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The Road to L.A.

Page 13

by Buchanan, Gina

  Lydia just laughed at her husband.

  Juan looked at his daughter and said, “Don’t think it’s okay for you to go piercing your body.”

  Carly just rolled her eyes.

  Not more than twenty minutes later, Chad arrived to pick them up for the concert. As Roy and the twins climbed in Chad’s truck, Carly was made to wait as Chad rustled his date out of the passenger seat and into the backseat.

  “Cabrerra, I saved the front seat for you,” Chad said, grinning and winking at her.

  Carly was astounded at the sheer audacity of it all, but she did not protest. Looking back at her friends in the backseat, Carly caught sight of Chad’s piqued date. The girl wore a deep frown on her pretty face and narrowed her eyes at Carly. A definite ego booster, Carly thought to herself, smiling wickedly.

  The ensuing drive to the Gypsy Lounge was filled with excited chatter, dampened only by the occasional insult hurled between Chad and Aaron. Most of the insults came from Chad, but Aaron got in a few himself. When they finally pulled into the Gypsy Lounge’s parking lot, Carly felt more excited than ever. She couldn’t wait to see Jake perform with his new band. Because StoneLief was the headlining band, Carly had to suffer through the opening act. The band opening the show was clearly of an amateur caliber. The crowd was growing a bit antsy as two non-melodic songs turned into three, then four. The band’s frontman screamed his lyrics into the microphone, and Carly could not discern what he was singing about. Thankfully, the headlining band was soon announced and the crowd screamed as the lights on-stage flickered. The pyrotechnic display revealed two short blasts of bright-orange flames, and the stage filled with a thin mist. StoneLief appeared on stage, and the noise in the club became deafening as the crowd cheered and Jake and Hayden played a few notes on their guitars to warm up for their first song. Jake took center stage and stepped up to the microphone. The entire left side of the nightclub was filled with Lakeview High School football players who repeatedly shouted Jake’s name. His face scanned that section of the audience, and his eyes soon connected with Carly’s. He smiled and then announced into the microphone for all the nightclub patrons to hear.

  “This first song we’re gonna play is about that sexy girl that just blows your mind every time you see her! That girl you just can’t get out of your mind!”

  The sound of the electric guitar vibrated on all four walls of the building as Jake struck the strings. The crowd cheered and the music started. Jake’s vocals weren’t bad, and even Aaron’s eyes widened when he heard the words flowing out of Jake’s agreeable voice. Midway through the performance, Carly glanced at the far corner of the club, where several security guards stood watch over the stairs that led backstage. She noticed the fat club owner smoking on a thick cigar and conversing privately with two nicely-dressed men. They would alternate between staring at the performance onstage and then deliberating intently. Throughout the show, the crowd’s enthusiasm never faltered. In fact, it burgeoned with each additional song that StoneLief performed. After the final song, the crowd’s desire for more remained strong. But StoneLief had finished its set, and, thus, exited the stage. Carly and Aaron retreated to the bar. Chad and several football players joined them minutes later. Chad offered to buy Carly a drink, to which Aaron rolled his eyes. The gesture didn’t go unnoticed.

  “What’s that?” Chad yelled over the blaring dance music the deejay had begun to play. “What was that for?” he repeated bitingly.

  “It’s so obvious, Chad. Why don’t you just tell her you like her,” Aaron yelled back.

  Chad glared at the twin and said, “You know what your problem is, nerd boy?”

  “What’s my problem, Chad? Do tell?” Aaron courageously instigated.

  Chad was more than happy to oblige. He stepped forward so that the twin and he were but mere inches apart.

  “You’re too much of a bitch. You’re lucky Jake’s your friend, ‘cause if I would’ve had my way, your ass would’ve been busted up a long time ago. You wish you could have a girl like Cabrerra. She’s just nice to you because she feels sorry for you.”

  Chad’s friends burst into laughter at the insult, and Chad cast a disdainful grin at Aaron.

  “Is that so, Chad?” Carly asked defensively, moving to stand next to Aaron. “Because in my opinion, nerdy guys are kinda sexy.”

