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The Chosen One Universe Volume Three: An MM Paranormal Fantasy Shifters Series

Page 46

by Macy Blake

  “My lady, I have asked a boon of the lake and have given her a gift freely given for this service. I cannot reassure you, but perhaps she can?”

  Orfhlaith glanced out over the purple waters before turning her attention back to him. “Well played.”

  “It isn’t a game, Queen Orfhlaith. I promise you that.”

  “Come then, Chosen One. Let us see if the lake can soothe my fears.”

  She pulled a belt and her robes fell free. Sawyer turned a delightful shade of red before he realized that he’d been standing there as naked as she now was.

  He turned to Loch wide-eyed, demanding with his glare to know why Loch hadn’t reminded him to put his clothes back on.

  “Go, my love. The queen awaits.”

  Sawyer ran toward the water and made sure his manly parts were covered before swimming toward the queen. She was already halfway to the center of the lake.

  “That went better than I expected,” Kavalan said softly.

  “Sawyer will convince her,” Draco replied. “Those kids are counting on him, and he knows this is the safest place for them to be.”

  “Especially if they are under the protection of the prince,” Loch said quietly.

  “Excuse me?” Kavalan asked.

  “I am calling in the boon you gave me with your hair, my prince. I am gifting each of the children and their keepers a strand as their safe passage to our realm.”

  Kavalan’s eyes sharpened, and he turned to the satyrs, who still stood guard behind him. “Tell Diarmed I need him.”

  “Yes, my prince.”

  One of the guards darted into the woods and the swish of magic could be heard. Loch had no doubt the prince’s mate would be back with them shortly.

  Loch turned his attention back to the water, where Queen Orfhlaith and Sawyer seemed to be engaged in a serious debate. The lake would intervene soon enough. She’d already given her approval to Sawyer for his scheme. There would be no going back now. But having Queen Orfhlaith on board, along with Prince Kavalan and the rest of the court, would go a long way to smoothing the way for Nick and his pack while in the fae realm.

  “Loch!” Sawyer waved his arm and beckoned him into the water.

  Loch took off his tunic and sword before diving into the waves. The lady welcomed him with a warm pulse of magic and before he knew it she’d guided him to his mate and the queen.

  “Yes, my mate?”

  “Queen Orfhlaith wants to know more about the kids, the ones with fae blood.”

  “Yes, my queen,” Loch said. “One of the children has black wings that are badly damaged. She is suffering greatly, and even Puteri has been unable to help her.

  The queen frowned. “Do you know which of ours…” Her words drifted off, but Loch knew what she asked.

  “No, my queen. I sensed several of our kind, including a banshee, but their blood was not pure. When combined with the others, it was difficult to tell what they had been originally.”

  “I will gut this god myself for this atrocity.”

  “Yes, my queen.”

  Queen Orfhlaith turned back to Sawyer. “There are those of my realm who have chosen to stay in yours for some time. They are, shall we say, assimilated, to the human ways. Others have been banished there. I don’t keep track of them as well as I should, to be honest.”

  Loch couldn’t believe the queen admitted a flaw. Sawyer seemed stunned by the confession as well.

  “There are others, too,” Sawyer said gently. “Not just fae. I don’t… well, we don’t know who all is impacted. We know the mothers were kidnapped and… forced to get pregnant. Unfortunately, only one of the mothers has survived, and she has no memory of exactly how she conceived. We assume the worst, Queen Orfhlaith, and it is horrifying.”

  “Gutting him is too good. I will slice him into a million pieces and feed him to the dryads. They will devour him for several millennia before shitting him into the ground for the worms to feast on for another millennium. Only then, when he has faced all of that torment, will he face me. He will beg for death but by then I will have found another torture for him so that he suffers for eternity. It is better than what he deserves.”

  “Yes,” Sawyer agreed. “It is.”

  “Bring your brother’s pack to me. We will attend them. But Sawyer, do not think to push my patience this way again. You have used up any favor you have garnered with me. This request puts you in my debt, but I will forgive it under the circumstances. I will not be so generous again.”


