War. Freedom. Love.
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I was emotional having to return to the real world. It just sort of came over me. The real world. That’s the way it’s put forward particularly when it comes to democratic politics, such as, “It doesn’t matter who you vote for we’re screwed.” And so on. At this point in time it sounded ridiculous to me because the imposition of boundaries that society fundamentally is would suggest something constructed or unnatural. This doesn’t necessarily suggest societal conventions are wrong, right or anything in between but simply that we aren’t getting a choice in a universe that inherently has no known boundaries. At one end of the spectrum we are naturally uninhibited to do whatever we want to do but at the other extreme society impinges a perception of no hope.
So perhaps my emotions were better explained by having to leave the real world and return to society. That I was so caught up in the natural wonder of the universe that I couldn’t understand how there could be a possible need, for example, to drop bombs on marginalised regions of the world as action against terror, killing innocent and other human beings full stop, and despite huge condemnation the world over for the action. The media of the western world promotes a war on terrorism that accepts violence as a solution to problems, that fire can be fought with fire, revenge or an eye for an eye, and that the people’s opinion in a democratic society is only important when it doesn’t conflict with the most dominant group or hegemony of the capitalist ideology, those who are the rich and powerful.
It’s understandable that the wealthy would want to protect the positions they have built for themselves in society and even go so far as to enter government for greater influence over their future. It’s commonly said that if you are unhappy with government or if you really want to be heard then run for office! That’s the epitome of democracy and what it’s all about! So it’s not hard to understand that our politicians are actually the wealthy or live in the pockets of the wealthy and potentially are breaking down the democratic process for everyone else.
After all it is the government who informs us that those who have access to a greater proportion of the world’s resources or simply those with money, the rich, have so because they are deserving of it. They contribute to and are the most important members of society. They work the hardest as pillars of the community or the globe and must be rewarded for it. This isn’t unlike the western secondary school textbook Animal Farm by George Orwell within which the pig characters declared they were entitled to a larger piece of the pie than the rest of the farm animals. The only difference is capitalism justifies the larger entitlement by suggesting resources are divided among the population quite naturally compared to communism; that the flow of money occurs in free market conditions and therefore it couldn’t possibly be evil. It’s simply natural selection and/or competition.
The irony of this is that we have seen the average family home change from being a single head household to a dual income household as women have participated in the workforce permanently over the last thirty years. It doesn’t require a genius to realise that the productivity of nations has increased significantly as a result of this and according to the government’s ‘model of deservingness’ the family should therefore be rewarded for their greater contribution. However we have seen the purchasing power of the average dual income household slowly erode away until now we can no longer buy any more than what a single head household could buy some thirty years ago, except for perhaps a second car and childcare! The wage I earn as an individual is now worth only half of an individual’s salary from some thirty years ago! Meanwhile, the gap between the rich and the poor around the world has grown exponentially! The rich and powerful are earning billions, hundreds of billions and even trillions compared to the millions that used to be their income status.
We then have to listen to the government inform us in the media of the reasons why we should vote for them. We are told that environmental perils such as man-made climate change shouldn’t be addressed because the rest of the world will not change therefore it’s pointless and a waste of resources. What really matters is jobs and everyday living expenses and it isn’t subtle. The economy and globalisation are being used by the hegemony as nothing more than control mechanisms to sustain the order of the world and certainly a phenomenon such as climate change will not be addressed where it threatens the positions of nations, ideologies, boundaries and therefore hegemony within the global pecking order. And it’s by their own words that the western world led by the U.S. is far too important to fall!
This potentially leaves the world with no leaders when it comes to environmental sustainability and you’ve got to ask yourself is there a hidden agenda or plan behind it. Is the situation simply power and control at any cost including to Mother Earth herself? Do the people of the world really believe that the outlook for the future of Earth is do nothing and simply hope for the best? History does show us that societies no matter how great they were can and will fall so I very much doubt that the wealthy in this world with all their riches and power are jeopardising their positions by sitting back and letting that happen.
If we look back at the Cold War or the nuclear arms race between Russia and the U.S. for example we see a cycle of animosity that rose over many years before dropping over what financial markets would call a cliff. Overnight Russia and the U.S. changed from enemies quite literally getting in each other’s face to almost being pals and declaring the future of the world or the order of it will not be decided with what we now know as weapons of mass destruction. Well you’ve got to ask yourself, “What will?”
Other important events of that time that might provide insight into answering this question include the signing of a fifty year Antarctic Treaty which prohibits the use of the Antarctic region for mining and/or for war between nations. It was declared a great move forward for conservation and that the world’s nations are working together. After a bit of research I also found that Antarctica is a continent understood to have no significant material wealth, that is, its resources are of no commercial value and the oil that is there is coined “waste oil” because it is low in quality and small in volume. Why then do we need a treaty that prohibits mining and war in the region where there are apparently no resources to fight over?
