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The Chosen One Universe Volume Three: An MM Paranormal Fantasy Shifters Series

Page 6

by Macy Blake

“That’s impossible,” Sam protested.

  “Wh-what is he?” Ben asked.

  “A lion.”

  Ben’s control snapped and he began to shift. “Papa.”

  Sam and Vaughn both stepped in close, but it was too late. Ben began pulling at his pants while Vaughn tugged his shirt free.

  “You’re safe, son. We’re here. Shift. Go on. You’re fine. We’re here. You’re safe.”

  Within seconds, Ben was in his bear form. He stood between his fathers, snarling and shaking.

  “Explain,” Sam demanded.

  Jedrek had no clue how to explain, but luckily he didn’t have to. Solomon stepped forward. “We’re gathering information still, but Nick is Sawyer’s foster brother. He was found after escaping from the farmhouse almost fourteen years ago. He was given a charm blessed by the mother goddess which suppressed his memories and prevented him from shifting.

  Vaughn gasped. “For how long.”

  “Until tonight,” Jedrek said.

  “That’s not possible,” Vaughn said. “He’d be out of his mind.”

  Sam didn’t seem to understand but Ben let out a roar of displeasure and pulled both of their attention. Unfortunately, theirs wasn’t the only attention he garnered.


  His brothers and sisters ran from the house with Ollie in the lead. Their eyes all glowed and they searched the area for danger. Meshaq stepped in front of Ollie and pulled him close. He was nearly frantic, and Jedrek didn’t blame him. Ben had sounded awful, terrified and under threat. They all looked out for each other so much, and Jedrek had never heard Ben make a noise like he’d made moments before. He was the calm, quiet kid and had grown into a quiet, reflective young man.

  “What’s wrong?” Ollie demanded. “Who hurt Ben?”

  “No one,” Shaq said gently. “He just got a little scared. He’s fine. Look at him. All of you. He’s upset and needs you all to be calm and help him. Can you do that?”

  Ollie nodded and Shaq opened his arms. He ran to his brother’s side and dropped to his knees. “Dude, you never make noises like that. You scared me,” Ollie complained. He buried his face in Ben’s neck and breathed.

  Jack and Emily joined him and Ben began to calm down. The only one who hadn’t was Natasha. Her eyes still glowed a golden amber and her gaze darted between Meshaq and the cabin where they’d left Nick.

  “Someone is here.”

  “Yes,” Shaq explained. “A lion Ben knew from before.”

  “Lion?” Natasha asked. She glanced at Ben, who looked up at her with his big, sad eyes. “I’ll kill him.”

  She started to strip off her shirt, but Shaq stilled her hand. Sam and Vaughn hurried over, and Vaughn captured her face in his hands. “I need you to wait. You obviously know who Nick is, but you don’t know the whole story.”

  “Nick? That’s his name?”

  “I’ll go get him,” Jedrek said.

  “I think that’s best.”

  “Who the hell is Nick?” Ollie demanded. “And why are Ben and Tasha so upset? And where’s Henry? I want Henry!”

  “I’ll get him,” Solomon said.

  A shrill whistle interrupted them all. Jedrek turned to find Sam with his fingers between his lips and a furious expression on his face. “Stop. All of you stop right now. Tasha, sit down and help Ben settle. You know he needs you and that takes priority.” He pulled out his phone and dialed. “Henry, no one is hurt, but I need you to come outside. We’re over by the playground. Yes, you can bring Saeward. Tell the others they can stay with Sawyer. Meshaq, Solomon, and Jedrek are with us so you will be safe.” He ended the call and turned back to them. “One of you tell me why my kids are so upset over this Nick guy.”

  Vaughn appeared to have already figured it out. He grabbed Sam’s hand and reached for the scruff of Ben’s neck with the other. Ben leaned his head into his alpha’s stomach grumbling and complaining as he tried to do as Sam had asked and calm down. Jedrek looked at his alphas, who were just as shaken by all of the new developments as he was.

  “Nick was one of us, Papa,” Tasha said. “At least, I think he’s the one that got away. I thought he was dead because he never came back. He swore he’d come back for us.”

  She finally broke and leaned more heavily into Ben’s side. He howled again.

  “He was at the house? He was Lion?” Ollie asked.

