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Chasing Bad Boys: A Bad Boy Romance Series (Chasing Bad Boys Book 2)

Page 44

by Kylie Parker

  He turned to see her, biting his lip as he looked her up and down. She was still bent over, one hand on his arm. Her eyes looked at his, pleading. Licking her lips, she let out a sigh and said nothing as her robe slipped off her shoulder. Lawrence growled.

  “Please, Maestro.” She begged. “Touch me.” She let the robe fall to her waist gasping as the cool air and her arousal hardened her nipples. She cocked her head and thrust out her chest, her breasts bouncing in his direction. He cupped her breasts and caressed her gently, rubbing his thumbs over her in circles. Moaning her pleasure, she leaned into him further, rubbing his shoulders and reaching out to touch him.

  “You just touch whatever you want without asking, don’t you, you naughty girl.” He pushed her arms away, wrapping them behind her, leaving her breasts exposed to be lavished by his mouth. He kissed them, slowly sucking and licking. She writhed and tried to free her arms. “You like to be a naughty girl don’t you?”

  “Oh yes Maestro, punish me for being naughty.” Selena, dripping with desire, begged him, hoping her would restrain her again.

  “I have a few more surprises up my sleeve yet,” he said as he grabbed a pair of handcuffs from the side table drawer. Still holding her arms, he brought her to the tall post at the end of the bed. He wrapped her arms around the post and handcuffed them together. Then he got up and turned on the TV.

  Selena groaned as she tried to find a comfortable position with her hands immobile. She found one on her knees, shoulder pressing into the post. Her eyes followed Lawrence as he grabbed the remote and got back on the bed, spanking her and then moving up beside her.

  “I’ve been watching you.” He whispered.

  When he turned the channel the bed, with her handcuffed to it, reflected back at her. Selena gasped. Lawrence pressed the menu button, brought up a saved video and pressed play. On the screen was Selena, only hours early on the bed in her robe. As she started touching herself on screen, Lawrence started touching her in the same way. Selena whimpered with desire and pulled at her arms, longing to return his touch.

  “Do you like being watched my naughty girl,” he asked?

  “Yes! Please touch me.” She moaned pushing into him as he stroked her.

  Lawrence turned off the television and undid her handcuffs while keeping one hand on her, pleasuring her. Immediately she wrapped herself around him in a full body embrace. Pulling at his clothes like an animal she grunted and thrust herself upon him. Holding her tight, he laid her back on the bed caressing her body from top to bottom with his mouth. Running her hands through his hair, she moved with his touch until he abruptly sat up and straddled her.

  “Tie me up, Maestro, please,” Selena begged, wanting to amplify the intensity building inside her.

  Lawrence’s hardness throbbed into her, and his eyes dripped with lustful fantasy. Breathing deep and long he pushed the words out. “Okay, but only if you are really ready to play. When I restrain you. It is my rules. Are you sure you can trust me?”

  “Yes, Maestro. Oh, yes.” She wasn’t sure she trusted him, but her desire for him prevailed and the thought of the unknown turned her on.

  With a fast and gentle grasp, Lawrence restrained Selena’s arms, leaving room for only slight movement. Reaching beside the bed he retrieved the blindfold and put it snugly over her eyes, much to her protest, she wanted to see him. When finished he hovered over her, lips moist, eyes moving up and down her body. A soft sigh escaped her lips as Selena lay still in anticipation for his touch. Her legs already spread, body wet and eager, he slipped inside her with a thrust. He pushed harder rocking her body forward, her breasts swaying in motion. Leaning forward on his strong arms he kissed her mouth hard. When she kissed him back, he pulled back and landed his mouth between her breasts. Moving side to side he caressed her, teasing her nipples with his rough face. More frantically, she began to rock in rhythm to his thrusts. Suddenly he sat up, stopped touching her altogether. She squirmed and moaned urging him to touch her. He moved forward, up her body, breathing hard. Then, with a groan, he shot his release all over her breasts.

  “That feels so good, dripping down my breasts. I want to rub it all over my nipples. Thank you, Maestro.” Selena said, her voice dripping with arousal.

