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The Chosen One Universe Volume Three: An MM Paranormal Fantasy Shifters Series

Page 18

by Macy Blake

  “Oh. Yeah, that makes sense.”

  “So…you planning on telling me what you signed us up for?”

  Nick grinned. “Sawyer first. He’s probably worried himself sick.”

  “Okay. Let’s go.”

  Jedrek opened a portal. As much as he wanted to know, he didn’t mind letting Nick handle it his way. He took them just outside the wards then waited for the vampires to do their security duty.

  Nick looked around in amazement. “Whoa. He wasn’t kidding when he said it was a McMansion.”

  “It’s probably not big enough. I think they underestimated.”

  Nick looked at him like he had two heads. “That’s not big enough?”

  “He has eight mates. And a staff. And security.”

  “You might have a point. He’ll make it work, though. Sawyer wouldn’t be comfortable living in some big mansion place. This is probably making him itch.”

  “I’ll ask him. He’s running down the hill like his ass is on fire.”

  Nick ran forward, too, but bumped against the wards. He snarled at them. And the wards dropped. Nick seemed incredibly pleased with himself, but Jedrek noticed Henry at the top of the hill. He waved, and the mage waved back. Sawyer skidded to a stop at Nick’s side. “Well? What happened? Did it work?”

  “It worked. Why’d you run all the way down here like an idiot? I’m hungry. I wanted food. Jedrek can’t cook, and you know I can’t. I even asked the goddess if she’d help, but she was like, uh, no. So I figured, my brother has a fancy chef and a butler, the least he can do is get me dinner.”

  Sawyer’s mouth fell open and he stared at Nick like he’d lost his mind. At least it wasn’t just him.

  “You…met the goddess.”

  “Yeah. Come on, Sawyer. I’m hungry. Hey, you’ll feed Jedrek, too, right? ‘Cause, you know, he’s my mate and all so if he’s hungry and I eat, that’s just… well.”

  “Why are you being so weird?” Sawyer asked. “You’re hyper. Are you high?”

  “Buzzed,” Nick confessed. “A little hyper. So much. Come on. Feed me.”


  Sawyer gave Jedrek a look, but he had no clue how to interpret it. He simply followed the brothers up to the big house, and then through to the kitchen. Jedrek had met Viv a couple times and she waved at him before turning to the Smith brothers. “Sawyer,” she said cooly. Uh-oh. Sawyer was obviously in trouble.

  “Viv,” Sawyer said. “Come on. I explained this already. Stop being mad at me. My brother is hungry.”

  Viv turned to Nick. “Well aren’t you a cool drink of water on a hot day.”

  Nick blinked. “I have no idea what that means.”

  “She means you’re hot, Nick.”

  “Oh, I have a mate. Sorry.”

  “Damn,” Viv said. “Fine. Go somewhere else. I’ll make food.”

  “I’ll wait here,” Jedrek said.

  Nick nodded before looping his head around Sawyer’s neck and dragging him out of the room. “Dude, goddesses. I met your sisters. Weird. Does that make them my step-sisters? Oh, are they evil step-sisters? Nah, they were nice.”

  His voice drifted away and Jedrek turned back to Viv with a smile. “They’re both maniacs.”

  “Pretty much. So he’s yours?”

  “Guilty as charged,” Jedrek said. “But I’d still love it if you fed me.”

  “Yeah, of course. I feed everyone around here. Well, almost everyone. Certain people are too good for my food and only food touched by Sawyer’s hand is good enough. Ridiculous.”

  Jedrek had no idea what she was talking about. All of the mates had raved about Viv at one time or another. Maybe the new fairy guy— Loch, Jedrek remembered his name after a minute— maybe it was him?

  Viv huffed and began slinging food around. Jedrek leaned back against the wall and closed his eyes. The back door opened, and he glanced that way and smiled.

  “Uncle Jed! What are you doing here?”

  “Hey, Henry. Nick wanted to talk to Sawyer about some stuff, so I brought him over.”

  “Cool. So… what happened?”

  Jedrek honestly didn’t know what Nick wanted explained. “Long story, but she’s gone. You don’t have to worry about her anymore. We took her to the gates, and the goddess took care of her.”

