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Finding Home

Page 5

by Reina Torres

  Teo hung up and slipped the phone into his back pocket and took out his keys. He had only been half joking, he was suddenly very tired.

  Chapter Six

  It was the end of the lunch rush and Emerson was down to a Greek salad and baklava, waiting for her last customer of the day. When the ancient olive green Gremlin puttered into a parking space beside the food truck, she grabbed the biodegradable box and a cup of iced tea she had waiting in the fridge and stepped down from the truck.

  Mira barely remembered to close the door in her rush to talk to her friend. “Thank goodness you had something left.” She reached into her pocket and pulled out some cash, but Emerson waved it away and put the plate in her hands.

  “When you called earlier I set it aside in the fridge. It sounded like you needed something to go with a little bit of girl talk.”

  Mira saw the eager look in her friend’s eyes. “It's nothing… Really.”

  Emerson sat down on the curb and patted the concrete beside her. “It is… And you know it. So sit and spill, and as a reward I have two baklava inside with your name on them.”

  With a resigned huff, Mira sat down beside Emerson and popped open the salad container. “As a reward for being a good girl?”

  “Actually, I'm hoping it will be a reward for you being a little naughty,” Emerson teased right back at her friend. “You did mention something about Teodoro when you were rambling on the phone, so I'm hoping this is the ‘he rocked my world last night and now I'm going to give my friend all the juicy details’ conversation.”

  Mira's expression tightened and the fork dropped from her fingers into the open container, scattering the feta cheese and Greek dressing. “Not quite. This is the ‘he kissed me and that's the last thing I need’ conversation.” She turned away from Emerson's compassionate smile.

  “Mirella, my dear, you'll have to excuse me for being a little… forward, but I think you need a little push in the right direction. You've been here almost a year now and I think you've had less than,” she saw Mira's shoulders tense and decided not to give it a number, “you've been on a few dates. What's wrong with giving him a chance?”

  Taking a sip of her iced tea, Mira let out a sigh. “With the others it was simple,” she explained, “I just wasn't that attracted to them. They were fun to talk to, but it didn't go beyond that. But with Teo…” she took another sip, trying to hide the flush of color in her cheeks, “it's like I just can't help myself. When I'm with him we talk and joke and I find myself really enjoying just being with him. I start to forget about why I came here to St. Helena.”

  Emerson opened her mouth to interrupt her, but Mira shook her head.

  “Teo was living in Los Angeles, Emerson. His brother still lives there, and sooner or later, he's going to find out about… he’s going to hear about-”

  “That cheating... jerk! Come on and say it, Mira. Harris Coates was a cheat and he's the reason you lost your job and left your life behind to come to St. Helena.” Emerson picked up an olive from the edge of the box and popped it in her mouth. “What is it about some men? They just can't keep it in their pants to save their lives.”

  Mira took another sip of her iced tea and shrugged. “It's not that I don't trust men,” she paused and slipped a cherry tomato into her mouth, “it's just that Teo's the first guy to make me want more than just a movie or dinner, and when he finds out that I’m basically Suzy Homewrecker-”

  “Whoa there, girlfriend!” Emerson shook her head and set her long, red ponytail swishing behind her. “Talk about my friend like that and no baklava for you!” She saw Mira open her mouth to argue and held up a cautionary finger. “You were not the guilty party. You didn't know that Harris was secretly shtupping the starlet… In the Library… With the…,” Emerson’s ‘Butler from CLUE’ impression died away. “Sorry wrong movie.”

  “More disaster than comedy.” Mira shook her head sadly. “I had no clue until my costume shop assistant called me with the news that it was all over the Internet. That was a hot second before someone from Entertainment L.A. knocked on my door, and the night before Harris met me on set to tell me I’d been fired.” It hurt on so many levels. Not only had she tricked herself into thinking her relationship with Harris was serious, well as serious as takeout food and sex could get for someone working sixteen hour days, but it had been her first feature film as a costume designer. She'd worked for years on little pay and promises to get the job and she'd lost it all because Vanessa Avery, six-figure and double D starlet, had found out that the man she was sleeping with on the sly had his own secrets.