  He rolled off of her and to one side, looking at her in longing and disbelief. He had never met someone so willing, someone, who obviously enjoyed it as much as he did. And this was her first time if he believed her (which he did because the background check he did on her matched her story). She was still wiggling, obviously aroused, so he turned to her and whispered in her ear. “If I release one of your hands, you use it to play with yourself.”

  “Yes, please Maestro and can you take my blindfold too?” she asked breathing hard.

  “Oh, I know you like to watch. I will remember that but for now, you will remain blindfolded.” He removed the restraint on one arm, and immediately she reached out to him. “No, no naughty girl, you don’t get to touch me, only yourself.”

  She moved her hand to her chest and rubbed his stickiness. Moaning she rubbed some between her fingers and played with her nipples. She bit her lip as her fingers slid over her slick nipples and breasts, knowing he was nearby and watching added to the arousal. Slowly she moved her hand down between her legs, rubbing herself with a low groan.

  “Oh no, you naughty girl breaking the rules again. I told you to touch your breasts nothing else.” He grabbed her arm and instead of restraining it again, he pulled her over onto her stomach. She was stuck with her free arm tucked under her body. Suddenly she felt a sharp thwack as Lawrence spanked her, but not with his hand. The sting bounced through her body igniting her passion, and she wiggled to move her arm underneath her back between her legs. After three spanks he stopped and rolled her back over. “Now let’s get you cleaned up.” He said with a whisper.

  Chapter Twelve

  After sixteen hours together, playing, eating, touching and talking, Lawrence had to leave for a few hours to work. He kissed Selena long and hard and fondled her under her robe as he left.

  “Don’t you be a naughty girl while I am gone.” He laughed and kissed her again before forcing himself to pull away.

  Saying nothing she responded by opening her robe to flash him. Mouth dropping open he turned to her, forgetting about the meeting, only wanting to touch her again. She winked at him, waved and shut the door. Shaking his head, he walked away, adjusted his tight pants, and thought about how he could keep Selena in his life.

  Selena left her robe open, hoping Lawrence would see it on camera. She sat down and munched on the fruit platter that had been brought earlier for breakfast. Opening her laptop, she meandered through some emails and seeing the subject line of dozens, quickly changed to the magazine’s website to view the story. In print, with pictures and quotes from officers, the events of the previous day were laid out; proving to Selena that she had to continue down this chosen path, there was no going back. Taking a breath, she finished the story and responded to the important emails. Thanking family and close friends for the congratulations (the story made headlines worldwide) and reassuring people that she was fine, just on extended assignment.

  It turned out, this assignment was amazingly rewarding and had awakened within her someone she always felt pulled to be. Even her friends, family, and job felt distant as she explored this new found passion with Lawrence. Instead of her being a kinky weirdo (something her ex had once called her), she felt liberated. The liberation felt like freedom, a freedom she would protect with everything. She ached for Lawrence to come back. He had hinted about escalating their play, and she begged him to choke her, harder this time. The look on his face was hard to read as he stammered his declaration that as Maestro, he decided what their games would be. Then he had nuzzled into her, kissing her shoulder softly.

  The ringing of her phone broke her reverie. It was Edwards, earlier than usual.

  “You got your story already! You are a workhorse and need to take some time off to
enjoy. It must be quite luxurious there but instead you are off to some children’s home that Scriva sponsors. After yesterday’s excitement, we were not expecting much from you today, but this is amazing.” Edwards went silent, waiting for her to agree with him.

  “Yes, it is a remarkable place.’ She stammered.

  “Well, I will not keep you I am sure you are off to find the next story. Though I want a full briefing when you are back.” He said.

  That should be interesting, Selena thought and then agreed before saying goodbye. Before she could take a breath, her phone rang again. It was her mother. She had ignored multiple calls from her over the past few days and figured she better get it over with. In all likelihood her best friend Beth would be next, but hopefully, she could prolong that one for a while. Beth would be harder to lie to.