  Henry gasped. “Seriously?”

  “I promise. Nick was amazing.”

  “Uh-huh. I bet. So I hear he’s your mate.”


  “A lot of that going around these days.”

  There really was. First Meshaq. Then Solomon. Then him. He wondered who was next.

  He leaned back again and listened as Henry babbled about things going on in their world. Nothing exciting, and nothing he hadn’t already heard, but it was nice to get to sit and listen for a few. He hadn’t had the opportunity in a long time to listen to one of Henry’s spiels. Before he knew it, Viv had placed a heaping plate of food in front of him.

  “Sawyer! Food!”

  He heard feet trampling down the stairs and grinned when both Sawyer and Nick reappeared. Nick was waving what appeared to be a black credit card around with a grin.

  “What’s that?”

  “We’re being bank rolled. My brother’s loaded.”

  “Bank rolled? For what?”

  Sawyer’s eyes widened and he turned to his brother. “You didn’t tell him?”

  “Not yet. I came to see you first. Wanted you to know I was okay. And now I need to eat. I’m starving.”

  The buzz of magic from the goddesses had started to wear off. Nick turned to the bowl of pasta Viv handed him like he’d not eaten in a week. He barely even chewed.

  Jedrek ate his with a little more restraint, even as he watched the conversation Sawyer and Henry were having with their eyes. Apparently whatever news Nick had shared with his brother was big. Well, bigger than the fact that they were up against the god of air. That was a pretty significant bombshell. But that didn’t seem to be the one that had Sawyer in a lather.

  “Man, that was amazing. Viv, I have my brother’s credit card. Can I steal you?”

  “Honey, I have a card like that already. And I promise, you can’t afford me. But I will feed you anytime you want.”

  “You know, my mate here can do the portal thing. What time’s breakfast?”

  Jedrek growled at him. “Nick.”

  “What? Fine. We need to go. Solomon and the others are waiting.”

  “Thanks for the food, Viv,” Jedrek said.

  “Yeah,” Nick added. “You’re my favorite, Viv. Seriously awesome. Thank you.”

  Nick dragged Jedrek back outside. “Home, Jeeves.”

  Jedrek pinched his ass and opened a portal. Maybe he’d finally find out what the hell was going on.


  Nick’s mind swirled and had since the goddess had spoken to him. He couldn’t believe she had such faith in him. He went through the portal with Jedrek and waited in the stone circle for someone to come let them out. “What a night.”

  “And it’s not over yet.”

  Nick looked up and wrapped his arms around Jedrek’s waist. “You really trust me, don’t you? Even though I was a crazed maniac when you first met me.”

  “You weren’t that bad. Just a messed-up shifter. Dealing with that is sort of my job description. Besides, you’re hot. I’m willing to forgive a lot for an ass like yours.”

  Nick snorted and pushed into his mate. “Things are going to get nuts in a few.

  He wanted his scent on Jedrek. He needed to touch him.

  “How so?”

  Nick tucked his face into Jedrek’s neck and breathed. “We’ve got to go rescue some kids.”

  Jedrek tensed and Nick raised his head. “Why are we waiting?”

  “It’s not time. The goddess told me to wait for a sign. She said I’d know.”

  “Well that’s vaguely ominous.”

  “I thought so, too. But I don’t know. It’s like… I can almost feel her
talking to me. Not talking, talking. But I don’t know.”

  “Your instincts,” Jedrek said. “My goddess can communicate with us that way.”

  “Oh. That makes sense. Sort of. As much as any of the rest of it does.”

  “Wait. When you said rescue kids…”

  Nick grinned. “Congratulations. We’re now alphas to a whole slew of shifter kids who’ve never known anything but captivity!”

  Jedrek swayed for a minute but Nick held him steady. “I’m not an alpha.”

  “Yeah. What would you be though? What’s Solomon’s mate?”


  “Yeah. That’s you.”

  Jedrek stroked his back. “Solomon is still my alpha.”

  “Well, yeah. Course he is. You’re a hellhound. But you’re still my mate. Right?”


  “And you’re part of my pack. I can’t really explain it. It’s like Solomon’s your boss, but I’m your partner. Or something. We’ll make it work.” Nick tightened his hold on Jedrek. He didn’t think he could let him go if he wanted to. Not now. Not when everything was going to change and Nick needed something to hold on to more than ever.

