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Vaant (The Galaxos Crew Book 1)

Page 17

by Juno Wells

  He was entirely absorbed in the wild sensations that flooded through his body in response to her scent, her taste, and her warmth. Everything within him drove him onward, and it took every bit of restraint he had to simply stay where he was for the moment. The primal urge to simply have her and take her until neither of them could move filled his mind, only kept marginally at bay by the transcendent joy of being so immersed in her.

  As his tongue became more animated, so did Isla, and her moans rose in pitch and frequency to match the bottoming out of the slick length. He forced his eyes open to watch her, knowing how close she was to a body-wracking orgasm already. An almost cruel playfulness swelled in his chest, and he unceremoniously disengaged, pulling both tongue and face from her entirely.

  Isla, suddenly deprived of the blissful sensation, sat nearly upright in her attempt to follow the source before heaving a heavy sigh and dropping back to the bed. A pitiful inquisitive whine was her only protest, but not much could be done when he still had her so thoroughly open and exposed. Rather than closing in protest as he expected, her legs opened wider, and she pulled back hard enough to press her knees to her chest.

  Vaant couldn’t help the small chuckle that escaped his lips, seeing her like that. She knew he couldn’t resist her taste for long, and that protest would get her nowhere. She’d given herself over to him to be sure, but he was tugged along by her machinations just as much as she was by his. Even on her back, she exerted a power over him that he couldn’t explain, and had no want to question.

  Still, this was his ship, and he was going to make sure she knew it.

  Chapter 34

  Isla squealed when she suddenly found herself on her belly, hips being pulled back and up until her knees pressed into the bed, leaving her ass in the air. She wasn’t sure if she’d ever get used to being handled with such ease and shocking strength, but somewhere deep down, she loved it.

  Her eyes rolled back when she felt Vaant’s tongue plunge back into her, and it wasn’t long before she was rocking back against him without reservation. Each time he dove forward, she pressed back, the pace quickly driving her back to the edge — though she knew he’d never let her climax so easily. Not now. Still, there was nothing she could do to stop the motion of her hips. It felt too good.

  As long as it lasted. When Vaant pulled away, she turned to grab for his head, desperate to keep that thick tongue buried inside her. Instead, she found her wrist grasped tightly, the other one soon joining it, leaving her face-down in the nest of pillows. No binding was necessary — his grip was more than enough to keep both her arms completely immobile behind her.

  After a moment of seemingly appreciative growling, Vaant pulled her upright, positioning himself behind her on the bed. His massive, rock hard length was unmistakable as it slid between her thighs, and he’d apparently slipped out of his pants while she was face down. Even as he teased at her opening, she knew well enough that he wouldn’t be rushed, though it didn’t stop her body’s aching need from urging her hips back. He matched her motion effortlessly, the blunt head of his cock still barely in contact with her slick, aching slit.

  She leaned her head away with a loud moan as she felt his head come to the crook of her neck, inhaling her scent deeply as his tongue traced along her collarbone and shoulder. The light graze of his teeth sent her body rigid and upright, but she was soothed by the resumed nibbling at her soft flesh.

  The feeling of his long, strong fingers slipping up into her hair sent a shiver through her, and she once more jerked back toward him when he pulled her head to the other side to explore her shoulder there. The more he licked and sucked, the hungrier he seemed to become — perhaps even more than when he’d been situated between her legs. The growled roar she heard there had changed in character almost completely, now a clicking and hissing rattle as his mouth opened wide. His teeth barely contacted her skin, but the thought of his jaw closing even a little was enough to send a bolt of primal fear through her.

  The enormity of the power he held along with his massive frame behind her found her simply melting back against him in contentment, letting him do as he would, almost in a prey instinct. There was no point in fighting it — not that she wanted to, as thrilling as the thought was.

