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Protecting Their Mate [Wolf Packs of Fate 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 7

by Jane Jamison

  “My time, honey.”

  She didn’t argue. Didn’t even think of protesting. Instead, she licked her lips and saw his eyes flash with delight. Like the caveman he was, he tugged her upright by her hair then wrapped his arm around her, cupping her breast as he went backward and took her with him as he lowered to the forest floor.

  She slid on top of him, her bottom pressed against his hard cock. His cock eased into her crack and lay against her puckered asshole. Her breathing picked up, racing along with her heartbeat pulsing in her ears. He massaged her pussy, making her clit throb as he drove his fingers into her wetness.

  If he didn’t fuck her soon, she’d somehow make him do it. Even if she had to beg.

  She sucked in a hard breath as he fingered her opening, spreading her protesting rings with his fingers. He finger fucked her, sending an avalanche of sensations coursing through her body. She moaned, loving the feel yet needing more. Grabbing his hands that covered her breasts, she urged him to squeeze her breasts. Hard, harder than she would’ve thought she’d like, and he gave her what she wanted.

  “Have you been fucked from behind, honey? In your ass?” His whisper was hot against her ear.

  She nodded, finding speech too difficult to master.

  “Yeah? But I’ll bet it was never like this.”

  He pierced her, stunning her with his hard entry. Pain seared into her. She cried out, and he stilled, but she didn’t want him to stop. Couldn’t let him stop. Suddenly pain morphed into need that raced through her.


  She almost didn’t understand what Billy had said. Then, when Foster stood in front of them, his hard cock glistening on the tip, she drew in a breath and reached out for his thick length. Foster stepped closer, allowing her to draw him into her mouth.

  Billy’s thrusts moved her back and forth over his friend’s cock. She hollowed her cheeks and wrapped her hand around him, feeling the softness of his loose skin mixed with the steel core underneath. He tasted like the wildness around him. The sounds of Billy’s groans along with Foster’s moans sent more thrills into her. The burn inside her seared her pussy walls while the rush of her juices flowed over Billy’s cock and into his curly mass of hair.

  Being in the middle of the forest with three men should’ve frightened her. Instead, it made her feel primal, like the first woman in the world and the men who would take care of her. She was a strong, independent woman, but maybe part of being strong was knowing when to let a man help her. To please her. To take her.

  She cupped Foster’s balls and felt them draw tighter. She’d readied to catch his seed in her mouth when, surprising her, he pulled free of her.

  He fell to his knees in front of her, his eye blazing with a strange glow. “Gotta feel your pussy around me, darlin’.”

  Taking her with him, Billy leaned back, giving his friend the angle he needed. Foster cupped her cheek and crushed his lips to hers in a swift, needy kiss. A moment before the kiss ended, he slammed his cock inside her pussy.

  She cried out, the sound flowing into his mouth. Her body answered his, starting to move in a circular motion so that she kept both Billy and Foster inside her.

  She went wild, the sensation of having two cocks inside her propelling her to heights of passion she’d never experienced before. Scott leaned against the trunk of the tree and watched, a small smile on his lips.

  “That’s it, baby. Take them both. Next time, it’ll be all of us on you.”

  She couldn’t think ahead. Her body had taken over, flooding her mind with emotions instead of thoughts. Her body pulsated with an ever-growing craving, one only they could soothe. The climax built inside her, rolling toward the finish when it would burst free from her.

  Foster groaned then clutched her by the back of her neck. “Ours.”

  “Ours,” repeated Billy as he slammed his cock into her asshole. The sound of his flesh meeting hers added sizzle to their already burning heat.

  Her release hit her hard and fast. She cried out and soon found her mouth covered with Foster’s as he kissed her and shouted his climax. Their bodies stiffened together, their perspiration mixing together as it slid between the creases of their bodies.

  She felt as though she were floating as her orgasm stormed out of her, leaving her weak. Moaning, she crumpled to the side.

  They surrounded her, their words soft caresses that soothed her shudders. Hands caressed her body as kisses were planted along her shoulders and on her hands. Soon her breathing returned to normal.

