The Chosen One Universe Volume Three: An MM Paranormal Fantasy Shifters Series

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The Chosen One Universe Volume Three: An MM Paranormal Fantasy Shifters Series Page 62

by Macy Blake

  “Get it.”

  The order sent a shiver of need down his spine. Jamie’s knees actually wobbled. He forgot how to think, much less walk. He stared up at Augustus, completely caught in his spell.

  Lucky for him, Augustus seemed to understand his plight. He pushed Jamie gently away before grabbing his hand and leading him over to the front door where Jamie’s bags sat neatly stacked. He didn’t even know how they’d gotten to the mansion-cabin. They just appeared. Magically. Like Augustus had some magical bag delivering power. Oh right. His bags. Where the supplies were.

  Jamie scurried over to his backpack and grabbed the strap before swinging around triumphantly. “Got it.”

  Augustus grinned, and this one made Jamie’s knees forget how to work again. Hell, his entire body short-circuited. That grin promised so much pleasure from a man who clearly had enough experience to make Jamie forget anyone else existed on the planet. No way could that idiot Brad, whose only real talent was taking really dirty selfies, could have given him this.

  “You’re going to ruin me.”

  “Oh no,” Augustus vowed. “I’m going to make you mine.”

  “Ruin me for anyone else ever again, I meant.”

  Augustus growled. And it was an actual growl. Weird. His eyes even kind of flashed a little, a golden light coming into them that sent yet another shiver down his spine. Augustus didn’t say anything, though. He simply scooped Jamie up in his arms, backpack and all, and turned to the other side of the cabin.

  He kicked open a door and entered a humongous bedroom with an even more gigantic bed. He dropped Jamie onto it.

  “You aren’t even out of breath. Damn. This is like every wet dream come to life. I mean, look at you. And I just, I mean. How are you even real?” Jamie reached out and grabbed the bulge in Augustus’s pants. “You feel real. Whoa. And big. Seriously? This hot and hung, too?” His fingers fumbled with the zipper before finally wiggling their way inside and finding really soft, silky…. ”Ohmygah are you wearing silk boxers? Is that actually a thing?”

  Augustus looked down at him with that spark of light in his eyes again. “Don’t tease me.”

  His voice had gotten a lot deeper. Sexier. Another impossibility but true. “Oh, I’m not teasing,” Jamie swore. “No tease. None. Fuck me. Like for real. Hot like burning, Augustus.”

  He fought with the contraption known as a belt that kept him from getting further into Augustus’s pants. Why were belts evil and set on world destruction? It was the only explanation for why he couldn’t seem to get the damn thing undone.

  Augustus laughed once more and pushed his fingers away. “You’re going to break something.”

  “You break it, you bought it,” Jamie murmured.

  Augustus laughed again. “Let’s not break anything.”

  Especially not my heart. The thought skipped into Jamie’s head as he glanced up once more. He was in so much trouble. In over his head. Drowning while on fire. Or something. It was bad. But so, so good. Augustus was everything he’d never known he’d always wanted. And that way lay danger.

  “Jamie?” Augustus asked.

  He sucked in a breath. “Sorry. Got overwhelmed for a second. You’re very intense.”

  “And interesting.”

  Wicked man with his wicked eyes and wicked smile and— Augustus opened his pants. “Dear sweet baby jumping jehoshaphat, you’re actually hung. Oh, I’m feeling this for days. Ruined, Augustus. Ruined.”

  Augustus slipped his belt out of the loops, and the swish of leather on fabric sent another shiver of need through Jamie. Augustus’s cock peeked out from the opening of his pants, and with the removal of the evil belt, Jamie was finally able to feast his eyes on all he was being offered. He whimpered and his mouth watered.

  “Next time, I’ll go slow,” Augustus said.

  “Noooooo. No slow.”

  “I can’t… goddess, what are you doing to me?”

  The next few moments passed in a blur. All Jamie knew was that he wanted to be naked, and he made a point of making it happen. Probably not very gracefully, if the smirk on Augustus’s face was anything to go by. But considering the man was standing there with his pants around his ankles and his shirt still buttoned primly, he had no room to talk.

