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Blood Relic

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by Lucretia Stanhope

  Blood Relic

  Paranormal Peacekeepers

  Book Three

  Lucretia Stanhope

  Blood Relic: Paranormal Peacekeepers Book Three

  Copyright © 2019 by Lucretia Stanhope

  All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Printed in the United States of America

  First Printing, 2019

  Also by Lucretia Stanhope

  Elemental Witch Trial Novels

  Blessedly Bound

  Burning Captivation

  Fateful Attractions

  Familiar Betrayal


  Tempered Fury


  Sweet Suffering

  Malevolent Manifestation

  Timeless Trouble

  Serenity Shattered

  Fabricating Fortunes

  Monstrous Benevolence

  Noble Treachery

  Devastating Triumph

  Paranormal Peacekeepers

  Tainted Waters


  Romantic Horror

  Beating Hearts

  Paranormal Fantasy

  Unfamiliar Territory


  Rather Be Fishing: Tales of a Reluctant Monster Hunter

  “The first thing I’ve got to do,” said Alice to herself, as she wondered about in the wood, “is to grow to my right size again; and the second things is to find my way into that lovey garden. I think that will be the best plan.” Lewis Carroll- Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter One

  “WHAT THE HELL?” Alice flipped the brittle page with her gloved hand, releasing another wave of old-book aroma. She paused at the first sentence and shifted her weight in the hard, wooden chair. The chair creaked with her movement, echoing in the cavernous room.

  Her nose crinkled as she scanned around for the librarian. Probably hiding in a dusty corner, reading as well. No one else was there. As was usually the case, no presences moved between the aisles of the private ambassador library.

  Carefully she turned the page back and reread. Something was missing. Same as every other elf history book she found in both onsite libraries. Her jaw clenched and released. How could the PPK claim to be a storehouse of paranormal knowledge and not have anything on the history of her species before their divide into dark and light?

  She tilted the book and opened it as flat as she dared without damaging the spine. Missing pages. Just like the rest. What happened to divide the elves, and why was it washed from the records? Could it really be as simple as Jasper made it sound? Some elves wanted to enlighten witches and humans, and others didn’t? Why had the split caused such a drastic difference in evolution?

  She stretched her neck and rolled her shoulders. The biggest question she wanted answered was regarding the nature of the benevolent light elves. Jasper said they were darker than dark. History is told by the victors. Her father was certainly not angelic. Why was there so little about the light elves, if they were a favored species? Missing pages. A deliberate void. Created by who?

  The tip of her fingernail ran over the slight stubs left from the missing pages. No answers here. She closed the book. Another dead end. Maybe Jasper would change his mind about leaving her his books. They would contain one side of the story. One side was better than none. He painted dark elves much more favorably than all the books there did.

  Or. She laughed softly. Maybe Maxwell would grant her the leave time she kept requesting to visit Jasper. Not likely. Each request was followed by an emergency mission.

  The presence of the librarian moved closer.

  Alice glanced toward her watch. Studies would have to wait. The spring dance started thirty minutes ago and she needed to change. She gathered all her books and started toward the counter.

  “Do we have any more light elf material?” Alice watched the shimmering green pattern that grew and changed on the elemental’s tan skin.

  A wave of blooming floral scent rushed from the creature. “Are you still only interested in pre-war works?” Its opalescent eyes studied her.

  “Yes. For the elves.” Alice pushed her books toward the creature. “I’d also like if you can pull location numbers for anything that documents non-human witches.”

  “You’ve exhausted pre-war elf studies.” While it scanned in the return stack, more vine patterns appeared, grew, and dissolved across its face. “I know we have many witch references that document the pure lines from pre-human breeding. If you don’t find what you are looking for on the shelves, let me know and I can peek in the archives.”

  “Thank you.” Alice smiled as warmth from the aura of the elemental pushed into hers. “Are you going to the dance?”

  The creature’s greens darkened and it giggled. “I am.”

  “Wonderful. I hope to see you there.” Alice watched as an expression of not so innocent excitement washed over the librarian.

  “Just a moment. Your books were sent from the public library.” A breeze of flowers filled the air as it leaned down and retrieved her books.

  Alice looked at the stack. Her eyes were drawn to the small book on top. Her secret admirer continued to court her through works of fiction. The spine read, The Secret Garden. She fought back her grin. “Thank you.”

  “This was left for you as well.” The librarian pushed over a small box, tied with a pink ribbon.

  “Who left this?” Alice glanced around and then closed her eyes, pushing the presence of the librarian to the back of her awareness. They were alone.

  Vines grew and faded across all of the exposed skin as the librarian tapped her fingers on the counter. A burst of green rose to the cheeks. “I’ve forgotten. I knew a moment ago, I’m sure. That’s not like me to forget a name or face, much less someone so charming. He was charming. I don’t understand.”

