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The Chosen One Universe Volume Three: An MM Paranormal Fantasy Shifters Series

Page 57

by Macy Blake


  The ground rumbled again.

  “Fine. But if I die, you’re dealing with my mates. And trust me, they are going to be pissed. We’ve been through enough shit lately that this is just one more heaping pile of crap on top of the pile.” He climbed the first dozen or so steps while he ranted. “No escalator? Come on. If you’re going to make me march to my death, you could at least make it a day when my muscles aren’t already protesting. Do you have any idea what it takes to keep eight mates satisfied? I am proud to say I do. Finally. Officially. Besides, who wants to actually do cardio when their life is on the line?”

  The rain lightened, the only concession to his demands.

  “This is ridiculous. I’ve clearly lost what was left of my mind. Not only am I dreaming totally horror movie worthy dreams, but I’m making myself climb to my doom for good measure while talking to myself and getting answers from the weather. Look up glutton for punishment in the dictionary and you know what you’ll find? My picture, that’s what. Then it’ll say ‘see also, idiot, moron, and probably mateless wonder’ because if my mates found out I willingly walked to my doom like this, they’d probably leave me.” Sawyer stopped climbing, horrified at the thought.

  The ground rumbled once more. Sawyer wasn’t sure how he could understand intent from rumbles, but he knew this one was a threat.

  “Fine. I’m coming. Dammit. Draco, if you could somehow wake up and magically transport yourself here, that’d be great. No? Henry? Maybe listen to the breeze or something? Come and find me? Dakota? Use that mysterious can’t be locked up power? No? Anyone?”

  Sawyer knew he was being ridiculous, even as he marched up the steps to what was probably-most-definitely his doom. By the time he reached the top, he was a sweaty, gasping mess. The rain from earlier made him damp and chilled as well.

  “Please just make this quick. Put me out of my misery.”

  The ground rumbled once more and an opening appeared against the side of the mountain. Lights flickered from the inside.

  “Perfect. Cave of doom on top of mountain of doom. Let’s just keep the cliches coming. That’s awesome.”

  Thunder rumbled again, threatening him once more. “Jerkface. I have powers, you know. I’m not entirely sure how to use them, but I’ve got them. So don’t mess with me.”

  Fluffy bunnies were scarier than Sawyer at the moment, and whatever controlled his dreamscape knew it. With another sigh, Sawyer marched toward the opening, hoping for maybe a nice fluffy blanket, or one of those air dryer things he’d seen at a theme park one time, so he could at least not have to worry about catching a cold. Draco would be really cranky if he got the sniffles.

  The thought brought a smile to his face even as the narrow opening of the cave slid wider to reveal a large chamber. Ten hooded figures stood in a semicircle in front of a large metal pedestal where a bowl of flames perched. “Well isn’t this just B-grade movie fodder. I’m getting really good at this stuff. First it was Greek temples, now this. What’ll it be next?”

  One of the figures moved and a large, gleaming, metal staff formed in his hand. He tapped it onto the ground, and the sound echoed through the cave. Sawyer winced and covered his ears, but the echoes didn’t stop. His head pounded, and he dropped to his knees as the pain began to pulse through his body.

  “Know your place, young one.”

  The pain receded as the echoes faded. His heart rate skyrocketed. “Wait. You mean, my place is on my knees? Dude, I have eight mates. I knew that already.”

  The staff thudded against the ground again, and Sawyer wished he’d learned how to keep his big, fat, mouth shut. These guys clearly didn’t think he was funny. He didn’t think he was all that funny either.


  Creepy staff guy didn’t seem to accept his apology.

  “Eight mates,” one of the others sneered. “A new record.”

  Sawyer turned toward the new voice but couldn’t see anything beneath the creepy cloak thing. “Eight is enough.”

  Cloak guy scoffed. “You know nothing.”

  “I never claimed to know anything. Speaking of which, hi. I’m Sawyer. What’s your name? Or better yet, what the hell am I doing here?”

  Cloak guy turned to staff guy. “He knows nothing.”

  “Yep, we covered that already. Silly human has no knowledge and limited memories. It’s a thing. Surprise!”