  “Lion?” Sam asked gently. “Ben said that Lion tried to save you all. He told us stories about him.”

  “That was before we came, Papa,” Jack said. “Only Henry, Tasha, and Ben were there with Lion, but we know he got out and never came back.”

  Henry reached their side just in time to hear Jack’s words. “What? Lion?”

  “Sawyer’s brother Nick,” Meshaq said. “He was at the house.”

  Henry paled and leaned back into Saeward. The big guardian seemed as confused as the rest of them, but he held onto Henry without speaking. “I thought he looked familiar, but I just thought it was because I’d seen pictures of him at Sawyer’s house.”

  “It was fourteen years ago, Henry,” Meshaq explained. “It’s no surprise you didn’t recognize him. You were young when he escaped.”

  “Okay,” Sam said. “Has anyone bothered to explain to Nick that the kids are here?”

  Jedrek shook his head.

  “Then why don’t you go do that before he comes out here and gets shocked like my kids did. No more freak-outs tonight. We’ve had enough.”

  Meshaq gave him a nod, so Jedrek went back toward the cabin. He found Nick pacing around the small living area.

  “What happened?” Nick demanded, the moment the door closed behind him.

  “So you know how I told you we rescued the kids who were at the house?”

  Nick growled, his eyes glowing.

  “Nick, control. The kids are here. This is where we brought them. You’ve already met one of them. Henry. Remember him? He’s one of Sawyer’s mates. The younger one.”

  “No. That’s not little Henry.”

  “Yes. He’s grown up now. It’s been fourteen years, Nick. They’re all grown up now. And Tasha just told me that only three of them were there when you were.”

  “No,” Nick said. “There were more than that. Ben and Tasha, Henry and Max. Jenny—”

  Nick’s voice broke and he turned away.

  “Jenny?” Jedrek asked softly.

  “She didn’t make it. That’s… that’s why I knew I had to try. Tasha’s here, too?”

  “And Ben and Henry. Jack, Emily, and Ollie. Those are the younger ones.”

  Nick shook his head. “Henry. Henry was the youngest.”

  “No,” Jedrek said. “Nick, it isn’t your fault. You tried, but you were just a kid, too. They want to see you. Their dads want to meet you. But you need to make sure you’re in control, okay?”

  Nick looked up and pulled in a breath. Jedrek matched it, counting in his head. Deep inhale, then exhale. He waited until Nick was able to do the deeper breaths on his own and then stopped.

  “Wait, you said dads?”

  “You met one of them. Dr. Vaughn. Ollie managed to escape and found Sam, who brought him to Vaughn. It’s a long story, but they ended up adopting all the kids. They’ve lived here ever since under the protection of both their pack and mine. We’ve kept them safe, Nick.”

  Nick nodded. “That’s good. That’s really good. This place is real nice.”

  “It is. Sam’s a teacher. He quit working and homeschooled the kids. Ben’s in med school now. He’s super smart. And Tasha is just like her Nana. She’s bossy and likes things her way, and she’s super protective of her siblings. Henry, well, Henry is so powerful. We brought in an awen to help him with his abilities, and yeah, it kinda blew us all away how strong his powers are.”

  Nick began to pant and he looked at Jedrek. “Sorry,” he growled before the shift began to overtake him.


  He waited until Nick had completed the shift before he app
roached. He flared his eyes and Nick let out a growl of displeasure. “You need to stay in control. I get it. You needed to shift. You aren’t the only one. Ben’s out there in his bear form. But you aren’t getting anywhere near them until I know you’re in control.

  Nick snarled and took a step forward.

  “Nick, I’m not fucking around. Both of my alphas are out there. So is Alpha Vaughn.”

  The words crept in. Jedrek could see Nick trying to process them.

  “That’s right. Their dad is an alpha. You really want to go tearing out there and make him think his kids are in danger? You think Henry’s going to let you? That kid is strong, Nick. You should see what he can do with his magic. But trust me, you don’t want him to use it against you. So calm down and we’ll walk out there together. No sudden moves or I’m telling you, someone is going to take offense and you won’t like what happens. Think about what you’d do if someone came up on your brothers, shifted and snarling and moving fast.”

  Nick growled and shook out his mane.

  “I know. You’d show ‘em who’s boss. And that’s what’ll happen to you if you don’t behave. Tell me you can.”