  Instead, she brought both hands up to grasp the spikes she’d found to be so sensitive before. The pressure was apparently enough to have him biting down in surprise and bliss, but he pulled back just enough, his jaw and shoulders shaking with the effort of restraining the instinct. Instead, she felt the massive cock pulse against her, harder with each stroke, and a little devious grin spread wider across her mouth by the moment.

  “You sure I can't give you a few orders?” A breathy laugh began, but was cut off almost immediately as Isla found herself face down on the bed once more, though her hands had been released — for all the good they’d do her, she thought.

  After being pulled back against him for a moment, she felt the sudden entry of his pulsing length, and though she tried to jerk upright once more, she found his rough palm at the center of her back. All she could do was turn her head to the side, crying out as he stretched her further and further.

  “My... ship, and I’m... in charge here.” Vaant managed a throaty laugh, gloating in her renewed submission.

  He bottomed out, pressing hard at her innermost depths, though the thick base remained outside for the moment. Isla felt it pressing her open with every thrust, threatening to disappear inside completely each time. His long fingers dug into the soft flesh at her hips, and Isla soon found herself burying her face in the bed, more than sure the rest of the ship would hear her cries of ecstasy if she didn’t muffle them somehow.

  Considering the way he’d hauled her in, everyone knew what was happening, but the thought of being heard sent her heart thudding even harder, cheeks and chest burning bright red. Even her back felt hot, especially against the cool scales of his palm. Just as she considered it, the other hand came down in a firm slap at her ass, though there was definite care in its execution. The blow landed squarely, and his hand remained still where it was, though his fingers squeezed and massaged at the now glowing flesh beneath them.

  Even in his roiling haze, Vaant's eyes trailed over Isla’s body in appreciation and wonder. The glistening sweat that gathered in her lust, the motion of her softness beneath his attentions, the way her hair spread and gathered in a halo over the bed... It was all an intoxicating mystery. He could see in his own hands the pulsing purple and blue in a way he’d never considered, lust and love presenting in equal measure, even in the midst of mating.

  Her presence alone was enough to inspire indescribable feelings, but seeing her in a mate’s position before him was so far beyond anything he’d ever experienced that it seemed almost unreal. The fates, in their infinite mercy and wisdom, had delivered her into his arms against all odds — from their first meeting aboard the Argo to her almost miraculous return from the space port.

  In his consideration and gratitude, the motions of their intertwined forms began to slow. Isla’s body tensed as he withdrew, but as he rolled her gently to her back, she stretched her arms out before arching up to press her lips to his.

  Her warmth drew him down, her soft heat pressed to his chest as they kissed, entirely lost in each other once more. In that moment, nothing mattered more than letting her know just how thankful he was to have her, and how wanted and loved she was. The feeling of her arms coming to encircle his shoulders sent a wave of shuddering awe through him.

  Isla shifted beneath him, and the intention alone was enough to prompt him to roll beneath her, fully content to let her come astride him. Their lips never parted in the motion, though her hands left his back to glide over the prominent spikes at his shoulders. The pressure of her fingertips had him throbbing beneath her once more, her silken warmth enveloping the middle section of his length.

  Their tongues no longer warred as they seemed to before, but explored and appreciated the other in slow, gentl
e strokes. Her moans mingled with his own in a growing chorus of loving expression as he wrapped his arms around her.

  The moment he did, however, she straightened up, breaking not only his hold on her but the all-consuming kiss. Maddening, teasing Earther she was — and if the smirk on her lips was to be believed, she knew it.

  Her hips began rocking slowly, both her soft folds and firm nub easily felt and distinguished over his pulsing length. As she slid down over the prominent bulge at the base, she gasped softly at the change in sensation, pressing her weight down against him. He growled in triumph as the full length slid into her and joined them.

  Isla gazed down at her mate, feeling the firm bulb she was determined to take, drinking up the beauty she found herself above.

  No doubt Vaant knew well enough by now what her flushing meant, but she found herself desperately wishing that she could show him more concretely how he made her feel in the way of his people — that her skin would change and glow, writing clear over her body itself how exquisite everything felt, how much she adored him and everything he was. No words could ever adequately convey how much he meant to her, and how grateful she was to have him.

