Wanting Spencer (B&S Series #2.5)
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“She’s having a New Year's Eve party at her house to which she invited me and some of my staff—mostly guys.”
“Of course,” Spencer murmured.
“Oh... nothing.”
“Anyway, I told her that we were going to be in Seattle for the gym opening, and we wouldn’t make it.”
“Of course, we. I wouldn’t go without you, Babe,” I said, kissing the top of her head.
“Good,” she said as she smiled. “But I wouldn’t want to go anyway, because I don’t share.”
“Trust me, you have nothing to worry about.” I smiled back.
“I wouldn’t want to have to kick Grandma’s ass,” she said, laughing.
“Come on, silly girl,” I said as I steered her towards the spa. I shook my head, whispering “grandma” to myself.
“Hey, have a minute?” Jason asked, coming into my office.
“Of course. What’s up?”
He sat down in one of the chairs in front of my desk. I could tell something was up with the gloomy look on his face.
“Becca’s not pregnant.” He sighed.
“What?” I asked, raising my voice in surprise.
“She went to the doctor this morning, and she’s not pregnant.”
“Did she lose it?”
“No.” He shook his head. “I guess she was never pregnant. The home pregnancy test was wrong.”
I felt bad for my friends. They really wanted a baby, and I didn’t know how to comfort Jason. When we all found out that I wasn’t going to be a father with crazy Christy, we were all relieved. This… this fucking sucked, and I didn’t know what to do.
“I’m sorry, man. What can I do?”
“Nothing. We’re going to try after the new year. Put it behind us, focus on Seattle, and then try.”
“I’m really sorry.”
“Want to go grab a beer?”
“Yeah,” he said, sighing as he stood up.
Maybe we would get more than one.
Seeing Spencer wear the dress that she got from Macy’s made me instantly hard. It wasn’t abnormal for me to be hard when I saw her in a dress, but this dress brought back good, recent memories, and I couldn’t get the image of her looking up at me while she sucked my dick out of my head.
I was already dressed for Spencer’s office’s holiday party. Spencer was in the bathroom, and I no longer had the desire to go to the party when I saw her bending over slightly against the bathroom counter in her dress as she did her make-up.
“I like your dress,” I said, leaning against the bathroom doorframe, crossing my arms.
Spencer’s gaze reflected from the mirror, meeting my eyes, and I gave her a wicked grin.
“Oh no you don’t. We have to go to this party,” she said, pointing some make-up brush thingy at me.
“We can be late.” I licked my lips, trying to tempt her.
“No… no, we can’t.” She shook her head.
“You do realize that I’m going to be hard all night, right?”
“That’s not my fault.”
“It’s all your fault!”
“I’m sure you can wait until we get home.” She smirked at me. She fucking smirked at me!
I narrowed my eyes at her. “Then I’m going to fuck you so hard when we get back home.”
Spencer stopped putting on her eye shadow, and I held my breath, hoping she had changed her mind.
“I look forward to it,” she said, smirking again.
“Fuck!” I groaned, turning to go put my shoes on.
Just as expected, I was still hard when we arrived at Spencer’s office building where the party was taking place. I fought everything in me not to bend her over the couch and fuck her before we left. She was doing everything she could think of to mess with my head.
First, instead of only slipping into her heels like she always did, she slipped them on, then bent over at the hip, pretending that she needed to tug up the back of each shoe so her ass was in the air. Then she “forgot” to put lotion on her legs and insisted on doing it (with her heels on) in the living room where I was sitting on the couch waiting for her. Finally, she acted like she didn’t hike her dress up in the car. I knew better. Her dress was so far up her legs that if I reached over, I could touch her pussy without having to move the dress out of my way, and I fucking wanted to—fuck did I want to.
God I loved her, but she was going to give me a heart attack or make me bust a nut in my pants like a fucking teenager.
“You do realize that you’re wearing the same shirt you wore in Vegas and our first date, right?” Spencer asked as we walked from the parking garage to her building.