  “Is it broken?” Another creepy cloak guy decided to chime in.

  “Definitely broken,” Sawyer said. “You can send me home now where I will receive the healing powers of my mates. It’ll be awesome. Then we can all come back together for this conversation, thanks.”

  Creepy cloak guy lowered his hood, and Sawyer blinked. The others followed, each revealing… well, his mates were all hot, but these guys? Whoa. A whole new level of hotness. But in a creepy way. Not a sexy way. No way did he think these guys were sexy. Exactly. Mostly. Possibly a little sexy in a really… creepy way? Sawyer realized that his brain was broken.

  “He is definitely one of us.”

  “Uh, I hate to argue, but I don’t think I am. Look—“ Sawyer gestured dramatically up and down his body— “no creepy cloak in sight, and, you know, not to state the obvious, but I definitely do not look like you. I mean, welcome to cave of doom, population hot creepy hooded robe guys, am I right?”

  “He uses humor as a defense.”

  “Yes, he does. And he’s super nervous because this is really freaky,” Sawyer yelled. “Can someone please stop being all…” Sawyer paused and waved his hand around… “whatever this is and tell me what’s going on here?”

  “You are being judged.” Creepy staff guy lowered his hood, too. He looked slightly older than the others, but just as hot. “We are the Dactyls, and our magic is in danger of being lost forever. We have decided to take it back.”

  It took Sawyer a second to process through his memory banks. All that research had actually paid off after all. “Holy crap. You’re… whoa.” The Dactyls were the old gods of metal, ten brothers formed out of the hands of fate herself. They were the OG of metal gods. “How…why….when…what?”

  “Broken.” Dactyl Two, formerly known as Creepy Cloak Guy, definitely had opinions on the matter.

  “I am broken,” Sawyer said. “But honestly, shit went down and I don’t remember because apparently, I thought this was going to be some big quest or something and I needed to be ‘pure’ to do it. Which is actual bullshit because I think I’m way too selfish for that to be honest and really just wanted my mates. But honestly, it’s either selfish or pure. Well, pure in mind, because as you so kindly pointed out, eight mates. I’m definitely not pure in body. Not any more.”

  Staff Wielding Dactyl cocked his head to the side and frowned. “You have given up. That is why we were called.”

  “Not true.”

  He raised the staff again, and Sawyer winced. But this time he didn’t bang it on the ground and make the terrible gonging noise that made Sawyer’s head try to explode. He held it out and pointed it at Sawyer’s head.

  “Then what is your truth.”

  Sawyer sighed. He didn’t want to speak his truth. It meant saying things out loud, putting thoughts into the air that he’d rather not even think about much less say.

  “Speak, young one.” The staff banged again and Sawyer’s ears throbbed with an ache so intense he doubled over. It continued until he finally gave up and spoke.

  “I don’t want to kill my brother, okay? I mean, look, I get it. He’s a piece of crap who keeps trying to kill the Mother and steal her powers. And he hurts kids, and he hurt my brother, and he’s tried to kill me and my mates multiple times, and just… he’s a bad guy. I get it. So totally get it. But I don’t want to kill him. But that’s what I have to do and… I don’t want to kill him.”

  The Dactyls closed in on him, surrounding him by their presence. He’d never felt so small in his life. “You must end this, young one. Our magic depends o
n it. We cannot allow this folly to continue. It is time.”

  “I know. And I’ll do it, okay? We’re making the big evil plan and I’ll… do what needs to be done. Just… do I have to kill him? Isn’t there another way? He won’t stop and… please. Help me find another way.”

  “You are not a death bringer,” Staff Wielding Dactyl said.

  “I know. My sisters pointed out the same thing, okay? I’ll do what I have to do. I just don’t want to do it, and I keep thinking that there has to be another way. I mean, if the answer was just killing him, why didn’t I figure out a way to do it that way forever ago? Why did I try to take his magic? Why did I hide mine? What was my endgame? And why the hell did I erase my memories of it? I mean, was old me like this, too? Afraid all the time? Did he feel weak and scared like this? Did he know what putting his mates, family, and friends at risk felt like? Was he hoping that taking away the memories would change that? Or was he just a selfish jackass who wanted his mates to himself for a while because he knew he’d never have a chance to live a life with them and he wanted these fleeting moments. There hasn’t been enough time. I need more time with them.”

