The Chosen One Universe Volume Three: An MM Paranormal Fantasy Shifters Series

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The Chosen One Universe Volume Three: An MM Paranormal Fantasy Shifters Series Page 63

by Macy Blake

  “I want you dripping with me for days. So full you’ll wonder what you did when you weren’t stuffed full of me.”

  Jamie whimpered and spread his legs even further, pushing his hips up to meet the gentle thrust of Augustus’s lone finger. “I already wonder that. Fuck.”

  Augustus smiled and removed his hand.

  “Why’d you stop?”


  Augustus guided Jamie onto his back before lifting him gently. The goddess had truly blessed him. His smile stretched wider than it ever had.

  “Don’t hurt your back.”

  Augustus chuckled. “I won’t.”

  “I can walk.”

  “Can you, though?”

  Jamie opened one eye. “Probably not well. Or easily. But I could shuffle. I’m pretty sure. Definitely hobble.”

  “No need.”

  Augustus stepped into the shower with Jamie still in his arms. He pushed the glass door closed with his elbow, trapping them in the steamy depths.

  Jamie sighed happily. “Oh this is nice.”

  “Can you stand?”

  “I mean, I’m sure I can. Will I? That’s another question.”

  Augustus grinned and kissed Jamie’s temple. “Stand up for me.”

  He lowered Jamie to his feet and made sure he was steady before releasing his hold. After pouring some of the cleansing oils his son’s butler had gifted to him into his hands, Augustus began massaging Jamie’s skin, wiping away all of the sweat and other fluids from him. Jamie inhaled deeply and hummed happily.

  “Smells good. You like smell-good things.”

  “I do.”

  “Like that whiskey. And this. What is this?”

  “Cleansing oil. Special blend.”

  “Of course it is. No off-the-shelf soap for you, huh?”

  “Never.” Augustus winked when Jamie glared up at him. “I don’t look my age though, do I? How do you think I look so good?”

  Jamie scoffed. “What are you, fifty, maybe?”

  “Try three hundred and fifty. But close.”

  Jamie laughed, having no clue that Augustus had spoken the truth. He’d learn more about their world later, especially now that Augustus realized exactly what Jamie was to him. Mate. He shivered, unable to keep his hands off of Jamie.

  “Yeah, right,” Jamie grumbled sleepily. “What’s his name said you had a son.”

  “I do. Eduard. He’s a bit older than you. Pretty sure that makes me… what do you call it? A cradle robber.”

  Jamie snorted again and leaned into Augustus’s chest. “Yeah, well, apparently I’m a grave robber, seeing as how you’re over three hundred and all.”

  Augustus laughed and tipped Jamie’s head back into the water, wetting his hair and turning the bright golden curls a deeper, caramel color. “Your hair is so beautiful. I can’t keep my hands out of it,” Augustus murmured. He added a different product to his fingers and ran it through Jamie’s hair before tipping his head back again and rinsing it clean.

  “I could get used to this.”

  “As could I. I plan on spoiling you.”

  “Hmm. Well, you still have a couple days. Do your worst.”

  Augustus frowned and dipped his face into the curve of Jamie’s neck before he could witness the reaction. Jamie moved his head to the side, revealing the spot Augustus soon planned on biting, claiming Jamie as his forever. He teased it with his tongue, his teeth aching to do it now, to claim what was his and never let Jamie go.

  His hands crept down, clenching the muscled globes of Jamie’s ass before spreading him wide and letting the water skim his hole. Jamie shivered in his arms, his breath catching in a gasp of pleasure.

  Augustus reached for the oil once again before slicking his fingers and massaging it over Jamie’s entrance. “I don’t want to do my worst,” Augustus rumbled. “I plan on giving you my best.”

  The words were a solemn vow that had Jamie trembling against him. Augustus spun him around and pressed him against the tiled wall. He slotted himself behind Jamie and lined his cock up once more with Jamie’s hole.

  “Tell me you want this.”

  “I want it. I want it, dammit. Fuck me.”

  Augustus pushed into Jamie, hard and fast, bottoming out more quickly than he’d been able to the night before. But now Jamie was his, stretched and open as Augustus planned on keeping him. “Mine,” Augustus said, clamping down once more on his spot on Jamie’s neck. He didn’t break skin, but it took all of his control to stop it.

