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Be My Baby

Page 23

by Airicka Phoenix

  Calla shifted against the bed and settled the blankets into Willa’s arms.

  “Oh my God!” she gasped, snuggling the perfect little thing against her chest. “He’s so perfect!”

  “All ten fingers and all ten toes,” Calla stated proudly. “I counted. Twice.”

  Willa swayed slightly from side to side while brushing the blankets aside slightly to get a better view of all the soft, downy hair capping a slightly misshapen head.

  “He’s blond.”

  “For now,” Jared stated. “We need brunettes in this family.”

  Calla laughed.

  “What’s his name?” Sloan asked, stepping up behind Willa to peer into the blankets.

  Calla looked at Jared, who shrugged and motioned for her to go ahead.

  “Colten Sloan Dumont.” Calla peered past the many faces to her dad and uncle. “Named after two of my favorite men.”

  “Hey!” Jared muttered, grinning.

  A muscle tightened in Uncle Cole’s jaw and his eyes gleamed a little too brightly in the light as he moved forward and pulled his daughter into his arms.

  Willa edged out of the way, still cradling baby Colten tight to her chest.

  “I swear I thought he would be bigger,” Damon murmured just for Willa’s ear. “Especially towards the end when it looked like she’d swallowed a barn.”

  “I heard that!” Calla snapped, laughing.

  “He’s beautiful, don’t you think?” Willa said, tilting Colten slightly so Damon could get a better look. “Look at how tiny he is!”

  “Okay, that’s enough.” Uncle Cole shifted forward. “My turn!”

  Chuckling, Willa settled Colten gingerly into his grandfather’s arms and stepped back.

  “You have an uncle passed out in the room next door,” he told the baby. “He tried real hard to stay awake so he could meet you.”

  “Poor Toby,” Calla said.

  “He’ll be fine,” Cole assured her. “He has his whole life with little Colten.” He chuckled thickly. “Jesus, I haven’t held one of these since Toby was born. I’d almost forgotten how scary it was.” He looked to his daughter. “You did real good, baby.”

  Calla’s lip trembled, but she smiled. “Thanks, Daddy.”

  “I think we should let them rest,” Willa’s mom stepped forward to take Colten from Uncle Cole. “It’s been a very long night.”

  She brushed a kiss to Colten’s brow before settling him down in his mother’s arms.

  “I’ll walk you guys out,” Jared said, moving to the door.

  Willa leaned in to kiss her sister, then the baby before taking Damon’s hand and starting for the door. Uncle Cole and her mom followed. Her dad waited until the path was clear before moving to the bed and pressing a kiss to Calla’s forehead.

  “Real proud of you, sweetheart. He’s beautiful.”

  He smoothed a hand over Calla’s hair before stepping back and leaving the room.

  “I forgot something,” Damon murmured, pausing in the hallway.

  Willa frowned. “What?”

  He let her hand go. “I’ll be right back.”

  She watched as he hurried back towards Calla’s room. Curiosity had her following just as he disappeared inside. He stood next to Calla’s bed when she peered in.

  “You did good,” he was saying. “He’s a keeper.”

  Calla chuckled. “I think so, too.”

  Damon shifted, moving his weight from his right foot to his left foot the way he did when he was uncomfortable. His shoulders rose slightly around his ears like he used to when he was a kid. But just as quickly, he relaxed and reached into the pocket of his jeans and drew out a small, flat box.

  “It’s blank,” he told her. “I didn’t know what to put. Figured you could get the stuff on it.”

  Still holding Colten, Calla pried the top off and pulled out a long, silver chain from a bed of cotton. The light caught the heart at the end and glinted.

  “It’s beautiful, Damon. Thank you.”

  Damon nodded. “Yeah, well, the lady at the store said mother’s liked that kind of thing, you know, to put their baby name and things on it.”

  Calla nodded, barely containing the tears Willa could see clinging to her lashes. “Yeah, we do.”

  He shifted again. “Well, I have to go. Willa’s waiting. Let me know if you, or he, need anything.”

  Willa ducked out of the doorway and hurried back to the spot Damon had left her and waited.

  He walked out, took one look at her watery eyes and wobbly smile and pinkened. His brows furrowed in an embarrassed scowl.

  “Didn’t I tell you to wait there?”

  Willa ran to him and threw her arms around his neck. “I love you.”

  His arms coiled around her waist and she was drawn the rest of the way into his chest. “Love you, too, Wills.”

  She tilted her head back to look into his breathtaking features. “You have me for another three days before I have to go back for exams. What do you want to do?”

  It could have been her exhausted imagination, but she could have sworn his gaze lingered on her mouth a moment too long before lifting to her eyes again.

  “Sleep,” he murmured. “For tonight. But tomorrow … well, we’ll see.”


  You & Me, Baby (Damon & Willa)

  The Baby Saga, Book #4

  Coming May 2015


  To my incredible family for putting up with me mumbling erratically to myself while trying to untangle the many plots weaving through my mind.

  My girls on all my teams for banding together to help me make every project awesome.

  Kathy for using her magic polishing wand to make my story sparkly.

  Jaime, Krystal, Kim and Kia for reading everything I put out and never questioning my sanity.

  Amber for possessing the patience of a saint.

  My readers for being my inspiration and standing by every project.

  Love you all always,


  About Airicka Phoenix

  Airicka Phoenix is a hopeless romantic with a dark imagination and an incurable addiction to chocolate. She is also the author of several novels written for young adult and new adult romance readers who like bad boys, hot kisses and a gritty plot. Airicka prides herself in producing quality material her readers can fall in love with again and again.

  When she's not hard at work bleeding words onto paper, Airicka can be found cuddling with her family, reading, watching TV shows, or just finding excuses to avoid doing chores.

  To find out about upcoming books, teasers, giveaways and more, join her Newsletter or check out her Website!




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