  A large hand on his shoulder stopped Sawyer’s rant before he could continue.

  “No,” Dactyl guy three said.


  “What is the human expression? There is more than one way to kill a cat.”



  “We say more than one way to skin a cat. But also gross. And also what other way is there? I tried taking his power, it didn’t work.”

  The Dactyls circled around him. Their power fluctuated, pulses forming throughout the cavern. The echoes built again, but this time, they weren’t bursting his eardrums. His heart began to beat at the same rhythm, fast thumps that built until he had to put his hand on his chest.

  “Balance must be restored,” Head Dactyl said. “You must do what needs to be done. Or we will do it for you.”

  Sawyer didn’t need to be told what would happen to him if they had to intervene. The pounding in his heart and ears made his future very clear on the matter. They would destroy him and take back their control over metal. Sawyer couldn’t say he’d blame them if they did.


  Staff guy had whacked him in the head.

  “Stop feeling sorry for yourself. You created this mess, young one. You must resolve it.”

  Sawyer nodded. “I know. I have to give them up, don’t I?”

  “Gods do not reside in the human realm.”

  And that was confirmation enough. His mates weren’t gods, so they couldn’t reside in the god realm. And he couldn’t reside with them, either. Nights like he’d just had wouldn’t be possible again.

  “And what exactly am I supposed to do with the air magic that is now intermingled with mine? You know, since you guys seem to have all the answers.”

  Ever the smart ass, Sawyer braced for another thwack on the head. The Dactyls didn’t disappoint. But instead of a head, he got the echoing in his ears that dropped him to his knees. “Dammit.”

  “You have no respect for what you are, for the power you hold. You disrespect all that have come before you with this insolence.”

  And what would Mama Thea say about that? He remembered her voice, telling him to be respectful until a person had done something to not deserve it anymore. They were right, he’d been a snarly, sarcastic ass since he’d stomped his way up the creepy stone steps.

  These elders could actually have some answers. And he was acting like a jerk.

  “I’m sorry,” Sawyer said. “I’m afraid. And when I’m scared, I act like an asshole. I shouldn’t take this out on you.”

  “You fear losing your mates,” the Dactyl leader said. “I wouldn’t take kindly to that thought either. But young one, there is more at stake here than you.”

  “I know.”

  “Go now. Finish this, Sawyer, or we will finish it for you. The time is now.”

  He woke up back in bed with his mates, but from the light coming through the windows, he knew time had done that funny thing again where it passed too fast. He groaned and moved to the side of the mattress, realizing that most of his mates were actually out of bed. Pip lay sprawled across the mattress, a very happy smile on his face. Saeward lay beside him, touching Pip’s smooth back as he slept.

  “You okay?” Ward asked.

  “Yeah. Just weird dreams again.”

  “You need to talk about it?”

  “Nah. I need some breakfast. The others downstairs?”

  “Yeah. Draco and Cecil went to do something, but Draco said they wouldn’t be gone long.”

  The time is now.

  The Dactyl’s words echoed through his head. Sawyer went to the kitchen and found Viv bustling around, chopping vegetables and singing some 80s power ballad under her breath. He stepped outside, breathing in the crisp morning air.

  Multiple vampire guards paced the edges of the wards. Andvari had no doubt doubled, if not tripled, their security.

  The time is now.

  Sawyer looked to the sky. If he didn’t rip this bandaid off now, he’d never be able to do it. If he looked at his mates again, he’d want to stay with them forever. Maybe it would be best if he just— Movement in the trees caught his eye. A familiar form moved slowly toward him.


  Sawyer screamed the moment he caught sight of his friend. Blood dripped from a gaping wound in his stomach. He had his hand pressed to it, but stuff oozed out that…

  Cecil stumbled, but Sawyer managed to reach his side and catch Cecil before he fell. He eased him to the ground, terrified at how pale Cecil had grown. He didn’t know what to do. “Call the hellhounds! Get someone here! Henry, call your dad! Have them get ready!”