  Nick raised his head and there was a glimmer of humanity behind his lion eyes.

  “Good. Now, let’s go. Stay right beside me, and when I stop, you stop. You need to let them approach you. Ben will recognize your scent. Tasha will as well. Once they’re okay with you, the others will be. You’ll just have to give them a second to process. Got me?”

  Nick pushed his head into Jedrek’s side.

  He walked to the door, and Nick did as he asked and stayed beside him. When they walked outside, the kids all made sounds, some curious, some scared. But none angry or threatened. Jedrek stopped about a dozen feet from the group and Nick stayed beside him. Ben made the first move, grumbling a complaint as he lumbered close. Nick stilled, only shaking out his mane as Ben approached. They each sniffed the air, subtly at first, and then more deeply as their animal forms recognized each other. Ben bumped his head against Nick’s, and when Nick returned the gesture cautiously, it opened the door to the others.

  Ollie moved to Ben’s side and held onto the fur of his brother’s neck. “Hey, Lion. I mean, Nick. I heard a lot about you when I was a kid.”

  Nick raised his head and met Ollie’s gaze. They seemed to have some unspoken communication before Ollie sighed.

  “It sucks that you weren’t able to find us, but it turned out okay, you know? I mean, it sucked. Big time. But maybe we wouldn’t have found our dads, so I think it turned out how it was supposed to. Right, Tasha?”

  She approached slowly and touched Ben as well. “I hadn’t thought of it like that.”

  “The goddess works in mysterious ways,” Henry said. He stepped beside Natasha and put his arm around her. “I think she’s proven that more than ever tonight.”

  “Yeah, well, maybe if someone would clue the rest of us into what’s going on,” Natasha griped.

  Jedrek didn’t exactly blame her. He had a couple questions he wanted answered, too.

  “Anyway,” Ollie continued, “I’m really glad you’re okay, Nick. Ben always talked about how great you were. And I mean, come on, you’re a fricking lion. Look at you! I’ve never seen a guy lion up close before. Your mane is so cool. Is that why your hair is kinda like that too? I might have been looking out the window when you came. But, um, not that your hair isn’t cool. It totally is. You’re so cool.”

  Jedrek couldn’t believe what was happening. Nick was actually starting to preen. He fluffed out his mane and Ollie made a little sound and reached out his hand.

  “Can I pet you? Is that weird? I’ve just… can I?”

  Nick moved his head, even though it was subtle, and Ollie took it as permission. Jedrek glanced up and found everyone else watching the moment with confusion as well. Well, everyone except Vaughn. Ollie’s dad didn’t look confused at all. He looked amused.

  “I didn’t know how big lions were,” Ollie said. “I mean, I kind of knew because we had a tiger here before and boy was he mean—”

  Nick made a little huff of displeasure.

  “I know. I mean, tigers, am I right? They’re not like lions. Lions are the best. Like, you’re just so regal. He was all snarly and I’m a loner leave me alone, but you’re a pack animal like us, right? Well, a pride animal? Is that how you say it, Dad?”

  “That works, Ollie,” Vaughn said.

  “Jack, look,” Ollie said. “His mane is so awesome.”

  Jack moved closer, too, and Emily followed. Even though they weren’t exactly kids anymore— Ollie had just turned sixteen and Emily and Jack were in their shared months of being eighteen— they had a childlike way about them that was hard to ignore. Of course, they were teenagers, too. Like Jack comparing Nick’s mane to Natasha’s hair when she woke up in the morning and earning himself a smack on the head.

  Nick reacted by bumping his head against Jack and huffing.

  Jack looked sheepish. “Sorry, Tasha.”

  “What is happening right now?” Sam whispered in awe.

  “It’s okay. My hair is kinda crazy in the mornings.”

  Ben leaned into her and she looped her arm around his neck.

  “Ben said you used to roar at them when they came to get us,” Tasha said quietly. “I kinda remember but I kinda don’t, you know? Like I’ve blocked a lot of that stuff away and I don’t want to really remember. But he used to tell us how amazing it was. And how scared they were of you. And how when they made you stay like a lion, they regretted it because you were so terrifying. I wish I remembered that part.”

  “And then Ben would do it to them, too,” Emily said quietly. “They hated it when he shifted and never liked for him to do it. But when they got really mean, he would and he said he was doing what you did to keep them in line. So thanks for protecting us, too.”