  “Hi, mom.” She said cheerfully.

  “Why have you been ignoring my calls; I have been worried sick.” Her mom whined through the phone.

  “Sorry, mom. I am away on assignment. I cannot answer the phone often as I am quite busy.” Yes, busy getting busy Selena thought and snickered.

  “Well just as long as you are alright. I won’t keep you but will you be back for Sunday dinner? I am trying to plan how many to cook for. You and your siblings are so unreliable.” Mom scolded.

  Sunday was three days away, and she would be home. “Sure mom. I will be there.” Selena said, finding it weird to plan daily activities when she wanted to stay tied to the bed being ravished by Lawrence. She shivered. “I gotta go now mom; I am working.”

  After saying goodbye, Selena messaged Beth to avoid another awkward telephone call. Beth was the one person that almost accepted her weirdness. She had to they were roommates. In any case, Beth wouldn’t be missing her as she was having her boyfriend stay with her while Selena was gone. It didn’t take long to hear back from Beth giving her a thumbs up and adding a lewd comment about their couch. Selena laughed out loud and put her phone away. Part of her knew she should pull out some work, but she saw no reason to. The mystery articles were keeping everyone thrilled, and Selena decided instead to have a long hot bath, soaking in the lavender scent of the bubbles she floated. Closing her eyes, she felt the jets spraying over her body, stinging her sore backside. Selena groaned, stretched and dozed.

  Chapter Thirteen

  She awoke to the sound of a vacuum and became aware of someone in the other room; must be cleaning. The water cooling off caused Selena to shiver, and she got out of the bath and hopped into the shower to warm up. Feeling the steam rise up and surround her both warmed her and made her long for Lawrence. When she finally stepped out, she wrapped her hair in a towel and left the bathroom. The room had been cleaned and there perched on the newly made bed (wonder what the maid thought about the restraints) was Lawrence in a tailored tux looking ready to go out to a fancy dinner.

  “Didn’t you get my message?” He asked, looking at her in a towel.

  “No, sorry. I was having a bath.” She felt his gaze on her bare shoulders and loosened her towel suggestively.

  “Oh, I thought you would be dressed by now. I had a dress brought for you. We are going out tonight,” He winked.

  The big gala, she had totally forgotten. “I am so sorry. I was…distracted and lost track of time.”

  “Selena, Selena” he shook his head with a tsk.

  Rushing, she dried herself off, and stood naked, blow drying her hair. Lawrence came up behind her and grabbed her hair, firmly but without pulling. “You are doing it wrong.” He said the soft cloth of his tux rubbing against her naked body.

  “Help me, Maestro.” She begged and wiggled into him.

  With one hand on her neck, he maneuvered the hair dryer and finished her hair. Abruptly, he stopped and spun her around, kissing her hard on the lips.

  “That will have to do. Good thing you are gorgeous. Now get that dress on and let’s get going.” She complied and argued that she needed to put on some makeup. When she got down on her knees, grabbing at his waist and begged, he acquiesced, looking flushed. After a few more minutes he took her arm, guided her down multiple hallways and to a waiting limo.

  Selena had never been in a limo but did not bother exploring the interior. Instead, she leaned into Lawrence and kissed him gently on the lips. Then moving swiftly out of her seat she pushed his legs open and knelt between them.

  “Maestro I am feeling naughty.” She teased, tugging gently to release his belt.

  Biting his lip, Lawrence looked at her and nodded, not wanting to open his mouth in case he spilled how important she was becoming to him. Selena, noticing his arousal took her time. She jostled her body to give more cleavage to her dress and squirmed in front of him moaning at how much she wanted him. She inched his trousers open, bit by bit, feeling and caressing him as she went. After a few moments of play, she grabbed his hardness in both hands and leaned forward, kissing the tip before taking it all in her mouth. Fondling him, she licked and sucked as he groaned his approval. His hands were in her hair, directing her speed and rhythm. She wanted him to pull her hair and flip her over taking her right there. Seeing him lose control increased her desire, and she became wet between her legs. Building intensity Lawrence could not hold on anymore. Holding her head still he thrust into her almost making her gag. She swallowed his release, one hand touching her own wetness. Lawrence leaned back, spent and Selena gently, tucked him away and re-did his pants. Slowly she crouched, smoothing her dress and knowing this heightened arousal would have to be abated until after the gala. The limo slowed and pulled into the parking lot of the Scriva Coliseum. Peeking in a mirror, she saw her tousled hair and smudged lipstick, and she rushed to fix herself. Quickly she did a makeshift up-do and reapplied lipstick.