  The queen turned to Loch next. “Captain, take the hellhound alpha and go retrieve the pack and the rest of your mates. I will see them all settled here before the end of the day.”

  Loch glanced at Sawyer, who nodded his approval. Loch kissed him quickly before swimming back to shore. “Solomon, the queen has asked us to retrieve the children and the rest of our mates.”

  “Thank fuck,” Solomon groaned. “I was worried I was going to have to explain to Henry how this had all gone wrong. Or worse, explain to Drew. I’m going to get an ulcer dealing with you guys.”

  Draco stepped up beside him. “Are we safe here?” He asked in a low voice.

  “Yes,” Loch answered quickly. “The queen and prince will keep him safe, and the lake will protect him as well. If anything does happen, get him in the water. I doubt anything will happen, though, not with both the queen and the prince present. No one is that stupid.”

  Draco shook his head. “Before this, I would have agreed. Now, I question everything. If you think the queen will allow it, bring our guards with you when you return.”

  Loch nodded. “The lake can bless them as well, if she so chooses. We need all the help we can get. The good news is that we did not have to use your gift. The queen agreed without the promise of your scales.”

  Draco shrugged and pulled Loch close. He held the back of his neck tightly in his warm grip. “Be careful.”

  “I will.”

  The kiss Draco gave him was barely more than a fleeting touch of lips, but the emotion it conveyed touched something deep in Loch’s soul.

  Loch placed his hand over Draco’s heart for a moment then turned and followed Solomon through a flaming portal. They emerged in the woods outside of the coven’s compound, the one Nick and the children now called home. The wards were layered to the coven’s control, and portals could only open in one magic-bound circle of rocks just outside the wards.

  Solomon and Loch waited for one of the coven members to emerge and allow them entry. It didn’t take long. They were all on high alert, and the fact that multiple vampires and several dragons circled them, waiting for any sign of danger, eased something in Loch’s chest.

  Nick’s hellhound mate emerged from the wards with one of the coven members. Keziah, Loch remembered. He lowered the wards for them and waited for Jedrek.

  “Solomon?” Jedrek asked. “Problem?”

  “A message from the Chosen One. We need to speak to Nick as soon as possible.”

  Jedrek scowled. “He’s next door at the construction site. Coal, can you tell him I need him?” He glanced up as he said the words, and a jet-black dragon broke away from the ones circling above them.

  “You should gather the coven as well,” Loch advised. “I need to speak to Puteri.”

  “Son of a bitch. What the hell’s going on, Sol?”

  “We’re taking a trip. Let your mate fight this one out with his brother. Trust me, you’ll get an ulcer otherwise.”

  Jedrek groaned but turned to march back toward the house. Keziah blinked a couple times at Loch. “Trip?”

  Loch smiled. “Gather your coven. You aren’t going to want to miss this.”

  Keziah grinned before turning to run. Henry had once explained that the four coven members had led sheltered lives. He’d compared them to his own, but worse. Keziah’s mother was a fierce awen, who guarded her only child with a determination that Queen Orfhlaith would find pleasing. She would no doubt have made Zaire a me
mber of her royal guard. She’d found other boys with similar magical abilities as her son and created a safe haven for them. According to Henry, they were the most powerful coven in recent memory, for as much as any memory could be trusted any more.


  Loch waited for the others to depart before calling for the brownie. She popped into existence a couple feet in front of him with a scowl on her face. “Puteri is busy.”

  “And you’re about to be a lot busier. We’re taking the children to the clodagh, at the Chosen One’s request. I need you to make sure every member of the pack has a charm for safe passage using this.”

  He held out the pouch containing Kavalan’s hair. She opened it and gasped, someone who finally understood its true significance.

  “Queen Orfhlaith—“

  “Has given us her blessing. As has the prince. And the lady herself agreed to keep the children safe. My mate is counting on you, Puteri, to keep them safe as well.”