I looked down at my black, striped, button down shirt. “So?” I shrugged.
It was my go-to shirt.
“It does the same thing to me as me being in a dress does to you.”
Before I could respond, we walked into the double doors of her building. The lobby was decorated with white Christmas lights, a giant tree in the center, and tables scattered throughout for employees and their guests.
“Want to get a drink before we find a seat?” Spencer asked, pointing towards a bar in one corner of the large lobby.
“Sure,” I said, following her over.
We started to approach the bar and were stopped by some of Spencer’s co-workers. She introduced us. “This is my boyfriend, Brandon. Brandon, this is Bel, Amanda, Sue, and Carroll.”
I shook the ladies’ hands. “Ladies, it's a pleasure.”
“It's nice to finally meet you, Brandon. Spencer has told us so much about you,” Amanda said.
“All good things, I hope,” I said teasingly and pinched Spencer’s butt while I smiled at her.
“They wouldn't tell you even if I said bad things,” Spencer said, laughing. “Excuse us. We'll be back in a bit, we need to grab a drink real quick.” Turning away from the group of ladies, Spencer tugged me the few feet to the bar.
After we grabbed our drinks, we sat at a large round table with Spencer’s co-workers, laughing, eating appetizers that were bad for any diet, and enjoying the holiday music that played.
“I'm going to grab another beer. Do you ladies want anything?” I asked.
Everyone looked at their glasses, sipped the rest of their cocktails and agreed that they needed a refill of their drinks. Spencer began to stand up to go with me, but Carroll beat her to it.
“I'll go with you, Brandon—you can't carry it all,” she said.
“It’s okay, I'll go with him,” Spencer, my girlfriend, said.
“It’s no problem, Spence. I'm already heading that way. You just sit here and relax, and we’ll be back in a few,” Carroll assured her.
“Okay, sure, glass of Chardonnay. Thank you,” Spencer said.
“You got it, Babe.” I leaned down and kissed her cheek, then stood up to see that all eyes were on me. I smiled at them, and they had a daydreaming look on their faces. I didn’t do it to make anyone jealous; I just did it out of habit. This was my girl, and I loved touching her, kissing her, being with her. Her—I just loved her.
“I can’t believe your ex tried to kill Spencer,” Carroll said, as we walked to the bar.
“Don’t remind me.” I sighed.
“When we all heard, we were so worried. I can’t imagine what you were going through.”
“It’s all in the past. Spencer has been strong so far.”
“She told me and Bel that she’s had a few nightmares.”
“Yeah.” I sighed, stepping up to the bar.
“Spencer would probably kill me for prying, but she doesn’t talk about it, and I just want to make sure she’s okay.”
“She doesn’t talk about it with me, either.” I paused, ordering all the drinks to bring back. “I’m not sure what’s going on in her head, but she just doesn’t talk about it.”
/> “Maybe that’s for the best,” she said.
“Yeah…” I started to agree, only to stop upon seeing a guy sitting in my seat as I glanced to the table while we waited for the bartender to fulfill our drink order. “Who’s that?” I asked, pointing to the dude.
Carroll looked in the direction that I pointed. “Oh, that’s Acyn. He works here.”
“Does he now?” I said, jealousy instantly running through my entire body.
I watched the table, hoping the bartender would hurry the fuck up, and getting more and more impatient by the second. I didn’t like what I was seeing. This Acyn guy was sitting in my seat, and then he leaned in close to Spencer and nudged her shoulder. My blood was boiling. Spencer was mine, and I didn’t like another man touching her, even if it was in front of people and at her work.
As we waited for the bartender, I focused only on the table. I didn’t know if Carroll was still talking to me, and I didn’t care. Spencer worked with this guy. She spent eight hours a day in this building, and it was clear that this guy wanted to fuck her.