  As did her thoughts.

  What did I just do?

  Yet, as stunned as she was at her actions, she didn’t regret it. Even if everything they’d said had been said only in the moments of passion, she’d have her memory of tonight to last the rest of her life.

  “Stop it.”

  She met Foster’s gaze. “What?”

  “Stop thinking what you’re thinking.”

  Had he understood her thoughts? They were such amazing men, men who seemed more than other men, that she wondered if they didn’t have special skills. “So you’re a psychic? You can read my mind?”

  “It doesn’t take a psychic to know what you’re thinking.”

  Suddenly, she was sure he really did know. She darted her gaze away to find Billy and Scott giving her the same kind of look. Part of her realized she shouldn’t ask. Yet the other part of her had to know. “Okay. Tell me what I’m thinking.”

  “You’re thinking we didn’t mean what we said. About you being ours.” Billy swept his hand down her arm.

  She shivered but in a good way. “I know you meant what you said. When you said it.”

  “We meant it then, and we mean it now. We’ll mean it tomorrow and the day after that. You’re ours, Betsy Cramer. You’d better get that through your sweet head.”

  “Get that through your head, girl.”

  Her father’s words came flooding back. She sat up, fear making her heart beat faster. She’d let her guard down. Would she get hurt again? “Hey, just because we did this doesn’t mean I believe in your macho thinking. I’m still my own woman.”

  “Whoa. Where’d that come from?” Foster frowned, confusion marring his forehead.

  She pushed away and started getting dressed as fast as she could. They hurried to their feet, snatching up their clothes.

  “Darlin’, you’re right. I don’t know what you’re thinking.”

  “What the hell’s wrong with you?” Billy glared at her, even after Foster told him to calm down.

  “Nothing’s wrong with me.” She pulled on her jeans and tugged her shoes on, slapping their hands away as she did so. “Other than the fact that I gave in.”

  “Baby, calm down. You didn’t give in to anything. We all enjoyed the hell out of this. You’re getting all worked up over nothing.” Scott held up his hands, palms out, but she slapped his hands away again.

  It was Foster who grabbed hold of her arms, forcing her to stop and look at him. “I know you’ve got baggage. Some things have happened to you, but it’s okay. We all have stuff to deal with. Just tell us what’s going on with you so we can talk it out.”

  “Let me go.” She gritted her teeth. Why had she allowed herself to give in to them? Was she that horny? Yeah, probably, but she should’ve resisted them.

  “Listen to me. We want you. Like we said, you’re ours.”

  “No, I’m not. I’m not any man’s property. I’m my own woman.” She jerked free, whirled around, and stormed toward the parking lot of the Wolf’s Den. The men followed her, staying right on her heels, but didn’t try to stop her.

  “You’re taking this the wrong way.”

  “Am I, Billy? I don’t think so.”

  Scott grabbed her arm, but she yanked it free. “Come on, Betsy. Stop and let’s talk about this.”

  “No. Just leave me alone.” Foster tried to stop her, but she whirled around and confronted him. “Leave me alone. Got it?”

  He opened his mouth, ready to v
oice the argument glinting in his eyes, and then stopped. “Fine. We’ll see you at the grand opening, darlin’. You can count on it.”

  She didn’t look back. If she did, she might lose her will to leave. Right then she needed time and space to think. Time to sort out her real feelings from the ache of her body. If they showed up at the grand opening of Classy Cat, then maybe she could believe in them. Hope and fear made a strange combination as she raced to her car.

  Chapter Five

  Betsy was so nervous she couldn’t stand still. The big day had finally arrived. This was the day of Classy Cat’s grand opening and the day she’d find out whether her dream would happen or if it would go down as a dismal failure, leaving her broke with no future.

