “We need to eat!” Jade held her belly in response to her stomach’s last protest.

  “We already did and it was delicious!”

  “Silly!” Jade shook her head. “Food.” Nixon raised a brow. “With sustenance.” A grin spread across his face. “The kind you chew, swallow and it keeps your stomach from sounding like there are monsters in there fighting.”

  “Ha!” Nixon stood and stretched, showing off all his naked glory. He held his hand out for her. Jade scooted to the edge of the bed and took his hand. He guided her up and wrapped his arms around her. “Let’s go get us some food.”

  Jade went to grab the robe she’d left there.

  “Uh, uh, uh!” Nixon wagged his finger. “No clothes allowed in my kitchen.”

  Jade grinned. Nixon had so many ways of making her feel sexy. “If you say so.”

  Together they headed to the kitchen, completely naked. Nixon set his phone to eighties pop and they danced around the pots and pans, teasing each other here and there. After plating their meal, they placed it on trays and returned to the bedroom.

  Settling back against the headboard beside her, Nixon fed Jade a piece of bacon.

  Jade rolled her eyes, savoring the flavor. “I swear everything is just better with bacon.”

  “And butter,” Nixon added, and they both laughed.

  “I’m glad we were able to get past that whole situation from last week.”

  “Me, too. And I let them know I wasn’t interested in moving over to Mergers and Acquisitions. My boss wasn’t looking forward to losing me, anyway.”

  “Good. I just hope this doesn’t affect your future promotions or anything.”

  They settled into a companionable silence while they ate. Jade held a question back, but then decided to ask anyway. “How are things with your dad?”

  “The same.” Nixon’s face held no expression. He obviously didn’t want to talk about his dad.

  Jade let it go. Family was too important. Somehow she had to help him find a way to work something out with his father. “What do you have to do today?” she asked.

  “Besides you?” She gave him a side-eye. “I’m heading to Mount Vernon to help my mother take care of a few things around the house, collect rent from our property managers and a few individual tenants. Just some regular business stuff.”

  “How many places do you guys have?”



  “We weren’t dirt poor, but we did struggle a bit. My mother did the best with what she had after my father abandoned us. In college I learned about real estate being one of the best ways to build wealth, so I decided that was one way I was going to make sure my mother and I never had to struggle again. I saved money and together we bought our first property during my last year of college. With the equity from that, we were able to buy our next. I work with our property manager in handling rent payments and repairs. I don’t want my mother to have to deal with any of the burden of that stuff.”

  “You never cease to amaze me, Mr. Gaines.” Jade smiled proudly. Her father would love Nixon—especially if he hadn’t been from Wakeman Foods. Jade remembered her father’s warning to keep her distance and kept her sigh inside.

  “I’m just glad I was able to help make life more comfortable for her, since she sacrificed so much for me as a single mom.”

  “That’s sweet.” Nixon’s words made Jade’s heart smile. She felt warmth spread in her chest. “It’s clear that you’re a mama’s boy.”

  “Proudly.” He stuck his chest out. “That’s one of my favorite ladies.”

  “Who are your other favorite ladies?” Jade tilted her head, awaiting his answer.

  Nixon leaned over and kissed her lips softly. “You.”

  She smiled.

  “Don’t worry. My mother and I are close, but she’s not the crazy type that believes no one is good enough for her son. You’re going to like her a lot.”

  Jade stacked their empty plates on the tray and placed them on the night table beside the bed. She turned to Nixon. “So you want me to meet your mama?”

  “Of course.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Why wouldn’t I be?”

  “I just...”

  “You’re just the perfect woman.”

  Jade opened her mouth and closed it. Flutters released in her stomach and she smiled.

  Nixon winked at her and kissed her lips again.

  “So we’re an item, huh?” It was more of a statement than a question.

  Nixon looked at her like she was crazy. “Where have you been?”

  Jade burst out laughing. Nixon joined her.

  “We’re an item!” She nodded and declared it confidently.

  “Only if you’re cool with that,” Nixon said.

  “I’m very cool with that.” Jade straddled him and kissed his face. “ we consummate this...thing?” She sent him a naughty glance.

  “Hell yeah!” Nixon wrapped his arm around her, rolled her on the bed and kissed her everywhere, leading to another mind-blowing, body-shuddering escapade.

  They couldn’t seem to get their fill of one another. Every time they finished, they’d start all over again until time started to work against them.

  “I need to get to Mount Vernon.”

  “And I need to go shopping and get ready for my slumber party.”

  “A slumber party? Interesting.”

  “My sisters and I started this a few years ago once we all moved out of our parents’ home. We get together in pajamas, drink wine, talk crap and laugh our butts off. It ended up becoming the best way for us to really catch up on each other’s lives, especially now that Chloe is married and Jewel is engaged. I can’t wait for you to meet them.”