  Then again, not being able to see was killing Jamie. Once he’d rid himself of his pesky clothes, he scrambled onto his knees and reached for those tiny, pearl-colored buttons and began slipping them through their holes. He quickly began to reveal an expanse of golden skin. He kissed each little bit as he uncovered it, drawing a shiver from Augustus that he wanted to repeat over and over again. He couldn’t be more thankful it wasn’t just him reacting so strongly to this weird, out-of-nowhere connection he felt. As he opened the last button and pushed the fabric off Augustus’s shoulders, Jamie met his heated gaze once more.

  “Next time,” Augustus said once more, more of a promise to himself than Jamie. Because they wouldn’t be going slow any time if Jamie had anything to say about it.

  Augustus flung his shirt aside and grabbed Jamie by the waist, moving him with a strength that shouldn’t have been possible. But he found himself flat on his back with his legs spread wide. Augustus stood between them, his cock thick and proud.

  “In the outer pocket,” Jamie managed to mumble even though at the moment he could care less about lube and condoms. He knew he had to care though, and it was the only thing that kept him from demanding Augustus simply use spit and get on with it. The desperation was very, very real.

  Augustus’s eyes flared again— and wasn’t it funny how Jamie read so much into those gorgeous eyes of his? He growled again, this one a deep rumble of annoyance, before he leaned over and snagged Jamie’s backpack from where it had landed on the floor beside the bed. He pulled out the plastic bag from the drugstore Jamie had stopped at on the way to the bus station. It had a variety of supplies, including multiple sizes of condoms and a couple different kinds of lube.

  It took a second for the implications of the supplies to kick in. Augustus stared at them for a moment before turning to meet Jamie’s gaze.

  “You didn’t know who you were meeting here?” Augustus asked, his voice low and a little intense.

  “Um. Define know? And also, can we discuss this later? Just a thought.” Jamie tugged lazily on his cock, his eyes drifting back down to Augustus’s frankly delicious looking erection. Which wasn’t moving any closer to him. With a scowl, Jamie looked up again.

  Augustus tossed aside all but the extra-large condoms and a bottle of lube. “We will discuss this.”

  “Sure, after. We can talk all you want.”

  Augustus huffed as he walked back between Jamie’s legs. Jamie lifted them, teasing his feet up that gorgeous expanse of chest. He wanted to make a joke of it, but Augustus looked truly upset.

  “Hey? You really mad? I mean… I don’t exactly know you either.”

  Augustus’s eyes snapped up to meet his. They flashed once again. “You’re comparing this to whatever you had planned?”

  “Well, when you put it that way—“

  Augustus pulled in a breath then forced it out slowly. Jamie watched, confused and unsure, but knowing he wanted to make things right. But he hadn’t done anything wrong. He lowered his legs and sat up, leaning his face against Augustus’s chest.

  “What’s going on here?”

  “I’m— sorry. I tend to be overly possessive. And the thought of someone else touching you, of you being here and not being with me, it makes me irrationally angry.”

  Jamie wrapped his arms around Augustus’s waist and looked up at him. “You don’t have to worry about that now, do you? I’m yours for the weekend. I promised. I don’t break promises.”

  “Mine,” Augustus repeated. His voice low and deep, and if Jamie didn’t know any better, slightly dangerous. A shiver went down his spine, but not of fear. God, he wanted someone like this, someone powerful and demanding who knew what they wanted and weren’t wishy-washy about every

  “Yours,” Jamie agreed.

  It soothed the anger pulsing through Augustus. Jamie felt him relax and his breathing began returning to normal. Jamie stroked along his back, still not quite understanding why he’d gotten such an intense reaction. Augustus cupped his chin and lifted his head.

  “I…” His voice drifted away and he shook his head. “I don’t act this way.”

  “It’s ‘cause I’m so hot,” Jamie quipped, eager to lighten the mood. “My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard.”

  Augustus scowled down at him. “What on earth does that mean?”

  Jamie laughed. “I have no clue.”

  Augustus brushed his thumb across Jamie’s parted lips. “Goddess, I love the sound of your laugh.”

  With a little push from Augustus, Jamie fell backward onto the mattress. He soon had an Augustus-shaped blanket covering him. Jamie wrapped his arms and legs around him as Augustus began a slow teasing exploration of his neck.