  “This duty is…” She stopped speaking and glanced toward the buildings where Loch knew many of the children stayed.

  “I know. You have done our people a great service by performing this role.”

  She glanced at him. “I do not do it for our people.”

  Loch knew that, too. She had done him many wrongs over the years in her efforts to keep him from his mates. But he also knew her heart, had known her for years. She’d cared for him and kept him safe, taught him many lessons that had served him well in his role in the queen’s palace. He nodded to her and she clutched the hair tight in her hand.

  “This will make a powerful protection charm.”


  “Our prince did not intend for you to use it this way,” Puteri warned.

  “I know. I’ve already told him what I intended.”

  She chuckled. “Always a surprise you are, Captain. Others would use such a boon for their own benefit.”

  “My mate has taught me better than that.”

  “No,” Puteri said. “You were always better than that. Now I must go. So many charms to make. And packing to do. The alpha will expect Puteri to have everything together. So much work. Always so much work for Puteri.”

  She popped out of existence as Nick emerged from the woods with a dark-haired man by his side. The scowl on his face should have been terrifying, but Loch had come to understand the Smith brothers a little better over his time with Sawyer.

  “My brother sent you?”

  “The queen of the fae sent me.”

  Nick paused and his scowl deepened. “The queen?”

  “Of the fae.”

  Nick growled. “What the hell’s going on, Loch? Where’s my brother?”

  “Sawyer is in the fae realm. He has arranged safe passage for your pack. The lady of the lake has agreed to protect the children from the threat of Palinourous.”

  “Wait… that fancy purple lake Sawyer told me about? The one that heals and shit?”


  “But wait, I thought the water was… Shit. Why can’t all this be normal? I don’t know shit about shit.” Nick often complained of his ignorance, using colorful language. Everyone seemed very accepting of this quirk.

  “We need to gather the children quickly, as well as anyone else you deem necessary for their care and protection.”

  “Fucking hell. Sawyer’s taking me to the damn fae realm. I’m going to kick his ass. Puteri!”

  The brownie popped back into existence. “Yes, alpha?”

  “I need you to—“

  “I’ve already spoken to Puteri,” Loch said softly. “She has another task that I needed her assistance with.”

  Nick’s head swiveled toward him, and Loch understood what it was like to be the prey of this powerful alpha who’d been blessed by the fire goddess with this duty. “What kind of task?”

  Puteri held up a small strip of leather. Loch had no idea where she’d found it, but he could see the strand of hair embedded in the small, child-sized bracelet.

  “What the fuck is that?”

  “A charm made with Prince Kavalan’s hair.”

  “Fucking magic! Why the fuck do we have to fuck with this shit? And why hair? Fucking hell! Dammit! I’m kicking Sawyer’s ass.”

  “Shall I help you pack, Alpha?”

  Nick glared at Puteri. “I know you think you’re being cute right now, but you’re not. I can pack for my damn self. What the hell do I pack?”

  Puteri smiled. “Alpha has other, more important things to attend to. Puteri will see to this duty happily.”

  Nick’s glare darkened. “You’re doing that thing you do where you act all sweet and innocent but I know you’re just trying to drive me to drink.”

  Puteri popped out of existence, but not before Loch heard her giggle. Apparently, Nick heard it as well.

  “Don’t tell her, but I don’t know what I’d do without that little pain in the ass. She keeps me honest.”

  “Puteri is loyal to a fault.”

  “Yeah, I know her history with you. Surprised you recommended her for this job.”

  Loch met the alpha’s gaze head on. “Puteri risked everything for what she thought was best for her queen and her prince. She was misguided, but I believe she has learned her lesson. Don’t get me wrong, she really will drive you to drink, but I would bet my sword on her trustworthiness.”

  Nick nodded, obviously understanding the depth of Loch’s words.

  “I appreciate that. She knows how to help the kids, and honestly, she keeps me sane. It’s a lot.”