  “I can’t wait to meet them, too.” Nixon pushed back the covers, got up and headed for the adjoining bath. “Wanna join me?”

  “Only if you behave. We have no more time to waste.”

  “I don’t make promises that I’m not guaranteed to keep.”

  Jade joined him anyway. They washed one another, shared a few kisses and dressed.

  “I’m planning a special night for us. This time we will be out of the bed, okay?” Nixon said as he leaned forward to kiss h

  Jade rose on her tippy toes. “I bet we will end up back in bed anyway.” She giggled as they kissed goodbye.

  Jade stopped at the grocery and wine store on her way home. The fresh aroma of lemon-scented cleaner met her at the door. The house seemed brighter when the cleaning service came. By eight that evening, Jade had prepared pasta with a seafood scampi sauce, garlic bread and a mixed green salad with cranberries, walnuts and goat cheese. She slipped her legs into her Minnie Mouse pajamas just in time for Jewel and Chloe to show up.

  “I brought dessert!” Chloe held a homemade fruit tart in her hand, bright and shiny with colorful fruit covered in a clear glaze.

  “And of course I brought more wine!” Jewel danced through the door. “I’m hungry,” she said, making her way to the kitchen. “What’s on the menu?”

  “Seafood scampi, greedy girl!” Jade replied, following along with Chloe.

  “Mmm. Now, that’s one thing you make really good, lil sis.”

  Jade wagged her finger, punctuating her point.

  “I also have popcorn for the movie.” Chloe plopped the bag in her hand on the counter and spread popcorn, chips, the fruit tart and M&M’S across the black granite. “What are we watching, anyway?”

  “Can we figure that out after dinner? I’m starving!” Jewel peeled off her coat and carried it back to the closet in the foyer. She pranced back in her graphic tank that read No Coffee, No Talkie, and polka-dot fleece pants.

  Chloe, the classic-styled sister, wore a black pajama set with a T-shirt that read Namaste Asleep, and jersey pants.

  “Well then, let’s eat!” Jade announced.

  She made sure the food was good and hot. The girls served heaping plates, poured glasses of wine and made their way to the family room, where the fireplace crackled with the promise of coziness. Jewel lay across the chaise. Chloe took to the couch and Jade sat on the floor. The TV played only as a backdrop for the slurping of pasta and the chatter of sisters.

  Jade was dying to tell them about Nixon, but held off until she couldn’t hold it any longer.

  “Okay!” She crossed her legs and held her hands out in front of her. That caught Jewel and Chloe’s full attention. “I have a new boo!”

  “Wait! What?” Jewel asked.

  “Really!” Chloe sang, then smiled. “Who is he?”

  “What does he look like?” Jewel countered.

  “What’s his name?” Chloe asked.

  “Have you slept with him? Was it good?” Jewel asked.

  The sisters tossed questions at her like darts. “Wait! One at a time? He’s from my leadership program. He’s gorgeous.” She rolled her eyes for effect. “His name is Nixon. And yes... I’ve slept with him and he is A-mazing in bed.”

  Like teenagers, the three of them squealed.

  “How serious is this?” Chloe asked.

  “How long has this been going on?”

  “It’s been getting pretty serious. He wants me to meet his mom.”

  “Oh!” Jewel put her hand on her hip.

  “It started at the end of August, when I started the program, and I really, really like him.”

  “Okay, then. Have all the fun your mind and body can handle,” Jewel said, raising her glass.

  “Look at you, glowing and blushing,” Chloe teased.

  Jade shared everything, including the fact that their dad had warned her to stay away.

  Jewel’s and Chloe’s eyes widened at that bit of information. They knew how hard it could be to gain the approval of their parents when it came to significant others, especially El. But this time it was Bobby Dale who already didn’t approve. Jade had to find a way to deal with that.

  “Listen. If he’s the one that makes your heart sing happy little love songs, then Dad will have to come around. If Mom could come to accept Donovan and Sterling, you’ll be just fine.” Jewel brushed off Jade’s anxiety.

  “Oh, she definitely won’t approve. He didn’t come from a perfect pedigree. In fact, he hails from very, very modest means and was raised by a single mom.”

  Simultaneously, Jewel and Chloe gasped, holding their hands over their hearts before cracking up laughing.

  “How did all three of us manage to defy poor El’s wishes of bringing home perfectly pedigreed knights in shining armor?” Jewel said. “I just knew she was going to faint when she found out about Sterling being divorced and having a kid.”

  “Yeah,” Chloe said. “You broke the mold with that one!”

  “And I would do it all over again,” Jewel said proudly, pouting her lips.