  “Sawyer,” Cecil gasped. “I have a—“ A rasping cough broke him off, a deep rattle that caused more blood to pulse from the wound in his stomach. Sawyer tore off his shirt and tried to add enough pressure to stop the flow. “Sawyer, he has Draco.”

  Time stopped. Everything stilled. Then the ground began to rumble. “What?”

  “He has—“ Another rasping cough. Cecil wasn’t going to make it to the Jerrick’s clinic in time. He couldn’t lose Cecil. Not after all this time. He had to do something.

  “Cecil, what do you need?”

  Sawyer hoped Cecil’s magic would provide the answers they needed because Sawyer had no clue what to do.

  Cecil’s eyes glazed and started to drift closed. Sawyer pressed harder at the wound, and Cecil’s eyes opened on a gasp of pain.

  “Tell me what you need! Tell me!”

  Cecil glanced at Sawyer and the smile he gave him broke Sawyer’s heart. Tears pricked at his eyes.

  “Tell me, dammit. Tell me!”

  “I need my mate,” Cecil gasped. His eyes fluttered closed.

  Cecil had a mate? He didn’t know. How had he not known? Where was this mate? And how the hell could Sawyer find— “Byakko! NOW!”

  In a blur of magic, the white tiger appeared at his side. “Take us to Cecil’s mate. Hurry.”

  “Sawyer, wait!” Andvari rushed to his side, but Sawyer glared sharply at him.

  “My brother has Draco. Use whatever resources we have to find him. Do you understand me? Whatever it takes. This has to end.”

  Andvari nodded. “We will find him.”

  “Byakko, now. We’re out of time.”

  Bright white light surrounded them. They reappeared at the base of the steps he’d dreamed of not so long ago. “Oh fuck my life.” He glanced at Byakko. “Seriously?”

  Byakko glanced to the miles of steps.

  “Go on ahead. Maybe if they see a huge white ass glowing tiger they’ll come running. Fuck.”

  Sawyer lifted Cecil in his arms, terrified that they would be too late. The ground around him rumbled. He imagined his arms as strong as steel, giving them the strength they needed to carry his oldest friend up the steep slope. Byakko was a mer
e flash of white against the dark steps, using his supernatural speed to rush ahead.

  He began the lumbering task of carrying Cecil, all the while whispering comforting words to him. He would not lose Cecil. He couldn’t. That wasn’t how this was going to go down. He heard a roar from above and the ground rumbled once more. Sawyer’s power surged. It spoke to him in a way it never had before. He stopped walking.


  He called to it, forming a platform on the next step. He climbed on and closed his eyes, willing the metal to carry him safely to the top. Wind brushed his face as he concentrated, but he focused on Cecil’s pale form. They reached the top quickly and one of the Dactyls came rushing out. He threw off the hood of his cloak. “Sissylt.”

  “You are his mate?”

  He got a glare that spoke volumes.

  “He said he needed you.”

  “Give him to me.”

  Sawyer hesitated for only a second before passing his friend into his mate’s arms.

  “What happened?”


  “Enough, Sawyer. You refused to end this, so we will.”

  “He has one of my mates.”

  The Dactyl raised its silver eyes to him. “Finish it.”

  “I will.”

  “Leave Sissylt to me.”

  “He’ll be…okay?”

  “Blood contains metal, Sawyer. We can control its flow. Control the flow, for your sake, and the sake of your mates Sawyer.”

  “It ends now,” Sawyer vowed.

  He couldn’t afford to wait any longer.


  Draco’s arms and legs were magically bound, his legs spread wide to prevent him from kicking and his arms held out to his sides and over his head. His head throbbed, a deep pounding sort of ache that couldn’t mean anything good. Draco tested the weight holding his wrist in place and found he couldn’t move at all.

  It panicked him for a moment. Not so much for his own safety, but because he wouldn’t be there for his mates. How could he have been so stupid? He’d have lost his mind if one of his mates had left the security of the wards for something so… silly. But his mates had all been together at last, the bonds between them bright and strong. Everything he’d ever wanted. He needed to provide for them. It was his way.


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