  Loch couldn’t imagine. A small group of kids darted out of one of the buildings and ran their way. “Alpha, alpha!”

  Nick knelt, and they all plastered themselves against him. “We’re going on an adventure. You ready?”

  Three small heads bobbed in unison.


  One of the little boys, whose head barely reached Nick’s knee, looked up with a toothless grin. “Snack?”

  Nick grinned back. “Sure, Jett. Let’s go find a snack.” He glanced at Loch. “Come on. We don’t keep a hungry bear cub waiting.”

  Loch wasn’t sure what kind of chaos to expect when they went into the main building of the compound, but it was much calmer than he expected. A row of bags sat along the hallway, and Puteri popped in to drop off another. She had a handful of charms in her hand and passed them to Nick.

  “Each child has one. They cannot remove them.”

  “Understood,” Nick said. “Jedrek!”

  Jedrek exited a room down the hall carrying a laundry basket filled with books and toys. “You bellowed?”

  Nick grinned. “Just wondered where you were.”

  “Ass,” Jedrek complained. But he kissed Nick’s forehead anyway. “The older kids are worried. They don’t know what this means.”

  “On it,” Nick said. “Loch, help me get these bracelets attached while we get everything ready. Jed, you told the guards?”

  “I did.”

  “Good. Everyone’s coming. I don’t give a shit. I don’t know shit about the fae realm and I want our people there. Sawyer can fight with me about it. We’ll see who wins. I don’t know which is worse. Fucking gods or little brothers.”

  Loch grinned and followed the alpha into a small room where multiple older children had gathered.

  “Look, here’s the thing,” Nick said. “This shit sucks but my brother is taking us to the fae realm or some shit. Apparently there’s a lake and it’s magical. I don’t know. Kinda wanna see it for myself. Besides, swimming, am I right?”

  Some of the tension eased.

  “You guys remember Loch?”

  They nodded.

  “Good. He’s gonna give you each a bracelet. It doesn’t come off. Deal?”

  “What about my game?” A young boy asked clutching a tablet in his hand.

  “Well, I don’t think it’ll work.” Nick glanced at Loch who shook his head. “But we’ll find something else to do while we’re there.
Everybody needs to pick three things to bring with them that aren’t electronics. If you see something you think another kid wants, grab it too. Can I count on you to help?”

  They all nodded.

  “Bracelet up, and then get busy. We’re moving out in ten.”

  Nick left as quickly as he’d come in, and the kids watched him go. “He’s intense,” Loch muttered.

  “He’s our alpha,” one of the girls said proudly. She held out her arm, and Loch tied the bracelet onto her wrist. The others followed suit, and then they began gathering up a few supplies from the room.

  “Are you from the magic lake?” One of the boys asked.

  “Yes,” Loch replied. “There will be lots of things to do there. The lady will provide.”

  “The lady?”

  “The lake is protected by the lady, and you will be under her protection as well. She is special.”

  “Define special.”

  Loch tried to think of how to explain it. He wasn’t great with explanations in the human realm.

  “Is she pretty?”

  “Well,” Loch said, “you can’t actually see her. But the lake is beautiful.”

  “Grownups are weird,” one of the girls said. “But your hair is cool. I wonder if alpha will let me have blue hair.”

  “Only if its temporary first,” one of the boys said. “Alpha said I could turn mine green, but not permanent because he didn’t want me to bitch if I hated it.”

  “Mr. Sam would have a fit if he heard alpha use that word in front of us,” one of the girls said. “He loathes that word. Loathe is a synonym for hate. Mr. Sam taught me.”

  Loch had no idea what was happening. He didn’t even understand half of what they were saying. He kept tying bracelets and hoped no one remembered he was supposed to be answering a question about the lake for them. They gathered up a few things and put them in a bin that they handed to Loch.

  “Time to go,” Jedrek said from the doorway. “Everyone have their bracelet?” The hellhound held up his arm and showed them all he wore one as well.


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