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A Mended Man (The Men of Halfway House Book 4)

Page 42

by Jaime Reese

  "What did you do after that?"

  "I had offers from a few people as soon as they heard I hadn't re-upped. Contracts for hire mainly." He gave Jessie a knowing look, sending a clear message of exactly what types of contracts he meant.

  Jessie set his hand back on Aidan's chest. "There's a lot more to you than that."

  "At the time, I didn't think I had many options." He grabbed Jessie's hand and held it up to his mouth, placing a gentle kiss on his knuckles. "Hunter was the one who suggested I join the force or be a bodyguard and use my skills for something positive. I thought about it. I tried the bodyguard thing for a few months, but I was bored out of my mind watching over some useless prick who did more wrong than right then got scared when people were looking for him. I wanted to shoot the son of a bitch instead of protect him."

  Jessie bit his lip, trying to hold back a chuckle.

  Aidan wrapped his hand around Jessie's fingers and held it to his chest, stroking the back of Jessie's hand with his thumb. "I remember Hunter was working a case and we were talking about it one night. Different theories, strategies, stuff like that. It was the first time in a while I was excited about something. I remember him getting quiet and just staring at me with this stupid grin on his face. Fucker knew he was going to steer me toward the force. He said I had a knack for seeing stuff others missed and finding answers. He said it wasn't taking the shot I was good at, it was survival, protection, and justice." He quieted, as if remembering that moment. "I hadn't ever thought about that or seen myself that way."

  He squeezed Aidan's hand, drawing his attention. "Hunter's a great friend."

  "He's always been like a big brother to me." Aidan quieted again, lowering his brow at some thought. "He got me out of there and I'll always owe him for that." He took a deep breath and closed his eyes. "That's why I need to get him back home. I can't ever repay that debt to him, but this…I know it means a lot to him. It means a lot to me too. I miss having him around."

  "I know. I started going through the names on the Strassburg roster. I'm sure we'll find a way."

  "Thank you." Aidan tugged him flush against his body, draping his arm over Jessie and splaying his hand across Jessie's back. Aidan's lips brushed back and forth in his hair before he spoke again. "My parents and Ty never knew what happened to me. They didn't know I was held prisoner for six months. Ty still doesn't know…and it's not something I ever want him to find out. I'm here now, and that's what matters."

  Jessie's heart ached, imagining how alone Aidan must have felt in the field, knowing no one had a clue what was happening to him or knew enough about the mission to be alerted that something had gone terribly wrong when he hadn't returned. He swallowed heavily, fighting back the emotions.

  "Don't. You promised." Aidan inched back and held Jessie's chin. He tilted his face upward and pressed a gentle kiss to his lips. "I'm here. I'm home."

  Jessie nodded quickly, wrapping his hand around Aidan's wrist.

  "All those months I was there, I kept thinking of my parents and brother. If something had happened to me, they would have been given some cover-up bullshit story. They never would have known the truth." He placed a kiss on Jessie's forehead. "That's why I work homicide. I feel as if the families need to know what happened. The truth of what happened to their loved ones. And if I can bring down the bastard who killed someone in the process, well…then that's like having cake and eating it too."

  Jessie smiled brightly, hoping to disguise the emotions squeezing his heart. "And I know how much you like dessert."

  "Especially when it requires me to lick it off you." Aidan smiled wickedly, dipping his head to deliver a slow, torturous kiss that made Jessie's toes curl. "Can we spend the rest of the weekend in bed?" he asked, working his way down Jessie's body.

  Jessie moaned, digging his fingers into Aidan's shoulders. "Anything you want."

  "Good." He looked up at Jessie, the undeniable mischief sparking in his eyes. "Because I want dessert. Lots and lots of dessert."

  Aidan sat at the dining room table Friday night, hoping to sneak in the last bit of notes on the case file before officially calling it the end of the week. He stretched his arms and rolled his shoulders, trying to ease the tightness in his muscles. After working the list for a solid month and a half with Jessie's research, they'd finally reached the last page of names. A few weeks, tops, and all the bullshit and drama should be over and each of them could add one hell of a notch to their personnel file for taking down one of the largest organized crime and drug rings the multi-agencies had ever seen. Sunny was excited, Travis relieved to finally close up some cold cases from his department, Wall didn't seem to care either way, and Peacock Manny had paraded around all week like Miss Universe doing a pageant crowning walk.