  “Breathe, Nick.”

  Nick sucked in a breath and tucked his face back into Jedrek’s neck. “I can’t do this without you. Isn’t that crazy?”

  “Not crazy. But, um, how many kids are we talking here?”

  Nick wasn’t entirely sure.

  “Is someone going to let us out of here already? Keziah!”


  “I don’t know. But I’m getting worried. Why hasn’t someone come? Can we get out of here?”

  “Someone’s coming.”

  Keziah came running toward them, and it took Nick a minute to process what he was seeing.

  “Ollie’s here,” Jedrek announced.

  “What…why… how…”

  “Don’t ask questions. But if Ollie says I have an idea, just say no.”

  Keziah was covered in some sort of body paint. He looked slightly frantic. “What the hell?”

  “Ollie said he needed to practice and then he just… and I… there was… I don’t know.”

  Nick grunted. “Let me out. I have things to do.”

  Keziah lowered the wards and led them into the gated area. Solomon sat on Zaire’s porch with her. Ben was playing in front of the house with the cubs, but the moment they caught Nick’s scent, they froze.

  Lionel turned around and ran, and Ariella wasn’t far behind him. Leandra came out of Izzy’s house carrying a couple sippy cups, which she immediately fumbled. She managed not to drop them, and then she was running, too. The twins got to him first and Nick knelt down. They rubbed against him, and he returned the gesture. He needed them to smell like him. Anything else would make him crazy. Leandra dropped to her knees beside him and leaned in as well. Jedrek pressed against his back and Nick wanted to scream. So he did. He threw back his head but what emerged instead was a roar, one so loud it rattled the windows.

  He had his pack.

  “Gonna need you and the kids tonight,” Nick said softly. “We have work to do.”

  “You seem different,” Leandra said. “Stronger. How is this even possible? The lion… it was gone. You didn’t smell like lion anymore. I don’t understand.”

  “I guess the goddess had other plans for me,” Nick explained. “Did you know that your lion is part of your soul? I didn’t know that.”

  Leandra shrugged. “Seems as good an explanation as any.”

  “Are you like, Son of somebody? Or I guess daughter?”

  “Xsayarsa,” Jedrek supplied.

  “Yeah, that.”

  Leandra’s eyes widened. “Uh, no. Shit, Nick. Seriously? You’re lucky you’re mated or every female lion in a million-mile radius would be showing up here. Actually, you might get that anyway. Mated and not looking to knock them up? Yeah. I think a few will sign up for a ride on the Nick express.”

  Jedrek growled. Nick looked up at him. “As if.”

  “No lionesses. Only Leandra.”

  “Deal. Well, unless you say it’s okay first. Because of the mission.”


  “What mission?”

  Jedrek stiffened against him and Nick looked up again.

  “Not now.” Jedrek was glaring at his arm.

  Something in Nick solidified. A knowing.

  “It’s time.”


  “What’s the arm deal?” Nick asked.

  “My sigil. It’s how my goddess lets me know… oh. Shit.”

  “Yep. Looks like our first rescue mission starts now.”

  Jedrek glanced at the sigil once more then back down to Nick.

  “Leave the portal open for me, dear.”

  Jedrek smirked. “Fine, honey. Going.”

  Solomon came down the porch and they walked toward the circle of rocks again. Keziah came back with Ollie in tow. He’d managed to wash the paint off. Ben and Zaire met them in the yard.

  “Solomon said you needed us.”

  “Yeah. The goddess gave me a job, and I need your help.”

  “Wait? Seriously?” Ollie asked.

  “Yes. You know we got Mrs. Foote, right?”

  “Yeah, Uncle Sol told us.”

  “Well, the goddess convinced her to give up all her secrets, including where there were more kids like you.”

  Ben began to tremble, but Zaire and Keziah both surrounded him. Ollie’s mouth tightened into a grim line. “What can we do?”

  “I’m bringing them here. They’re going to be safe, but I could really use a hand. I don’t know shit about kids.”

  Ollie nodded and looked at his brother. “We can do this.”

  Ben nodded. “Of course.”