  “The men never suffer as much.” Emerson's tone was bitter, but her expression was filled with sympathy for her friend. “Don't you think you've been beaten up enough over Harris’ infidelity issues? Don't you deserve to move on and have a life?”

  “My life, as you so eloquently put it,” she raised her cup of iced tea in a toast, “is just fine. I have a house with no mortgage, two businesses, and a bunch of great friends. My life is great!”

  Emerson’s expression said that Mira was full of bull. “Your life is great, I’m not saying you’re sitting around moping, or anything like that. What I’m saying is, you could be happier. You could have someone to cuddle up with, and go places with-”

  “Shay mentioned there was a whole litter of-”

  “If you tell me you’re thinking of adopting a pet rather than finding a warm-blooded man, I’m not joking, no dessert for you.” She saw Mira blush and knew she hit the nail on the head. “I’m not saying you shouldn’t adopt a pet. Go right on ahead, but it’s not a one or the other situation, Mira.” She knew that guilty look on her friend’s face and felt horrible for calling her out, but sometimes love was tough, for a reason. “Now I don't know Teo, but Dax has known him for a long time, why don't you let me ask him what he thinks and-”

  “No, please. Don't bother. It's not going to be an issue, because I ran off after he kissed me last night. I doubt he's going to want to have anything to do with me ever again. Basket cases aren’t exactly attractive to gorgeous successful men.” Mira dug into the salad in earnest, hoping Emerson would let it go.

  Given the determined look on Emerson's face, that wasn't going to happen.

  Teo sat down at the counter of Stan’s Soup & Service Station and swept his hands over the familiar countertop, enjoying the cold sensation under his palms

  “Well, twice in one week, I hope this is starting a trend.” The older man smiled when one of his oldest customers sat at the end of the counter.

  “Maybe I just miss the old place, Stan.” He didn’t even try to reach for the menu, since they both know he didn’t need one.

  Stan put a hand to his chest and winced. “Ouch, you sure know how to hurt an old man. Well, hello there!” He waved as the bell above the door announced new customers. The overly bright greeting brought a giggle from the doorway behind him. “Looks like I’m in for a treat.”

  “We’re here for a treat. Right, daddy?” A little girl clambered up onto the stool beside him, her gaze tilted up to the man on her other side.

  “Gabe. Good to see you again.” Gaining the little girl’s attention, Teo fell under the power of her smile. “Hello, Holly.”

  “You're the man at the garden!”

  “That's right, you have a good memory.” Teodoro saw Gabe beam with pride.

  Holly had already switched her attention to something much more interesting to a girl of her age. “Mister Stan, we want to have sundaes.”

  Stan looked at Gabe for confirmation and after a nod he held out his hand to the little girl. “I think I can get them done twice as fast if you help me.”

  Holly’s face was full of hope as she turned to her dad.

  “As long as you listen to Mister Stan and follow ‘all’ of his instructions, you can-”

  She was off like a shot, sliding off the stool and rounding the counter like an Olympic sprinter.

  Stan gave Teo a look. “The usual or a sundae?�

  Teo grimaced. “Usual please.”

  Holly dragged Stan off toward the kitchen, leaving the two men alone.

  Gabe was the first to speak, chuckling. “She runs me ragged.”

  Teo turned and looked at his old friend. “You love every minute.” He didn’t need Gabe to admit it, the truth was written on his face. Gabriel DeLuca was wrapped around the finger of his eldest daughter.

  “It’s not easy… it’s never easy,” he clarified, “but my children and my wife are the best parts of my life.”

  “It looks good on you, Gabe.” Teo couldn’t help but admire the way his old friend’s life had taken a turn for the better. “It’s like you’re part of the recruiting video for settled life in St. Helena.”

  “Settled life, huh?” Gabriel’s shoulders shook with silent laughter. “Stop by around bath time someday, and you’ll see it’s anything but.” A moment later, his look turned to one of curiosity. “Any changes since the other day? I know you said you weren’t thinking about it, but maybe… you've changed your mind?”