  Then there was Jessie. The solved cases were a direct result of his endless hours putting all the pieces together. Even if Aidan was a talker by nature, he wouldn't know which words to use to summarize how he felt. Jessie's gentle nature and mad research skills won over the detectives in the precinct and resulted in a few job offers from several agencies. He was respected and treated as an equal. And to Jessie, that meant the world. He didn't need to accept a job offer to show his gratitude.

  Aidan closed his eyes and twisted his neck, exhaling with relief once he heard the pop.

  "Ouch," Jessie said, leaning up against the edge of the table.

  "Hey there," Aidan said with a half smile, reaching out to rest his hand on Jessie's leg. He wasn't sure what the hell had happened to him over the course of the last few months, but he loved the contact, touching Jessie every chance he had.

  "I've got something for you." Jessie set the folder on the table and crossed his arms.

  "What's this?" He grabbed the file and skimmed the pages. "One of the Strassburg names? Vannguard Shaw. I remember the file, hard to forget with an odd name like that. He's in for murder and got a life sentence because of the Three Strikes law. What's special about his case?"

  "You need to read it. Please work your magic to get this man off the list. I have the notes in the file and all the important parts highlighted that will help speed things along." Jessie leaned over and placed a tender kiss on his lips. "I'm going to bed. We've got Manny's wedding tomorrow and I want to make sure I'm well-rested." He pushed off the table and slowly made his way to their bedroom.

  Aidan scowled. He didn't need to be a people-person to know a huge red-alert siren blasted in his ear. He set the file down and reviewed each page of Jessie's research, paying close attention to every highlighted line and handwritten sticky note. He swallowed heavily, turning to the next set of stapled pages, scanning them with equal intensity. A slow anger began to build with each new item he reviewed. He thumbed through to the next page and saw the glaring reason why the courts had overlooked obvious details that would have released Shaw years ago.

  The murdered victim was the husband of a senator. The same dirty Senator Margaret Delereux on Rick's snitch list who the team had arrested last week. Without question she probably used her influence to ensure Shaw's extended sentence.

  He reached for the last stack of papers. A chill slowly began to spread throughout his body. The senator had a son, Drayton Delereux.

  Drayton? The name can't be a coincidence.

  A memory suddenly came to mind. A photo he had spotted in Drayton's office during a visit over a year ago when they discussed his role in taking down the exotic car theft export network. Two young men wearing baseball caps, smiling at the camera.

  He flipped to the next page, reading through endless highlights and notes Jessie had obviously been able to retrieve after gaining access with the warrant in her case. Aidan's stomach roiled with disgust at the extent the senator had gone through to rid her life of her son after her husband's death.

  Aidan's concern shifted to the haunting memories that must have surfaced for Jessie during his review of Shaw's background. He raked his hand through his hair and shut the file. He stood and made his way t
o their bedroom, staring at Jessie's sleeping form in the darkened room. He slipped out of his clothes and slid under the sheet, wrapping his arm around Jessie's waist and placing a gentle kiss on his shoulder.

  "A grocery store," Jessie whispered. "Shoplifting a loaf of bread."

  He pulled Jessie flush against his body, knowing it must have brought back memories of Jessie's time begging in the streets hoping a stranger would gift him something to eat.

  "And that second arrest, they had the wrong guy and dismissed the charges. It should never have counted in the Three Strikes law." Jessie turned abruptly in the embrace. "He did commit the murder, but it wasn't premeditated." He wrapped his arms around Aidan and tucked his head under his chin. "Did you see my note about his connection to Drayton?" he asked, barely above a whisper.

  Aidan closed his eyes and ran his hand up and down Jessie's back, placing a gentle kiss in Jessie's hair. "Yes."

  "She threw him away," he whispered brokenly.

  Aidan screwed his eyes shut, remembering the pain in Jessie's eyes when he told him about his father kicking him out of his own home at such a young age.