  “Good. I’ll be back soon. Keziah, with me.”

  He glanced at Zaire, but she simply nodded.

  Keziah followed him to the stone circle, where as promised, Jedrek had left the portal open. “You ready?”

  “I hope so.”

  Nick grabbed the back of his neck and gave it a squeeze. “Kids are depending on us. You’ve got this. Focus. Breathe.”

  “I will.”

  Nick nodded once more. He stepped through the portal and immediately lost his mind. He smelled blood. Jedrek’s blood. He shoved Keziah behind him, half shifted, and let out a roar. Everything froze. A man— some sort of witch probably— had his mate against the wall. Jedrek hadn’t shifted, which meant he probably couldn’t. Nick had no clue what was happening, but his mate was in danger. He leapt. The man spun and he had something glowing in his hand. Nick didn’t care. He had the guy by the throat and ripped it out. Blood went everywhere, but particularly all over his mate.

  His breath heaved. He looked up and Jedrek stared down at him. And there were the flame-filled eyes he loved.

  “Where’s your alpha?” Nick demanded.

  Jedrek moved nothing but his eyes, which glanced down a hallway.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “It’s a spell,” Keziah said. “I’ve got it. He’ll be fine. Go help Solomon.”

  Nick turned to Keziah, who stepped back and lowered his eyes.


  “For what?” Nick snapped.

  “You’re, ya know, freaking me out.”

  Nick scowled and turned to Jedrek. “Stay here. Keziah!”

  “On it.”

  Nick gave Jedrek one last look. This time his mate’s eyes had a bit of sparkle to them. His mate was amused. He’d show him amused. Later. He had a job to do.

  He smelled the alpha down the hall. A door was barricaded shut. Nick banged on the door. “Solomon!”


  “Open the door.”

  Then Nick heard a whimper of pain. It wasn’t Solomon.

  Nick roared again. He slammed his fist into the door and something blew him back down the hall. He hit the ground and rolled finding his feet again moments later. Keziah came runnin
g. “What was that?”


  “Shit, Nick. What’d you do to it?”

  “Punched it.”

  Keziah looked at him like he was an idiot. “You really don’t know shit about magic, do you?”

  Nick growled. “Work on it. I’ve got your back. Where’s Jedrek?”

  “Guarding the door. He said for me to tell you that was hot.”

  “I said fucking hot!” Jedrek’s voice came from the front of the house and Nick smiled.

  Damn straight he was hot. “Gonna—”

  “Nick! Little ears!” Keziah yelled.

  Nick growled. “FINE. Gonna, you know, you later!”

  “I know,” Jedrek called. “Gonna, you know, you, too.”

  Nick grinned. Then turned back to the task at hand.

  “Aren’t you done yet?” Nick snapped.

  Keziah raised his hands and stepped away. “There you go, mighty alpha hear you roar.”

  “Don’t be such a smart ass.”

  “I can’t help it. I take after my alpha.”

  It took a second for the words to process. Then Nick grinned. He grabbed Keziah by the neck again. “Damn straight you do. Let’s do this.”

  “Door’s stuck.”

  Nick scoffed. He poked the lion inside him, made sure he knew their alpha-hood was being challenged. The lion huffed, and puffed, and then he roared. The door opened. Nick turned back to Keziah, raised his hand to his mouth, and blew on his knuckles. “Easy, peasy.”


  Nick glanced down the hall, where Solomon stood with his hand on the knob. Oh.


  “But, you know, your roar is freaky as all get out. That’s new. And this whole—” Keziah waved his hand around Nick’s head.


  “Nick, your hair is crazy.”

  “It’s a half-shift,” Jedrek called from the front.

  “So helpful, dear!” Nick yelled back.

  “Hurry up, honey. I’m ready to go home and you know now.”

  Nick grinned.

  Solomon had his face in his hand. “Dear Goddess, help me.”

  “Why are you just standing there?” Nick griped.

  Solomon raised his head and scowled. “I think this is your job.”

  “Oh, right.” Nick sauntered down the hall and past Solomon into the room. There were three kids huddled in the corner. They looked up at him and Nick wanted to go out and kill that asshole magic guy again. “You ready to get out of here?”


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