  “You’d better!” Jade added. “Both Sterling and my new little niece are the bomb!”

  All three laughed and continued to share stories and drink wine. Jade adored her sisters, and despite being nervous about sharing Nixon with them, she felt free after their talk. She’d handle her parents. Having her sisters’ approval meant the world. This relationship between her and Nixon had moved faster than any other she’d been in, but he was everything she realized she wanted in a man—ambitious, funny, intelligent, considerate, handsome and incredible in bed. He didn’t seem to be the least bit fazed about her being a Chandler. Most of all, he adored his mother and that was always an admirable trait in a man.

  Jade had made her decision. After meeting his mother, she was going to introduce him to her family. Thanksgiving was coming up. That would be the perfect time. Jade’s next thought made her mouth the word “Wow.” Nixon’s presence in her life had made her forget all about Mitch. If she wasn’t sure whether or not she was over him before, she knew she was now.

  Chapter 22

  Nixon wasn’t the superstitious type, yet was convinced that Jade had put a spell on him. She invaded every one of his senses, dominated his thoughts and made him crave her all the time. He loved the lingering of her scent. Her sweet voice was music to his ears. He could get lost in her pretty brown eyes. Jade’s body curved and swelled in all the right places. Whether she wore jeans, pajamas, business attire or nothing at all, sexiness exuded from her. Her gentlest touch aroused him.

  Even more than her body, he loved Jade’s mind. In their project sessions, she’d come up with some of the most brilliant ideas. Early in their coupling, he felt completely comfortable around her and found himself sharing things that would normally take months for him to feel content enough to bring up with other women.

  Nixon even told his mother about her. She had only smiled.

  “This one really has you smitten, huh?” she’d said.

  He couldn’t deny it.

  Nixon planned a special getaway for the two of them during their trip to California for the leadership training’s culmination. That program had been intense, taking a full workday out of each week since the end of August. It carved itself into his spare time for their team’s project meetings, which often happened weeknights and a few Saturday afternoons. However, Nixon didn’t regret it at all. He’d learned so much about leadership and even more about himself. Best of all, he’d met Jade—the woman with a magical touch that electrified him and spun his world like a top. He hadn’t even felt this compelled by his ex-fiancée.

  Speaking of her, Nixon occasionally wondered what had become of his ex. It was as if she’d fallen off the face of the earth. It was clear that they weren’t meant to marry and it was a good thing that they’d realized that before it was too late. But he wished her well nonetheless. She was a good woman—just not for him, nor was he the best fit for her. He hoped that wherever she was, life was being kind to her.

  Nixon pulled up to meet his mother. Gloria was thoroughly wrapped in a cashmere coat and large scarf—her weapon against the extremely cool air for early November. Both had taken the day off from work to handle business for the properties they owned, and to take a look at others. It was time to add to their portfolio. They started with breakfast at one of their
favorite diners in New Rochelle.

  “Your usual table, my dears?” the mature woman who had been working at the diner for as long as Nixon could remember asked.

  “Yep. How are you doing, Olive?” his mother asked.

  From the raspy voice, leathered tan skin and wrinkles creasing her lips, Nixon imagined Olive had a heck of a past and now spent most of her days sipping bourbon and chain-smoking. Still, her presence made the diner an extension of home.

  Olive grabbed two menus, tilted her head toward their regular booth and started walking. Nixon gestured for his mom to walk in front of him.

  “I’m fantabulous! Can’t you tell?” Olive responded. She always slathered the sarcasm on thick. “I’m here, aren’t I? Eh.” She shrugged.

  Laughter erupted from Gloria and Nixon.

  “Any day that I wake up on this side of the soil is a good day. The day I wake up dead...” Olive shook her head vigorously. “Oh boy, that day will be a problem! Ha!” Her laugh matched her raspy voice.

  “You’re too much!” Gloria said through her chuckles. They loved her gritty humor.

  “That’s what the ex-husbands said.” She slapped her knee and placed their menus on the table at their favorite corner booth. Light filtered in from the windows that met at a ninety-degree angle. “Have a seat and I’ll bring your tea.” She pointed to Gloria. “And your coffee,” she said, peering at Nixon over her glasses. “Are we ordering anything different today?”

  “No, ma’am.”

  “Okay. I’ll go ahead and put your orders in.” Olive pulled a pad from her apron and confirmed their selections as she jotted them down. “Be right back.”

  Gloria smiled at her son across the table and patted his hand.

  “What?” he asked, noting her Cheshire grin.

  “Tell me about this little lady you’ve been seeing. She has an interesting effect on you.”

  Nixon didn’t bother denying his mother’s claim. His feelings for Jade couldn’t be hidden.


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