  “Yeah. No pressure,” she muttered. She refolded a stack of T-shirts for the tenth time. Once she was finished again, she stood back and studied her store yet again. As far as she was concerned, the place was perfect. She couldn’t think of anything she could do to make it any better other than maybe hiring an employee to help her. But for now, until she could take the time to hire someone, it was all up to her. Until then, she’d have to handle everything from the inventory to cleaning the restroom. Still, she didn’t mind. The store was her “baby.” All she wanted out of life was to see it succeed.

  Well, no. It’s not all I want out of life.

  She’d gone a little crazy in the woods with the men. She realized that now. The wild emotions they’d brought out in her had messed with her head. That and what Brittany and Sara had said. It was enough to drive any sane woman crazy. At least a sudden loss of control was all she hoped it was. Yet she knew better. Even now, a day later, she was still mixed up. What did the men really want? Was she merely a plaything, a fat girl they’d pity fuck? Or would they want more?

  More, as in “ours”?

  A tingle made her shiver from the inside out. What if it were true? What if they really did want her?

  She glanced out the front window at the people strolling along the sidewalk. A few of them looked toward the store, but it wasn’t quite opening time yet. Once she flipped over the Closed sign to the Open sign, then she’d find out. Would the people of Fate support her? Would Billy, Scott, and Foster show up as they’d said they would? If they did, didn’t that mean they really did care for her?

  Stop it. You’re on your own, and that’s the way you like it.

  At least it used to be the way she liked it. She wasn’t so sure now. Her life would be so much better, so much fuller, if she had them. If they’d really meant what they’d said. If she was theirs, then didn’t it mean they were hers? How amazing would it be to have the store thriving and be able to share her success with them? She could imagine going to their ranch after a brisk sales day at the store and falling into their arms to celebrate.

  The tinkling of the bell over the front door brought her out of her fantasy. At first she forgot where she was and dropped the shirt she’d begun folding yet again. She bent behind the counter and snatched it up.


  She hopped up from behind the counter, startling Raven. “Hey, there. You’re the first person to show up.” And before the store had officially opened, too.

  “I am? Great.” Raven checked around her, her pleased expression giving Betsy a much-needed boost of confidence that her store was everything she’d hoped it would be.

  “How are you doing, Raven?”

  “How am I doing? I should be asking you how you’re doing.”

  “Me? I’m fine. I had a terrific time last night.” How else would she be except wonderful the day of the grand opening? Her elation, however, slipped a notch. Had Raven heard about what she’d done in the woods? Yet she had a feeling Raven would understand.

  “Judging by the way you handled yourself, I guess you did. Dang, girl, you were hitting men over the head with bottles. I have to admit I was pretty impressed. You’re one badass bitch.”

  She’d felt pretty badass, too, but she didn’t want to make a big deal out of it. Instead, she was relieved that Raven hadn’t mentioned anything about her other wild antics. “A girl has to do what a girl has to do. Plus, I have three brothers. I learned how to handle myself early on.”

  “Still, that was something. I was cowering in the corner while you were bashing heads.”

  Betsy preened under the praise, continuing to move about the store, straightening things that didn’t need to be straightened. Like her mind, her hands couldn’t stop going. “I wonder how often it happens.”

  “From what I hear, it’s not unusual. Weird, though. The fight looked pretty nasty to me, but there doesn’t seem to be any injuries, at least not ones that required medical attention. And where would they get medical attention, anyway? The town doesn’t have a doctor.”

  “Beats me. I guess maybe there’s a doctor in a nearby town. I don’t know.” Not having a local doctor wouldn’t be so strange. A lot of very small towns couldn’t give a doctor enough work to stay in business. She’d have to ask around to be sure.

  The pretty little chime over the front door tinkled again, announcing another pre-opening arrival. Heather’s and Emeline’s laughter floated in ahead of them.

  “Hey, girls. I’m glad you could make it.” At least her friends were showing up to support her. She felt so relieved that she enveloped them into a huge bear hug.

  “We’re a little early. Is that okay? We figured we could help out.” Emeline returned her hug then scanned the store.

  “Early is fine.” Pride swelled in her as she turned around, arms outstretched. “So? What do you think?”