  As the door of the limo opened, Lawrence leaned over and whispered, “You’re amazing.” Then he reached for her hand and escorted her out of the limo. Cameras flashed as he took her arm and walked down the roped-off path to the entrance. Reporters yelled asking who his date was, and Selena smiled and sidled along with Lawrence. The event felt surreal as Lawrence and Selena as his date were treated like royalty with people waiting to see them, take pictures and talk to them. Finally, with a firm determination, he brought her to a table and sat her down. Tucking her hands on her lap under the vivid white tablecloth, she looked at the exquisite crystal glasses and matching centerpiece filled with roses. Everything was meticulously laid out, and Selena felt out of place. A glass of wine was put in her hand, and she hoped it would loosen her up so she could figure out her role here. She was introduced to the rest of the table, mostly local politicians, and a few other Scriva executives.

  “You are a lot quieter than I would have expected from your articles.” The mayor said.

  Selena couldn’t believe she was talking to the mayor. “Yes, well, the writing is where all the magic happens.” She said with a smile.

  Lawrence interrupted with a hand on her back, commending her hard work and nose for a story. As he sat down, he left his arm resting on her bare shoulder, telling the room, she was his. The evening went by in a blur as the private function ramped up, with a full-course meal and dancing. Selena was lightheaded from too many champagne toasts. A whirl of men in tuxedos smiled at her as Lawrence guided her around the room. In this elite room of decadence, he was staking his claim to her, arm around her waist or on her arm, but always touching her.

  Chapter Fourteen

  There was a brief press conference, and Selena excused herself slipping off to the bathroom. She felt uncomfortable, tight and nauseous, not sure where she fit in in this picture. She was Selena, the quiet reporter. She wanted Lawrence. No, she needed her Maestro, but could she handle the lifestyle and expectations he had of her? Leaning against the sink, the cold water run through her hand, she splashed some on her face. The water made her want to get wet, and her thoughts returned to Lawrence. The way he touched her, commanded her arousal, she would do anything to keep that feeling. And here she was complaining abou
t being at one of the most talked about parties of the year. Beth would slap her. She should be having fun, especially knowing she was going home with Lawrence.

  Sighing she pushed herself to go back out there. It was the uncertainty that made her nervous. She wasn’t exactly sure what Lawrence wanted of her or expected from her. Still, she trusted him and was nowhere near done playing with him. Onward! She thought to herself as she opened up the door and went back to her table. Lawrence wasn’t there when she arrived so she sat down, smiled at the others and sipped her water.

  Dancing had resumed, and the hall had darkened with mood lighting from chandeliers above them. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Lawrence speaking to a group of men dressed almost identical to him. Walking over to them she smiled as she noticed all eyes on her. Swaying her hips a little as she walked she noticed that although all the men were older than Lawrence by twenty years at least, they were all looking at her and nodding their approval to him.

  “There you are.” He reached for her and held her in front of him.

  Selena was slightly unsure as he kissed the top of her head if she should react with affection. This was a public event, and he smelled and acted like he had his share of drinks. It didn’t feel right to announce their desire for each other. Still, Lawrence whispered in her ear how eager he was to get her out of her dress, and she let out a quiet sigh. One of the men next to Lawrence nudged him asking if he could be next. Replying in playful, flirtatious banter with Selena, Lawrence joked with the other men and groped her openly. Biting her lip, Selena’s stomach flopped. The one man, in particular, made her uncomfortable, and she was not enjoying the scenario and was starting to feel trapped. She tensed and froze.


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