  “Not in so many words, but there is someone that I was interested in.”


  “I’m still not sure what happened.” Swallowing the lump in his throat, Teo shrugged. “My first day back, Nonna sent me over to the Fiorello house.”

  Gabe had always been a smart man and put two and two together quite nicely. “And you met Mirella.”

  A nod.

  “And you thought, 'My God where have you been hiding all my life?'”

  Another nod.

  “And then you silently thanked Velia, even as you artfully ignored her less than subtle nudges in that direction.”

  Teo shook his head. “I see you’ve lived my life before.”

  “Something like that,” and just as quickly as his expression had changed, Gabe changed to a slightly different thought, “but I’m getting the feeling that Mirella isn’t making this easy.”

  “She’s made it pretty clear that a relationship is the last thing she wants.” He sat back in his chair and picked up his glass, taking a long sip of water before he continued. “And I’m wondering if I misread the whole thing.”

  “Really? That doesn't sound like you.” Gabe narrowed his eyes at Teodoro, “You just moved back home, Teodoro. Neither one of you is going anywhere, see where it goes.”

  The door to the kitchen swung open and Holly, beaming ear to ear, with an incriminating smudge of chocolate sauce on her lip, walked into the room carrying a sundae glass as if it was the Holy Grail. Behind her, Stan had a tray with a second sundae on it and Teo’s chili.

  Stan hovered over Holly like a doting grandfather, ready to step in if she needed it. With his snowy white beard and jovial Santa demeanor, he was the perfect guardian angel.

  As Gabe oohed and aahed over the sundae Holly set down before him, Teo reconsidered his friend’s advice. Things had worked out well for Gabriel after all. Maybe he'd give things with Mira another try.

  Chapter Seven

  "Uh, Shay?" Jonah shut the bathroom door and walked down the hall. At times he was still struggling to come to grips with the strangely odd and yet amazing changes in his life. "Honey?"

  By the noise coming from the kitchen he could tell that she was preparing food for their menagerie’s evening meal. If Jonah had any doubts, the three-legged pup that dashed between his legs toward the kitchen sealed the deal. When he managed to get to the door, he watched his beautiful wife maneuver through the throng of furry admirers, measuring out food in bowls alongside the various and sundry bowls of water.


  She looked up at him and smiled as a fluffy tail sailed by her nose. "You need something, Honey?"

  He smiled back at her, enjoying the way her face lit up. Folding his arms over his chest, he continued to watch her expression to see her reaction. "There’s a duck in the bathtub."

  "Oh! Yes, well," she took a bowl in each hand and bobbed out of sight for a moment, setting them on the floor. Turning back she answered, full of sunshine. "He didn't fit in the sink."

  Jonah pressed a couple of fingers to his temple. "Does that mean I have to share?"

  "Oh, were you going to take a bath?” She grinned and managed to wade through the trembling crowd as the furries munched on their meals. “Well, if that's the case. I'll move Peabody into the shower stall and you get into the tub and I'll help you scrub your back."

  Jonah pulled her into his arms and pressed a kiss to the top of her head. "I don't want him watching."

  She trailed her fingertips down his chest and tugged his uniform shirttail from his pants. "We'll draw the curtain." Her fingers worked at his belt next. "It'll be just the two of us."

  Jonah felt his belt slide free and he reached for the buttons on her blouse. "That works for-"

  The doorbell announced a visitor, and Jonah had to grab at her blouse to keep her still.

  "Someone's at the door."

  The bell rang again.

  Jonah's chin sank forward onto his chest. "They have the worst timing."

  She poked a finger at him and enjoyed the hard wall of muscles beneath his shirt. "Why don't I see what they want so we can get to our bath."

  "Make it quick," he brushed his lips against the curve of her ear and added, "if you make it there before I refill the tub, I'll put in some bubble bath."

  "Not nice," she pushed him away, her fingers splayed over his chest, "you don't play fair."