  “It’s okay. I’ll find out soon enough. When the time is perfect.” A chill raced up her back and goosebumps caused the fine hairs on her arms to stand on end. When the time is perfect. Why did that feel so important? She’d heard that before. Where? Alice stacked up everything, trying not to look as thrown as she felt, and hurried out.

  The empty halls echoed back her footsteps as she made her way past the ambassadors’ rooms. She slowed at Amarok’s door long enough to determine he wasn’t there. He said he would wait on her. There was food and alcohol though. She clicked her tongue and held back a grin. “I’ll give you a pass on this one. Growing boy and all.”

  She rushed to her room and sat her books on the dresser. The grin she’d been holding back filled her face. There was another creature aside from her partner who spoke to her heart. Her secret admirer.

  They’d left her another book and a gift. That was a new thing. She cracked the book, looking for the note he always left. It was in its usual beautiful script.

Don’t take this story to mean I find you disagreeable. I know you can take things too literal when I’ve intended you to read beyond the pages. You are only slightly contrary and always adorable when you are. I would encourage more.

  More to the point:

  Magic and love grow in our garden. You make me feel alive. When you let yourself realize who I am, you will understand how magical that is. I long to illuminate what we have grown between us. Are you ready to walk in the garden with me?

  On the back of this you will find a map. Follow it to a key and unlock the gate to our secret garden. I’ll be waiting there. Come at night.

  Her hand trembled. Was she ready? Her and Amarok still had so much unsaid. Even this exchange felt like a betrayal. She smoothed the note flat with a finger.

  Why was love so scary? Monsters didn’t scare her. Her fear of darkness was left in the caves with Decker and Jasper. Even the death she faced on missions barely registered anymore. Love. To love was to open the most vulnerable wounds and expose her biggest fears. Everyone abandoned her. Even her parents didn’t find her worth knowing. Had she grown enough to be something worth loving?

  She flipped the note and saw a hand drawn map that said:

  Start at the left garden entrance.

  Not now. She chewed her lip. Now was dance time. Amarok would be waiting. Eating. Probably already a few beers in.

  Alice folded the note and slipped it back in the book. She opened her closet and tugged out the dress she bought a few missions ago. Her fingers traced the white satin of the corset-style bodice. Lace panels and small golden eyelets ran up the front. The same lace, ruffled at the edge of the top. The bottom was made with the same satin and lace, and equally as form fitted with a ribbon edge that came to rest just above her knees. Not as fancy as the dresses other women wore to the winter festival. It suited her. Light. Innocent, yet not.

  She changed and stared at herself in the mirror. The dress made her appear more of a woman than her usual yoga pants or jeans and tees. Not so innocent after all. Sexy even. Would her secret admirer think so? Would Amarok? Or Matthias? A heat flushed over her at the thought of the sexy vampire. While Jasper and Amarok felt like they could have been soulmates, if fate hadn’t intervened and her secret admirer lived in her heart and dreams, there was something about Matthias? She fanned herself as the thoughts of each time they brushed against each other rushed to mind. He touched her in a new way. Dark. Sexy. Visceral. “Stop that.” She swallowed and smoothed her dress. He is your dear friend.

  Her gut tugged her attention to the box. She pulled the ribbon and opened it. Inside was a round headpiece with fresh daises, woven into a golden tiara. Tears welled in her eyes. Who knew daisies were her favorite? The gift of her imagined childhood prince charming.

  She ran fingers through her hair and frowned as it brushed her shoulders. It needed cut. Maybe when there were less missions. She positioned the tiara on her head and then sat on the edge of her bed.

  The white dress-boots she’d bought to match the dress laced up to her lower calf with gold ribbons to compliment the eyelets. That would have to do.

  After one last glance in the mirror, she left, heading toward the festival and the positive vibrations coming from the other staff.

  By the time she arrived at the main gardens where the festival was being held, the dancing was already underway. She scanned for Amarok, already knowing he wasn’t there. She would have sensed him. Matthias wasn’t there either. Can’t have either of them. One is your partner and the other is way out of your league.

  Under the main patio she stopped at the egg display, smiling as she remembered the first time Chester explained to her how this worked.

  “All us hopeless men made these ugly things to lure in unsuspecting partners.” He’d nudged her toward them. “Try not to pick mine.”

  That she’d picked Amarok’s hadn’t surprised her.

  Her gaze scanned the eggs on display. Only a handful remained. That’s what happens when you are fashionably late. You get the eggs no one wants. She shifted her weight from one foot to the other. None of them appealed to her.

  She stepped toward the area that held eggs made by men who hadn’t arrived to move them to the available section. One of these would belong to Amarok. She reached out to the brown one that looked wild and masculine. That was his, she didn’t even need to open the card underneath it to know. She knew Amarok inside and out. Where was he?