  With that, Carly turned and pressed her lips against Aaron’s. Chad’s face fell as she continued to kiss Aaron. Chad turned red with anger as his friends laughed even harder at Carly’s obvious rebuff. At the end of the kiss, Aaron turned to Chad with a satiated expression on his face. In response, Chad stormed off angrily.

  Suddenly, Amanda and Roy appeared, their faces filled with incredulity.

  “Oh my God!” Amanda squealed.

  “What’s wrong?” Carly asked, surprised at Amanda’s tone, which was completely out of character for the tomboy.

  “You’re not going to believe this!” Roy supplemented.

  “What!” Carly shouted over the music, unable to withstand the suspense.

  Roy was the first to get the words out.

  “You see those guys over there?”

  Carly followed Roy’s pointed forefinger, and her eyes fell upon the two “important-looking” men she had seen earlier during the show talking to the club owner. She wondered if her suspicions had been valid. She hadn’t thought so at the time, because things like that didn’t happen in Clanton, Ohio. Her attention was recaptured by Roy’s continued exclamatory explanation.

  “Those guys are reps from a major record label in L.A.! They just signed the band!” Roy announced enthusiastically. “Jake has a record deal!”

  Carly glanced at her best friend, who was shaking hands with one of the talent reps.

  “Jake’s gonna be the next big thing!” Amanda exclaimed.

  The words rang in Carly’s head like an endless echo. She knew that as Jake’s best friend it was her duty to be happy for him. Yet, somehow she felt a sense of dread she couldn’t quite understand. She wondered if things would change between them now that his music career would be taking off. She also knew indubitably that he would be leaving Clanton very soon to pursue his dream. At that moment, she contemplated what her life would be like without her best friend around.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Carly and Amanda watched solemnly as Jake piled clothes into his suitcase. They had already seen Roy and Aaron off as both boys headed to their respective universities out of state. Now it was Jake's turn. And it stung her deeply. Jake went back to the closet and dumped several more shirts into the suitcase, then shut the lid and secured the clasps. He looked around for his guitar.

  “Looking for this?” Amanda asked, holding the instrument case in her hand. He smiled and nodded.

  Carly glanced at Jake’s clock on the nightstand and noted they would have to leave for the airport soon. Jake was scheduled to fly out of Columbus this afternoon. From what he had been told, a car would be waiting for him at LAX airport to bring him to the main offices of Infinity Entertainment for a meeting with record executives and producers. Jake was flying out a day after his bandmates had already left because Mr. Harmon had come down with some chest pains. He had been reluctant to go to the emergency room, but both Jake and his mother had convinced him to go anyway. He had remained at the hospital with his mother for a few hours just to make sure everything was alright. As soon as the doctors had given the coach the clear, Jake had rushed home and finalized his travel plans.

  Jake now looked at his suitcase and said, “I hope I have everything.”

  He sat down on his bed, exhausted. From behind the door, they could hear the coach’s footsteps resounding in the hallway as he restlessly paced back and forth. The trio of friends glanced at each other, knowing full well how the coach felt about Jake’s decision to go to California.

  Amanda said, “For a man who's just gotten out of the hospital, he's sure active."

  Jake nodded at this but said nothing.

We should go, otherwise Jake'll miss his plane," Carly said, though without much emotion behind her words. She was trying to convince herself she would be okay without him. In order to cement her conviction, she jumped up and pulled Jake's suitcase off of the bed. Jake immediately took it from her.

  “I’ll carry it. It’s too heavy for you.”

  She wanted to protest, but she decided she didn't have the energy for it. So, she handed it to him. He reluctantly opened the bedroom door, fearing his father would be stationed in front of it and ready for a confrontation. Jake was in luck, however. Mr. Harmon was nowhere to be found. Neither was Mrs. Harmon, for that matter. But Jake’s mother was not the one to fear. She had actually secretly encouraged her son to pursue his dreams. Last night in the emergency waiting area, Mrs. Harmon had assured her son that she would support him no matter what he did. She had lovingly embraced him and told him she would be praying for him every step of the way. Convinced her differing opinion about Jake's future path would spur a fight with her husband, she had asked Jake to keep their conversation a secret. Jake had agreed and given her a gentle kiss on her check to cement his promise to her.

