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The Knights Elemental

Page 8

by Sahara Kelly

  “Only if you stop,” she gasped, reaching for his buttocks and pulling him once again tight to her body.

  He felt like a spell had been cast on him.

  His thrusts gained force, and he pounded her almost savagely, watching her face as she answered each of his moves with one of her own. Her passion was boundless, her body willing and able to take what he gave and return it with demands for more.

  His hand found her mound and pressed hard, pinching the erect bud of flesh between his fingers, and rubbing against it as his body plundered hers.

  Mechele gasped and trembled, her muscles taut, her expression fierce.

  “More, Guy, more,” she sobbed, hands writhing in the hay, in his hair, on his back, on whatever lay within her grasp.

  Sweat was pouring from Guy now, and he lowered his head and suckled her nipple roughly into his mouth.

  Her fingers tightened and he felt her nails pierce the skin of his buttocks. He’d bear the scars proudly.

  He bit down carefully on the hard nipple, and timed his actions with the deepest hardest thrust he’d ever experienced.

  Mechele exploded beneath him.

  She reared up, sobbing, gasping and her cunny clamped around his cock like an iron fist.

  It sent him over the edge and he flew, propelled into the greatest release of his life.

  His buttocks tightened, tingles ran down his spine, and little flashes of light danced behind his eyes. His balls sang with it, his cock pulsed in time with her cunny and he roared out his heart as his body filled hers with his seed.

  “Mechele,” he cried, crushing his body into hers.

  “God,” she sobbed, and bit him.

  The slight pain simply amplified his orgasm, sending thunderbolts into his brain and through his cock as it once more spasmed inside her.

  It seemed to Guy that he was drowning in her. His ability to breathe had left him, his mind was lost, and his cock was the focus of his soul as it drained itself into the willing cunnikin that even now was rippling still along his length.

  He spent every last drop into Mechele. He could no more have withdrawn than cut his own arm off.

  Finally, muscles eased, breaths were caught, and the two bodies eased carefully apart, awash in sweat, sticky with their own juices and sated with emotions that defied description.

  Some practical part of Guy’s mind still functioned on a primitive level, and he pulled them both onto the blanket, tugging another up to cover their bodies against the chill of the night air.

  Chill? He mentally chuckled. He’d need no blankets while Mechele was with him.

  She sighed softly, and raised a hand to brush his shoulder. “I’m sorry, Guy. Did I hurt you?”

  He cuddled her to him, running his hands up and down her spine, loving the feel of her damp skin beneath his palms.

  “Shouldn’t I be asking that question, love?” he chuckled, dropping a light kiss on her nose.

  “You would never hurt me. I am as sure of that as I am my own name,” she whispered, peppering his shoulder and arm with light kisses of her own.

  “Mechele, ah, Mechele,” he murmured, relishing her every move.

  “You made me feel so much, Guy, so very much,” she mumbled, sinking deeper into his arms and closing her eyes. “It was wonderful.”

  Yes, thought Guy as he watched his woman fall asleep in his embrace. It was indeed.

  His heart turned over as he settled them both comfortably.

  She’d aroused him and fulfilled his every wish, his every thought, his every move.

  It had been an experience that had stunned him, shocked him with its intensity, and reached down inside him to the depths of his very soul.

  He accepted his fate. He was helplessly caught in the toils of this warm and passionate woman and a glow spread through him at the realization of exactly what that glow meant.

  He’d fallen in love with Mechele Trenowyth.

  Chapter 10

  Linnet stirred sleepily, aware of a warmth that almost smothered her. A strong arm was resting across her breasts, and her body was pinned by a thigh that weighed a ton.

  She grinned and turned her head to see Gilles watching her from very wide-awake blue eyes.

  “You’re smiling, sweet,” he whispered, settling himself even more comfortably against her softness.

  “Would you have expected anything else, this fine morning?” she answered with a satisfied sigh.