  “It’s great.” Heather was already looking at a stack of silk blouses. “Although I’m not sure—”

  Betsy’s confidence wavered yet again. If her friends didn’t believe in her store, how could any of Fate’s other residents?

  “I mean…”

  “Too much for a small Georgia town?” She understood what her friend meant. Maybe she’d gone a little overboard by bringing in items most small-town clothing stores wouldn’t carry, but wasn’t that the point? To give the women of Fate something better?

  “Maybe.” Emeline held up one of the dresses. “Don’t get me wrong. Everything you have is beautiful. It’s just that…”

  “It’s just that you can’t see the women of Fate wearing these kinds of things. I get what you mean. I can’t imagine anyone hauling around a saddle while wearing a sundress.” Betsy was determined not to let anything keep her down. Not today. Even if the store ultimately failed, at least she’d had the guts to make it a reality.

  “I can. Even if I’m wrong, I’m sure it’ll all turn out fine.”

  Betsy sent Raven a silent “thank you.” It made sense that Raven would jump to her defense. The woman seemed so strong, so ready to stand her ground. She’d been a little surprised when Raven hadn’t joined in the brawl at the bar.

  “Have any of you heard that some people don’t like the name of the store?” asked Emeline.

  The twist in Betsy’s stomach showed on her friend’s face.

  “I don’t know what’s come over me. I’ve got diarrhea of the mouth.”

  “Now that you mentioned it, I had a few ladies tell me they didn’t like that it had the word cat in it.” Betsy shrugged and prayed she was right. “Beats the hell out of me why, and they wouldn’t say when I asked them.”

  “This town has a strange fascination with wolves. Haven’t you noticed? Sure, there are a handful of those who are cat crazy, but most of the folks around here lean toward the canine variety of animal. They even name their businesses and homes after wolves. Like the Wolf’s Den and Wag Your Tail barbershop. It’s kind of weird. I guess you should’ve called the store the Sharp Fangs or Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing.” Heather ran her hands over yet another shirt. She seemed to like the silken ones best.

  “I’m sorry, Betsy. I should’ve kept my big mouth shut.” Emeline looked stricken.

  Betsy wanted to make her friend feel better. “Don’t wo
rry about it. I know it’s going to be a hard road, but I have faith that the women of Fate and the surrounding towns want to have something more than faded jeans and T-shirts in their closets. Plus, there are a few bigger girls in this area that either have to order online or go all the way into Atlanta to find sizes to fit them. I’ve got them covered, both emotionally and size-wise.”

  “We’ll do everything we can to make sure the store’s a success. All you have to do is ask. Right, girls?” asked Raven.

  “Damn straight.” Heather pulled a couple of dresses and flung them over her shoulder. “In fact, unless Raven beat me to it, I’ll be your first customer. Now where are the changing rooms?”

  “Right there. Oh, and don’t think I’m going to tell you not to feel obligated to buy something. Go ahead. Feel obligated.” She laughed, hoping she sounded confident and ready to stand up to any criticisms her store might get today. “Feel very obligated. And thank you.”

  Heather headed toward the dressing rooms. “Talk up, everyone, so I can still hear you while I try these clothes on.”

  Emeline and Raven started browsing. Just watching them made Betsy’s heart swell with pride.

  “Betsy and I were just talking about the fight at the Wolf’s Den.”

  Emeline’s excitement washed over her, lighting up her face. “Wasn’t that amazing? I mean in a bad way. But in a good way, too. I mean, call me crazy, but I got a little turned on.”

  “Especially when Tyler and his brother and cousin came to the rescue, right?” She’d seen what had happened, even as she’d swung the first bottle.

  “Did you know the Wilson men own the place? So, of course, they had to break the fight up.”

  “Where’d you go anyway?” Raven centered her intense gaze on Emeline. “I saw you bump into Evan, but I lost you after that.”

  “Maybe that’s because you got out of there so quick-like.”

  Betsy was thankful that neither woman had mentioned her abrupt escape out the back. She’d thought about what to say if they ever said anything but had come up with only one answer. She’d have to tell them the truth.


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