  Leading the way through the hallway and down the staircase, Jake held his breath. His heart pounded, and he could feel the palm of his hand sweating against the handle of his suitcase. The house appeared to be completely devoid of life but his guard remained up. By the time they had descended the staircase, Jake was feeling a bit more confident. But no sooner had they entered the foyer, Jake’s hopes were completely dashed. Coach Harmon stood in front of the door with his arms firmly crossed. Jake sighed and said with a reasonable tone to his voice, “Come on, Dad. I’m gonna miss my plane.”

  Mr. Harmon didn’t budge.

  “You’re not going anywhere,” Mr. Harmon finally said. His voice was firm and resolute.

  “Dad, I really need to go. I understand you disagree with the choices I’ve made, but you can’t stop me from going. I’m old enough to make my own decisions.”

  Coach Harmon’s lips pursed into a frown and he growled, “I don’t give a damn. You’re still my son, and I know what’s best for you." The coach then unfolded his arms and took a step towards Jake. "Not to mention, I also heard from Coach Stevens that you turned down that football scholarship to Michigan State. What the hell is wrong with you?”

  Carly and Amanda furtively stepped aside, not wanting to interfere as they both noted the rising tension between the coach and his son. Jake angrily dropped his suitcase to the floor and stepped up to his father.

  “I’ve made my choice. I’m going to L.A. Deal with it!”

  Jake glowered at his father. When the coach failed to respond, he continued, "All this time you’ve wanted me to become something I didn’t want to be. You knew I didn’t want to play football, yet you continued to push me. And you know what I did? I did what you wanted me to. I did everything I could as a son to please you. And even that was never good enough for you."

  "You don't..." the coach began, but Jake interrupted him.

  "All I ever wanted to hear out of your mouth was that it was okay…that you loved me as your son no matter what. Well, I’m done with all that. I’m going to L.A., and I’m doing my music. So fucking accept it.”

  For once, Coach Harmon appeared speechless. In seconds, his expression had mutated from anger to utter disbelief.

  “I have to go now before I miss my"

  With that, Jake picked up his suitcase and slipped out the front door.

  * * * *

  The airport was bustling with activity, and it took Jake awhile to get his boarding pass and to check his suitcase.

  "Flight 2343 to Los Angeles will begin boarding in thirty minutes,” blared over the intercom.

  Amanda and Carly followed Jake to the security checkpoint. He set his carry-on bag and guitar case aside and gave Amanda a fierce hug. Carly could hear him vowing to her that if things didn't work out as planned in L.A., he'd be back home soon.

  "If my dad lets me come home, that is," he said loudly enough for Carly to hear.

  "I'll keep my fingers crossed," she replied.

  "Be good," he told her.

  “You know I won’t,” she responded with a devilish grin.

  He then turned to Carly, who was trying her hardest not to release the flow of tears that longed to escape from her eyes. He stood before her, and he used his hand to lift her chin so that she was forced to face him. His arms gently encircled her waist, and he pulled her close to him. She rested her head against his chest. He felt the wetness on his shirt, and he immediately knew she was crying. He wanted to hold her forever, but he knew he would have to let her go. He wanted to tell her so badly that the worst part about going to L.A. was leaving her behind. He hadn't anticipated this strong of a reaction within himself at the realization he'd be far away from her. The feeling was unmistakably real, though, and it was tearing at his heart. But he had to go and do this for himself. He needed everything that L.A. could give to him. L.A. could fill the gaping hole inside of his heart. They separated, and he leaned down to plant an innocent kiss on her lips.

  He whispered into her ear, “I’ll call you every day. Don’t worry, everything will be fine. Just don’t forget about me.”

  Carly rolled her eyes at his unappreciated jest.

  “I think I’m more worried about you forgetting about me,” she replied.

  “You’re crazy,” Jake scoffed. “How could anyone forget about you?”

  She smiled.