  “Gilles,” she said hesitantly, dropping her eyes from his.

  “What, love?” he asked quietly.

  Linnet paused, and lowered her eyes, unsure of herself for the first time she could remember. There were questions trembling on her lips that she was afraid to ask, but the gentle movement of his mouth against her shoulder reassured her.

  “Was…last night…what we did together,” she drew a breath and shivered a little as her breasts brushed his arm. “Well, what I mean to say is, did you…have you…”

  Her words trailed off as Gilles’ hand moved and stroked low on her belly.

  “Linnet, there are no words in this poor Knight’s brain to fully describe what happened between us last night,” he answered.

  She glanced up again and saw his eyes shine.

  “It was beyond belief. Feeling myself within you, sharing with you, filling you with my seed. I am still reeling from it. In fact, I’m faint from the pleasure of it.”

  Linnet smothered a giggle and tried to frown at him. “I’m being serious here, Gilles,” she reprimanded him gently.

  “I know, love. As am I. Your loving is something special, Linnet, the likes of which I’ve never experienced before.”

  Linnet sighed with relief. He’d felt it too. Her body stirred beneath his, and she found herself turned and pulled hard against his. Her buttocks nestled neatly against his cock, which rubbed firmly against her.

  It seemed that this man was inexhaustible.

  “Sore, my Linnet?” he asked softly, slipping his hands between her legs and playing gently within her growing moisture.

  “Oh no,” she sighed.

  “Raise your leg, love,” he urged, lifting her thigh with his strong hand.

  Willingly she obeyed, a slave to his every command, melting beneath the kisses he was raining across her neck and shoulders, every inch of her body aware of his heat.

  Slowly, oh so slowly, he slid his cock into her cunny from behind.

  She was warm from sleep, relaxed and sticky from their night of passion, and this gentle possession sealed her bliss.

  She could do nothing but sigh her pleasure as once again, Gilles filled her emptiness and her heart.

  “God, I love you, Gilles…”

  The words fell from her mouth before she had time to consider them. She froze.

  Had she said too much too soon? By speaking those words had she offered him the one weapon with which he could destroy her? Would his passion grow cool now, his desire for the chase met, and her surrender complete?

  His movements slowed a little then picked up again, sliding in and out of her relaxed body with a soft and smoothly arousing pace.

  “Before I met and kissed you, Linnet, I had no heart. I swear it. I’ve had women, certainly, but none touched me like you.”

  His hips moved behind her, thrusting deeper now.

  “None have moved me like you do. None excited me or drove me insane with the wanting of them.”

  His hands busied themselves around her mound, making her breath come faster now, and her eyes roll shut as she explored these new sensations.

  It took little time for them both to be trembling on the brink of release, and as he took his final thrust, bringing them both to the peak, Gilles leaned in close to her ear.

  “If this is love, then I love you, sweet Linnet. Only you. No one before you, and for certain no one ever, like this again…”

  His words culminated in a choking cry, and once more, the Sun Knight filled his woman with his loving and he
ld her as she shouted her own release into the slowly lightening chamber.

  * * * * *

  As one couple explored new sensual experiences together, another couple wakened to the soft sound of birds and the harsh crow of the rooster in the barnyard below them.

  Mechele shifted slightly, and nuzzled Guy’s neck.

  She was warm, content, a little stiff, had a thousand tiny little bits of hay digging into her flesh, and had never been happier.

  She opened her eyes to see Guy’s throat in front her, his pulse beating steadily at its base.

  Carefully, she eased herself away, not wanting to disturb the sleep that he’d so magnificently earned.

  He snuffled, fidgeted, and then rolled onto his back.

  Mechele’s lips curved in a wicked grin as she ran her eyes down his body. The covers had fallen off him, and he was proving that even in sleep, this Knight’s weapon was truly a thing of awe.

  Rearing up from its bed of black curls, Guy’s cock was apparently the first thing to wake in the mornings, since Guy himself slumbered on.