  Jamie clenched around him, but it wasn’t enough.

  “Say it,” Augustus demanded, pulling out and thrusting again, making sure to hit the spot inside that drove Jamie wild. “Say it. Tell me.”

  “Yours,” Jamie gasped. “Augustus.”

  “Gonna fill you up and plug you, make you walk around with me swishing around inside you all day. Pull it out and fuck you again until you’re so full of me you don’t know what to do. You only think you can’t walk now.”

  “Fuck!” Jamie’s hole spasmed and clenched down hard on Augustus’s cock. His release spurted across the tile wall.

  It drove Augustus wild. He thrust harder, supporting Jamie as he drove his hips against him, pushing harder and faster until his own release exploded from him, shooting deep into Jamie’s still clenching hole.

  He slid one hand around, rested it low on Jamie’s belly, just above his still-hard cock. Jamie gasped for breath and leaned into him, giving Augustus his weight.

  “Perfect.” Augustus pressed a kiss to Jamie’s neck once more before sliding his cock free.

  Jamie winced and shivered but turned in Augustus’s arms and wrapped himself around him. “I’ve never… this is…” Jamie looked up, his eyes wide and pupils blown. “Ruined.”

  “For everyone but me.”

  And that had to be his plan now, didn’t it? How could he let Jamie go? He couldn’t. He had too much to tell him, and no good way to do it. Their world and all that Augustus currently faced in it, could come tumbling down around him at a moment’s notice. But Jamie was his, meant for him. Body, mind, heart, soul. All of it. Perfectly aligned for Augustus. As Augustus was for Jamie. True mates were rare gifts, and Augustus had long given up on finding his.

  And then Jamie stumbled into his life and his entire world changed in an instant. Not nearly as much as Jamie’s would, though. And that had Augustus holding him tighter.

  Jamie trembled and looked away, uncertainty and confusion in his gaze. Augustus would take those emotions away, but for now, he needed to feed his mate and get him back in bed before he collapsed. He pulled the adjustable shower head free from its base and ran the water over Jamie’s skin, rinsing him clean then replaced it. He shut off the water and wrapped Jamie in a big fluffy towel before lifting him once more.

  “I really can walk,” Jamie huffed.

  But he tucked his face into Augustus’s neck and kissed the spot he would soon claim as his. He just didn’t know it yet, but his instincts were guiding him. Augustus let out a pleased hum as he tucked Jamie back into bed. It was a subtle reassurance that Augustus hadn’t known he needed. Jamie also felt the pull, understood deep in his core that what they had was special.

  Maxine had seen to the sheets while they were showering and a tray of food sat on the table beside the bed. Augustus propped Jamie up on a couple pillows before checking out the offerings she’d left for them.

  “Are you allergic to anything?” Augustus asked, remembering that one of his son’s mates was human and had a dairy allergy.

  “No. Why?” Jamie opened his eyes, and then did a double take at the oversized trays of food. “How did… when did… wait, who did?”

  “I ordered breakfast while you were asleep. Maxine brought it while we were showering.”

  “I… what? Who exactly is she?”

  “A member of my staff.”


  Augustus grinned. “Yes, staff. Would you prefer eggs or pancakes? We also have frui

  “I… yes.”

  “Yes to what, love?”

  Jamie shivered, and Augustus realized the word which had slipped out. His eyes met Jamie’s, and he smiled. Augustus held his gaze steady, waiting for Jamie to breathe again.

  “Ruined.” Jamie choked out before he pulled in a breath.

  “Some of everything it is.”

  Augustus prepared the plate, and then noticed the discreet envelope tucked beside the napkins. He scowled at it but lifted it anyway and carried it over to the bed. Jamie took the plate from his hands and eyed the offerings with a smile. “Yum.”

  “Eat. You need the energy.”

  “What about you?”

  “I’ll eat when you’re finished. Go on.”

  Jamie scooped up a forkful of scrambled eggs and noticed the envelope in Augustus’s hand. “What’s that?” he asked before shoveling the food into his mouth.

  Augustus scowled at it again. “An annoyance.”

  Jamie lifted his brows, curiosity all over his face.