  Her teasing strokes slowed, one hand descending between them to grasp his appendage, guiding it to her waiting opening before easing down onto him. She slowly forced herself down, head lolling back along with her eyes as the thick knot stretched her, a pained moan issuing forth as it slipped into her seemingly all at once.

  They were joined. Vaant’s hips bucked slowly, and she moved purposefully with him, the sensation of being so thoroughly filled pushing her quickly to the edge of orgasm — just as quickly as he was.

  His eyes darted over her body, seemingly unable to choose one thing to focus on, his thrusting growing more desperate and frenzied by the moment, hands gripping her thighs to steady her. The rapid, rhythmic pulsing of his length and the flare of his base told her all she needed to know.

  Isla leaned down, wrapping her arms tightly around him, her face buried at his shoulder as she cried out. “Please... please, Vaant, fill me up. I need it. I need you, everything you have to give me.” Her words forced out between gasping breaths and shuddering moans, desperately trying to keep herself from flying apart completely.

  Her hold didn’t last long when she felt the burning hot torrent gushing up into her, and her body seized and straightened in the first near-paralyzing wave of climax. Vaant pulled her down against his chest firmly, kissing eagerly at her neck and shoulder as he filled her. She began thrashing the moment she was held tight, the universe seeming to fade into irrelevance around them. Only the present existed. Only they mattered. Only the feelings they shared meant anything in the vast emptiness of the space they inhabited.

  Vaant rolled them until he pinned her once more, his hips driving into her with short, sharp jerks as he forced his way through her rippling muscles. She felt totally consumed and covered as his body seized on top of her and then stars burst through her vision and everything went dark as an ecstasy she'd never known raced through her and burned her up.

  If she hadn’t felt the rattling of his scales against her, the warmth of his lips and tongue over her skin, she might’ve thought she’d passed into some other plane. Slowly, reality shimmered back into being around her, and she managed to open her eyes enough to meet Vaant’s gaze. Her thighs trembled where they were clasped around his waist, every muscle in her body weak and spent.

  It seemed all words had fled her addled mind, leaving her to communicate her feelings through that gaze alone as she panted and shifted beneath him. Isla's eyes drifted shut again and she exhaled. "Next time we're on my ship, you're going to do exactly what I say."

  "Then I guess we won't ever leave this bed," he murmured, kissing her neck and shoulder as his body pulsed in response. The deep pressure of his cock, still hard and buried deep inside her, only made her channel tremble in response as more unbelievable aftershocks reminded her of the insane pleasure he'd caused.

  Vaant eased to his side so she could breathe, and he kissed her again. "You are more beautiful than any star I've found, Isla Lennox."

  "I'm so glad you found me." Isla pillowed her head on his massive arm, snuggled close to his chest so she could enjoy the warmth of his skin and the gentle friction of his scales.

  She didn't know what the future held for them, particularly as the Alliance stepped up their efforts to catch and destroy the rebels, but Isla knew it would be an adventure they could share. All she'd ever wanted was to explore the universe, and Vaant opened up so many possibilities she didn't know where to start. Isla smiled. They'd figure it out together.


  They renamed the Hawking after retreating to the wild sectors where the rebels made their bases. Isla felt an uncertain wiggle of concern when they passed out of the Alliance-controlled zone and into uncontrolled space, as if she really was passing out of her old life and into a new one. As soon as they were safe, they tossed a bottle of Xarav liquor against the hull of the Hawking and officially declared it to be renamed the Heisenberg.

  It was Isla's idea, though Griggs gleefully seconded the motion. Isla liked the idea of spreading a little of Heisenberg's uncertainty around the universe, and making the Alliance question its actions every time her ship passed by. Of course, Isla didn't really want to spend all her time on the Heisenberg, since Vaant remained on the Galaxos. They'd talked briefly about transferring everyone to the Heisenberg and selling or trading the Galaxos, but Vaant loved that bucket of bolts and it was small and agile enough to maneuver in ways the much larger Heisenberg couldn't.