  Jedrek tightened the hold he had on Nick’s mane, unable to resist sending him some kind of message as well. Everyone standing around them was affected by their words. The kids rarely talked about their time as hostages, about what had happened to them in those days.

  Henry leaned down and wrapped his arms around Nick’s neck. “Thank you, Nick. I have to go back inside now, but will you come visit me soon? If you want to? I mean, I’d like that if you could.”

  Nick made a little sound of agreement and all the kids leaned in, joining in the group hug.

  “Things are really crazy right now, but it makes me feel better to know you’re here,” Henry continued. “I feel safer. Isn’t that crazy? My mates are super strong and I know they’ll keep me safe, but it’s because you’re here, Lion. I mean, Nick. Sorry. You’re still Lion in my head.”

  Nick leaned into him and nuzzled his head against Henry, who sighed before pulling away.

  “I need to get back to my mate now. Oh, he’s your brother. Duh. Sorry. How crazy is that? So you’ll definitely come visit, huh? How crazy is it that my Lion is Sawyer’s brother? Oh and I was supposed to tell you that Cecil will be bringing food soon because Nana was in the middle of something in the kitchen and you know how she gets. Well, actually, you don’t know. Goddess, I’m tired. But trust me, Nana doesn’t let anyone in her kitchen when she’s in the middle of something so he’ll be here soon.”

  “Speaking of tired, you all need to get to bed. Even you, Ben. Don’t give me that look. It’s been a long day and we need you tomorrow to help in the clinic. If you aren’t quite ready to shift back, you can sleep in our room tonight in your bear form.”

  Ben grumbled.

  “I am not treating you like a kid, young man. I am treating you like someone who had one hell of a day. In fact, I think we’re having a living room sleepover fest tonight. Who’s with me?”

  “Me,” Ollie said.

  Sam smiled and held out his hand. “Come on.”

  Ollie snuck one last hug before moving to his Papa’s side. All the kids made sure to snuggle up to Nick a little more before they left, even B
en. There would be a lot more conversations coming Nick’s way, Jedrek had no doubt, but it was definitely moving in the right direction.

  At least, it was until Henry stiffened and his guardian reacted, turning into the biggest damn horse Jedrek had ever seen in his life. Nick reacted as well, putting himself in front of Jedrek and roaring in the direction Henry had turned.


  Henry sighed. “It’s okay guys. It’s Zaire. But boy is she pissed. We should probably go inside. Um, quickly.”

  “Us, too,” Sam said.

  The kids followed Sam and Vaughn back toward the house, but only after Ben pushed against Nick one last time. Once they’d moved away, Nick leaned heavily into Jedrek’s legs and he stroked his neck softly. “You did great,” he whispered quietly. “Now watch because Zaire is the only person on the planet who can take Meshaq down a notch. Well, except the goddess, but you know… it’s wild.”

  “I am going to skin you, you mangy mutt!”

  Zaire stormed their way, her eyes blazing and her magic swirling around her. Jedrek continued touching Nick, keeping him calm even as her power drifted their way. Her ire wasn’t directed at them anyway.


  Nick never really considered himself a feelings kind of guy. He was the one who provided logic and general insight. If you wanted someone to cry and wail and call your stupid ex names, go somewhere else. If you wanted help getting to a solution and talking through options, Nick was your man.


  In his lion form, Nick felt. Every touch of Jedrek’s hand on his neck sent electricity down his spine. He wanted to shove closer, to inhale his crisp, deep scent and wallow in it. The human side of his mind got it. He’d attached to Jedrek as the first person he’d shifted with, so it made him safe. It was logical but so intense it was disconcerting.

  Memories of his youth rolled through him as well, and seeing the kids he’d left behind all grown up had nearly brought him to his knees. They looked happy, smelled healthy, and had clearly grown up surrounded by love. Their alpha was a steady presence, his power strong and true. Nick accepted it as safe within moments. The human one, Sam, Nick’s human side provided, had been even more fierce in his protection of his cubs and Nick’s lion approved of him as well. The hellhound alphas, on the other hand, had so much power they felt threatening. Every time Nick caught their scent, he wanted to roar and herd Jedrek away from them. Which made absolutely no sense.


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