  The announcement blared over the loudspeaker that flight 2343 would be boarding in twenty minutes.

  “I really gotta go,” he told her. "I'll call you when I get there."

  Reluctantly, they both stepped away from each other and Jake entered the security lane. Once he had cleared security, he turned and waved briefly. Then he was gone.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Jake stepped out of the limousine and marveled at the two-story mansion that towered above the mature trees flanking either side of it. Behind him, Hayden verbally expressed what Jake was thinking.

  “Wow, you gotta be freakin’ kidding me!” Hayden said aloud.

  “Nope,” James Coulter, Vice President of Infinity Entertainment, said. “I told you boys I’d take care of you.”

  “We’re in the fucking Hollywood Hills!” Aidan roared excitedly, shaking his head with disbelief. “Famous people live here.”

  “Well,” Mr. Coulter reasoned, “you guys are going to be famous. Come on, let’s go inside.”

  Jake and Hayden followed Mr. Coulter to the grand entrance and reeled with utter amazement as the heavy oak doors swung open to reveal the splendid interior. An elegant iron-rod staircase contrasted brilliantly with the white marble floors that gleamed like cultured pearls. The sunken living room was three times the size of Jake’s parents’ living room and kitchen combined, and he immediately took notice of the Italian crème-colored leather sectional that encircled an opulent marble-top coffee table.

  “You guys like it?” Mr. Coulter asked, grinning smugly.

  “You have no idea,” Danny replied, shaking his head with disbelief.

  Mr. Davis nodded and said, “Anything you want, you guys just name it. We need to make sure we keep our newest stars happy.”

  Jake walked past the living room to look out the double French doors. He sucked in his breath at what he saw. A large pool landscaped with palm trees, rocks, and a beautiful waterfall took up most of the backyard. An outdoor stove made of natural stone and an entire outdoor living area had been built next to the pool.

  “You like everything so far?” Mr. Coulter asked.

  Jake nodded.

  “Wait til you see the upstairs. It even has a separate game room with pool tables, pinball machines, and a bar.”

  “Oh, shit!” Hayden exclaimed from somewhere nearby.

  Jake spun around and followed the sound of his band mate's exuberant exclamations. He finally found him in the oversized garage, inspect
ing a brand new Maserati. Jake’s attention was caught by the red Ferrari parked next to it. The gleam of the red paint mirrored the sparkle in Jake’s eyes.

  “All yours,” Mr. Coulter said.

  Jake just shook his head.

  “This is so unreal!”

  Jake soon found himself sitting in the driver’s seat running his hands around the steering wheel and examining the various buttons and devices. Mr. Coulter leaned against the car.

  “Are we happy?”

  Jake nodded emphatically. He was smiling uncontrollably.

  “Good,” Mr. Coulter stated. He then added, “It’ll only get better from here.”

  “I don't see how much better it can get,” Jake said almost to himself as he tried to absorb everything.

  “Oh yeah,” Mr. Coulter confirmed. “Once StoneLief starts producing more and more hits and you guys really take off, you are going to realize soon enough that you can have anything you want."

  Jake scoffed.

  Mr. Coulter continued. “It's true. You want more cars, you got it. You want the hottest girls, you got it. Entrance to the best nightclubs, no problem. Parties with the biggest fucking names in Hollywood, your names will be on the guest list.”

  Jake walked back into the house with Mr. Coulter following close behind. Hayden remained in the garage to tinker with a Porsche. Jake plopped down on the leather sectional next to Mac and Danny. Aiden had made himself comfortable on the sofa in the outdoor living area and was on the phone chatting excitedly.

  “Now, let’s talk about StoneLief,” Mr. Coulter said.

  Jake turned to look at the music mogul, his mind still reeling from all the opulent gadgets and gifts so neatly tucked under the roof of this Hollywood Hills estate. He had to re-focus his mind in order to talk business with Mr. Coulter.

  “This new album you’ll be working on at the studio, we’ve already got some songs we want you guys to look at. They’d be killer on the album. No doubt, every song on StoneLief’s first album is going to be a chart topper. We’re talking Grammy nominations for sure.”


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