  Augustus sighed and opened the note, finding an invitation to dinner, as he’d expected. “Looks like we’ve been invited to dine with my old friends tonight.”

  Jamie scoffed as he smeared some apricot preserves over his toast. “You got a mouse in your pocket?”

  Augustus frowned. “I don’t understand.”

  “You know wee wee? Get it. You said we were invited. You were invited. Not us.”

  “I beg to differ.”

  Jamie shoved the toast in his mouth instead of replying. Augustus stood and poured a glass of the freshly squeezed orange juice into a glass. He carried it over and handed it to Jamie, holding the plate as his mate shifted focus to the newest offering.

  Augustus held out the note to Jamie could see it. Franklin wouldn’t have insulted him again by excluding Jamie. Jamie didn’t know that, though, so he also took a turn scowling at the invitation.

  “Well, that’s nice and everything, but you’ll have to go solo.”

  Augustus frowned. “And why is that?”

  Jamie shot him a grin that made Augustus’s stomach flutter. “I packed sexy underwear and lube for the weekend. I didn’t plan on having dinner out. So… yeah. Fancy dinner is all you.”

  “So you would go with me if you had packed the proper clothes.”

  Jamie shrugged and turned his attention to the small bowl of fruit on the edge of the plate. He snagged a piece of melon and took a bite. He groaned, and Augustus wanted nothing more than to lean in and taste that sweet bit of fruit on Jamie’s lips.

  “I mean, sure. But I didn’t and it’s not like we can pop into town and get me something. So you can go. I don’t mind. I know you’ll hurry back.”

  The mischievous grin was writing checks Jamie’s ass was currently unable to cash. Luckily, Augustus had another distraction in mind. He pulled out his phone and dialed once more.

  “Maxine, contact Douglas for me. I need to make a trip into the city for a few hours before returning to the lodge in time for dinner.”

  “Absolutely. When would you like him?”

  “Within the hour.” Augustus ended the call and ignored Jamie’s confused expression. His next call would require slightly more finesse. “Bebe, darling!” Augustus listened to the over-the-top shrill voice of the shifter on the other end of the phone. “I’m afraid I have a new friend in desperate need of your services. I’ll be forever in your debt if you would clear your schedule for a few hours for me this afternoon.”

  Bebe gasped in horror. “Augustus! I cannot work my magic in these circumstances. How can I do my best work like this? I am an artist! You would never treat one of your painters or sculptors like this.”

  “I don’t count on them the way I do you, Bebe. Their jobs are frivolous. Yours, however, will make a difference in my companion’s reception tonight. Who else can I trust?”

  “Oh, you’re as smooth talking as that wicked son of yours. Fine. Bring your friend and I will do my best. But you owe me.”

  “And I will pay. Perhaps a weekend house party on my island? On me?” The squeal of happiness probably shattered a few windows. Augustus ended the call and found Jamie staring at him open-mouthed. “Chew, sweetheart.”

  “Did you just… what did you just do? Also, did you say your island?”

  “I fixed a problem. It’s what I do. Now, let’s get you fed and dressed.”

  “I’m so confused.”

  Augustus had no doubt. He had a lot to show Jamie. He was more than able to provide for his mate. And this was his first opportunity to prove it. Augustus couldn’t wait.


  First, Jamie had never been in a helicopter before. He’d been terrified for the first few minutes of the ride. No one ever said how ridiculously loud they were, but it certainly explained the weird headphone things they always wore in the movies. He’d had to wear them, too. And so had Augustus. He’d even looked hot in them. It really wasn’t fair.

  Second. A helicopter.

  Third, no wait. Back to second. Augustus had a helicopter. The side of it had one of those fancy, old timey family crests on it with those creatures from mythology. Jamie couldn’t remember what they were called at the moment because— and he couldn’t quite stress this enough— Augustus had a helicopter.

  It had landed on a special helicopter landing pad thing near the lodge. Because apparently that’s what people did. Flew in. For the weekend. Or something. He really wanted to ask Brad exactly how much their reservations had cost, but then he realized that Brad really couldn’t afford the lodge, even if he did put it on the credit card his mom paid the bills for. Look, Jamie didn’t have great taste in men. Well, until now. Because Augustus… well, he was dreamy. And probably not real because this was some movie come to life and Jamie couldn’t even breathe.