  Jessie inched back, his eyebrows twitching as if fighting to hold back the emotions. "Do you think…" He looked up at Aidan, the sadness in those blue eyes ripped through Aidan's soul. "Do you think Drayton would still want him after all this time?"

  He cupped Jessie's face and placed a tender kiss on his lips. "Drayton still has a picture of them in his office even though Shaw was arrested ten years ago. I'd say it's a solid yes."

  Jessie absently nodded. "Okay."

  "We'll get him out of there. I promise. And, Jess," he said, stroking his thumb along Jessie's cheek.


  "Thank you."

  Jessie reached up, barely touching a fingertip to Aidan's stubble. "For what?"

  For loving me. For putting up with my shit. For always being there. For not throwing me away when you had an easy out.

  "There's no way I would have been able to hold up my end of the deal without you finding this." He leaned in and pushed his face into Jessie's hair, loving the way the soft, silky strands brushed against his face. "You saved my ass."

  Jessie wrapped his arms around Aidan's neck. "Good. Because I love your ass and want to make sure it's around for a very, very long time."

  Aidan smiled, thankful to hear the lighter side of Jessie make an appearance. "And here I thought you liked my balls best."

  Jessie quietly chuckled, tucking his head under Aidan's chin. "I also love your ink, your eyes, your stubble, you're amazing heart, your Aidanisms, and this whole tough guy thing you have going on that scares away most people at the precinct. It's all a package deal. I love everything."


  Aidan closed his eyes when Jessie softly stroked the back of his neck.

  "I love you, my incredibly stubborn, sexy man. Every inch of you."

  He sighed and pulled Jessie close, resting his cheek against the side of Jessie's head, thankful for the man he held in his arms and for the love that always surrounded him in his presence.

  * * * *

  Jessie tugged on the cuffs of his sleeves, sneaking a peek at his wristwatch.

  "C'mon, Aidan. You said you wanted to be there early."

  He took one last look in the hallway bathroom mirror before switching off the light and making his way to their bedroom, frowning at the silence. He figured using the other bathroom would speed things along, but now they risked cutting it a little close to the start of the Reyes wedding. He rounded the corner and there, on the edge of the bed, Aidan sat, his stubble perfectly trimmed and shaped, dressed from the waist down with his white dress shirt open and his head down staring at his hands.


  He looked up, the pain and sadness screaming loud enough from his expression to knock the air out of Jessie's lungs. Aidan looked away as a deep scowl formed on his face. "You should go, so you're not late."

  Jessie sat next to him on the bed and reached out, slowly caressing his thigh, hoping to coax him. "Why don't we back up a little and you tell me what's wrong."

  Aidan looked down again. "I can't."

  Jessie reached over and placed a gentle kiss on his cheek. "Can't what?"

  Aidan sat, unmoving, his jaw muscles tightening with tension.

  Jessie looked down and noticed Aidan's white-knuckle grip on the necktie twisted around his fist. He wrapped his arm around Aidan's shoulders. "The tie?"

  Aidan nodded once, barely noticeable. "I tried." He looked over to Jessie, his eyes haunted. "I…can't."

  "You don't need the tie."

  "It's formal, Jess. If I don't show up with it, he'll think I'm disrespecting him…them. And I don't want to do that," he finished quietly. "You should go. Tell them I was sick or something and didn't want to fuck things up for them."

  "You're coming." Jessie stood and tugged Aidan's hand, unwrapping the tie from his fist and pitching it to the side. "Do you have a black dress shirt?" he asked, already making his way to Aidan's closet.

  "Yeah. Haven't worn it in a while, but I'm sure it still fits."

  "What about a dark vest?" he absently asked, combing through the items in the closet.

  "I don't wear those." He stood, walking over to Jessie. "Wait, would a vest from a three-piece work? I think Hunter left some of those when he moved out. There should be one in the closet of the workout room. It'll be a little loose, but it should work."

  Jessie found the black dress shirt and pulled Aidan by the hand, leading him into the next room where he thumbed through the hanging suits and pulled out a black vest. "We need to throw these in the dryer for a few minutes to freshen them up." He smiled as Aidan followed him numbly along his path to the laundry room then back to their room and into the bathroom, without uttering a word of protest. "Sit."