Bear in mind that Antarctica is a continent bigger than the United States of America. In fact the U.S. continent can fit inside the coastline of Antarctica and that’s not including the ice that extends beyond the Antarctic coast. Antarctica was also once abundant with life including dinosaurs and vast rainforest regions. It hasn’t always been an icy wasteland at the bottom of the Earth and as such I find it hard to believe that the fossil fuel found there is low in quality and small in volume and this is where the facts get interesting.
If indeed Antarctica is abundant with resources and particularly oil in quantities that would exceed the rest of the world over it makes sense why the Antarctic Treaty ends at the time peak oil is predicted to occur, some fifty years after it was initially signed. Soon the energy that societies of the world are built up on will begin to dwindle and oil prices will sky rocket all the while the western world are thinking they have an ace up their sleeve. Unlike the Middle East who are quite willing to sell their oil at a price the west will control who gets what, where, when, how and why! And any dissenting economy can be shrunk at will by those who control oil supplies.
This finding is consistent with the fact that the west has been unwilling to act on climate change. Fossil fuel has been identified as a primary cause of increased carbon in the atmosphere which advertently traps heat in the atmosphere causing extreme weather conditions and global warming, and threatening the very existence of Mother Earth. But if oil is not an essential commodity of the world the global take-over bid will not work. Furthermore ice melt at Antarctica as a result of global warming will actually make the fossil fuel resource more accessible.
The west has also been intolerant to minority groups having access to nuclear warheads in a do what I say no
t what I do situation. If nuclear arms can be used by minority groups or nations imagine the damage a warhead could inflict if it were aimed at oil fields abundant in Antarctica. Earth would indeed become a living hell.
These are inferences but it’s also a scenario that in all likelihoods is quite possible. Energy such as fossil fuel can make or break a society in a globalised world where the western capitalist ideology rules. If we look at another significant event that occurred during the cold war era, the moon landing, we find that it was really important for the U.S. and the west to succeed in doing it before Russia did. It was stated, “One small step for man, but one giant leap for mankind”. Well what was so threatening about the moon that Russia couldn’t land there first but at the same time all nationalities were included in the event? I would suggest that the U.S. flag put claim to any resources that may have been found there such as oil and even though the only thing ultimately found on the moon were perfectly harmless moon rocks, who was to know?
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I’ve never considered myself an emotional person but I did understand my emotions. The universe has an innocence that’s being oppressed and exploited in a very contrived way. The hegemony of the western capitalist ideology want to sustain the order of the world at any cost and where they aren’t in control or have the power to influence less powerful groups they systematically threaten and use violence and war until they get what they want. Who really knows what the hegemony are capable of but rest assured the only answers they have in this life are what suits their agenda. I’d go as far to say that the entire western societal system is constructed to bide for your will and support in order to sustain a hierarchy that ultimately provides wealth and security to the top and the top only whilst everyone else is forced to live from day to day. This, they believe, is natural.
About the author
If I could describe myself in one word I’d say ‘analyst’. I enjoy making sense of information in all walks of life. And what have I found? Well that’s for me to know and you to find out. As with all my short stories they are but a glimpse into the world and indeed the Universe that surrounds me.
Please do connect with me. I can always be found at Facebook.
The Moon.
How to Fly.
Sample of The Moon.
I froze at the sound of my cousin rousing from her bed and wished without breathe that she would go. On her father’s threat of once again being beaten I wasn’t to show my face from under the blankets where I’d spent the last three days and two nights curled up in a ball. Word only had to get through to him and bringing attention to myself was simply asking for it. Any kind of interaction especially, was a big no, no. I listened to her dress for what seemed like an eternity before she finally left the bedroom allowing me to relax.
Maybe, just maybe I would be called to get up this morning, and having not eaten a thing since I’d been confined to my bed the possibility made my stomach grumble. My ears tuned into the family coming and going at the breakfast table, dishes banging, cutlery clinking and the feet of chairs skidding across the tiled floor. He raised his voice a couple of times. He was quick to anger and frequently yelled his disapproval or to get his way and he always did. I didn’t batter an eyelid as my hopes faded.
Early morning light filtered through my blanket and I could just make out the square patterns printed on my sheets. To relieve my boredom my eyes would follow the pattern one way, then another way and then another, but it had become tiresome and instead I closed my eyes. My mind drifted back to the previous night when I had thought about escaping my bed, it was late when everyone was asleep so the risk for being caught was low, but I hadn’t the nerve to do it. Now it began to weigh on my mind.