“Brandon…” I slightly heard my name. “Earth to Brandon, the drinks are ready.” I felt Carroll touch my shoulder, and I looked at her.
“Oh, yeah, sorry,” I said and grabbed four drinks, trying not to spill them as I carried them to the table.
My eyes never left this guy as we walked to the table.
“Oh, Acyn, I’m sorry—didn't know you were here. I would have gotten you a beer, too,” Carroll said as we passed out all the drinks.
“It's okay, I just got here actually,” Acyn said as he looked at me and sized me up.
I gave Acyn a tight smile. “Sorry, man, but if you don’t mind?” I nudged my head to my seat.
“Acyn, this is my boyfriend, Brandon. Brandon this is Acyn. He’s one of our new fitness consultants.”
Yeah, motherfucker, I’m Spencer’s boyfriend.
Acyn was slightly bigger than me, but if he wanted to throw down, I had the drive of Spencer as my motivation. I didn’t care who the other guy was, but no one was taking Spencer from me.
I took a breath before responding. Kill them with kindness, right? “Nice to meet you,” I said, sticking out my hand to shake Acyn's.
Acyn glanced between Spencer and me, recognition registering on his face. “Yeah man, you've got a great girl here. Sorry for stealing your seat,” he said as he got up and let me have my chair back.
“I know I do,” I replied, slinging my arm over Spencer’s shoulders as I sat down and kissed her cheek. “She’s the best.”
The table continued talking, and I caught Acyn staring at us a few times. Somehow he hadn’t known that Spencer had a boyfriend. I didn’t know if Spencer liked him. Maybe she did, but she told me that she loved me. The girls knew about me, but why not Acyn?
My hand never left any part of Spencer’s body as we sat at the table. My arm was either around her shoulders or on her knee, which I squeezed several times, reminding her that she was mine.
I couldn’t sit around any longer watching Acyn look at us, probably contemplating how to break us up. “So, Babe, I still haven't seen your office,” I said, whispering it in Spencer’s ear.
“Oh, yeah. Would you like a personal guided tour?” she whispered back, grinning and winking at me mischievously.
“Lead the way, Babe,” I said.
“If you all would excuse us again,” Spencer said to the crowded table.
She grabbed my hand, lacing our fingers and led me towards the elevators. She pushed the up button and looked up at me.
“What's wrong?” she asked when she noticed I was irritated.
“Nothing. Sorry… I just haven't seen anyone flirt with you before. Just struck a nerve.”
Fuck did it ever strike a nerve. I wanted to punch the guy in his face. I wasn’t sure why. I didn’t have the same reaction when I saw Spencer’s ex, Travis, and that guy really needed to be punched in the face.
Maybe it was because Travis already moved on and didn’t want Spencer, but this Acyn guy… I didn’t like the way he looked at Spencer. He looked at Spencer the same way I did. But I was the lucky one, and I was about to prove my point.
“Babe, you have nothing to worry about. I'm yours,” she said.
The elevator doors opened, and she pulled me inside with our hands still laced together. When I turned back around to face the front of the elevator, I saw Acyn watching us.
I gave him a look. A look that told him exactly what Spencer and I were about to do in her office. I was going to claim her. I watched him with glaring eyes, the doors closing as Spencer stepped to my side.
Mine, Asshole.
“You're mine?” I asked, stepping in front of her and bringing my face inches from hers as the elevator doors closed.
“Yes,” she whispered.
I took her hands, raising them above her head, and pushed her against the wall, my erection coming back fast, grinding into the spot where I couldn’t wait any longer to be buried in.
“Mine,” I mumbled against her lips, tasting my heaven.
“Yours,” she confirmed.
“So this is where you spend most of your day?” I asked as we stepped into Spencer’s office. She turned on the lights, but quickly shut them off because they were so bright. Even with them off, her office was lit up from the city lights and the half-moon that shined brightly in the December night sky.
“Yep, this is where I slave away forty hours a week,” she said, chuckling and waving around the room.