  She stared at it, seeing for the first time the ridges and veins and the firm edge that surrounded the head.

  The rising sun sparkled slightly as a drop of his seed bubbled from the very tip. It was too much for her, and she slithered quietly down beside him to take a close look.

  After all, how often did a woman get to wake up next to something like this?

  Mechele reached out a tentative hand and delicately touched the drop of liquid, bringing her fingertip to her mouth and tasting Guy for the first time.

  He was salty sweet and tangy, and her mouth watered.

  Bravely she leaned across his body, careful not to disturb him, just letting her hair fall gently onto his thighs.

  Her tongue slipped from between her teeth and tested the length of his cock, lightly stroking from base to tip.

  She pulled away, and flashed a glance at Guy’s face.

  He was still asleep.

  Mechele smiled. This particular Sunday must be her lucky day.

  She bent back to her investigations with renewed enthusiasm.

  Guy was not, however, asleep. As if a man could sleep when his woman was looking at his cock like it was a rare delicacy, and even daring to taste him when she thought she wasn’t looking.

  He snapped his eyes shut again as she moved, wondering how far this amazing journey would go.

  He was about to find out.

  A sigh gusted from his lungs as he felt Mechele’s hot mouth descend over the head of his cock, and he could no longer maintain his pretense.

  She pulled back and glanced at him, her hazel eyes a beautiful mix of desire and anxiety.

  “Did I wake you, Guy? Is this wrong? I’m sorry…I’ll…”

  She made to pull back, but Guy’s hand flew to her head and stayed her right where she was.

  “You didn’t wake me, love. I think perhaps I’m still dreaming. To feel your mouth on me, there, is a dream beyond imagining.”

  A truly wicked grin crossed Mechele’s face. “Really?”

  She lowered her head, grasped his cock in her hand and twinkled at him over its head. “Are you quite sure?”

  Guy gritted his teeth. She’d be the death of him once she learned the power of that mouth.

  Mechele didn’t wait for an answer, but slid her lips back down over his cock, learning its surface with her tongue, and driving Guy right off the brink of pleasure into a sea of sensation.

  Many women had sucked him, it was a safe and pleasant way to achieve release and leave no bastards in one’s wake.

  But this…these light touches, these loving suckles, and that, the ever deepening movements she made, taking him almost to her throat, were rendering him near unconscious with pleasure.

  With a natural move, she slid her hand through her own moisture, slicking the surface of his cock and letting her hand slide up and down in time with her mouth.

  How the hell had she worked that out, part of his mind wondered, while the rest of him dissolved into a heap of bliss.

  It seemed as if she would be happy to keep this up, but as she moved, her breasts were brushing his thigh, and combined with her tongue and her hand, Guy was becoming every bit as hard as his reputation.

  Harder, in fact.

  He could scent her now, her arousal obviously coming from what she was doing. Damn. It was making her excited too.

  His balls tightened and he knew he was within seconds of exploding down her throat. He couldn’t—not yet. It was too soon in their growing attachment.

  Swiftly he sat up and pulled her across his body to straddle him.

  “Mechele, you push me to my limits. Turn about is fair play.”

  He grinned at her as he grabbed her hips and lowered her onto his shining cock.

  She was all silken heat and fire, and she settled herself onto him as if it was the most natural place in the world for her to be.

  And perhaps, thought Guy in a moment of blinding clarity, perhaps it was.

  He pushed upwards slightly as she sighed with pleasure. “Touch yourself, sweet. Let me see you touch yourself…”

  Mechele paused, looking at him uncertainly.

  “Let me know where you find the most pleasure. Teach me about you, sweet. Be assured I’m an excellent student.”

  The sensual smile that he knew was curving his lips seemed to give her the courage to follow his commands, and she slipped her hands to her waist, sliding them up her body and cupping her breasts with them.