  His body heated quickly, still aching to be filled, but Augustus had taken the lead, and he wasn’t going to give in to Jamie’s demands. Jamie didn’t even know him that well, and he knew, somehow, that whatever happened next, Augustus would take the lead. And he wanted that so badly. He moaned and arched his head to the side as Augustus found the spot where his neck and shoulder met that always drove him crazy and claimed ownership of it, nibbling and sucking the skin into his mouth.

  He’d have a mark for days, if not longer. He shivered. No one would doubt that Augustus had left his mark, both literally and figuratively. He heard the snick of the cap on the bottle of lube and then Augustus pushed up to coat his cock. He moved next to Jamie’s hole, slicking lube over it before leaning over again.

  He stared into Jamie’s eyes for a long moment before he spoke. “There’s been no one since my wife. It’s been… several years. May I… I want to come inside you, Jamie. Fill you up and make you mine. Will you let me?”

  Jamie’s breath hitched. He’d never let anyone fuck him unprotected. It just wasn’t done. He knew better than to trust nothing more than pretty words. But he did. Trust Augustus. Which was insanity and he knew it, even as he nodded. “Yeah. I’ll let you.”

  Augustus groaned and positioned his cock at Jamie’s entrance before slowly pushing inside. The stretch brought a gasp out of him, the burn and ache of it as Augustus filled him, slowly, carefully. But it still took his breath away. He didn’t rush, though, letting Jamie get accustomed to the stretch. He closed his eyes and rolled his head back, waiting for that first touch of skin to skin when Augustus bottomed out inside him. It took a long, hard minute to get there. Augustus really was hung and Jamie had never been filled like this.

  “You’re doing so good. Almost there,” Augustus rumbled, his voice thick and husky. He grabbed Jamie’s cock and began stroking it slowly as he continued to ease his way inside. “I knew you could take me, Jamie. Knew you were made for me to be inside you. Goddess, look at how perfect you look stretched around me.”

  Jamie trembled, his body aching with need. “Augustus, please.”

  Augustus leaned over him, hooking Jamie’s thigh over his shoulder and pushed deeper yet inside. Jamie cried out, his body pulsing with need.

  “Perfect,” Augustus groaned into his neck. “Just a little more. You can take it.”

  Jamie wasn’t sure he could, but then with one last push, Augustus was buried inside him. He lowered himself completely onto Jamie’s chest and ran his fingers through Jamie’s hair.

  “I knew you could do it. So perfect. Goddess, you really were meant for me, weren’t you?”

  Jamie couldn’t even answer. All he knew was the thick, hot length inside him, branding him as his. All he knew was perfect blue eyes staring into his soul and staking their claim on some deep part of him he didn’t know existed.

  “Mine,” Augustus rumbled once more against Jamie’s lips as he moved oh-so-slightly, thrusting slowly and easily into Jamie, the lube slicking the way.

  Jamie wished he had the ability to remember what happened next, but all thought was lost to simple feelings. His body responded to Augustus’s every touch, him a conductor and Jamie his orchestra. He simply did as he was told and he’d never felt anything like the pleasure Augustus pulled from him.

  When he finally came, it was to Augustus’s whispered command in his ear. Then he felt the thick, wet heat of Augustus’s release inside of him as he thrust hard and fast, chasing that final crest of pleasure for them both.

  Jamie would have sworn he’d had an out of body experience if he didn’t feel every aching throb, proving his body had been played better than the finest instrument. Every blood cell thrummed as his heart pounded, trying to slow down, but still wound so tight.

  Augustus seemed to know that, too. He knew everything. He touched Jamie’s face, kissed his forehead, then over his eyes. Down his cheeks and finally found his lips with a lazy tangle of lips and tongue.

  Jamie said the only thing he could think of as Augustus finally pulled away and his cock slipped out of Jamie’s hole. “Ruined.”