  Augustus sat beside him with his laptop open. Numbers Jamie couldn’t begin to comprehend flew across the screen. Augustus tapped the arrow keys with one hand, but the other held Jamie’s with their fingers entwined like that’s just what they did now. Held hands. On their helicopter ride. Augustus ran his thumb over Jamie’s knuckles as he worked, glancing his way and smiling every few minutes.

  And the helicopter was big, right? But Augustus’s easy smile? The way he looked at Jamie? That was bigger. So much bigger. And even though he knew it was only for the weekend— that’s all Augustus had asked for, and Jamie knew it was all he would get— he wanted to cherish every single second. He wanted more of those smiles. More of Augustus’s touch. Just more of all of this dream so that when it ended, he had more to cherish.

  They flew over the city with startling speed and landed at an airport full of private planes. A fancy black car met them not far from where they landed, and a black-suited driver opened the door for them.

  Jamie followed Augustus’s lead, climbing into the depths of the back seat and settling in. Augustus sat beside him, tugging him closer actually as he’d moved all the way over to the other side. The laptop made another appearance, but Augustus didn’t look at it nearly as much as he had as Jamie wasn’t able to tear his eyes away from him. Augustus met his gaze with a small, smug grin that did something funny to Jamie’s insides.

  “What even is happening right now?”

  “We’re going shopping. I explained this already.”

  “Don’t laugh at me.”

  Augustus grinned. “I can’t help it. You’re delightful, and charming, and so damned beautiful I forget how to breathe when I look at you.”

  “Ugh. Don’t you even understand the meaning of the word ruined Augustus?”

  “I understand it.”

  Jamie grunted and leaned against him. “I don’t think you do.”

  Augustus simply kissed his forehead again. It wasn’t sweet. Or nice. Or really special. No. None of that.

  Jamie sighed and curled into Augustus’s side. When in Rome, or whatever. He’d sit back and let himself be adored, and then wake up on Monday and go back to real life
where fairy tales didn’t happen and he actually had to go to an office and push papers around because he’d taken the safe route and gotten a degree in business because there wasn’t a future in photography. Or something.

  Lost in his thoughts, Jamie didn’t realize they’d stopped until Augustus moved and touched his cheek. “You okay?”

  He nodded, but Augustus didn’t buy it. “Too much? We can go back.”

  “No. Well yes. But I’m okay. I kinda want to see what you have up your sleeve.”

  Augustus smiled and cupped his hand around Jamie’s neck. He leaned in and brushed his lips over Jamie’s. “Tell me if you need a break.”

  “From getting a shirt and a pair of pants? Pretty sure I can handle the twenty minutes it’s going to take to pick out something to wear. I’m not picky.”

  Augustus grinned. “Oh boy.”

  Jamie scowled, not sure what the gleam in Augustus’s eyes meant for once.

  “Is this another helicopter ride?”


  Jamie groaned and closed his eyes. “Okay. Bring it on.”

  Augustus smiled and the door to the car opened. He slid out then turned around and held out his hand to Jamie. Jamie followed him, stepping out of the car and into Augustus’s arms.

  “This will be fun,” Augustus promised.

  They appeared to be outside a refurbished warehouse. Once inside, the space opened up and a young woman dressed in all black greeted them. She gave them coffee then led them to a large sofa on other side of the room.

  Jamie honestly had no clue what was happening. “I thought we were going shopping?” He whispered the question, because it sort of felt like a place where whispers happened.

  “No, I said we were getting you something to wear.”

  Jamie frowned. “Which means shopping.”

  “No. It means Bebe.”

  He heard the shriek and leapt about a foot into the air. Augustus grinned and coughed and, let’s face it, choked on a laugh, before he squeezed Jamie’s hand and tried to reassure him.

  The person who entered the room— who had made the really high-pitched noise— was one of the most stunning people Jamie had ever seen in his life. Their hair was a gorgeous emerald green streaked with purple and blue, but done in a way that probably cost more than Jamie had ever spent on his hair in his life. Their eyes sparkled almost as much as the shimmering kimono they wore over a long white tunic and pants. And they were barefoot but their toes were painted a shocking shade of pink.


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