  Which left them with a bit of a problem.

  They couldn't operate the Heisenberg with only seven crew, and the Galaxos had barely enough people to keep it running — so they couldn't transfer those officers over. Vaant ended up putting out a call through the rebels for some of his fellow Xaravians, and made plans to pick up more crew on their way back from what Vaant called a 'short trip.'

  After the first few light-years, Isla got suspicious something else was afoot. It took a week of fast travel before she started to figure it out, and then only because Rowan pointed out the obvious on the maps. They approached the sector where the Xarav planet dominated its galaxy and three stars. Isla got butterflies, thinking there had to be a reason Vaant brought her back to his home planet when he was a wanted man.

  Jess wouldn't tell her anything about it, regardless of how much Isla questioned or threatened, and even Vaant's crew remained mum about it.

  Isla slept in his quarters, even though it made her a little self-conscious around his crew, and as they neared Xarav, she lay in bed and watched him breathe. Isla traced shapes on his chest, waiting for the scales to rustle, and smiled as his silver eyes opened and found her there. He grumbled and reached for her, his body reacting predictably, but Isla held back enough that Vaant paused, his eyebrow arched. "Everything okay?"

  "Why are we going back to Xarav?"

  He blinked. "Why do you think we're going to Xarav?"

  Isla frowned at him, poking his chest. "Come on. I've seen the maps and I know what the heading is. We're going really far out of our way just for some fermented cabbage and stinky meat."

  Vaant sighed and tangled his fingers in her hair. "It was supposed to be a surprise."

  "You underestimated my ability to decipher the obvious," she murmured, and rested her chin on his chest. "What's the deal?"

  "You Earthers," he said. His foot nudged hers and Isla stretched, letting her smooth thigh glide along the top of his rougher scales. Vaant started to turn purple as he watched her leg move, and his voice grew deeper as he went on. "You have to keep pushing and pushing until you know everything."

  "I thought you liked that," Isla said, and wrapped her hand around his growing cock to remind him just how far she let him push her. Isla watched his expression tighten as she stroked the hard length, but she wasn't about to let the entrancing kaleidoscope of colors in his skin distract her from
finding out what she wanted to know. "I haven't heard any complaints about exploration yet."

  "No," Vaant said, and cleared his throat. His hips lifted slowly to meet her hand, and a sudden heat ignited low in her stomach. Netwon's eyes, she loved him. She hadn't thought it possible to love someone who was so different from her. And to know so quickly that her path ran alongside his... It was a small miracle. Her alien captain's hand surrounded hers around his length, and he helped guide her as the scales rattled across his body and the spikes started to stand up on his shoulders. "I don't mind — exploration."

  Isla made a hmm-ing noise and leaned down so she could kiss the head of his cock, reveling in the startled expression on his face. His throat jumped as he swallowed, staring as she licked around the crown and continued the slow strokes, and Vaant's legs moved so she had better access to his body. Typical male. Isla smiled as she sucked him into her mouth and let him feel just a hint of teeth, and his whole body jerked. He liked a little roughness, she'd learned.

  He groaned, low and long, and his free hand settled on the back of her head, a gentle pressure to encourage her as his hand moved faster. Isla tried to take more of him, until he bumped the back of her throat, then she backed off to pay more attention to the wide head and the mysterious knot closer to the base. Just as Vaant's hips moved faster and his grip tightened around her hand, Isla lifted her head to murmur, "What's the surprise, my love?"

  Vaant grunted and tried to nudge her back to his cock. "It's a surprise. Can't tell you."

  Isla tilted her head so she could lick his full length. "Are you sure?"

  "Yeah." Vaant caught her head with both hands, thrusting gently at her mouth. "Come on. That is so amazing. I love the way you feel."


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