  Guy groaned, unable to look away, as Mechele threw her head back and framed her body with her glorious mass of rumpled hair.

  She raised her hands slightly, pulling her nipples and rolling them between her fingers, eyes closed, and body throbbing around his.

  She moaned, and slipped one hand away and down to her woman’s hair to further increase her arousal.

  It was incredible.

  Guy’s breath almost stopped as he tried to drink in the image of Mechele loving him, clutching his cock with her inner muscles, and giving way to her own passions as she rode him.

  His heart thundered, his pulse roared in his ears, and his awareness of the rest of the world totally disappeared.

  There was nothing but her. Mechele. His woman.

  It was almost too much.

  He sat up abruptly and struggled to resettle her in his lap, pulling and tugging her legs until they were crossed behind him, her heels digging into his buttocks.

  “Guy…” she murmured, quickly finding the advantages of this new position.

  “Yes,” he answered absently, concentrating now on the slide of her body as he moved himself within her.

  It took no time at all for two hearts to race towards their goal. Two bodies fell into the coordinated rhythm that led to the final measure, and shortly thereafter, the rooster was rudely disturbed from his morning routine by the cries of completion echoing from the open doors to the barn loft.

  He crowed in response, but his call lacked the passion of his competitors.

  The rooster couldn’t have cared less, but Guy and Mechele cared—almost too much.

  Collapsed in a sweaty tumble, their breaths finally began to slow.

  “Guy,” breathed Mechele, burying her face into his chest. “You make me feel so—so wanton.”

  Guy’s chuckle rumbled through him, bringing a smile to her lips.

  “There’s nothing wanton about our pleasure, Mechele. It is beyond all words.” He turned her head gently with his hand and forced her hazel eyes to meet his gaze.

  “I find this a moment for honesty between us, sweetheart. Your touch, your loving, your body, and your mind have claimed me, as surely as an invading army conquers an unprotected castle.”

  He dropped a soft kiss on her lips to stay her answer. “Let me finish.” She sighed and subsided again, listening and watching and answering his touches with light touches of her own lips.

  “I think I knew from the first that you woul
d be—would be—different,” he said quietly, praying that the Saints would send him the right words, and that she’d not be frightened by what he was going to say. He was frightened enough for both of them.

  “But last night, and now this morning, I realized something very important. Something that changed my life. Something that has changed me.”

  He raised up on one elbow and looked down on her lovely face, flushed a little from their earlier bout of pleasure.

  He stroked an errant strand of hair and tucked it behind her ear in a gentle movement that pleased him and brought a sigh of happiness to her lips.

  “I’m in love with you, Mechele. So head-over-arse in love with you that even now, minutes after taking you, I want you again. I can’t imagine not wanting you. I want you in every way there is, and not just your body, either…”

  He grinned, running his hand lightly down over her hips and back up again.

  “Although a very nice body it is, I must say.”

  She stared at him and he could read the questions in her eyes.

  “I’m a Knight. I number almost thirty summers to my life. I have fought in many battles, and killed my enemies as knights must. I have had many women. But none, not one, has made me feel like this…”

  He stroked her face.

  “None have made me feel something precious, something special, in a place I never knew existed. None made me want to hold them all day and all night, waking the next morning to spend a new day holding them all over again.”

  Mechele eyes filled with tears and she sighed.

  “None,” he continued, “have made me want to fill them with my babes, cherish them, make them laugh and dry their tears. You’ve done all this, my love, and you’ve made me realize that I truly do possess a heart. It is filled with you.”

  He lowered his lips and claimed hers, gently, possessively, and let the tremors of his emotions free to shudder through his body.

  Mechele dashed the tears from her eyes.

  “Guy…” she whispered, pulling his head to her breast and laying it down, tucking her chin into his hair. “Guy, I could not love you more had I an eternity to try.”

  Guy’s heart beat strongly as a rare contentment flooded his brain and his body. The North Wind had been softened by a pair of hazel eyes.


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