  He expected Aidan to make some crack about being a puppy, shadowing him around the house and following commands. His silence, as usual, spoke far more than his words.

  Aidan sat on the closed toilet and looked up at Jessie, waiting for his next set of instructions.

  "You trust me?" He smiled at Aidan's nod and grabbed his hair gel and spray to style Aidan's hair into a sleek, polished more formal but totally metrosexual-I'm-hot style. He took advantage of Aidan's silence as he brushed, blow-dried, and styled his hair, stilling for a moment of surprise when Aidan's hands reached up to rest on his waist. Aidan tried to see himself in the mirror, but Jessie held his face. "Nope. You see the final package when I'm finished." After the last few touches on his hair were complete, Jessie pulled Aidan back over to the laundry room and cooled the shirt and vest, flicking them each in the air back and forth, before having Aidan slip them on.

  Aidan stood still as Jessie primped him, tugging sleeves and buttoning the shirt and vest. Aidan's focus was aimed at the ground and his arms hung loosely at his side, but it was the defeat on his face that twisted Jessie's stomach.

  "Do I button the top?" Jessie asked, trying to steady his voice through the ache in his chest.

  "Open. Please." Aidan looked away for a moment before speaking again. "I can't have anything tight around my neck."

  A swell of emotions had Jessie holding his breath. It still twisted his heart whenever Aidan opened up with minimal coaxing. He placed a gentle kiss on Aidan's lips then finished with the vest, helping him shrug on the suit jacket. Jessie stepped back and inhaled sharply, trying to ignore the instant hardening in his own can't-hide-a-thing pants.

  "Does it look okay?" Aidan asked, flattening his hands on his jacket.

  Jessie nodded. "Oh yeah."

  Aidan raised an eyebrow, a slow smile spreading across his face. "You're horny."

  "And you're hot."

  Aidan pulled him by the hand and guided them back to the mirror in their bathroom. He huffed out a chuckle, turning back and forth, looking at his hair and clothing from different angles, stopping himself before his fingers touched his now styled hair.

bsp; He looked like he'd just walked off a catwalk.

  And Jessie couldn't wait to come back home and strip him out of all those layers, one by one.

  Aidan turned and held Jessie's face, bending to place a slow, tender kiss to Jessie's lips. "Thank you."

  "You can thank me later when we're in bed."

  Aidan reached down to cup the growing bulge in Jessie's pants. He brushed a kiss just under Jessie's ear and whispered, "Not sure how you're going to make it the whole night with this hard-on in your way."

  Jessie closed his eyes and swallowed heavily, trying not to focus on the warm breath skating across his skin. "We're going to be late," he croaked.

  Aidan stepped away and shot him one of his cocky grins. Yeah, he was damn proud of himself.

  They grabbed their wallets and the wedding invitation then made their way to the front door.

  Once seated in the SUV, Jessie snapped his seat belt into the clip. "By the way…" he said with a veil of calm in his tone.

  "Yeah?" Aidan prompted, pulling out of their driveway.

  "When we get back home, I want you to keep that suit on while you fuck me against the wall."

  "Shit," Aidan hissed under his breath.

  A smug smile tugged at Jessie's lips.

  At least now, he wouldn't be the only one battling a full-fledged hard-on for the next few hours.

  * * * *

  "Mmm." Jessie woke to a hard heat pressed against the back of his thigh and warm wetness trailing up his shoulder and along his neck. He moaned, stretching, craving more. He opened his eyes when Aidan pushed his hard-on against him again. He looked over his shoulder and his still-asleep but lust-filled brain couldn't decipher the emotion that flickered in Aidan's eyes before he looked away. He reached over his shoulder, placing his palm against the stubble he loved so much. "You okay?"

  Aidan leaned in for a kiss. The softness and tenderness of the gesture not making it easy to decipher the play of emotions in those guarded, hazel eyes. "I'm sorry I woke you." He looked away, avoiding Jessie's questioning stare. "I want you," he finally said, almost in a whisper. "Is that okay?"


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