  When the front door opened Mira was surprised to hear the sheer volume of barking that spilled out of the house. "Hey, is this a bad time?" She grimaced and held the small plant tightly to her chest. "It is, isn't it? I'll... I'll just bring this by the rescue tomorrow-"

  "No!" Shay took her by the arm and brought her inside. "It's fine." She waved at the kitchen. "They're a bunch of nosy nellies when the doorbell rings! They're having their dinner so they'll quiet down as soon as their empty stomachs outweigh their curiosity. And you, are a godsend."

  Mira hesitated. "It’s nothing. I just wanted to make sure I got this to you.” The green bushy plant was nearly a foot tall and about half as wide. “I remembered that you said you were looking for a catnip plant when we were at Emerson's the other night, so I thought I'd bring one over. If it works well for you, I have a number of plants ready for larger pots at the Heritage Garden. If you put them in your garden they can discourage aphids." She saw the bright smile on Shay's face. "Sorry about the late hour. I had so many tours these last few days and a pretty steady stream of curious tourists. I've barely had time to eat, let alone get across town."

  Shay looked around the room. "Let me find my purse."

  "No, please." Mira held out the potted plant. "Don't worry about that. Look, I feel really silly, coming without calling. I don't know what I was thinking."

  “I bet you were thinking about Mr. Hot and Sexy next door?”

  Mira's chagrin blossomed into a shy smile. "I acted like a basket case and I’m afraid he’s not interested in a second chance."

  Shay answered with a wince. "Have you talked to-"

  "Hey! Stop that!"

  The dogs in the kitchen howled back in reply as a door slammed shut down the hall.

  "Oh no," Shay cringed, and set the pot down on a nearby shelf, "I'll be right back."

  Shay started down the hallway and immediately retreated back the way she came. Following after her was a half-dressed man with a powerful build and murder in his eyes. A black streak flew at the man's muscled backside, pummeling him from behind. Mira usually indentified Jonah by his uniform, but at the moment, the sheriff was barely dressed and using his wife as a shield. A black blur was circling around the pair, wings flapping, all the while peppering the air with agitated whistles. Nipping at the waistband of Jonah’s fitted boxer briefs was a short black beak.

  "Get him off of me, Shay!" He dodged around Shay and tried to find safety behind a lamp.

  "Peabody? Down!" Shay made a frantic grab for the duck, but ended up
empty handed.

  Giving up on corralling the duck, Shay concentrated on her husband instead. "Jonah, calm down!"

  Noticing they had company, Jonah lowered his voice, but not quite soft enough to keep his words from Mira’s ears "Shay, he was trying to bite my-"

  "Okay, thanks for that update." Shay shushed him and bent over, reaching toward the agitated duck. "Come on now, Peabody, be a good boy."

  The duck launched himself into the air, a half lunge that sent him sailing over Shay's head.

  "Oh, hell no!" Jonah backpedalled away from the furious fowl, and Mira was pretty sure that the off-duty lawman was going to end up sprawled over a chair or stumbling into a wall if someone didn’t intervene.

  Mira whistled, a desperate attempt to help.

  The duck fluttered down to the ground and turned its head toward her.

  Her heart thundering in her chest, she knelt down and whistled again. The duck cast one last angry glare in Jonah's direction, folded his wings tightly against his body, and toddled toward Mira. "Hello there, Mr. Peabody." Mira crooned the name that she'd heard Shay use.

  He tilted his head and fluffed up his feathers, answering her with a soft quack.

  She was vaguely aware of Jonah backing down the hallway, his hands covering his boxer-clad bits in front and back for extra protection.

  Using her calmest tone, Mira wondered aloud. "You're not going to try to bite me, are you?"

  The glossy green head pulled back in what Mira might have call an 'affronted' look if he'd been human. Shay moved closer, kneeling down a few feet away. "I don't think you have to worry about that. You have an admirer."

  Up until that moment her experiences with ducks had been limited to animated characters on TV. Mira wasn’t prepared for the animal in question to settle in her lap. He stretched his neck into a long line and nibbled at curling ends of her hair.

  "Cute," Shay's voice was infused with a sigh as the duck let go of Mira's hair and rubbed his head against her cheek, "he likes you."


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