  Happiness and love radiated from the dancers. While it hummed in the air as a tangible energy, it wouldn’t have blocked out Amarok. His aura was strong. It had to be work related to keep him from a party with food and drinks. She sat his egg back in its place and tried to let her soul pick another. Would it know who her secret admirer was? She lifted another one that was colored with rich red and gold adornments. Refined. Dark. Almost royal.

  “Is that your choice?” Matthias spoke low in her ear.

  Alice straightened, almost dropping the egg. His aura brushed hers, mingling and sending tingles racing across her nerve endings. “These aren’t available. I was just looking. I’m not, well the others aren’t my thing.” She closed her eyes, glad they weren’t facing as she gathered herself. “Hi.” What about him sent her into giddy teenager mode? You are a powerful ambassador and he respects you. Get it together. “How are you?” She set the egg down and turned toward him.

  Her breath caught. He always dressed well, but tonight he wore a black suit that had a shimmer to match his black hair. A burgundy shirt and gold tie added a splash of color. All the tones made his pale skin appear even lighter. When her gaze drifted up to his lips her breath released in a soft gasp. Don’t say something stupid. She drew her eyes up to his.

  His gaze made a slow assessment of her and a smirk grew to a smile, filling his face, reaching his unusual eyes.

  She stared into them, trying to find the line between the whites and the faint blue.

  “I’m well. You? I heard your last mission was taxing, dearling.” He took her hand and kissed the back of her knuckles. “You appear to have recovered.”

  The cold of his lips on her warm skin made her shiver. “It wasn’t so bad. Mostly magic.” She pulled her eyes away. Don’t stare into a vampire’s gaze. “Are you just getting back? I haven’t seen you in the game room.” That sounded stalkerish.

  “I’ve been back several hours. Sadly, I was locked in a treaty discussion with stubborn negotiators on both sides.” He nodded back to the eggs. “Have you decided?”

  “If it were available, this would be my pick. It would seem that I’m out of luck. Let me see who isn’t here to dance.” Alice turned and slipped the card from under the red egg. “Oh. It’s yours.”

  “I knew that.” He winked when Alice glanced back at him. “I believe that means we must dance, or we will offend some deity in the shade realms. We wouldn’t want that. This is a shade festival, no?”

  Alice closed her eyes, trying to recall. They celebrated customs from every species present and they often blurred as the festival mixed so many. “I think so, but you just got here. Did you want to put it back, in case someone else might have picked you?”

  “That is a dreadful idea.” He cocked his head. “Unless you are unhappy with your choice? If that is the case, I will pretend I’m not crushed and dance with someone less…” His fangs peered out as he pulled his bottom lip between his teeth. “Much less appealing.”

  “I’m not unhappy.” She shook her head. “Not at all. You should know, I usually step on toes so much so that Amarok wears special shoes.” Alice cringed. Why had she mentioned Amarok?

  “Perfect.” He put his arm around her waist and walked with her to the dancing couples. “Why don’t I hold you close enough that all we can do is sway and swoon. That will save my shoes and my toes injury.”

  “Good plan.” Was it?

  His strong, cold arms wrapped around her. One at her waist and the other resting between her shoulder blades on her bare skin. The scents of burned w
ood and roasted nuts, mingled with a spiced cologne as she rested her cheek against his chest.

  Peace wrapped her in a tight embrace as deja vu raced over her. Had they danced before? She would remember that, wouldn’t she? It felt right. Safe. Sexy. He was too sexy. She responded to each step and sway, as he guided her as if she were his and had been forever. Time slowed and sped by at the same time.

  The music came to an end and he held her against him.

  “Thank you.” That was too fast. She curtsied and stepped back.

  “Before you go.” He leaned his head down.

  Alice tightened her grip around his waist as his lips brushed hers. They were too close. “Yes?”

  The soft moan from him vibrated against her as he held her closer. A memory flashed. His cold lips ignited a heat in her soul. A kiss.

  Her eyes flew opened. Had they kissed? No. Not then. A dream. Heat raced across her. She pushed his hand off her waist and pulled away. Don’t make a fool of yourself. “Sorry. I need punch or something.”

  His lips tightened. “Certainly. I needed to talk to you about something important. Alone.” His slender fingers gripped her hand. “Before the mission, there are some things that you should know.”

  “Oh.” That was why he’d approached her. Her cheeks flushed. Of course it was. “Sure. I didn’t realize. I should have.” She squared her shoulders. “What mission is that?”

  “Alice, don’t think…”

  “Excuse me.” Matthias’ partner, the Fae, Larkanna, appeared beside them. Her strong magic presence brushed against Alice. “Koughauch is requesting a change, and will only negotiate if you return to the table.”

  “Decker’s dad?” Alice recognized the name. What would the dark elves be negotiating? “Is there trouble in Decker’s system?”

  “Good evening, Alice. Treaties are private matters.” Larkanna pursed her lips and looked down her nose at Alice.


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