  Augustus rarely slept for more than a few hours at a time. There were markets to attend to, and the market slept for no one. He kept a very close eye on his investments, and those of his clients. That said, he’d slept for quite a while beside Jamie. Jamie had woken him once in the night by sliding on top of him and begging to be filled once more. Augustus had woken himself up hours later, thrusting lazily into Jamie, unaware he’d even initiated another bout of sex. He’d frozen for a moment but Jamie simply reached back and grabbed his hip when he’d stalled, demanding he keep going.

  And now, Jamie lay passed out across his chest, and Augustus felt the call of his beast as he watched him sleep. There were many benefits to being born a griffin, not the least of which was the wealth and privilege that came with being one of his clan. Another was that combination of bird and beast inside him that demanded he take care of what was his. Provide. Protect. Mate.

  Augustus’s breath caught at the word. It couldn’t be. He’d… no. It wasn’t possible. And yet, the lion inside him roared and his eagle cried out. Augustus traced the vivid mark on Jamie’s neck, not a claiming bite— not yet— but as close as he could get. How had he not realized sooner?

  His breathing started up again, hitched once, then returned to normal. The goddess had blessed him, and he’d found exactly what he needed. Now his only problem was keeping him. Augustus was long out of practice with the art of romance, but he would do whatever it took to convince Jamie to stay.

  But first, he needed to feed him. And not give into the urge to ravage him once more. His mate was human, after all, and he needed food and sleep and care. Augustus grinned and reached for his phone. His mate.

  “Maxine, can you have breakfast brought to us please? I don’t know what Jamie prefers so… some of everything.”

  “Yes, sir. I’ll take care of it.”

  Augustus ended the call and returned his attention to Jamie. He stroked Jamie’s back, leaned over and kissed the sweat-dampened curls that were in total disarray across his forehead. Augustus found himself unable to keep his fingers out of them. They were too tempting, tangling around his fingers, begging to be tamed.

  Jamie grunted and swatted at his hand. “Tickles.”

  “Sorry.” Augustus kissed his head again.

  “Time is it?”

  “Just after eight.”

  Jamie grunted without opening his eyes. “My ass is sore.”


  “Don’t look smug.”

  Augustus grinned.

  “Stop smiling. You ruined me.”

  “And then, if I recall correctly, you ruined you. And then I ruined you once more.”

  “Yeah.” Jamie sighed and rubbed his nose against Augustus’s chest. “I need a shower.”


  “And food.”

  “I’ll take care of you.”

  Jamie grin
ned and moved his head up. He didn’t even open his eyes, but he aimed for Augustus’s lips and mostly succeeded. He kissed his chin, then the side of his mouth, before dropping his head sleepily back onto Augustus’s shoulder.

  “I’m sticky.”

  “As am I.” Augustus moved to the side slowly, earning himself a grunt of displeasure.


  “We need to shower.”

  Jamie peeled open one eye. “We?”

  “I’ll go start the water. Be right back.”

  Jamie huffed and closed his eyes again as Augustus stood and stretched. He went into the adjoining bathroom and started several streams of water in the luxurious, oversized shower. After getting out a stack of towels and checking to be sure his toiletries were all where he liked them, he returned to the bedroom.

  Jamie hadn’t moved in his absence. His bare back gleamed in the dim light flowing through the cabin’s windows. Augustus traced his fingers over the exposed skin, slipping down and over Jamie’s ass, dipping into the crease and tracing his reddened, stretched hole. It twitched beneath his touch.

  “Ugh. Don’t stop. But totally stop. Ruined.”

  “Not ruined,” Augustus said. “Perfect.”


  “I’ll take care of you,” Augustus promised once more.

  “Not if you keep poking your fingers in my ass.” Jamie lifted his head and glared over his shoulder.

  Augustus tried not to smile. “I was… uh… checking to make sure I hadn’t hurt you?”

  “Uh-huh. How about now? Still checking?”

  Augustus slowly slid his finger in and out once more. “Yep. You need a thorough exam.”

  Jamie shivered and dropped his head back onto the mattress. “Fuck, that shouldn’t feel so good.”

  “Of course, it should. I’d never actually hurt you.”

  Jamie spread his legs a little further. “I’m really disgusting. Like, things dripped out of there and—“

  “You’re perfect. Goddess help me, I want you again.”

  Jamie’s hole clenched around his finger. “Ruined,” he grumbled, but a smile teased his lips.


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