“Do you think of me during the day?”
“What? Of course. I think about you most of the day.”
We were alone on this floor of the building—at least I hoped we were—and I couldn’t wait any longer. There was no way I was going to be able to make it home like I told Spencer I would. Seeing another man want my girl had driven me over the edge. I had to have her right then and there.
“Uh huh,” I said, moving to her after I closed and locked the door.
When I reached her, I picked her up and carried her to the back of her desk, moving the chair out of my way.
“What are you doing?” she squealed.
“Claiming what’s mine, Babe.”
I laid her down on the top of her desk and pushed her legs apart, stepping in between them as I undid my belt and jeans.
“Babe, this is my office,” she said, raising an eyebrow at me as she rose onto her elbows.
“And what if someone comes in?”
“Who would come up to your office right now?” I asked, sliding my jeans down to my ankles. I wasn’t stopping.
“I don't know... but what if?”
“That’s part of the excitement, Babe. But everyone is downstairs. No one is going to come up here,” I assured her.
“Fine, but we have to hurry just in case.”
I was going to try to hold out until Spencer came at least once, but given that she had been teasing and tempting me for hours… I wasn’t sure how long I could last.
I grabbed a condom from my wallet. I never left the house without one since being with Spencer. I just didn’t know when I would lose it and have to have her. She was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen, and each day I had to taste her.
I ripped open the silver condom wrapper and slid the latex onto my aching, hard length.
“How are you always prepared?” Spencer asked.
“Have to be, especially when you wear a dress,” I said, leaning down to claim her mouth.
My hand slipped under her dress, feeling that her panties were already wet with desire, and a moan broke from her mouth and into mine as our tongues swirled around together.
I had planned to fuck Spencer hard, and that was what I was going to do. I grabbed the edge of the desk above her head, breaking our kiss to run my tongue along her collarbone and neck, tasting her.
She wrapped her arms around my neck and brought our mouths back together, and I kne
w there was no turning back for her now as she kissed me like we hadn’t seen each other for weeks.
I hooked my fingers in her panties, running them through her slickness. “How are you always so wet?” I whispered.
She moaned as I inserted two fingers deep inside her pussy. Spencer began to bend her legs that were still dangling off the desk, but I broke our kiss and slid her a little across the desk so she could wrap her legs around me better.
She did just that, and I stepped closer, moving the lace of her panties to the side as I sank slowly into her. I couldn’t wait another second or two for her to remove them; I needed to be inside her, feeling her heat engulf my cock. I was going to fuck her hard, but I knew she wasn’t ready. Her pussy clenched around me as I slowly slid back and forth, coating my dick with her juices and stretching her.
As I slid in and out, I looked down, loving the way her pussy swallowed my cock.
“Like what you see?” she panted.
“Very much,” I said, licking my lips.
We locked eyes, and I continued to slide in and out until she wrapped her legs around me tighter, giving me the clue that she was ready. Her hands grasped the edge of the desk, one of mine on her hip keeping her pushed against me, and the other still holding her panties to the side as I thrust vigorously into her.
“You’re so fucking hot and tight,” I groaned.
Our bodies rocked in sync as I went deeper, over and over. Her panties were getting in the way, but I didn’t want to stop. I couldn’t even if I tried. Our eyes were still locked, and I knew that Spencer was close—I could see it on her face. She closed her eyes, turned her head to the side, and clamped her lips together, trying to stifle a loud moan as her body shook, her core tightening around my shaft as the orgasm took over her body.
I was already on the verge of losing myself, and watching her lose control as she lay there under me sent me over the edge as I grunted my own release.
“God, I love you, Spencer,” I said, kissing her.
“I love you, too, Babe.”
I slowly withdrew from her, removed the condom, and tied the end. Spencer started to get up from the desk, but I pushed her back and grabbed her panties, pulling them off her before quickly stuffing them in the pocket of my jeans with the condom, and righted my pants.